

Sold by: Ridamees

“RoamTasks transforms ordinary Rust activities into competitive challenges with rewarding outcomes.
All players face the same task.”


“RoamTasks transforms Rust activities into competitive challenges with rewarding outcomes.
All players face the same task.”



  • Plug n’ play.
  • 50+ preconfigured Tasks.
  • Tasks automatically start based on Min-Max time interval.
  • Start Tasks with console commands (“RoamTask“).
  • Edit/Add/Remove Tasks and Rewards.


  • Useful console commands = “RoamTask List” and “RoamTask Rewards”.
  • Recommended to use along with free plugin “Simple Events“, useful for starting tasks in specific order.


Console Commands (use console command “RoamTask” for same info) !requires admin

Usage: RoamTask <command> [options]

  •   Start (Hook) (TaskID) – Start random Task – Optionally, specify the Hook and TaskID.
  •   Stop – Stop active RoamTask.
  •   List – List all available Tasks with their Hooks and TaskIDs.
  •   Stats – Display statistics such as most completed tasks.
  •   StatsClear – Clear all recorded RoamTask statistics.
  •   Rewards – List all reward tiers and their reward options.


Tasks nextroam.PNG.f51c7c5e497f02c5a21b2a1ab25a445d.PNG

  • one Task is chosen at Random (use free plugin ”simpleevents” for specific order of tasks)
  • 50+ unique Tasks (each Task can be made into multiple Tasks with different configurations)
  •  tasks1.PNG.8f245d52d06dc21b5f37312d7b501e6d.PNGtasks2.PNG.e03affc2b95cfd49eeb90226006acc19.PNG
  • + Category(Hook): OnEntityMounted
    • – Fly Attackheli
    • – Use Parachutes
    • – Ride Pedal Bikes
    • – Ride Motor Bikes
  • + Category(Hook): OnBigWheelWin
    • – Win Gambling Wheel

Rewards System

  • RoamTasks has a reward system called RewardPool.
  • RewardPool has different tiers, and each tier has a list of rewards.
  • The rewards in each list have different probabilities of being chosen.
  • When you complete a task, you are randomly assigned a reward from the tier that the task is aligned with.
  • This ensures that the rewards are suited to the difficulty of the task, while also adding an element of luck.
  • (Economics and ServerRewards supported)


  • + Extra rewards for fastest players who complete a task, default rewards for 1. 2. and 3. players.


Task System

  • One task is chosen at random from list of tasks.
  • Each task has its own, requirements, time, player limit, rewards, etc.
  • Player is rewarded when task requirements are met.





