Wondering if there is a way to only lock the bases while players are in the zone but unlock for others when they leave the zone?
Abandoned Bases
Original price was: $30.00.$20.00Current price is: $20.00.-33%
Sold by: nivexAllows bases to become raidable when all players in a base become inactive.
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Abandoned Bases
Requires TruePVE or NextGenPVE server.
Abandoned Bases checks each building on the server in order to determine which bases are inactive. Bases become inactive when all players authorized on the tool cupboard have been offline for the configured amount of days. When a base becomes inactive there are one of two outcomes.
1.) It will be immediately destroyed if it does not meet the configured minimum requirements.
2) It will become raidable for a configurable period of time, and when the time expires the base will be destroyed.
Each zone has a map marker, allows PVP and is surrounded by a dome that protects it from being attacked from the outside. Players who zone hop will be flagged with a PVP delay where they can still be attacked for a configurable amount of time.
Command /ab.debug
– toggles debug mode on/off – use sparingly as it will spam you when within 100 meters of a player
Command /sar claim
– requires abandonedbases.convert.claim: cancels an event and assigns the player as the owner of the base
Command /sar
– converts a base into an abandoned base (requires abandonedbases.convert permission) – this can be used on any base that you are authorized to and will cause the base to be destroyed when the timer expires
Command /sab
– starts a manual check for each building on the server in order to determine which bases are inactive (requires abandonedbases.admin permission)
Command /sar radius
– converts a base into an abandoned base and uses the specified radius for the dome / zone radius. Min and max radius are configurable.
Command /sar cancel
– requires abandonedbases.convert.cancel permission – completely cancels an event (destroys map marker and dome, disables PVP and prevents base from being despawned) effectively allowing the base to be taken over
Command /sar purge
– converts all bases on the server into abandoned bases for purge day (requires abandonedbases.convert, abandonedbases.admin and abandonedbases.purgeday permissions)
- This is a two part command that requires you type /sab afterwards to begin.
- Requires abandonedbases.purgeday, abandonedbases.convert, and abandonedbases.admin permissions.
- Announcements are muted during purge to prevent spam.
- Time To Wait Between Spawns (15) will delay how quickly every base is converted
- abandonedbases.convert – required to use /sar command
- abandonedbases.convert.free – converting is free for users that have this permission
- abandonedbases.purgeday – required to use /sar purge command
- abandonedbases.admin – required to use /sab and purge commands
- abandonedbases.notices – users with this command can see all in-game notices from the plugin
- abandonedbases.attack – shows players how much time is left before a base becomes abandoned when they attack it
Auto-add abandonedbases.immune to configuration if one does not exist already (lifetime set to “none”)
– abandonedbases.immune will not be automatically added if the configuration contains a different immunity permission already
– abandonedbases.immune will give the user immunity to any base they’ve built at or are authed at from becoming abandoned
– abandonedbases.exclude does not provide immunity and is explicitly intended for the plugin to ignore the player only
– abandonedbases.exclude is intended for admins, mods, staff or helpers to be able to freely make repairs or auth at bases without interfering with the abandoned timer
- abandonedbases.exclude:
- – excludes the user from being checked as an authorized user to a TC
- – this permission should not be used to exempt users – exempt users with immunity by assigning them a permission from a role that has the lifetime set to “none”
Purge Settings
– The permission to use with this settingLifetime (Days)
– The amount of time in days before a base is considered abandoned. Set to none to not consider players with this permission as inactive.- Conversions Before Destroying Base (1) – The amount of times a base can become abandoned before it is finally destroyed when the Despawn Timer expires.
