Medium Bases by Apes (20 Pack) Pack 1
Sold by: Sir Apes RaidsTorture your players with these Medium bases that have death around every corner! Tons of sneaky traps and layouts guaranteed to make your players hate you! Hand crafted by the great SirApesALot these bases will leave your players running back naked over and over again, definitely not beginner friendly raids. All of these medium raids cost 30-35 satchels to raid, but bring your skills (and grenades)! Because you will need every raiding trick in the book to conquer these.
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In the “Bases” Folder you will find 20 medium bases (+5 bonus raids) that you can add to your servers Raidable Bases by Nivex.
Everyone of these torture chambers was created by me for my vanilla gather rate weekly server. These are best suited for servers that are more balanced loot wise, and a more advanced player base with experience raiding (beginners WILL rage quit). None of these are walk throughs, I have no mercy on my players….do you?
Here is a video of us testing the 2 x 2 in this pack on my friends server (edits were made to the base, stone exterior and one less hatch now- raid #3)
These are not simple raids for beginners, if they don’t understand how to use twig and ladders to work around traps, or pay attention for eco raidable walls they will struggle.
But, they will laugh and feel a sense of accomplishment after completing a raid!
Mediums #15 and #17 of this pack is marked with an s in the file to remember to turn stability to “true” on that base if you have it false. They have collapsing floors that require it.
Near everything is skinned, some just to look pretty, some themed.
If upgrading or replacing doors be sure to check it a door controller is attached.
The average raid cost in this pack is 30-35 satchels + an occasional eco raidable wall or two.
May be better suited as easy bases on servers with tons of boom in circulation and higher raid costs
Loot Tables: As said on Raidable Bases plugin you need your own loot tables.
It is recommended you adjust the following setting in the base profile in the Raidable Bases Data folder in case upkeep was left in a tc
/home/container/oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/Medium Bases.json
“Empty All Containers Before Spawning Loot”: true,
All raids are tested on either Rustmode PvE or Planet of the Apes PvE.
If you have any questions feel free to stop in our discord (, or if you would like to test our raids that can be arranged
How to Setup These Bases
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Version History
- Added expanded some of the smaller bases, redid some of the weaker interiors, added decor and distractions to others
- Added added 5 bonus bases and updated most of the existing bases
- Added fixed a minor issue in a few bases, updates file names
- Added added "pack 1" to the title, fixed youtube link
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