  "GeneralConfig": {
    "Log Task Completion": false,
    "Automatically Add Latest Tasks": true,
    "Only Command Start Tasks": false,
    "Next Task Minimum(seconds)": 600,
    "Next Task Maximum(seconds)": 1800,
    "Start Sound": true,
    "Start Sound Vibration": true,
    "GameTip Notifications": true,
    "GameTip Reward Message": "<color=#8cc83c>You received: {rewardDisplayName}</color>",
    "GameTip Start Message": "Roam Available",
    "Chat Notifications": true,
    "Chat Announce Task Complete": true,
    "Chat Announce Task Complete - Message ": "{config.General.scientistName}Participant <color=#55aaff>{playerName}</color> has completed the roam.{RankReward}",
    "Chat Announce Task Complete - Max Players": 3,
    "Chat Player Limit Messages": [
      "nLimited to {selectedMaxComplete} participants!",
      "nMaximum {selectedMaxComplete} participants allowed!",
      "nOnly {selectedMaxComplete} participants allowed!",
      "nMaximum {selectedMaxComplete} participants!"
    "Chat Icon | 0 = Disabled": 76561199350559937,
    "Chat Name": "<color=#aaff55>Scientist</color>: ",
    "Chat Reward Message": "{scientistName}You received {rewardDisplayName}.",
    "Chat Next Roam Notification": true,
    "Chat Next Roam Message": "{scientistName}Next roam in {NextRoamTime}.",
    "{RankReward} Text ": "n+ {playerRank}{playerRankSuffix} participant bonus.",
    "Chat Start Messages": [
      "Attention. Roam available.",
      "Alert. Roam initiated.",
      "Attention. Roam authorized.",
      "Warning. Roam initiated. Proceed with caution.",
      "Attention. Roam accessible.",
      "Alert. Roam authorized."
    "UI Location X": 0.5,
    "UI Location Y": 0.0,
    "Position Bonus Rewards": true
  "Position Bonus Rewards List": {
    "1": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [
      "Items": [
          "Item Type": "xmas.present.large",
          "Item Amount": 1,
          "Item Custom Name": "",
          "Item Skin ID": 0
      "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip",
      "Command Custom Name": "VIP",
      "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>",
      "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0,
      "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$",
      "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}",
      "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420,
      "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP",
      "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>"
    "2": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [
      "Items": [
          "Item Type": "xmas.present.medium",
          "Item Amount": 1,
          "Item Custom Name": "",
          "Item Skin ID": 0
      "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip",
      "Command Custom Name": "VIP",
      "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>",
      "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0,
      "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$",
      "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}",
      "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420,
      "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP",
      "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>"
    "3": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [
      "Items": [
          "Item Type": "xmas.present.small",
          "Item Amount": 3,
          "Item Custom Name": "",
          "Item Skin ID": 0
      "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip",
      "Command Custom Name": "VIP",
      "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>",
      "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0,
      "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$",
      "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}",
      "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420,
      "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP",
      "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>"
  "RewardPool Configuration - Tiers and Rewards: Each Tier has a List of Rewards. Each Reward has multiple Types. One reward from set Tier's Rewards List is randomly selected based on configured Chance. (Add as many Tiers/Rewards as needed)": {
    "Tier1": {
      " -- Rewards List -- ": [
          " -- Reward": {
            "Enabled": true,
            "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [
            "Items": [
                "Item Type": "pistol.semiauto",
                "Item Amount": 1,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 830255284
                "Item Type": "ammo.pistol",
                "Item Amount": 32,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
                "Item Type": "bandage",
                "Item Amount": 3,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
            "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip",
            "Command Custom Name": "VIP",
            "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>",
            "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0,
            "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$",
            "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}",
            "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420,
            "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP",
            "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>"
          " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.5
          " -- Reward": {
            "Enabled": true,
            "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [
            "Items": [
                "Item Type": "pistol.revolver",
                "Item Amount": 1,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
                "Item Type": "ammo.pistol",
                "Item Amount": 64,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
                "Item Type": "cloth",
                "Item Amount": 50,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
            "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip",
            "Command Custom Name": "VIP",
            "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>",
            "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0,
            "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$",
            "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}",
            "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420,
            "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP",
            "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>"
          " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.35
          " -- Reward": {
            "Enabled": true,
            "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [
            "Items": [
                "Item Type": "explosive.satchel",
                "Item Amount": 2,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
                "Item Type": "grenade.f1",
                "Item Amount": 2,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
                "Item Type": "metal.fragments",
                "Item Amount": 100,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
            "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip",
            "Command Custom Name": "VIP",
            "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>",
            "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0,
            "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$",
            "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}",
            "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420,
            "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP",
            "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>"
          " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.15
    "Tier2": {
      " -- Rewards List -- ": [
          " -- Reward": {
            "Enabled": true,
            "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [
            "Items": [
                "Item Type": "rifle.semiauto",
                "Item Amount": 1,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
                "Item Type": "ammo.rifle",
                "Item Amount": 64,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
                "Item Type": "syringe.medical",
                "Item Amount": 5,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
            "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip",
            "Command Custom Name": "VIP",
            "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>",
            "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0,
            "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$",
            "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}",
            "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420,
            "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP",
            "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>"
          " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.5
          " -- Reward": {
            "Enabled": true,
            "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [
            "Items": [
