I’m very interested in this plugin but I’m reluctant to force all of my players to use it. I’d love to see a command that a player (with the proper permissions) could choose to opt in/out of this plugin. Is this something that is possible? I guess the command would need to be able to grant/revoke the plugin permissions.
Tiers Mode
Sold by: ninco90The most complete level system for your server. You will be able to adjust the configuration to allow different levels of constructions, Wokrbnech placement, crafting and use of Items, blocking weapon equipment, Server events, blocking the use of map vendors, speeds,…
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Tiers Mode
Integrate a complete tier/stage system into your mod server. Or just set up a new server with this game mode. By default the plugin will generate 4 Tiers, but you can create all the tiers you consider necessary and configure each tier to your liking. 1 Tier for each day? You can do it.
I know, the price of this plugin may seem expensive. But it’s several weeks of work on the development of the plugin + all the time I’ll have to spend maintaining it. Below I will show you all the features that are included.
- Required plugins: Image Library.
- Optional plugins: Discord Messages.
- Screen Counter: It shows in the upper left part of the screen a counter with the current tier and time left for the tier to change.
- Windows Info: Turns the use of the information display on or off. You can block it completely or simply block the information of the next tiers from being consulted.
- Alert Modal: Enable or disable the plugin’s modal alerts that will notify players of blocked things.
- Alert Modal Changue Tier: Enable or disable modal alerts when changing tiers.
- Alert Modal Events: Enable or disable modal alerts when spawning or a server event occurs. Example when an airdrop comes out, the cargoship appears or the oil rig respawns.
- Custom Alert Modal: Activate or deactivate custom modal alerts that you can perform from the /tieralert msg command.
- Chat: Notifies by chat of the warnings of the server alerts.
- Welcome Message Chat: Welcome message in chat when a player connects explaining that they are on a server with Tiers Mode enabled.
- Discord Messages: Notify on Discord, using the Discord Messages plugin when a Wipe is started or a Tier is changed.
- Hooks: The plugin contains more than 14 oxide hooks for the operation of all features. That is why optimization has been taken care of in the use of each hook. Likewise, those features that are deactivated in each tier and their corresponding hooks are not necessary to work will be automatically deactivated.
The plugin has an administrative command /tier edit to edit the objects that will be locked by each tier in an intuitive and easy way.
This way you won’t have to search for the name of the object and add it to the config.
Tiers Features
- Tier Name: Sets the name of the Tier to be displayed.
- Tier Icon URL: Set a URL with the image of the Tier.
- Tier Color: Set a color to customize the tier.
- Duration of the tier in Minutes: Sets the duration of the tier in minutes. If you want it to last an hour you will have to specify 60 minutes. If you want it to be 1 day, 24h = 1440.
- Cupboards: You can set a maximum of curpboards per player or leave it unlimited.
- Cupboards Alerts: Destruction alert system. When a player breaks another player’s locker, the server can be notified. (As long as it is configured like this)
- Maximum Upgrade Level: Sets the maximum upgrade level in each tier.
- Research from Workbench: Allow or block research from the workbench depending on the tier.
- Place All Workbench: Allow or block placement of all Workbenchs or just the Workbenches you specify.
You will be able to activate or deactivate the automatic events of the Server according to the tier.
For example: You will be able to disable the cargoship in the first tier.
The events that you can configure are:
- Cargoship.
- Oil Rig.
- Chinook.
- Patrol Helicopter.
- Aidrop.
- Bradley APC.
You can activate or deactivate the different vendors on the map. As well as vending machines and the use of drones.
- Helicopter Sale.
- Boat Sales.
- Horse Sales.
- Use of Drones.
- Use of Public Vending Machine (Rads).
- Spawn Cards: Adjust the spawn of access cards. You can make only the green card appear in the first eras and as it progresses, the blue and red cards appear.
- Spawn Vehicles (Cars): Configure if you want cars to spawn around the map. You can specify the number of modules that can appear. For example: Make that in the first tier no cars come out, but in the second only cars of 2 modules come out and in the third tier that they come out of 3 modules.
- Use Vehicle MLRS: Allows or not, to use the MLRS vehicle.
- Use Vehicle Workcart: Allows or not, to use the Workcart.
