The New Year is coming and I have prepared for you a new preset customization for the train!After installing the update, customization will be automatically applied to all cars in the configuration of the armored train. To disable this, make the “Customization preset” parameter empty in the config.
You can also disable the customization of certain wagons or change the customization of the NPCs in the file oxide/data/ArmoredTrain/NewYear
This plugin will add an armored train to your server, which can travel both in the subway and by rail.
It can consist of any number of wagons. A helicopter can accompany it.
Bradley, npc, turrets, simsites can be installed on the train.
The plugin allows you to create any number of train presets, for which the order of wagons, the helicopter preset, the probability of spawn and the duration of patrolling can be specified.
Each wagon or locomotive can be configured separately. Any speed can be set by the locomotive.
If there is no spawn of trains on the surface on your custom map, read the section “Custom spawn points”
By default, one of the presets of the train is a locomotive and a caboose. This train does not attack players first and there is no loot on it. It is intended only for players to travel around the map.
You can add a caboose wagon to any other train, or create your own galley train with any number and any set of wagons.
Armored Train Halloween Update
Have you already prepared your server for Halloween?
On the eve of the Halloween Rust update, I prepared for the customization of all armored train cars.
After installing the update, customization will be automatically applied to all cars in the configuration of the armored train. To disable this, make the “Customization preset” parameter empty in the config.
Custom spawn points
If you are using a custom map in which there are no spawn trains on the surface, but there is a railway, then for the train to work on the surface, you need to add custom spawn points of the train.
Stand at the point where you want the train to spawn
Enter the command /atrainpoint
If you receive a message that a point has been created, enable “Use custom spawn coordinates [true/false]” in config
For correct operation, it is recommended to create several spawn points of the train
Another great event, the developer responds very quickly to messages and is ready to make the event better. Flexible setup, great functionality. I will wait for new plugins from this developer
5 out of 5
hc4stillo(verified owner)–
Ey Adem eres un crack, este trabajo tampoco me lo podia perder, lo añadi en mi coleccion y sin duda no me defraudo excelente plugin, vale cada puto centavo.
Hey Adem, you’re a crack, I couldn’t miss this work either, I added it to my collection and without a doubt it didn’t disappoint me, excellent plugin, it’s worth every fucking penny.
Привет, Адем, молодец, я тоже не мог пропустить эту работу, я добавил ее в свою коллекцию, и она определенно не разочаровала, отличное дополнение, стоящее каждой копейки.
5 out of 5
jk-ft(verified owner)–
Great event. Players are pleased that the event has several types of train difficulty. The developer is always ready to help with any problem.
5 out of 5
Lextronic(verified owner)–
The Server loves this plugin its like Convoys Twin Sister A+ Plugins from Adem like always. :)
5 out of 5
Creed(verified owner)–
Another amazing mod from Adem. This and the convoy are a lot of fun to play, easy to set up and start playing immediately. Thank you!
5 out of 5
IDDOSI(verified owner)–
Плагин топ! Автору респект
5 out of 5
Stefan(verified owner)–
conoy and armored train are very similar in terms of settings, but it’s still worth buying both.
you have the possibility to adapt the plugin to any kind of server. It comes with 3 pre-built stages but that shouldn’t stop you from customizing everything to your type of server and creating more if you want :)
5 out of 5
Yastreb Biker(verified owner)–
Офигенный плагин! Мне очень понравился. Сам проходил несколько раз. Одно удовольствие!
5 out of 5
adminwickedninjagames(verified owner)–
Great plugin. Players will love this event. Worked well out of the box, and config is self-explanatory. Great work!
5 out of 5
jncwinner1(verified owner)–
Amazing plugin, Adem has to be one of the best plugin maker I’ve experienced. This plugin works very well with Adem constantly updating it every time there is an issue after an update and my players love it!
5 out of 5
Chris C.(verified owner)–
Awesome event and great plugin!