- Comes with 3 configured permissions and lifetime days by default
Abandoned Settings
Blacklisted Commands (command1, command2, command3)
– Commands players are not allowed using at a raid or marked with PVP delayMarker Name (Minutes) (Abandoned Player Base [{time}m])
– Text shown on map marker for minutesMarker Name (Seconds) (Abandoned Player Base [{time}s])
– Text shown on map marker for secondsFoundations Required (4)
– Minimum amount of foundations required to become raidableWalls Required (3)
– Minimum amount of walls required to become raidableSphere Amount (10)
– Increase to darken the dome, or decrease to brighten itSphere Radius (50)
– How big the dome is in metersUse Dynamic Sphere Radius (false)
– Allow the dome to detect the best dome sizeMax Dynamic Radius (75.0)
– How maximum size of the dynamic radiusMin Custom Sphere Radius
– The minimum radius allowed when using /sar <radius>Max Custom Sphere Radius
– The maximum radius allowed when using /sar <radius>PVP Delay (15.0)
– The amount of time in seconds that players can take damage after leaving the domeDespawn Timer (1800.0)
– The amount of time in seconds that players have to finish the raidReset Despawn Timer When Base Is Attacked (true)
– When enabled this will reset the above despawn timer back to 1800 seconds by defaultDo Not Destroy Base When Despawn Timer Expires
– Use this to override and prevent a base from being destroyed when Despawn Timer expiresBackpacks Can Be Opened (true)
– When enabled players will be allowed to open their backpacks while inside of the domeBackpacks Can Be Looted By Anyone (false)
– Bypass PreventLooting plugin and allow backpacks to be lootable if enabledCorpses Can Be Looted By Anyone (true)
– Bypass PreventLooting plugin and allow backpacks to be lootable if enabledAllow PVP (true)
– Allows PVP while inside of the dome, and when flagged with a PVP delayCooldown Between Conversions (3600)
– The amount of time in seconds that a player must wait before each manual conversion of a base.Run Once On Server Startup (false)
– Check for abandoned bases immediately after server startup is completeRun Every X Seconds (0.0)
– The time in seconds to check for abandoned basesKill Inactive Sleepers (false)
– When enabled players with a permission from purge settings will be executed when they are offline for the configured amount of lifetime daysLet Players Kill Abandoned Sleepers (false)
– Allows players to kill anyone sleeping inside of an abandoned base rather than the server killing them automaticallyEconomics/ServerRewards Cost To Manually Convert (0 = disabled)
– Used with /sar command to convert any base into an abandoned baseUse Map Marker (true)
Players Cannot Loot Wounded Players (true)
- ally is an exception
Remove Ownership From Bases (true)
- Various auto turret settings
Convert Bases and/or Claim Bases
/sar convert – starts raid
– can bypass economics/serverrewards cost using abandonedbases.convert.free
– can bypass cooldown using abandonedbases.convert.nocooldown/sar claim
– destroying TC allows players to use this command to take complete ownership of a base if they have abandonedbases.convert.claim and abandonedbases.convert/sar cancel – stops raid
– requires abandonedbases.convert.cancel
– by default `Require Event Be Finished Before It Can Be Canceled` is enabledDespawn Timer option configures how long any base (convert or not) is raidable before it despawns. Reset Despawn Timer When Base Is Attacked influences this timer by resetting it when players attack the base
Do Not Destroy Manually Converted Base When Despawn Timer Expires should be set true in this case
Cooldown Between Conversions option configues how often players can convert a base
there are many other options in the config as well
void OnAbandonedBaseEnded(Vector3 center, bool allowPVP, List<BasePlayer> intruders)
void OnPlayerPvpDelayExpiredII(BasePlayer player, ulong userid)
void OnPlayerEnteredAbandonedBase(BasePlayer player, Vector3 pos, bool allowPVP)
void OnPlayerExitAbandonedBase(BasePlayer player, Vector3 pos, bool allowPVP)
Added `Ignored Prefabs` (sleepingbag_leather_deployed, bed_deployed)
Added `Allowed Zone Manager Zones` (pvp, 99999999)
Added `Extended Distance To Spawn Away From Zone Manager Zones`) (25)
Added `Economics Cost To Cancel Conversion (0 = disabled)` (0)
Added `ServerRewards Cost To Cancel Conversion (0 = disabled)` (0)
Added `Custom Cost To Manually Convert (0 = disabled)` (0 scrap)
Added `Custom Cost To Cancel Conversion (0 = disabled)` (0 scrap)
Added `Seconds Until Event Can Be Canceled` (0)
Added `Move Inventory To Boxes Before Kill Inactive Sleepers` (false)
Added `Move Inventory Blacklist Shortnames` (rock, torch)
Added `Rewards => Economics Money` (0)
Added `Rewards => ServerRewards Points` (0)
Added `Rewards => SkillTree XP` (0)
Added `Rewards => Do Not Reward Canceled Events` (false) – use seconds until event can be canceled option!