- Use Vehicle Locomotive: Allows or not, to use the Locomotive.
- Crafting Rate: As the tiers progress, you can configure the crafting time to be faster, or always leave it vanilla.
- Research Seconds: As the tiers progress, you can configure the research time to be faster or leave it vanilla. You can also make it last longer than vanilla.
- Recycler Seconds: As the tiers progress, you can configure the recycling time to be faster or leave it vanilla. You can also make it last longer than vanilla.
- Gather System: A complete Gather system is integrated so that depending on the tier you can configure it in a different way. In this way the first tier can be vanilla and as you advance from tier the farming ratio will go up. Of course, if you activate it, make sure that you do not use any other similar plugin for this. You can configure the following parameters:
- Dispenser Gather.
- Dispenser Bonus.
- Collectible Pickup.
- Growable Gathered.
- Survey Gather.
- Quarry Gather.
- Excavator Gather.
- Items lock Craft: Blocks the ability to craft items that are locked in the current tier.
- List of Blocked Items: You can easily edit the locked items in each tier with the /tier edit command.
- Deployable lock without Building Permissions: Blocks the ability to place certain items if the player does not have locker permission. Ideal to prevent players from placing certain items anywhere on the map.
- You will be able to set your own commands that will be executed when the tier loads. Both in tier changes, and in server restarts. Ideal for disabling certain plugins up to a certain tier. Or to execute another plugin’s command to trigger an event. Or any other idea you can think of.
- tiersmode.admin With this permission you will be able to use the /tier edit command and the /tieralert command. Do not grant this permission to players.
- tiersmode.bypass.use_workcart and tiersmode.bypass.use_locomotive Permission to bypass Workcart and Locomotive usage lock.
- tiersmode.bypass.use_mlrs Permission to bypass the MLRS usage block.
- tiersmode.bypass.limit_cupboard Permission to evade the maximum limit of TC.
- tiersmode.bypass.block_items Permission to evade blocking of all items.
- tiersmode.bypass.block_place_no_building Permission to bypass the build lock of specific items without cabinets.
- tiersmode.bypass.upgrade Permission to bypass the building improvement limit.
- tiersmode.bypass.block_place_all_workbench Permission to bypass the placement lock of any workbench.
- tiersmode.bypass.block_research Permission to bypass the workbench research lock.
- tiersmode.bypass.block_vending_helis Permission to evade vendor blocking (Helis, Boats, Horses)
- tiersmode.bypass.block_vending_boat Permission to evade vendor blocking (Helis, Boats, Horses)
- tiersmode.bypass.block_vending_horses Permission to evade vendor blocking (Helis, Boats, Horses)
- tiersmode.instant_research Permission for instant research.
- tiersmode.alerts.block Permission to block alerts to that player.
- tiersmode.instant_recycler Permission for instant recycling.
- /tier Opens the info screen if enabled in the config.
- /tier edit Opens the edit screen for locked items for tiers. Only with Admin.
- /tieralert textmsg Send a message in alert format to all online players on the server. You can only do this if you have admin permission.
