Sputnik Rust Plugin - Satellite Fragment Event

The Sputnik Rust Plugin: A Unique Rust Server Event

Elevate your Rust server experience with the Sputnik plugin, an innovative event that allows players to contest fallen satellite fragments scattered across the map. Participants must overcome patrol helicopters, NPCs, turrets, and mines to access valuable loot locked behind keycards, which require unique ‘Space Cards’ obtainable from loot tables or in-game shops.

Sputnik Plugin Overview

The Sputnik plugin, created by Adem, offers five types of debris that can fall in any combination and quantity. Each fragment can be guarded by helicopters, NPCs, turrets, and mines. Server owners can configure the location and number of crates for each preset, and create a radiation zone around the fragment.

A card reader, activated with a “Space Card,” can be placed on any type of debris. This card reader opens the crates specified in the config, and custom cards can be added to the loot tables of standard crates and event-specific crates. Optionally, server owners can remove the card reader or replace the “Space Card” with any standard keycard.

Location Presets and Administrator Chat Commands

The Sputnik plugin includes a data file with five types of prefabs:

  1. sputnik_1
  2. debris_1
  3. debris_2
  4. debris_3
  5. debris_4

The first location (sputnik_1) features a locked crate opened with a “Space Card.”

Server owners can use the following chat commands to control the event:

  • /sputnikstart: Launches the event with a random configuration.
  • /sputnikstart <eventPresetName>: Launches the event with the specified <eventPresetName> configuration.
  • /sputnikstop: Stops the event.
  • /givespacecard: Gives the administrator a “Space Card.”

RCON console commands are also available:

  • sputnikstart: Launches the event with a random configuration.
  • sputnikstart <eventPresetName>: Launches the event with the specified <eventPresetName> configuration.
  • givespacecard <userID>: Gives a “Space Card” to a specified player.

Configurations, Dependencies, and Hooks

The Sputnik plugin provides configuration examples in English and Russian. It supports optional dependencies such as True PVE, PveMode, GUI Announcements, Notify, DiscordMessages, AlphaLoot, CustomLoot, Economics, Server Rewards, and IQEconomic.

The plugin includes three hooks:

  • OnSputnikEventStart()
  • OnSputnikEventStop()
  • OnSputnikEventWin(ulong userID)

By incorporating the Sputnik plugin into your Rust server, you can offer players a unique and challenging event that involves fallen satellite fragments, exciting battles, and enticing loot. This plugin is an excellent addition to any Rust server looking to provide players with a memorable and engaging gaming experience.

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