Added `Rewards => Divide Rewards Among All Raiders` (true)
Added `Use Log File` (false)
Data is wiped when server is wiped, or if the plugin is unloaded for 1+ day
Check out more of my work here! https://lone.design/vendor/nivex/
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Reviews (4)
4 reviews for Abandoned Bases
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Version History
- Fixed Fixed floating tugboats
- Fixed Fixed npcs being tracked in events
- Fixed Fixed turret sight range options
- Fixed Fixed custom radius being applied for automated events
- Added Added landmines to allowed damage
- Added Added `Only Primary Cupboard Is Required To Cancel An Event` (false)
- Updated Updated LimitEntities support
- Fixed Fix for Rust update (requires Rust update to compile)
- Fixed Fixed `Only Cupboards Are Required To Cancel An Event` not completing the event
- Fixed Fixed not being able to loot your own corpse or backpack when blocked by event cooldown
- Fixed Fixed event completion messages not being shown for bases converted manually with the sar command
- Added Added `Time Between Attack Messages (abandonedbases.attack)` (10 seconds, set to 0 to disable, NOT recommended)
- Fixed Fixed another issue with event/dome position on god rocks
- Fixed Fixed `Leaving Tugboat Triggers PVP Delay` spam
- Fixed Fixed /sab command assigning the caller as the raider
- Fixed Fixed /sab command showing permission messages when debug mode is disabled
- Fixed Fixed registration of es-ES localization
- Fixed Fixed time format with cooldown messages
- Added Added abandonedbases.manualnotices permission
- Added Added abandonedbases.convert.cancel.manual permission as alternative to abandonedbases.convert.cancel
- Added Added checks to warn against invalid permissions granted to the default group
- Added Added `Loot Required` for bases in addition to tugboats and legacy shelters
- Updated Automatically resize the dome when incorrectly configured for events on god rocks
- Updated Updated ab.debug messages to be less ambiguous
- Updated Changed unknown player name from "Player" to "unknown" with abandonedbases.attack.lastseen permission
- Updated Improved detection of the primary TC
- Updated Updated `Players Cannot Loot Wounded Players` to allow looting when set to false, and block looting when set true (defaults to true)
- Updated Removed DiscordMessages plugin dependency for discord support and made standalone
- Updated Removed requirement for TC to convert during sar purge - reminder that it's intended that you enable sar purge whenever server is restarted or plugin is reloaded
- Fixed Fix for Rust update (requires Rust update to compile)
- Fixed Fix for some messages not being shown correctly
- Fixed Fixed height offset of event bubble on god rocks
- Fixed Fixed issue with duplicate events
- Fixed Fixed support for IQEconomic plugin
- Added Added permission information to sab when relevant
- Added Added permission information to sab when relevant
- Added Added `Do Not Destroy Base Unless All Cupboards Are Destroyed` (false)
- Fixed Fixed issues with multi-TC support
- Fixed Fixed issues with /sar and with hunting (abandonedbases.attack)
- Fixed Fixed issues with `Let Players Kill Abandoned Sleepers`
- Fixed Fixed support issue with Restore Upon Death plugin
- Fixed Fixed support issue with Raidable Bases plugin
- Added Added `Despawn Abandoned Vehicles` (true)
- Added Added `[Experimental] Lock Base Expires After Inactive Time (Minutes)` (0, no limit)
- Updated Properly encapsulate compounds where floors extend further than foundations for better accuracy to determine center of event
- Updated Improved performance and reduced time needed when converting bases to an event
- Updated Improved performance when despawning a base
- Updated Various other improvements and null checks
- Updated Advanced debug messages require debug mode to be activated with `ab.debug` or `sab` to be used as a server command
- Fixed Fix for Rust update (and few minor fixes) - REQUIRES RUST UPDATE TO COMPILE
- Added Added `Loot Required` (0) for buildings (tugboat and legacy shelter are separate)
- Added Added `Players With PVP Delay Can Damage Anything Inside Zone` (false)
- Added Added `Players With PVP Delay Can Damage Other Players With PVP Delay Anywhere` (false)
- Added Added `Force Time In Dome To (requires abandonedbases.time)` (default)
- Added Added `Mounts Can Take Damage From Players (PVP)` (true)
- Added Added `Mounts Can Take Damage From Players (PVE)` (false)
- Added Added `Priority Looting Earns Participation (TC, Box)` (true)
- Added Added `Priority Kills Earns Participation (TC, Box, Building Block)` (true)
- Added Added `Priority Damage Earns Participation (TC, Box, Building Block)` (true)
- Added Added `Rewards (Legacy Shelter)` (none)
- Added Added `Rewards (Tugboat)` (none)
- Fixed Fix for Rust update (requires Rust update to compile)
- Fixed Fixed damage being blocked when both players with PVP delay are outside of the same event
- Fixed Fixed issues where conversion would abort prematurely (most noticeable when SAR did not convert)
- Fixed Fixed issue where event did not end after destroying an entity with items still in it
- Fixed Fixed issue where `Backpacks Plugin Drops At PVE/PVP Bases` did not work for abandoned sleepers
- Added Added `Briefly Holster Weapon To Prevent Camping The Entrance Of Events` (false)
- Fixed Fixed infinite ammo exploit with turrets
- Fixed Fixed inventory not moving from sleepers when enabled and kill sleepers was disabled
- Fixed Fixed looting not triggering event completion when `Remove Ownership` setting was false
- Updated Updated `Ignored Prefabs` setting to ignore prefabs when setting up the base too
- Removed Removed `Let Players Kill Any Sleepers` setting
- Fixed Fixed issue where multi-TC compounds could be automatically converted erroneously
- Fixed Fixed junkpiles (barrels and crates) being required to be looted when too close to an event
- Added Added support for Legacy Shelter
- Added Added `Turrets Can Hurt Players` (true)
- Added Added {PVX} text to default Marker Name's to display PVE or PVP in the map marker text (this change is not retroactive. Add it manually if it is missing. "Marker Name (Minutes)": "{PVX} Abandoned Player Base [{time}m]",)
- Added Added `Require confirmation code to use SAR command` (true) to prevent players accidentally typing /sar and converting their base.
