Sold by: KaucsentaMysteryBox – Rewards consist of tiered rewards given by chance. Player types /mbo to receive one spin. Boxes can be added via console and chat command.
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Players can use boxes at any time. Mystery box rewards consist of tiered rewards given by chance. Player types /mbo to receive one spin. After spin, amount of available mystery boxes decreases by one. Amount of mystery boxes listed by player steam ID, stored in the data folder.
Upon entering /mbo, the player’s inventory opens. On the right side of the inventory items spin randomly several cycles spin until a random item is selected. If the player tabs out of the inventory screen without manually moving the reward item to the main inventory or while the spinner is still going, the spinner is stopped and the item is placed in their inventory with the message, the item is moved to their inventory automatically. Sound-effect player up to the type of the reward to notify the player about the end f the spin.
- Tier-based loot chances
- The sound effect for Legendary and non-legendary reward
- Wipe Limitation for loot box opening
- Speed of roll settings
- Item table for rewards, with Shortname, Quantity, and optional SkinID
Console Commands:
- “mba X {name or steamID}” – X = any number of Mystery Boxes to send to player
- “mbr {all}/{name or steamID}” – reset all or selected player open limit back to 0. (can open again lootboxes on the wipe until the configured limit
- “mbo” – Opens Mystery Box
Chat Commands:
- /mba X {name or steamID} – X = any number of Mystery Boxes to send to player
- /mb – Displays how many Mystery Boxes the player has
- /mbo – Opens Mystery Box
mysterybox.admin – can send Mystery Boxes
mysterybox.use – can open Mystery Boxes
Reviews (3)
3 reviews for MysteryBox
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
Version History
- Added Carbon compatibility
- Added mbo console command
- Added custom item name support
- Added check against invalid shortname, and remove them from the config and re-save the config at the end, to avoid null reference errors
- Updated Small nullcheck update
- Added Default config instead of add it via additional json
- Updated Check agains QuickSort plugin, to see a loot all present and may the roll phase can be bypassed.
- Added Initial version
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Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)
Etéreo Oficial (verified owner) –
Nice work, this is a good idea to get an investment to help the server for maintain it economically, and is funny you can choose the items that u want. The support of Kaucsenta, is excelent, so what are u waiting to buy it?.
Kaucsenta –
Thank you for the feedback.
TDPcorndiggitydoggg (verified owner) –
Fun way for players to get rewarded with custom items!
Kaucsenta –
Thank you for the feedback!