{“Automatic Server Title”: {“Enabled Auto Changue”: true,“Base title to modify”: “RustSpain.com | Tiers Mode ({0})”},“GUI Config”: {“On-Screen GUI Counter”: true,“Counter Config”: {“Color Title”: “1.0 1.0 1.0 0.70”,“Color Subtitle”: “1.0 1.0 1.0 0.70”,“Color Button”: “0.46 0.46 0.46 0.49”,“Show Icon/Color”: true,“Show Button Info”: true},“Enabled Alert Modal”: true,“Modal Config”: {“Duration Show”: 10.0,“Color Title”: “1.0 1.0 1.0 0.70”,“Color Description”: “1.0 1.0 1.0 0.70”,“Sound Alert”: true,“Prefab Sound”: “assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/beep.prefab”},“Enabled Alert Modal Changue Tier”: true,“Modal Changue Config”: {“Duration Show”: 15.0,“Color Title”: “1.0 1.0 1.0 0.70”,“Color Description”: “1.0 1.0 1.0 0.70”,“Sound Alert”: true,“Prefab Sound”: “assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/item_unlock.prefab”},“Enabled Alert Modal Events”: true,“Modal Events Config”: {“Duration Show”: 15.0,“Color Title”: “1.0 1.0 1.0 0.70”,“Color Description”: “1.0 1.0 1.0 0.70”,“Sound Alert”: true,“Prefab Sound”: “assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/vibrate.prefab”},“Enabled Custom Alert Modal”: true,“Modal Custom Config”: {“Duration Show”: 15.0,“Color Title”: “1.0 1.0 1.0 0.70”,“Color Description”: “1.0 1.0 1.0 0.70”,“Sound Alert”: true,“Prefab Sound”: “assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/vibrate.prefab”},“Windows Info Config”: {“Show GUI Info Window on Enter”: true,“Show GUI Info use Command”: true,“Show Previous Tier Button”: true,“Show Next Tier Button”: true,“Color Title”: “1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00”,“Color Text”: “0.90 0.90 0.90 1.00”,“Color Header Info”: “0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0”,“Color Button Close”: “0.20 0.20 0.20 0.80”}},“Messages”: {“Enabled Chat”: true,“Enabled Welcome Chat”: true,“Use Discord Message Plugin”: true,“Webhook Channel Announcement Change of Stag”: “Put here your Webhook of the Channel where you want to announce the changes of Tiers.”},“Tiers”: [{“Tier Name”: “Edad de Madera”,“Tier Icon URL”: “https://img.rustspain.com/tiers/1.png”,“Tier Color”: “0.17 0.75 0.42 0.50”,“Duration of the tier in Minutes”: 1440,“Cupboards”: {“Limit Maximum Placed Cupboards”: true,“Maximum Cupboards per player”: 3,“Global Alert for Destruction of Cupboard”: false,“Config Destruction Alert”: {“Show Name of the player who destroyed it in the info”: true,“Show Position in info”: true},“Maximum Upgrade Level (1 = Wood, 2 = Stones, 3 = Metal, 4 = HQ)”: 1},“Workbench”: {“Allow research from Workbench”: false,“Allow Place All Workbench”: false,“Allow placing only the following workbenches”: [“assets/prefabs/deployable/tier 1 workbench/workbench1.deployed.prefab”]},“Events”: {“Cargoship”: false,“Oil Rig”: false,“Chinook”: false,“Patrol Helicopter”: true,“Airdrop”: true,“Bradley APC”: false},“Sellers”: {“Helicopter Sale”: false,“Boat Sales”: false,“Horse Sales”: false,“Use of Drones”: false,“Use of Public Vending Machine (Rads)”: false},“Spawn”: {“Spawn Cards”: [“keycard_green_pickup.entity”],“Spawn Vehicles (Cars)”: [],“Use Vehicle MLRS”: false,“Use Vehicle Workcart”: true,“Use Vehicle Locomotive”: true},“Speed”: {“Crafting Rate (1.0 = Vanilla | 0.0 = Instant)”: 1.0,“Research Seconds (10.0 = Vanilla | 0.0 = Instant)”: 10.0,“Recycler Seconds (5.0 = Vanilla | 0.0 = Instant)”: 5.0,“Gather System (If you use another plugin for the Gather disable this or remove the other one)”: false,“Gather Config (Setting 0.0 will disable this option and it will work as vanilla)”: {“DispenserGather”: 0.0,“DispenserBonus”: 1.0,“CollectiblePickup”: 0.0,“GrowableGathered”: 0.0,“SurveyGather”: 0.0,“QuarryGather”: 0.0,“ExcavatorGather”: 0.0}},“Lists”: {“Items lock Craft”: true,“Items lock”: [“shotgun.waterpipe”,“shotgun.pump”,“pistol.semiauto”,“pistol.revolver”,“rifle.semiauto”,“maxhealthtea”,“radiationresisttea”,“healingtea”,“ammo.rifle”,“ammo.shotgun.fire”,“ammo.shotgun”,“ammo.shotgun.slug”],“Deployable lock without Building Permissions”: false,“Items lock without Building Permissions”: {“trap.bear”: “assets/prefabs/deployable/bear trap/beartrap.prefab”,“trap.landmine”: “assets/prefabs/deployable/landmine/landmine.prefab”},“Server Commands”: [“o.unload Backpack”,“o.unload TheStorm”]}},{“Tier Name”: “Edad de Piedra”,“Tier Icon URL”: “https://img.rustspain.com/tiers/2.png”,“Tier Color”: “0.06 0.58 0.86 0.50”,“Duration of the tier in Minutes”: 1440,“Cupboards”: {“Limit Maximum Placed Cupboards”: true,“Maximum Cupboards per player”: 5,“Global Alert for Destruction of Cupboard”: false,“Config Destruction Alert”: {“Show Name of the player who destroyed it in the info”: true,“Show Position in info”: true},“Maximum Upgrade Level (1 = Wood, 2 = Stones, 3 = Metal, 4 = HQ)”: 2},“Workbench”: {“Allow research from Workbench”: false,“Allow Place All Workbench”: false,“Allow placing only the following workbenches”: [“assets/prefabs/deployable/tier 1 workbench/workbench1.deployed.prefab”]},“Events”: {“Cargoship”: true,“Oil Rig”: false,“Chinook”: true,“Patrol Helicopter”: true,“Airdrop”: true,“Bradley APC”: false},“Sellers”: {“Helicopter Sale”: false,“Boat Sales”: true,“Horse Sales”: true,“Use of Drones”: false,“Use of Public Vending Machine (Rads)”: false},“Spawn”: {“Spawn Cards”: [“keycard_green_pickup.entity”,“keycard_blue_pickup.entity”],“Spawn Vehicles (Cars)”: [“2module_car_spawned.entity”],“Use Vehicle MLRS”: false,“Use Vehicle Workcart”: false,“Use Vehicle Locomotive”: false},“Speed”: {“Crafting Rate (1.0 = Vanilla | 0.0 = Instant)”: 0.6,“Research Seconds (10.0 = Vanilla | 0.0 = Instant)”: 8.0,“Recycler Seconds (5.0 = Vanilla | 0.0 = Instant)”: 4.0,“Gather System (If you use another plugin for the Gather disable this or remove the other one)”: true,“Gather Config (Setting 0.0 will disable this option and it will work as vanilla)”: {“DispenserGather”: 1.5,“DispenserBonus”: 1.5,“CollectiblePickup”: 1.5,“GrowableGathered”: 1.5,“SurveyGather”: 1.5,“QuarryGather”: 1.5,“ExcavatorGather”: 1.5}},“Lists”: {“Items lock Craft”: true,“Items lock”: [“weapon.mod.8x.scope”,“rifle.bolt”,“hmlmg”,“pistol.python”,“smg.thompson”,“shotgun.double”,“roadsign.gloves”,“roadsign.kilt”,“hazmatsuit.arcticsuit”,“explosives”,“submarine.torpedo.straight”,“ammo.rocket.basic”,“ammo.rocket.hv”,“ammo.rifle.incendiary”,“ammo.pistol.fire”,“ammo.rocket.fire”,“ammo.rifle.hv”,“ammo.pistol.hv”],“Deployable lock without Building Permissions”: true,“Items lock without Building Permissions”: {“trap.bear”: “assets/prefabs/deployable/bear trap/beartrap.prefab”,“trap.landmine”: “assets/prefabs/deployable/landmine/landmine.prefab”},“Server Commands”: [“o.unload Backpack”,“o.unload TheStorm”]}},{“Tier Name”: “Edad de Metal”,“Tier Icon URL”: “https://img.rustspain.com/tiers/3.png”,“Tier Color”: “0.87 0.75 0.05 0.50”,“Duration of the tier in Minutes”: 1440,“Cupboards”: {“Limit Maximum Placed Cupboards”: false,“Maximum Cupboards per player”: 5,“Global Alert for Destruction of Cupboard”: false,“Config Destruction Alert”: {“Show Name of the player who destroyed it in the info”: true,“Show Position in info”: true},“Maximum Upgrade Level (1 = Wood, 2 = Stones, 3 = Metal, 4 = HQ)”: 3},“Workbench”: {“Allow research from Workbench”: false,“Allow Place All Workbench”: false,“Allow placing only the following workbenches”: [“assets/prefabs/deployable/tier 1 workbench/workbench1.deployed.prefab”,“assets/prefabs/deployable/tier 2 workbench/workbench2.deployed.prefab”]},“Events”: {“Cargoship”: true,“Oil Rig”: true,“Chinook”: true,“Patrol Helicopter”: true,“Airdrop”: true,“Bradley APC”: true},“Sellers”: {“Helicopter