- Added Added `Message Entering Players When They Have An Event Cooldown` (true)
- Added Added `Cooldown Between Events Blocks Joining Ally` (false)
- Added Added `Abandoned Privilege Ui` with various settings. Message in language file @MichuX
- Added Added `Sphere Colors (0 None, 1 Blue, 2 Cyan, 3 Green, 4 Magenta, 5 Purple, 6 Red, 7 Yellow)` (0)
- Added Added `Players Can Loot Alive Players (PVP)` - allow participants to be looted at PVP events (does not override Players Cannot Loot Wounded Players)
- Added Added `Block Tool Cupboard Auth Friend` (false) - this will block the new Rust feature which allows players to authorize others. useful when players authorize "always online players" to exploit the mechanic which determines when their base becomes abandoned
- Updated Retroactively rename `Auto Turrets - Enabled` to `Auto Turrets -> Enable The Following Options` for clarity
- Updated Allow abandoned sleepers to be looted when `Let Players Kill Abandoned Sleepers` is enabled
- Updated Allow wounded players to be looted by ally
- Fixed Fix for Rust update
- Fixed Fixed issue with cooldowns not working properly
- Fixed Fixed support for SkillTree with `Allow Players To Use MLRS`
- Fixed Fixed `Prevent Players From Hogging Raids` not applying when hunting raids with abandonedbases.attack
- Added Added with `abandonedbases.noentitylimit` permission
- Added Added `Discord Messages Plugin Settings` with various settings and messages to language file (EN, RU, ES)
- Added Added various LimitEntities (Plugin) settings
- Added Added `Block Damage From Outside To Player` (false)
- Updated Ignore player helicopters when reporting time
- Updated Reduced batch size to improve performance during conversion
- Updated Blocked players from building inside of an abandoned base when it's locked to another player
- Fixed Fix for compile errors from Rust update not allowing the datafile to wipe properly. This is very bad. Installing will reset your datafile (not your config...). You need to do this now.
- Fixed Fix for Rust update
- Fixed Fixed conversion bug during purge
- Fixed Fixed owner status when starting event
- Fixed Fixed exit message
- Fixed Fixed issue where tugboat wouldn't convert
- Added Added `Show Raiders Name On Map Marker` (true)
- Added Added `Default Marker Color` (#FF00FF)
- Added Added `Changed Marker Color` (#800080)
- Fixed Fixed being ejected when trying to loot new event
- Fixed Fixed marker shopname showing owner when disabled
- Fixed Fixed issues with looting player mountables
- Fixed Fixed sar claim not giving reward
- Added Added abandonedbases.attack.lastseen
- Added Added `Seconds Until Despawn After Looting` (600)
- Added Added `Seconds Until Despawn After Looting Resets When Damaged` (true)
- Added Added `Cancel Automated Events If Abandoned Owner Comes Online` (false)
- Added Added `Message Raiders When Event Ends During Automated Cancellation` (true)
- Added Added `Change Marker Color On First Entity Destroyed` (true)
- Added Added `Cooldown Between Conversions Ignored During Purge` (true)
- Added Added `Cooldown Between Cancel Ignored During Purge` (true)
- Added Added `Cooldown Between Events Ignored During Purge` (true)
- Added Added `Prevent Hogging Ignored During Purge` (false)
- Updated Updated abandonedbases.attack permissions to still show messages when conversions are disabled
- Updated Updated `Steam Chat ID` default (76561199564930233)
- Updated Updated immune permission to have priority over exclude permission
- Updated Updated prevent hogging to not include completed raids
- Updated Updated turret authorization to not be cleared when event starts