                "Item Type": "smg.2",
                "Item Amount": 1,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
                "Item Type": "ammo.pistol",
                "Item Amount": 64,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
                "Item Type": "lowgradefuel",
                "Item Amount": 30,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
            "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip",
            "Command Custom Name": "VIP",
            "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>",
            "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0,
            "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$",
            "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}",
            "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420,
            "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP",
            "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>"
          " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.35
          " -- Reward": {
            "Enabled": true,
            "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [
            "Items": [
                "Item Type": "ammo.rifle.explosive",
                "Item Amount": 64,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
                "Item Type": "hq.metal.ore",
                "Item Amount": 50,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
            "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip",
            "Command Custom Name": "VIP",
            "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>",
            "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0,
            "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$",
            "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}",
            "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420,
            "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP",
            "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>"
          " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.15
    "Tier3": {
      " -- Rewards List -- ": [
          " -- Reward": {
            "Enabled": true,
            "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [
            "Items": [
                "Item Type": "rifle.lr300",
                "Item Amount": 1,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
                "Item Type": "ammo.rifle",
                "Item Amount": 128,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
                "Item Type": "largemedkit",
                "Item Amount": 3,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
            "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip",
            "Command Custom Name": "VIP",
            "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>",
            "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0,
            "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$",
            "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}",
            "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420,
            "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP",
            "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>"
          " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.5
          " -- Reward": {
            "Enabled": true,
            "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [
            "Items": [
                "Item Type": "rifle.bolt",
                "Item Amount": 1,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
                "Item Type": "ammo.rifle.hv",
                "Item Amount": 64,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
                "Item Type": "hq.metal.ore",
                "Item Amount": 100,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
            "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip",
            "Command Custom Name": "VIP",
            "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>",
            "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0,
            "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$",
            "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}",
            "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420,
            "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP",
            "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>"
          " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.35
          " -- Reward": {
            "Enabled": true,
            "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [
            "Items": [
                "Item Type": "ammo.rifle.explosive",
                "Item Amount": 128,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
                "Item Type": "explosive.timed",
                "Item Amount": 1,
                "Item Custom Name": "",
                "Item Skin ID": 0
            "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip",
            "Command Custom Name": "VIP",
            "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>",
            "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0,
            "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$",
            "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}",
            "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420,
            "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP",
            "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>"
          " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.15
  "Tasks Configuration: Tasks are categorized by Hooks. First Task = TaskID 1, increments per task. MaxComplete 0 = no players complete limit | (Tip) - useful console commands 'RoamTask List' & 'RoamTask Start (Hook) (TaskID)' ": {
    "OnEntityDeath": [
        "Name": "Destroy Barrels",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 12,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 5,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Destroy Barrels",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 6,
        "RoamDuration": 800,
        "RewardPool": "Tier2",
        "RequiredAmount": 15,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Destroy Barrels",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 3,
        "RoamDuration": 1200,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 30,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Destroy Roadsigns",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 12,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 4,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Destroy Roadsigns",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 6,
        "RoamDuration": 800,
        "RewardPool": "Tier2",
        "RequiredAmount": 9,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Hunt for Boars",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 5,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 3,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Hunt for Bears",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 5,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 3,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Hunt for Deer",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 5,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 3,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Hunt for Wolves",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 5,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 3,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Kill Scientists",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 3,
        "RoamDuration": 800,
        "RewardPool": "Tier2",
        "RequiredAmount": 3,
        "ShortName": [
    "OnEntityTakeDamage": [
        "Name": "Damage Patrol Heli",
        "Enabled": false,
        "MaxComplete": 0,
        "RoamDuration": 1200,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 1000,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Damage Bradley APC",
        "Enabled": false,
        "MaxComplete": 0,
        "RoamDuration": 1200,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 1000,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Damage Tugboats",
        "Enabled": false,
        "MaxComplete": 0,
        "RoamDuration": 1200,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 300,
        "ShortName": [
    "OnDispenserGather": [
        "Name": "Gather Wood",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 12,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 1000,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Gather Stone",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 12,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 1000,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Gather Sulfur Ore",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 12,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 1000,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Gather Metal Ore",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 12,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 1000,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Gather Wood",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 6,
