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Rust UI Tool – Unity Exporter
About Rust UI Tool – Unity Exporter
This is a tool I made as I found CUI to be very difficult when beginning to make Rust Plugins. This tool allows you to make any type of UI in unity, and export it to Rust Format, using this tool allows you to go back and make any minor adjustments needed as everything is saved in the project file. Never leave your self guessing on how far you can go with UI, this tool will allow you to make super sleek looking UI in just minutes!
Create Panels, Images, Labels, Buttons, and Input Fields
Pick one of the four fonts and get a preview live
Use any sprite from rust, and directory auto set by exporter
UI Materials, be able to test UI with materials live
Auto Custom Image Uploader, exporter will upload your image to imgur and the exporter will put the link in the proper section
Export UI from Unity to Rust, with two different options (Plugin Library/No Plugin Library)
Automatic Offset/Anchor Support, no longer need to fight with numbers in your head
Automatic conversion for Font Size, Text Alignment, etc
Download Unity 2021.1.5f1
Extract the zip file to a spot you would like to keep the tool
Find the ImgurToken.txt in the same folder as the UI scene, follow instructions in the file.
Open the project file in the folder that you extracted, and navigate to the top find Rust -> Download Sprites and follow the instructions
After that you are all done, now its time to get creative and make some killer UI
Notes for those who purchase:
– When using custom images, please put them in a custom folder in the assets folder.
– Make sure you set your game tab to 1920×1080 otherwise your scene view will look all wonky
– Make sure that you are on the right unity version, and if you are showing unity errors google them before contacting me.
– Rust CUI Input Fields do not have a background or placeholder text, to add a background use a panel.
– If your UI is not lining up in game, its because you did not anchor your UI! This is very important, so make sure you are anchoring before exporting.
View an example, and if that’s not enough check out the video below!
Reviews (3)
3 reviews for Rust UI Tool – Unity Exporter
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Version History
- Added New UI Properties, Auto Upload and Own Image URL so you have option for imgur links
- Added Support for both RawImage and Image component so you are not forced to use one
- Fixed Some errors in code, added error handling as well
- Fixed Font not supported if font was set to one that game didnt have, it will default the base font.
- Updated Optimized a bit of the code for hopefully a bit of perf gain
- Updated Panel Export, now supports new DestroyUi property so ui dosent flicker on refresh
- Fixed Error on startup
- Added Outline ability for Images
- Added Ability to auto generate list positions, in UI Properties
- Fixed You no longer need to have outline on text
- Fixed DestroyUI Spelling Mistake
- Removed Support for UI Helper
- Added ImageLibrary support for Panels and Images, this is a toggle under Rust UI Properties component.
- Added Ability to have custom images on panels, you must use ImageLibary for this tho.
- Added DestroyUI to export right above AddUI
- Added Error Handling if user dosen't have Imgur Token set up and tries exporting a custom image.
- Updated Offsets and Anchors will now round to 3 decimals to stop from long numbers
- Updated To update project, just replace the Scripts and Editor Folder from download.
- Added Ability to color sprites from editor, must redownload the sprites.
- Added Element now is selected and name highlighted so you can rename it on creation, and also having it selected so you can move faster.
- Fixed UI Elements being created sometimes at a scale 0.6777 causing the UI to be off from in-game and editor.
- Updated Files Needed To Update If You Have a Project: Assets -> Scripts -> SpriteWindow.cs (Then redownload the sprites from Rust Menu in editor) Assets -> Editor -> UGUIMenu.cs
- Fixed Some people having , instead of . on export
- Fixed = sign on new cuirecttransform
- Fixed Formatting Issues with the CUI Elements on "No Plugin Library" export.
- Added Rust UI Blur Materials, to update current version just drag and drop the materials folder into your project.
- Added Hide Meta Files bat file, which hides all .meta files from the project folder (for those that hate seeing them)
- Added Non Plugin Library export options, if you don't want to use the plugin library this will export it the legacy way.
- Added Check to not add stuff that is not present for instance on a button, if you have no text in the text section then the Text = { } wont be generated under the button.
- Updated All exports now go to an Export folder to keep the project more clean.
- Updated Non plugin library export, its now a lot cleaner and more readable.
- Updated Context Menus for "Rust", now has Export with to options for the new export method.
- Updated Moved SpriteWindow.cs and RustUIProperties.cs to their own folder called "Scripts"
- Updated TO UPDATE CURRENT VERSION: Replace Editor -> UGUIMenu.cs with the one from download.
- Added Offsets Support
- Added Outline support for Labels
- Added Fade Out, Fade In, Button Command, Input Command, and Cursor options to Rust UI Properties Component
- Added Some exception handling, still want to add more. Let me know if you get a error with no message!
- Added "Add UI Element" option when right clicking, so it speeds up process of UI Building
- Fixed Add UI Element Options creating the UI in the bottom left corner, will now center the elements.
- Fixed Some rust sprites not having right file extensions, make sure to download the new sprites!
- Fixed Font Size not being 1:1 between Rust and Unity
- Updated How UI Exports, no longer 500 lines for one UI. Utilizes a UI Library Plugin available for free on site.
- Removed RustFonts folder, make sure to rename to "Resources" if not updating to the new project.
- Removed Snap Anchors options, no longer needed with offset system.
- Fixed Input Field parent not having quotes on export
- Added Support for panels to be able to export with rust sprites, if you already have a current panel you need to remove the image component and add a rawimage component instead
- Added Fade Option, just add the "RustUIProperties" component to the UI that you want to fade.
- Updated Label no longer generated if parent is button, stops useless label from being added.
- Fixed Button not having a name in export.
Discussions (1)
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Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)
TrynCatchMe (verified owner) –
The guy who made this is extremely helpful and responsive and what this does is AMAZING! Love it, Thank you!
DezLife (verified owner) –
This is the best add-on for plugin developers!
Very responsive Travis Butts
aaronh67 (verified owner) –
Very useful plugin for any developers who want to spin up ui in rapid time