- Updated Updated how parent entity is set for map markers
- Updated Updated exit message to always show when exiting events
- Updated Updated scan to ignore twig entities due to player griefing
- Updated Updated admins to require abandonedbases.attack.time and abandonedbases.attack.lastseen
- Fixed Fixed PVP damage from outside of the event to players inside the event
- Fixed Fixed raid completion message when no players participated
- Fixed Fixed time left being shown without abandonedbases.attack.time permission
- Fixed Fixed all helicopter damage being ignored (mini, scrap, attack, etc)
- Added Revoke `Let Players Kill Abandoned Sleepers` if sleeper comes online
- Added Auto-add abandonedbases.immune to configuration if one does not exist already (lifetime set to "none") - abandonedbases.immune will not be automatically added if the configuration contains a different immunity permission already - abandonedbases.immune will give the user immunity to any base they've built at or are authed at from becoming abandoned - abandonedbases.exclude does not provide immunity and is explicitly intended for the plugin to ignore the player only - abandonedbases.exclude is intended for admins, mods, staff or helpers to be able to freely make repairs or auth at bases without interfering with the abandoned timer
- Fixed Fix for Rust update (REQUIRES RUST UPDATE TO COMPILE)
- Fixed Fixed samsites not targeting mounts
- Fixed Fixed rewards not being given upon completion
- Added Fixed issue with determining highest conversion limit
- Added Added `Require Cupboard Access To Claim` (false)
- Added Added `Tugboats => Manual Conversions Only` (false)
- Added Added auto-auth to key locks when base is claimed
- Added Added `Map Marker Radius` (0.25)
- Added Added `Map Marker Radius (Map Size 3600 Or Less)` (0.4)
- Added Added `Marker Format With Raider Name`
- Added Added `Cooldown Between Cancel` (3600)
- Added Added `Cooldown Between Events` (3600)
- Added Added `Cooldown Between Events Blocks Damage` (true)
- Added Added abandonedbases.convert.cancel.nocooldown
- Added Added abandonedbases.noeventcooldown
- Updated Added support for tugboats
- Added Added support for events to move with the tugboat when engine is allowed to start
- Added Added `Tugboats => Unlock Instead Of Destroying During Scans` (false)
- Added Added `Tugboats => Prevent Engine Starting During An Event` (false)
- Added Added `Tugboats => Loot Required` (6)
- Added Added `Tugboats => Leaving Tugboat Triggers PVP Delay`) (true)
- Added Added `Allow Manually Converted Bases To Be Claimed` (false)
- Added Added `Message Raiders When An Event Is Completed` (false)
- Added Added `Message Players Within X Meters When An Event Is Completed` (8000)
- Added Added `Use Map Marker For Automatic` (true)
- Added Added `Use Map Marker For Manual` (true)
- Added Added `Allow Teleport` (false)
- Added Added `Only Cupboards Are Required To Cancel An Event` (false)
- Added Added `Remove Admins From Raiders List` (false)
- Added Added `Lock Base To First Attacker` (false)
- Added Added `Eject Enemies From Locked Raids` (false)
- Added Added `Backpacks Plugin Drops At PVE Bases` (false)
- Added Added `Backpacks Plugin Drops At PVP Bases` (false)
- Added Added `Prevent Players From Hogging Raids` (true)
- Added Added `Prevent Ally From Hogging Raids` (true)
- Removed Removed `Backpacks Can Be Looted By Anyone` as its redundant
- Updated Updated limits to be infinite when configured to 0
- Updated You will no longer receive a reward if using noclip or vanish
- Fixed Compile fix
- Updated sab command is now togglable. Type to run a scan, and if you want to cancel it then type it a second time.