        "RoamDuration": 800,
        "RewardPool": "Tier2",
        "RequiredAmount": 4500,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Gather Stone",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 6,
        "RoamDuration": 800,
        "RewardPool": "Tier2",
        "RequiredAmount": 4500,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Gather Sulfur Ore",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 6,
        "RoamDuration": 800,
        "RewardPool": "Tier2",
        "RequiredAmount": 4000,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Gather Metal Ore",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 6,
        "RoamDuration": 800,
        "RewardPool": "Tier2",
        "RequiredAmount": 4000,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Gather Wood",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 3,
        "RoamDuration": 1200,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 10000,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Gather Stone",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 3,
        "RoamDuration": 1200,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 10000,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Gather Sulfur Ore",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 3,
        "RoamDuration": 1200,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 10000,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Gather Metal Ore",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 3,
        "RoamDuration": 1200,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 10000,
        "ShortName": [
    "OnCollectiblePickup": [
        "Name": "Pickup Wood",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 5,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 400,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Pickup Stone",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 5,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 400,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Pickup Metal Ore",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 5,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 400,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Pickup Sulfur Ore",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 5,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 400,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Pickup Hemp",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 5,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 50,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Pickup Mushrooms",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 5,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 5,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Pickup Berries",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 5,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 3,
        "ShortName": [
    "OnLootEntity": [
        "Name": "Open Normal Crates",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 8,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 5,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Open Foodboxes",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 6,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 3,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Open Military Crates",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 5,
        "RoamDuration": 800,
        "RewardPool": "Tier2",
        "RequiredAmount": 2,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Open Military Crates",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 3,
        "RoamDuration": 1200,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 4,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Open Elite Crates",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 0,
        "RoamDuration": 1200,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 2,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Open Supply Drops",
        "Enabled": false,
        "MaxComplete": 0,
        "RoamDuration": 1200,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 1,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Open Locked Crates",
        "Enabled": false,
        "MaxComplete": 0,
        "RoamDuration": 1200,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 1,
        "ShortName": [
    "OnFishCatch": [
        "Name": "Catch Fish",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 0,
        "RoamDuration": 800,
        "RewardPool": "Tier2",
        "RequiredAmount": 5,
        "ShortName": [
    "OnItemCraftFinished": [
        "Name": "Craft Eokas",
        "Enabled": false,
        "MaxComplete": 0,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 5,
        "ShortName": [
    "OnCardSwipe": [
        "Name": "Swipe Green Keycards",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 0,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 1,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Swipe Green Keycards",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 6,
        "RoamDuration": 800,
        "RewardPool": "Tier2",
        "RequiredAmount": 3,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Swipe Blue Keycards",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 6,
        "RoamDuration": 800,
        "RewardPool": "Tier2",
        "RequiredAmount": 1,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Swipe Blue Keycards",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 4,
        "RoamDuration": 1200,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 3,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Swipe Red Keycards",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 4,
        "RoamDuration": 1200,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 1,
        "ShortName": [
    "OnEntityMounted": [
        "Name": "Drive Modular Cars",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 6,
        "RoamDuration": 800,
        "RewardPool": "Tier2",
        "RequiredAmount": 3000,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Fly Minicopters",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 6,
        "RoamDuration": 800,
        "RewardPool": "Tier2",
        "RequiredAmount": 3000,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Fly Scrapheli",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 4,
        "RoamDuration": 1200,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 5000,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Drive Submarines",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 4,
        "RoamDuration": 1200,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 3200,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Sail Tugboats",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 4,
        "RoamDuration": 1200,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 3200,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Sail Normal Boats",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 6,
        "RoamDuration": 800,
        "RewardPool": "Tier2",
        "RequiredAmount": 2600,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Sail Kayaks",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 12,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 800,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Drive Trains",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 6,
        "RoamDuration": 800,
        "RewardPool": "Tier2",
        "RequiredAmount": 3200,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Ride Horses",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 0,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 1200,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Use Ziplines",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 0,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 600,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Fly Attackheli",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 6,
        "RoamDuration": 800,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 5000,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Use Parachutes",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 6,
        "RoamDuration": 1200,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 1500,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Ride Pedal Bikes",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 0,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 1200,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Ride Motor Bikes",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 0,
        "RoamDuration": 800,
        "RewardPool": "Tier2",
        "RequiredAmount": 3000,
        "ShortName": [
    "OnBigWheelWin": [
        "Name": "Win Gambling Wheel",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 0,
        "RoamDuration": 600,
        "RewardPool": "Tier1",
        "RequiredAmount": 50,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Win Gambling Wheel",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 0,
        "RoamDuration": 800,
        "RewardPool": "Tier2",
        "RequiredAmount": 150,
        "ShortName": [
        "Name": "Win Gambling Wheel",
        "Enabled": true,
        "MaxComplete": 0,
        "RoamDuration": 1200,
        "RewardPool": "Tier3",
        "RequiredAmount": 250,
        "ShortName": [


