Streamline Your Rust Server with Industrial Update: Tips and Commands for Server Owners

The Rust Industrial Update has introduced new tools and entities that can bring your server gameplay to a whole new level. In this article, we’ll cover the key elements of the Industrial Update and explain how you can use them to enhance the experience of server owners and players alike. Get ready to automate crafting and item management with the latest additions to Rust! Read more about this information on the official Facepunch Blog as well!

Storage Adaptor

The Storage Adaptor is the foundation of most Industrial setups. Simply attach it to an existing storage entity to make it compatible with your Industrial systems. The adaptor doesn’t require power and can be used with a wide range of storage entities like Tool Cupboards, Wooden Boxes, Furnaces, Lockers, and more. Be aware of some exceptions, like furnaces having separate input and output slots or lockers needing multiple adaptors for full access.

Industrial Conveyor

The Conveyor is a game-changer for moving items between entities. Connected to Storage Adaptors, it automatically transfers items from input to output containers when powered on. You can also set filters to control the types and quantities of items being moved, ensuring precise item management. The Conveyor’s electrical passthroughs allow for further control over your Industrial network.

Pipe Tool

The Pipe Tool connects Industrial entities in a similar way to the Wire or Hose tool. Available in four colors, pipes help you organize your connections, but they can’t go through building blocks or Vending Machines. Keep in mind that anchor points need to be a small distance apart.

Industrial Splitter/Combiner

These tools help you control the flow of items by splitting or combining them. For example, a Conveyor connected to a splitter can evenly distribute resources across multiple output containers.

Industrial Crafter

By attaching the Industrial Crafter to a workbench, you can automatically craft items using a blueprint and the required materials. The Crafter has built-in Industrial slots for material input and output, as well as a Blueprint slot. It can only craft items suitable for the workbench it’s attached to and takes the same crafting time as a player would.

Electric Furnace

This new furnace type accelerates smelting rates and runs on electricity instead of fuel, eliminating the production of charcoal. It works well in tandem with other Industrial entities.

Limitations and Server Options

To maintain server performance, there are limitations on the number of containers per conveyor and items moved per tick. Server owners can control the speed and efficiency of Industrial systems using specific convars, such as:

  • server.conveyorMoveFrequency – How often conveyors attempt a move (default 5s)
  • server.industrialCrafterFrequency – How often crafters attempt to craft something (default 5s)
  • server.maxItemStacksMovedPerTickIndustrial – How many whole stacks a conveyor can move in a single tick (default 12)

The Rust Industrial Update offers server owners the opportunity to elevate their server experience with new tools, entities, and automation capabilities. By understanding and implementing these features, you’ll provide an engaging and efficient environment for your Rust players. So, dive into the world of Industrial automation and optimize your server today!

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