- Updated Improved performance when base is being scanned
- Updated Improved method to get entities inside of compounds
- Updated Improved dynamic radius method
- Fixed Fixed auto turret ammo being removed by the server
- Fixed Fixed convert cooldowns when plugin is reloaded
- Fixed Fixed cancel not being set when no payment to cancel is configured
- Fixed Added `Allow Players To Build Ladders` (true)
- Added Added `Building Blocks Are Immune To Damage` (false)
- Added Added `Building Blocks Are Immune To Damage (Twig Only)` (false)
- Added Added `Padding Added Onto Dynamic Radius` (9.0)
- Added Added `Allow PVP (when manually converted with SAR command)` (this will default to your current Allow PVP value)
- Added Added `Allow PVP (when manually converted with attack permission)` (ditto)
- Added Added `Send Global Message When Players Claim A Base` (false)
- Added Added formatting for time left messages to language file
- Added Added abandonedbases.attack.time permission to show time left information for players that have the abandonedbases.attack permission
- Added Fix for Rust update
- Added A future update will include all of the other changes
- Fixed Fixed potential NullReferenceException in OnEntitySpawned hook
- Fixed Fixed potential NullReferenceException with the events collider
- Fixed Fixed potential NullReferenceException in TryConvert method
- Fixed Fixed turrets sometimes not coming online
- Fixed Fixed `Do Not Reward Canceled Events`
- Fixed Fixed cancel cooldown showing for admins as they bypass the cancel cooldown
- Fixed Fixed `Move Inventory To Boxes Before Kill Inactive Sleepers`
- Added Added `Allow Players To Build` (true)
- Added Added `Marker Format With Owner Name`
- Added Added `Show Owners Name on Map Marker` (false)
- Added Added `Block Damage From Outside To Base` (true)
- Added Added `Entities Not Allowed To Be Picked Up` (empty)
- Added Added `Remove Ownership When Despawn Timer Is Zero` (false)
Added hook `private void OnPlayerPvpDelayStart(BasePlayer player, ulong userid, Vector3 pos, List
intruders, List entities) - Updated Updated turrets to go offline when the event ends if they were not connected to power prior to the event starting
- Updated Updated entity method to use a coroutine instead in order to improve server performance while bases load
- Added Added `object OnProcessPlayerEntity(BaseEntity entity, HitInfo info)` - return true to cancel the hook and prevent time left until raidable from being shown
- Fixed Fixed plugins that unset the BasePlayer as Initiator for FireBall in the OnFireBallDamage hook (e.g: Death Notes)
- Fixed Fixed Death Notes plugin removing initiator for fireballs by restoring vanilla behavior
- Fixed Fixed players being able to harm themselves outside of events when otherwise not allowed
- Fixed Fixed UpdateInvoke.NullReferenceException
- Fixed Fixed issue where turrets would cancel an invoke and stop normal functionality by using a timer instead
- Fixed Fixed `Do Not Destroy Manually Converted Base When Despawn Timer Expires`
- Fixed Fixed some entities not being converted properly
- Fixed Fixed new player entities not being destroyable in PVP zone
- Fixed Fixed new player entities deployed on the abandoned base not being destroyable in PVP or PVE zones
- Added Blocked spawns in zone manager zones
- Added Added `Allowed Zone Manager Zones` (pvp, 99999999)
- Added Added `Extended Distance To Spawn Away From Zone Manager Zones`) (25)
- Added Added `Ignored Prefabs` (sleepingbag_leather_deployed, bed_deployed)
- Added Added `Economics Cost To Cancel Conversion (0 = disabled)` (0)
- Added Added `ServerRewards Cost To Cancel Conversion (0 = disabled)` (0)
- Added Added `Custom Cost To Manually Convert (0 = disabled)` (0 scrap)
- Added Added `Custom Cost To Cancel Conversion (0 = disabled)` (0 scrap)
- Added Added `Seconds Until Event Can Be Canceled` (0)
- Added Added `Move Inventory To Boxes Before Kill Inactive Sleepers` (false)
- Added Added `Move Inventory Blacklist Shortnames` (rock, torch)
- Added Added `Rewards => Economics Money` (0)
- Added Added `Rewards => ServerRewards Points` (0)
- Added Added `Rewards => SkillTree XP` (0)
- Added Added `Rewards => Do Not Reward Canceled Events` (false) - use seconds until event can be canceled option!
