what is the big difference of this and skirmish? why is the other one cheaper? wich would you recomand?
Sold by: imthenewguyShoot paint at your friends with this dynamically spawned arena in the sky!
- Description
- Reviews (1)
- Version History
- Discussions (2)
- Setup
- Product Enquiry
Paintball is a plugin that spawns an arena in the sky to host a paintball match using snowball launchers. Players have a set number of hits that they can take before they are eliminated.
There are 2 game modes included with the plugin:
- Free-for-all: Everyone vs everyone.
- Team death-match: Players are split into 2 teams.
Players can be awarded with items, economics, server rewards and custom commands if they win.
The plugin comes with 2 dynamic arenas included, which will be selected randomly each game.
EventHelper is used to automatically start the event and will also allow players to vote for the event manually.
The only permission is paintball.admin. This is required to run all commands except for joining and leaving an event, or redeeming prizes.
Command: pbstart Parameters: <optional: arenaFile, optional: heightMod, optional: startDelay> Type: Console & Chat Description: Manually starts the game. Command: pbend Parameters: none Type: Console & Chat Description: Manually stops the game. Command: pbjoin (configurable) Parameters: none Type: Console & Chat Description: Joins an active game. Command: pbleave (configurable) Parameters: none Type: Console & Chat Description: Leaves an active game. Command: pbprize (configurable) Parameters: none Type: Chat Description: Redeems a prize for winning. Command: pbsetcentrepoint Parameters: <arenaFile> Type: Chat Description: Sets the centre point of an arena at the players location. The arena will spawn from that location moving forward.
Reviews (1)
1 review for Paintball
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
Version History
- Updated Updated pooling methods.
- Updated Updated the map
- Updated Updated for July's surprise patch.
- Fixed Fixed an issue with Paintball not auto-registering when EventHelper loads
- Added Added support for EventHelper join messages.
- Fixed Fixed an issue that would prevent players from using commands when leaving an event (requires EventHelper v1.0.11+)
- Added Added a config option to set the chance for the round to be team death match, rather than free for all.
- Added Added checks to prevent players from crafting or building at the event.
Discussions (2)
2 thoughts on "Paintball"
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What is the reason for this error? – Couldn’t find prefab “assets/bundled/prefabs/modding/admin/admin_cliff_medium_arc_arid_small.prefab”
Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need! https://youtu.be/yWC_p97FhQA
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: https://youtu.be/Ep-L3PjBPCk (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar https://www.rarlab.com (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z2107-x64.exe (the one I use currently)
brendavincentartists (verified owner) –
We love it on our PVE Servers. Gives everyone a breather and a good laugh. Easy mod, just add an go. Cheers Imthenewguy