1 out of 5
Reflex1(verified owner)–
The plug-in would be great… if it worked. :l
5 out of 5
Reflex1(verified owner)–
The plug-in is nice. Just make sure you download NPCSpawn so it works. ;-;
5 out of 5
NeoJoJo(verified owner)–
As much as I love Rust, the lack of PvE options made it hard for me to play with friends that just wanted something to do together. The standard vanilla raids of oil rig and military bases are fine, but they get very boring and the AI gets predictable very quickly. Then I watch some videos on the world of plugins, and I get recommended Adem’s plugins, and the game has opened up tremendously. I’ve purchased Armored Train, Convoy, and Shipwreck and me and my players have had so much fun with these new events. Don’t forget to install the “NPC Spawn,” plugin that is linked with your purchase so that the plugin works and adds actually challenging NPCs for these events! I definitely plan on buying the rest of the plugins Adem has to offer, and cannot recommend them enough. The different types of trains and vehicles that can spawn in keep this event fresh and different every time it goes live.
5 out of 5
LUDĚK(verified owner)–
This plugin is great. I give five stars. I switched from a competitor where I owned the TrainHeist plugin. Unfortunately, the plugin never worked and the creator is not doing anything about it. Armored Train is great, works as it should and can be customized in many ways. Plus there are the New Year Update and Halloween Update skins.
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
Version History
Version 1.8.1 | Updated March 7, 2025
FixedAn error at the end of the event caused spam in the console and kick players
Version 1.8.0 | Updated February 15, 2025
FixedWagons were not destroyed at the end of the event
Version 1.7.9 | Updated February 14, 2025
FixedThe boxes were moved outside the carriage
Version 1.7.8 | Updated February 9, 2025
FixedBradley didn't take damage with certain TruePVE settings.
FixedThe "Allow the Loot Table Stack size GUI plugin to spawn items in this crate" option did not work for crates
Version 1.7.7 | Updated February 1, 2025
FixedIt was impossible to disable train driver damage
FixedNRE in TriggerBase.OnEntityEnter
Version 1.7.6 | Updated February 1, 2025
AddedThe train will always be aggressive if the driver is killed
AddedThe ability to adjust the time until the helicopter crates are destroyed
FixedIt was impossible to join the train from behind if the kill cars in front of the train option was enabled
Version 1.7.5 | Updated December 13, 2024
AddedParameter in the PveMode config: "Allow administrators to loot crates and cause damage? [true/false]"
Version 1.7.4 | Updated December 13, 2024
AddedNPCs could dismount inside the stone when the train stopped
Version 1.7.2 | Updated December 5, 2024
UpdatedDo not update the plugin until the Rust server is updated!
AddedThe ability to change the number of crates for bradley
FixedCompilation error after December 5th game update
Version 1.7.1 | Updated November 26, 2024
Updated🎅The Christmas is coming and I have prepared for you a preset customization for the train!
To enable customization set the parametr "Customization preset" "NewYear". To disable this, make the "Customization preset" parameter empty in the config.
