

Sold by: imthenewguy

Skirmish is a plugin and prefab combo that generates paintball games on your server.

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Skirmish is a plugin and prefab combo that generates paintball games on your server.

The plugin automatically runs the event at a set interval (or consecutively with other games if using EventHelper to manage it), and allows for players to join from anywhere using the /skjoin chat command.

The game randomly chooses between free-for-all and deathmatch game modes. Players are eliminated when they take enough hits and the last person/team standing is declared the winner(s).

The package comes standard with 2 default arenas: Sewers and Warehouse. These can be placed anywhere under your map and do not require any manipulation other than drag and drop in RustEdit (just make sure they are under the terrain).




  • Automatic running of games. No chat commands or setup is required as the plugin finds the arena’s automatically when a server wipes.
  • 2 Game mode types included: Free-For-All & Team Deathmatch.
  • Configurable magazine capacity, team clothing and rewards.
  • Supports setup for your own arenas with ease.
  • 2 arenas included: Warehouse and Sewers.
  • Uses EventHelper to manage players entering and exiting the arena. Strips their items and saves their stats on entry, then restores their items and stats when they leave.



There are a number of chat commands that can be used to initiate, end, join, leave and setup a game.

Command: skstart <optional: time override> <optional: arena name>
Description: Manually starts the game. The time override parameter states how long the lobby will run for before the game begins. The arena name parameter allows you to select a specific arena to play in.
Example: skstart 120 “Warehouse Arena” – would start a game in 120 seconds at the warehouse arena.

Command: skend
Description: Ends the current game of Skirmish and teleports players back to their start location.
Example: skend – ends the game. No parameters required.

Command: skcleardata
Description: Clears all player reward data.
Example: skcleardata – clears the data. No parameters required.

Command: sksetlobby
Description: Sets the lobby destination (where the players wait for the game to begin). This is only required if you AREN’T using the warehouse arena, as the warehouse arena automatically sets the lobby destination for you.
Example: sksetlobbySets the lobby at your current position. No parameters required.

Command: skprize
Description: Used to redeem outstanding prizes for winning a game. Prizes accumulate for each win.
Example: skprize – redeems the prize to the players inventory. No parameters required.

Command: skjoin
Description: Joins any active skirmish games that are running.
Example: skjoin – performs a number of checks on the player then joins the lobby. No parameters required.

Command: skleave
Description: Leaves the current event and puts the player back where they were with all of their items/stats.
Example: skleave – leaves the event. No parameters required.

Command: sk
Description: Displays a UI to start the game with. Allows for arena, mode and lobby delay to be selected.
Example: sk– opens the ui



This plugin allows for map developers to create arenas and ship them with support. Server owners can also create arenas out of existing structures using the same logic (although a fenced off area is recommended so players don’t run off).

You can follow this video tutorial for more information on adding support for your arenas.

Rust prefabs list:

Template to ship with your map:

Example config:

SkirmishSpawns plugin:



skirmish.admin – required to start/stop a game and clear data.




Works with:



A list of supported arenas will be listed here. If you would like to add support to your arenas, please pm me the link to the submission and I will add it to the list.

1 review for Skirmish

  1. 5 out of 5

    Dan Fenwick (verified owner)

    Fantastic plugin and easy to set up! Thanks!

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

Version 1.0.5 | Updated August 29, 2023
  • Added Replaced imgur links with Dropbox links.
Version 1.0.4 | Updated May 4, 2023
  • Updated Patched for May update.
Version 1.0.3 | Updated February 4, 2023
  • Added Added economics and SRP rewards to config.
  • Updated Changed return result from false to true in OnEntityTakeDamage
  • Updated Updated NightVision usage so it does not assign/remove permissions.
Version 1.0.2 | Updated November 27, 2022
  • Added Added config option to allow for some additional time at the end of the game rather than ending abruptly.
  • Added Added Street Arena as a deafult arena in the config.
  • Updated Updated the UI to only display arenas that are currently in the map.
  • Added Added an auto update feature when the plugin loads to add default arenas to the config automatically.
Version 1.0.1 | Updated February 21, 2022
  • Added Added API Calls: - void Skimish_StartRegistration(string activeArena, bool isFFA); - void Skimish_EndGame(); - void Skimish_StartGame(string activeArena, bool isFFA);
  • Updated Changed the message order in OnEntityTakeDamage.
  • Added Added a new UI to start and end the game. Type /sk
  • Added Added max player limit config option
  • Added Added join notifications config option


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Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?

• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.

Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!

• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.

Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.

Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)

Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)

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