Sale”: true,“Boat Sales”: true,“Horse Sales”: true,“Use of Drones”: false,“Use of Public Vending Machine (Rads)”: true},“Spawn”: {“Spawn Cards”: [“keycard_green_pickup.entity”,“keycard_blue_pickup.entity”,“keycard_red_pickup.entity”],“Spawn Vehicles (Cars)”: [“2module_car_spawned.entity”,“3module_car_spawned.entity”,“4module_car_spawned.entity”],“Use Vehicle MLRS”: false,“Use Vehicle Workcart”: false,“Use Vehicle Locomotive”: false},“Speed”: {“Crafting Rate (1.0 = Vanilla | 0.0 = Instant)”: 0.3,“Research Seconds (10.0 = Vanilla | 0.0 = Instant)”: 6.0,“Recycler Seconds (5.0 = Vanilla | 0.0 = Instant)”: 3.0,“Gather System (If you use another plugin for the Gather disable this or remove the other one)”: true,“Gather Config (Setting 0.0 will disable this option and it will work as vanilla)”: {“DispenserGather”: 2.0,“DispenserBonus”: 2.0,“CollectiblePickup”: 2.0,“GrowableGathered”: 2.0,“SurveyGather”: 2.0,“QuarryGather”: 2.0,“ExcavatorGather”: 2.0}},“Lists”: {“Items lock Craft”: true,“Items lock”: [“rifle.l96”,“lmg.m249”,“multiplegrenadelauncher”,“pistol.m92”,“shotgun.spas12”,“rifle.m39”,“explosive.timed”,“weapon.mod.muzzlebrake”,“weapon.mod.muzzleboost”,“chainsaw”,“jackhammer”,“weapon.mod.extendedmags”,“ammo.rocket.mlrs”,“ammo.grenadelauncher.he”,“ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot”,“ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke”,“ammo.rifle.explosive”],“Deployable lock without Building Permissions”: false,“Items lock without Building Permissions”: {“trap.bear”: “assets/prefabs/deployable/bear trap/beartrap.prefab”,“trap.landmine”: “assets/prefabs/deployable/landmine/landmine.prefab”},“Server Commands”: [“o.load Backpack”,“o.unload TheStorm”]}},{“Tier Name”: “Edad Explosiva”,“Tier Icon URL”: “https://img.rustspain.com/tiers/4.png”,“Tier Color”: “0.80 0.26 0.13 0.50”,“Duration of the tier in Minutes”: 1440,“Cupboards”: {“Limit Maximum Placed Cupboards”: false,“Maximum Cupboards per player”: 5,“Global Alert for Destruction of Cupboard”: false,“Config Destruction Alert”: {“Show Name of the player who destroyed it in the info”: true,“Show Position in info”: true},“Maximum Upgrade Level (1 = Wood, 2 = Stones, 3 = Metal, 4 = HQ)”: 4},“Workbench”: {“Allow research from Workbench”: true,“Allow Place All Workbench”: true,“Allow placing only the following workbenches”: [“assets/prefabs/deployable/tier 1 workbench/workbench1.deployed.prefab”,“assets/prefabs/deployable/tier 2 workbench/workbench2.deployed.prefab”,“assets/prefabs/deployable/tier 3 workbench/workbench3.deployed.prefab”]},“Events”: {“Cargoship”: true,“Oil Rig”: true,“Chinook”: true,“Patrol Helicopter”: true,“Airdrop”: true,“Bradley APC”: true},“Sellers”: {“Helicopter Sale”: true,“Boat Sales”: true,“Horse Sales”: true,“Use of Drones”: true,“Use of Public Vending Machine (Rads)”: true},“Spawn”: {“Spawn Cards”: [“keycard_green_pickup.entity”,“keycard_blue_pickup.entity”,“keycard_red_pickup.entity”],“Spawn Vehicles (Cars)”: [“2module_car_spawned.entity”,“3module_car_spawned.entity”,“4module_car_spawned.entity”],“Use Vehicle MLRS”: true,“Use Vehicle Workcart”: false,“Use Vehicle Locomotive”: false},“Speed”: {“Crafting Rate (1.0 = Vanilla | 0.0 = Instant)”: 0.0,“Research Seconds (10.0 = Vanilla | 0.0 = Instant)”: 4.0,“Recycler Seconds (5.0 = Vanilla | 0.0 = Instant)”: 2.0,“Gather System (If you use another plugin for the Gather disable this or remove the other one)”: true,“Gather Config (Setting 0.0 will disable this option and it will work as vanilla)”: {“DispenserGather”: 3.0,“DispenserBonus”: 3.0,“CollectiblePickup”: 3.0,“GrowableGathered”: 3.0,“SurveyGather”: 3.0,“QuarryGather”: 3.0,“ExcavatorGather”: 3.0}},“Lists”: {“Items lock Craft”: true,“Items lock”: [],“Deployable lock without Building Permissions”: true,“Items lock without Building Permissions”: {“trap.bear”: “assets/prefabs/deployable/bear trap/beartrap.prefab”,“trap.landmine”: “assets/prefabs/deployable/landmine/landmine.prefab”,“water.catcher.large”: “assets/prefabs/deployable/water catcher/water_catcher_large.prefab”,“water.catcher.small”: “assets/prefabs/deployable/water catcher/water_catcher_small.prefab”},“Server Commands”: []}}]}