- Added Added `Rewards => Divide Rewards Among All Raiders` (true)
- Added Added `Use Log File` (false)
- Updated Ignored twig entities when displaying time remaining until raidable
- Updated Updated `Remove Ownership` options to restore ownership when base is not destroyed
- Fixed Fixed guntraps, teslacoils, etc not doing damage
- Fixed Fixed OnPlayerSleep.UpdateLastSeen.NullReferenceException
- Added Added `Minimum Required Players Online` (1) for automated events
- Added Added `Allow Players To Use MLRS` (true)
- Fixed Fixed data file being reset on server restart
- Fixed Possible fix for StartAbandonedRoutine.NullRefenceException
- Updated `Let Players Kill Abandoned Sleepers` now overrides `Allow PVP` so sleepers may be killed anyway
- Fixed Fixed issue where empty database would unload plugin
- Fixed Implemented workaround where plugin would not load properly
- Fixed Fixed issue where damage was allowed to anything in the dome
- Fixed Fixed issue where damage was allowed to anything outside the dome
- Fixed Fixed GetNearbyEntities.NullReferenceException
- Added Added Spanish translations by j0se
- Added Added Notify and Advanced Alerts support
- Fixed Fixed possible collider exception
- Fixed Fixed GetCenterFromMultiplePoints.OverflowException
- Fixed Fixed issue where unassociated bases in dome could be destroyed
- Fixed Fixed `Check If Abandoned Bases Are Too Close Together`
- Fixed Fixed `Automatic Conversions Disabled Between These Times` defaults
- Added Added Russian translations by Xacku Mapping
- Fixed Fixed some entities not taking damage
- Fixed Fixed `Check If Abandoned Bases Are Too Close Together`
- Fixed Fixed `Let Players Kill Abandoned Sleepers`
- Added Added `Automatic Conversions Disabled Between These Times`
- Fixed Fix for Rust update
- Fixed Fixed despawning method
- Fixed Fixed auto turret issues
- Fixed Fixed support for BotReSpawn
- Fixed Fixed time left being shown on active raids
- Added Added enter/exit messages
- Added Added `Check If Abandoned Bases Are Too Close Together` (true)
- Added Added `Check If Abandoned Bases Are Too Close Together` (true) Added `Do Not Destroy Manually Converted Base When Despawn Timer Expires` (false)
- Added Added `Block RestoreUponDeath Plugin For PVP Bases` (false)
- Added Added `Block RestoreUponDeath Plugin For PVE Bases` (false)
- Added Added `Block RestoreUponDeath Plugin For Sleepers` (true)
- Added Blocked LifeSupport at events and when affected by PVP delay
- Fixed Fixed purge day not working after 1.1.2 update
- Fixed Fixed CanConvert.NullReferenceException when `user` is null
- Fixed Fixed raidable bases turning into abandoned bases after being raided?
- Fixed Fixed Raidable Bases detection during initial conversion attempt
- Added Added BotSpawn profile support in the configuration
- Added Added `Include Twig Structures` (false)
- Updated Blocked timer messages when attacking buildings you or allies own
- Fixed Fixed abandonedbases.convert.claim permission
- Fixed Fixed typo in check for when Raidable Bases is too close
- Fixed Fixed all known issues, including, but not limited to:
- Fixed Fixed vehicles not being cast correctly
- Fixed Fixed permission warnings
- Fixed Fixed config resetting on json error
- Fixed Fixed ConvertBase.NullReferenceException
- Fixed Fixed rare issue with datafile not loading on server startup
- Fixed Fixed `Conversions Before Destroying Base` not being tracked properly
- Fixed Fixed turret authorization list being cleared after payment of converted base
- Fixed Fixed Raidable Bases being turned into Abandoned Bases LOL
- Fixed Fixed damage to npcs being blocked in PVE
- Added Added command ab.debug - toggles debug mode on/off - use sparingly as it will spam you when within 100 meters of a player
- Added Added `Players Cannot Loot Wounded Players` (true) - ally is an exception
- Added Added `Remove Ownership From Bases` (true)
- Added Added command `sar claim` - requires abandonedbases.convert.claim: cancels an event and assigns the player as the owner of the base
- Updated Updated ownership removal of storage containers only to be compatible with Prevent Looting plugin
Updated void OnAbandonedBaseEnded(Vector3 center, bool allowPVP, List
intruders) - Updated Data is now wiped when server is wiped, or if the plugin is unloaded for 1+ day
- Fixed Changed grid location to use native Rust method
- Fixed Fixed display bug with time shown when attacking a base
- Fixed Fixed permission not being registered when an invalid number is set for Lifetime
- Fixed Fixed PVP message showing when PVP is disabled
- Added Added support for Water Bases plugin
- Added Added `Conversions Before Destroying Base` (1)
- Added Added `Let Players Kill Abandoned Sleepers` (false)
- Added Added `Cooldown Between Conversions` (3600)
- Added Added `Min Custom Sphere Radius` (25)
- Added Added `Max Custom Sphere Radius` (75)
- Added Added `Do Not Destroy Base When Despawn Timer Expires` (false)
- Added Added `Require Event Be Finished Before It Can Be Canceled` (true)
Added command `sar
` to use a custom radius during conversion - Added Added command `sar cancel` - completely cancels an event - requires abandonedbases.convert.cancel permission
- Fixed Fixed issue with gun trap and samsite not dealing damage
- Fixed Fixed CommandConvert.NullReferenceException
- Fixed Abandoned mounts now properly take damage from samsites
- Added Added API - bool IsAbandoned(BaseEntity entity)