You can also disable the customization of certain wagons or change the customization of the NPCs in the file oxide/data/ArmoredTrain/NewYear
Don't forget to move the new data files to the data/ArmoredTrain folder
AddedChristmas customization is enabled by default
AddedFireworks 2025 (date files need to be replaced)
FixedIf a sleeping player was run over by a train, then the player could no longer move
FixedA locked crate or Supply Drop sometimes became invisible
FixedNRE in OnCorpsePopulate
Version 1.7.0 | Updated October 26, 2024
FixedSpam Failed to call hook 'CanBradleyApcTarget'
Version 1.6.9 | Updated October 26, 2024
FixedBradley and turrets could fire at sleepers or at players in a safe area
AddedThe ability to use certain presets from AlphaLoot in crates and NPC
AddedTurrets are optimized. Reduced FPS drop when using a large number of turrets
Version 1.6.8 | Updated September 29, 2024
Fixedgametip notifications did not work
FixedHalloween customization didn't work correctly
AddedParameter for the PveMode config: "Allow only the owner or his teammates to loot crates? [true/false]"
Version 1.6.4 | Updated May 23, 2024
AddedParameter "If a player has a cooldown and the event has NO OWNERS, then he will not be able to interact with the event? [true/false]"
AddedParameter "If a player has a cooldown, and the event HAS AN OWNER, then he will not be able to interact with the event, even if he is on a team with the owner? [true/false]"
FixedThe player could stop the train by killing the driver if it was forbidden to the player with a cooldown
RemovedParameter "If the player has a cooldown, he will not be able to stop the train? [true/false]"
Version 1.6.3 | Updated May 23, 2024
FixedTurrets and bradleys stopped being targeted under certain conditions
FixedThe train could have been pushed out of the event area by another train
AddedBradley's skin on the train has been changed from 0 to 755447
AddedParameter "The owner of the event will be the one who stopped the train? [true/false]"
AddedParameter "If the player has a cooldown, he will not be able to stop the train? [true/false]"
Version 1.6.2 | Updated May 4, 2024
FixedThe ability to authorize in turrets
FixedThe ability to switch the SamSite mod
FixedThe ability to loot the Turret/SamSite
AddedThe train will be aggressive if stopped
Version 1.6.1 | Updated April 26, 2024
FixedErrors when using Unloadable wagons in Halloween and New Year's Presses
FixedNRE in AboveGroundPositionFinder
FixedTransparent carriage on the New Year's train
AddedThe ability to adjust the damage multiplier from the players' turrets by NPCs
AddedThe ability to create a colored border around the event
Version 1.6.0 | Updated April 12, 2024
Fixed"Use the dome? [true/false]" did not work
FixedNRE in OnLootEntity()
AddedThe ability to allow Npc spawn from BetterNpc when destroying a sputnik helicopter
AddedThe turrets turn off when the train is not aggressive, instead of switching to Peacekeeper mode
AddedReduced the time between marker updates on the map
AddedParameter "The event will not end if there are players in the event zone [true/false]"
AddedNPCs did not use C4 and rocket launchers
Version 1.5.9 | Updated April 10, 2024
FixedTurrets did not deal damage to the player with some TruePve settings.
FixedSam Site did not target players with some TruePve settings
FixedPve Mode was not working
AddedThe event time increases when the crate is hacked, if the event time is not enough to loot the crate
Version 1.5.8 | Updated April 8, 2024
AddedThe ability to change the loot in the helicopter's crates
AddedParameter in the config "It is necessary to kill all the NPCs to loot the crates [true/false]"
AddedParameter in the config "It is necessary to kill all the Bradleys to loot the crates [true/false]"
AddedParameter in the config "It is necessary to kill all the Turrets to loot the crates [true/false]"
AddedParameter in the config "It is necessary to kill the Heli to loot the crates [true/false]"
FixedStackOverflowException in OnEntityKill
FixedIt was impossible to edit the time messages in Lang
FixedThe turrets did not fire under certain TruePve settings
Version 1.5.7 | Updated April 7, 2024
FixedThe player could drive the train
FixedCompilation error on some hosting
FixedThe wreckage of Bradley has been spawned
FixedThe train did not spawn underground automatically if there was no railway on the surface
FixedThe train did not spawn if the low speed for the locomotive is set in the config
FixedSwitch locations
FixedThe train stop did not work correctly when the driver was killed
Version 1.5.6 | Updated April 5, 2024
FixedThe event did not start with certain settings in the config
Version 1.5.5 | Updated April 5, 2024
FixedSpawn NPCs by Bradley after the game update
Version 1.5.4 | Updated April 4, 2024
FixedSpawn NPCs from Bradley after the game update
FixedThe parameters of the PveMode for the turret and Bradley did not work
AddedThe old map marker has been returned
Version 1.5.3 | Updated April 4, 2024
UpdatedUpdate Instruction from version 1.5.1 or earlier
1.Create a backup copy of the config
2.Move the Images folder to the oxide/data folder
3.The setting "Which loot table should the plugin use?" was removed of all the loot table settings! In order for your custom loot tables to work, you need to enable the "Enable spawn of items from the list" parameter for each loot table!
