Convar Watcher discord bot. New server convars and commands added to Rust

Stay Updated with Rust Server Commands Using Convar Watcher

Keeping track of server convars (console variables) in Rust is crucial for server administrators. However, it’s been a tedious task until now. The Convar Watcher, a collaborative creation by Lone.Design and WarBandits, is a Discord bot designed to notify you of newly added or removed server convars in Rust.

Setting Up Convar Watcher

Visual Example Of The Results Convar Watcher Outputs Such As The Server Convars And Commands

  1. Invite the Bot:
    • Invite Convar Watcher to your Discord server. (Invite Link)
  2. Assign a Channel:
    • Choose a channel for Convar Watcher to post updates.
  3. Grant Posting Permissions:
    • Ensure Convar Watcher can post in the selected channel.

How Convar Watcher Works

Once set up, Convar Watcher will automatically post notifications in the designated channel whenever there are new or removed server convars in Rust. This way, you and your admin team can stay updated effortlessly.

Why Convar Watcher is Useful

  • Automated Monitoring: No need for manual tracking of server convars.
  • Real-Time Updates: Get notified immediately when there are changes in server convars.


Convar Watcher, a result of the collaboration between Lone.Design and WarBandits, offers a straightforward solution to a long-standing problem in Rust. By utilizing this bot, staying informed about server convars becomes a hassle-free task, aiding in smoother server management.

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