Language support. By default it will be generated in English. If you are interested in the Spanish language, you just have to ask me privately.
For any problem, doubt, suggestion or assistance do not hesitate to contact me by Discord ninco90#6219
If you need me to configure everything from scratch, according to your tastes, for your server I can also do it for an additional fee. Although you should be able to configure everything yourself :)
Frequent Questions
I will try to add the most frequently asked questions here in case it can help you.
Reviews (5)
5 reviews for Tiers Mode
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
Version History
- Added Do NOT UPDATE before the October update. Otherwise, it will not work.
- Added The permission tiersmode.disabled has been added. Assign this permission along with the existing bypass permissions for those players you want to completely disable the use of tiersmode.
- Updated Now, if a player has the bypass to place the Workbench, it will not be removed when placed.
- Updated Most icons now load directly from the game, optimizing their loading and display.
- Updated A small animation has been added to the alerts. To display it correctly, without cuts, I recommend replacing the values "AnchorMax": "0.64 0.2" with "AnchorMax": "0.64 0.28" in the config.
- Updated Updated with internal changes from Facepunch for proper compilation.
- Fixed Bug Fix
- Fixed Blocking the use of Items should no longer affect NPCs at all. This caused errors in some NPC event plugins when they used locked items.
- Added Locked ammo can now no longer be loaded into Weapon Racks.
- Added Weapons and ammunition locked in Turrets can no longer be loaded.
- Added DO NOT UPDATE BEFORE FACEPUNCH UPDATE Scrolbbar has been added to the list of items that are unlocked in the Tier shown (/tier). Much better than a page. Enjoy it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykVKUgSF_jk
- Fixed It is now allowed to store locked items in backpacks.
- Fixed Now when a patrol helicopter is destroyed the spawn warning message is not repeated.
- Fixed Small fixes in configuration settings.
- Fixed Adjusted the size of the tier name in the counter, since it was not displayed in some screen resolutions.
- Fixed Fix for BetterTC compatibility. Before I only marked up to a stone to improve.
- Added Now has compatibility with the BetterTC plugin.
- Fixed Fixed a problem that caused the marketplace to spawn.
- Updated Now if the cars are completely disabled, those cars with codelock will not be eliminated.
- Fixed Fixed Attachments on weapons from boxes. Bug fix.
- Updated Important update in GUI. Now the GUIs will always maintain their size, fixing some problems with those players who use a different interface scale than the standard one. Please, if you are updating, read the Info file carefully.
- Added Blocks the use of first aid kit if it is blocked. No more players using the medkit from the inventory.
- Added Blocks the use of weapon accessories (scopes, flashlights, lasers) if they are blocked.
- Fixed Fixed crash when crafting a locked item. Even if you set the "Items lock Craft" option to false it would not allow you to craft the item if its use was locked. So now you can block the use of the item but allow players to have it crafted.
- Added Added to the language file the variable "Upgrade Level" and "Unlimited" so that it can be translated correctly.
