New building skin in Rust game update

Rust Building Skins Update: Exploring the Latest Commits

Rust, the popular multiplayer survival game, is consistently updated with new features and improvements. One of the areas currently under development is building skins. In this article, we’ll explore the latest commits related to Rust building skins and speculate on what these changes could mean for players.

Disclaimer: The information discussed in this article is solely based on the commits and has not been officially announced or confirmed by the developers. As such, please take the information with a grain of salt and consider it speculative.

Bricks, Brutalism, and Shipping Containers: New Building Skin Models

Recent commits hint at the introduction of new building skins, such as the brutalist and shipping container skins. In particular, the brutalist skin appears to have floor frames, wall frame models, and prefabs included. Shipping container skins have seen various updates to their models, textures, and prefabs.

Model and Prefab Updates

Developers have been working on updating the models and prefabs for various building skins. Some of the changes include fixing pivots, adding gib models, and refining the construction layer for brick skins. These updates suggest that the team is working towards making the building skins more polished and optimized for players.

Texture and Collider Improvements

The commits also show progress in refining the textures and colliders for the building skins. This includes updates to the brutalist skin’s atlas textures, padding adjustments for building block colliders, and texture polish for shipping container skins. These improvements should enhance the overall look and feel of the skins and improve the player experience.

Speculating on the Future of Building Skins in Rust

While we cannot confirm what all these commits mean for Rust’s building skins, it’s evident that the developers are dedicated to improving the game’s building mechanics. The introduction of new skins like brutalist and shipping container models, as well as updates to models, prefabs, textures, and colliders, may provide players with more customization options for their bases and enhance the overall gameplay experience.

Keep in mind that this information is based on commits and is speculative in nature. Stay tuned for official updates and announcements from the Rust development team to learn more about the future of building skins in the game.

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