- Added Added abandonedbases.attack permission which will show players how much time is left before a base becomes abandoned when they attack it
- Added Added missing abandonedbases.purgeday permission
- Added Added `Use Map Marker` (true)
- Fixed Fixed issue where plugin would not function properly
- Fixed Changed Lifetime (Days) to use decimals instead of whole numbers which fixes an issue for those using decimals already
- Added Added abandonedbases.exclude permission - excludes the user from all actions (useful for admins that are auto authed)
- Added Added Cost To Manually Convert (0 = disabled) used with /sar command. Requires abandonedbases.convert permission to use command. Users with abandonedbases.convert.free will not be charged
- Added Added command /sar purge to enable purge day where all bases are set as abandoned. This is a two part command that requires you type /sab afterwards to begin. Requires abandonedbases.purgeday, abandonedbases.convert, and abandonedbases.admin permissions. Announcements are muted during purge to prevent spam. Time To Wait Between Spawns (15) will delay how quickly every base is converted
- Added Added auto turret settings, everything is disabled by default
- Added Skipped version number
- Fixed Fixed GetNearbyEntities.NullReferenceException
- Fixed Fixed killed sleepers not being lootable when enabled
- Fixed Fixed some entities not being included during conversion
- Added Added 30 second delay between each conversion when plugin checks for abandoned bases
- Added Added command `/sar` - converts a base into an abandoned base (requires abandonedbases.convert permission)
- Added Initial release
Discussions (12)
12 thoughts on "Abandoned Bases"
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hi, there is no feature to unlock the event when a player leaves. I can implement it, but it will be based on a timer instead. so if they leave and don’t return within some minutes then it will unlock
hi, looks like someone asked a question but the filter has their question pending admin approval.
Getting this error in the console: Failed to call hook ‘OnLootEntity’ on plugin ‘AbandonedBases v2.1.7’ (JsonReaderException: Additional text encountered after finished reading JSON content: ,. Path ”, line 79, position 58.)
you are getting this error because of an edit you made to the language file. likely any key that starts with “OnEventCompleted”
hello, when I launch a purge on my server, the plugin does not put all the bases in abandoned bases, it only puts half of them and skips the rest.. when I activate the debug command I receive this error message in my console : “Skipping building due to TC conflict” Why ?
hello, it’s a bug and will be fixed with the Rust update tomorrow.
hello, is there a setting to exclude buildings placed by admins? i wanna have this plugin on our server but we also have comunity house that needs to be safe even if the admin placed it cant be online
abandonedbases.immune will grant you that. you cannot auth or build on players bases with this or it will grant them immunity too.
abandonedbases.exclude does not have the same affect – that is so you can be a part of a base without interfering with the abandoned process.
so if an admin with immune permission builds anything on another players base it will become immune, but only that base?
yes, but you should not have both immune and exclude perms as they might conflict
cool. im setting it up right now.
hey man, i have a little problem. it doesnt seem like the base decays after completed raid of abbandoned base.
TC was destroyed 4-5 hours ago and the building is still there with no decay. (we have 10% decaycost)
hi, this plugin does not modify decay.
it does destroy the base by default though, when the time expires.
that time is 3600 by default, which is 1 hour
so either settings were changed, there’s some error in RCON, or there’s some bug I have no other reports of
if you open a ticket in Lone Design Discord then I can look into it further.
Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need! https://youtu.be/yWC_p97FhQA
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: https://youtu.be/Ep-L3PjBPCk (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar https://www.rarlab.com (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z2107-x64.exe (the one I use currently)
nivex –
I do apologize for how long it’s taken to fix this plugin. It was very overwhelming and extremely complicated to get it right. I never intended to release something that didn’t work properly. Though this review makes no sense for someone who claims I’m such an awesome developer. Either way, 1.1.0 was released which should address all known issues.
btan1 (verified owner) –
Never have had an issue with the plugin, I appreciate the updates that have been made for PVE side as well. This plugin helps reduce unused buildings. you have full control over how long you want it to be before a base becomes abandoned and can have different tiers for different players or even exclude a player who may be on a vacation. Its very easy to use and can also make player bases radiable on command. Its great on PVE servers I have had some good time making trolls bases radiable for the regular players :D
nivex –
I’m glad you enjoy the plugin. Sorry for any prior issues. They were quite difficult to iron out as it was a steep learning curve.
richard.tester (verified owner) –
Neat plugin from a great developer!
jncwinner1 (verified owner) –
Been a bit to get setup but It is a great Idea and fun addition.