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Version 1.1.5 | Updated July 22, 2024
  • Added Fixed rewards not dropping if Inventory full. + checks for a backpack.
Version 1.1.4 | Updated July 13, 2024
  • Added + Added New Tasks Ride Pedal Bikes Ride Motor Bikes Fixed custom Item names not working. Reward chat messages more customizable. Fixed fish task (now using hook - OnFishCatch) Task UI disappears faster after completing task Addressed some Carbon issues
Version 1.1.3 | Updated October 25, 2023
  • Added Fixed task start gametip notification not appearing. Fixed gambling wheel task bug which allowed winning players to receive the completion reward more than once for the same task. Fixed pickup hemp and berries task counting seeds.
Version 1.1.2 | Updated September 23, 2023
  • Added Improved default chat notifications - This will overwrite some chat messages in config. (You can ignore this if you haven't customized the chat messages). Added next task reminder chat notifications. Example - Scientist: Next roam in 21 minutes. Added new Task "Win Gambling Wheel" (Participants have to win x amount of scrap, default variations include 50 scrap, 150 scrap and 250 scrap). Category(Hook): OnBigWheelWin
Version 1.1.1 | Updated September 7, 2023
  • Added Added tasks "Fly Attackheli" & "Use Parachutes". Added new feature "Automatically add latest tasks". True by default - (config)
Version 1.1.0 | Updated August 30, 2023
  • Added Fastest players will now be rewarded with bonus rewards, preconfigured position bonus rewards for first 3 players to complete the task. Players who complete a task are announced in Chat. - possible to disable in config Task player limits. - each task now has a "MaxComplete" option in config, this sets the maximum amount of players that can complete the task.
Version 1.0.2 | Updated August 20, 2023
  • Added Fixed UI reappearing for completed players after respawning Disabled task completion logging by default (recommended to leave false for now, as it may cause issues, WIP)
Version 1.0.1 | Updated August 14, 2023
  • Added

4 thoughts on "RoamTasks"

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  1. Where can I lower the amount of times it says “Next RoamTask in X minutes” in chat? I just want a 5m warning and nothing else.

  2. Is there a way for this plugin to auto start on server restart? I currently have to manually start an event then events will keep happening until the server restarts again. The only thing I could think of changing was in the config file.

    (“Only Command Start Tasks”: false,)

    I have tried it with both true and false but no difference. Do I need an event plugin for this one to work after server restarts?

Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?

• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.

Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!

• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.

Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.

Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)

Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)

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