- Fixed Fixed a bug that caused the Card Spawn to be displayed incorrectly in the interface, always showing the green card. Make sure that in your configuration file it ends with .entity as in the following example: "Spawn Cards": [ "keycard_green_pickup.entity", "keycard_blue_pickup.entity", "keycard_red_pickup.entity" ],
- Updated The placement of modals (popups) can now be adjusted.
- Updated The position of the counter can also be adjusted.
- Fixed If the Gather system is completely disabled, it will not be shown in the information in the Speed section.
- Updated Using /tier edit will now open the current tier edit panel if none is specified.
- Fixed Correction of a bug in the plugin with the previous update.
- Added New optional plugin for executing messages from other plugins.
- Fixed Fixed BUG that deleted cars after a server restart. Now they will not be deleted during server startup, a check will be done once the server is started.
- Updated Code optimization.
- Updated Now the items that have been unlocked in each tier are displayed on their corresponding screen, instead of the following screen.
- Added Permission to bypass Workcart and Locomotive usage lock.
- Added Permission to bypass the MLRS usage block.
- Added Permission to evade the maximum limit of lockers.
- Added Permission to bypass the building improvement limit.
- Added Permission to bypass the building improvement limit.
- Added Permission to bypass the build lock of specific items without cabinets.
- Added Permission to bypass the placement lock of any workbench.
- Added Permission to bypass the workbench research lock.
- Added Permission to evade vendor blocking (Helis, Boats, Horses)
- Added Permission to block alerts to that player.
- Added Permission for instant recycling.
- Added Permission for instant research.
- Added Initial Version
Discussions (1)
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Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need! https://youtu.be/yWC_p97FhQA
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: https://youtu.be/Ep-L3PjBPCk (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar https://www.rarlab.com (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z2107-x64.exe (the one I use currently)
SINMAS (verified owner) –
People are happy, it’s like a progressive game mode but 100% to your liking.
You can configure everything to your liking, block not only items, but also block sellers, the purchase of helicopters, block vendings.
You can also modify the gathers depending on the Tier.
And what I loved was that depending on the Tier, you can auto load or unload plugins.
In short, an all in 1, with the same plugin you can modify everything to your liking. It is worth every $ you pay.
Dr. Ortiga (verified owner) –
Vale lo que cuesta. Completo y facil de configurar. Posiblemente el mejor o uno de los mejores complementos de mi server. Buen trabajo @ninco90
Nestor Martinez de Lizarrondo (verified owner) –
Excellent plugin to give a special touch to the rust game mode. Playing in different eras, it allows players to enjoy a more staggered evolution of the wipe.
With a little work, the plugin can be used to automate a server, controlling resource collection, research speeds, recycling, locking of specific objects and the loading and unloading of all server plugins as needed… This option has given me hundreds of hours of life… not having to be constantly loading and unloading things on the server manually ….
Excelente plugin para darle un toque especial al modo de juego de rust. Jugando en distintas Eras, permite a los jugadores disfutar de una evolucion mas escalonada del wipe.
Con un poco de trabajo, el plugin se puede utilizar para Automatizar un servidor, controlando la recoleccion de recursos, las velocidades de investigacion, reciclado, el bloqueo de objetos especificos y la carga de y descarga de todos los plugins del servidor en funcion de las necesidades… Esta option me ha dado cientos de horas de vida.. al no tener que estar constantemente cargando y descargando cosas en el servidor manualmente….
rafaelmtz544 (verified owner) –
Es un plugin muy útil para servers donde se quiere ir aprendiendo a jugar y aparte tener un tipo de progresión con el tiempo, el desarrollador también muy accesible para cualquier duda y te explica muy claro las dudas que tienes y también el plugin esta hecho de una manera muy friendly que una vez entendido es fácil de configurar :)
It is a very useful plugin for servers where you want to learn to play and apart from having a type of progression over time, the developer is also very accessible for any questions and explains very clearly the doubts you have and also the plugin is made of a very friendly way that once understood is easy to configure :)
1M 1D10T (verified owner) –
Between functionality, and dev support, I have to give Tiers Mode 5 Stars. Really love the ease of configuring and way it was put together. Helped me a lot for my ideas for setting up my servers. Recommend this for any one wanting to spice up or have better control of a lot of in game play.