Rust Better Npc Plugin - NPC sets and custom monuments

Better NPC Plugin and Why You Need it!

The Better NPC Plugin For Rust and Why You Need it!

Are you a Rust server owner looking to enhance your players’ gaming experience? Look no further than the Better Npc plugin created by Kpuctajl! This powerful plugin is designed to add a variety of NPC sets with numerous parameter sets on standard and custom monuments. It also integrates with in-game events like AirDrops, locked crates, and destroying tanks or helicopters. With a 4.76 out of 5 rating from 45 customer reviews, this is a must-have addition to your server.

Key Features of the Better NPC Plugin

The plugin offers an extensive range of features for Rust server owners:

  • Variety of NPC Sets: Better NPC adds diverse sets of NPCs on standard and custom monuments, enriching your server’s gameplay experience.
  • In-Game Events Integration: The plugin integrates with in-game events like AirDrops, locked crates, and vehicle destruction to provide an enhanced gaming experience.
  • Compatibility with Dependencies: Better Npc works seamlessly with other popular plugins like NpcSpawn, AlphaLoot, CustomLoot, True PVE, Kits, Economics, Server Rewards, IQEconomic, and PveMode.
  • Custom Maps Support: The plugin supports custom maps with default settings for their custom monuments, eliminating the need to create NPC spawn points manually.

Configuring Better NPC Plugin for Your Server

This plugin offers various configuration options to cater to different server requirements:

  1. Standard Monuments: Customize NPC appearances in all standard monuments through the Monument folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Monument).
  2. Custom Monuments: Configure NPC appearances on custom monuments using the Custom folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Custom).
  3. Roads: Set NPC appearances on different types of roads using the Road folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Road).
  4. Biomes: Configure NPC appearances on all types of biomes through the Biome folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Biome).
  5. In-Game Events: Customize NPC appearances in standard Rust events using the Event folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Event).

Available Admin Commands

The plugin offers various chat commands for server administrators to manage and customize NPC settings. These commands include:

  • /SpawnPointPos {name}
  • /SpawnPointAdd {name}
  • /SpawnPointAddPos {number} {name}
  • /SpawnPointAddWear {number} {name}
  • /SpawnPointAddBelt {number} {name}
  • /SpawnPointShowPos {number} {name}
  • /SpawnPointReload {name}

Upgrade Your Rust Server with Better Npc Plugin Today!

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your Rust server’s gaming experience. Get this plugin for just $30.00 and let your players enjoy the thrill of diverse NPC sets, seamless integration with in-game events, and compatibility with popular Rust plugins. Enhance your server and keep your players coming back for more!

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