4.Custom spawn points will be cleared. Create them again if necessary
AddedThe Bradleys on the trains didn't take damage
AddedThe problem is in the default config, which did not allow the event to start
Version 1.5.2 | Updated April 3, 2024
UpdatedUpdate Instruction from version 1.3.1 or earlier:
1. Create a backup copy of the config
2. Move the Images folder to the oxide/data folder
3. The setting "Which loot table should the plugin use?" was removed of all the loot table settings! In order for your custom loot tables to work, you need to enable the "Enable spawn of items from the list" parameter for each loot table!
4. Custom spawn points will be cleared. Create them again if necessary
AddedThe ability to enable NPC jumping off the train at a stop and patrolling
AddedA new gui that displays the number of NPCs and unlooted crates
AddedNotification system using in-game GameTip notifications
AddedA new loot table system that allows you to use loot from in-game entities
AddedThe ability to determine the time after the wipe, at which a certain preset of the event may be spawned
AddedThe ability to change the radius of the zone for each preset of the event separately
AddedThe ability to set the maximum distance to attack the train
AddedThe ability to prohibit/allow connection to the train from the front or rear separately
AddedThe ability to allow players to resume the movement of the train using a emergency brake
AddedScreens next to the emergency brake displaying the train stop time and the time until the end of the event
AddedThe ability to change the location or disable the spawn of emergency brake
AddedThe direction of movement of the train when using custom spawn points will correspond to the direction of view when creating this point.
FixedDynamicPVP created pvp zones around the helicopter and tank
FixedArmored train killed trains spawned by TrainHomes plugin
FixedHigh RAM consumption
Version 1.5.1 | Updated March 8, 2024
FixedFixed the display of markers on the map after the last Rust update
UpdatedUpdated for the latest version of PveMode (be sure to update the PveMode plugin)
FixedNo damage was done to the train driver when using small locomotives with New Year's customization
Version 1.4.9 | Updated December 12, 2023
UpdatedUpdate for the new version of PveMode
Version 1.4.8 | Updated December 7, 2023
AddedThe New Year is coming and I have prepared for you a new preset customization for the train!
After installing the update, customization will be automatically applied to all cars in the configuration of the armored train. To disable this, make the "Customization preset" parameter empty in the config.
You can also disable the customization of certain wagons or change the customization of the NPCs in the file oxide/data/ArmoredTrain/NewYear
Don't forget to move the new date files to the data/ArmoredTrain folder
FixedThe dome of the PVE mod did not disappear after the end of the event
FixedThe train was destroying wagons on adjacent rails
Version 1.4.7 | Updated November 20, 2023
FixedThe train could disappear during the event under certain circumstances
FixedThe dome from the PveMode plugin remained after the end of the event
AddedImproved system of destruction of cars in front of the train, which does not allow the forced car to block the movement of the train.
Version 1.4.6 | Updated November 13, 2023
AddedThe ability to disable glowing entities during the day
AddedImproved performance when using customized locomotives
AddedHalloween customization is disabled in the default config. If you want to disable it in your config, set : "Customization preset (Empty - use standard wagons)": ""
AddedThe ability to restore the stop time when the train receives damage / loot crates
AddedPlayers will not kick by flyhack when they hope on a train
FixedMessages in the console that the customization file was not found with an empty customization preset
Version 1.4.5 | Updated October 28, 2023
Fixedcustomization didn't work in some cases
FixedWhen using the PVE mod plugin, when attacking a train, another person could become the owner of the event.
FixedNRE in StopTrain
Fixedthe train driver had too much hp
Version 1.4.4 | Updated October 15, 2023
AddedThe ability to turn on/off electric furnaces/fires/boilers. Use this when there is insufficient performance
Version 1.4.3 | Updated October 14, 2023
FixedUnable to loot crates in the "halloween_wagon"
Version 1.4.2 | Updated October 11, 2023
UpdatedOn the eve of the Halloween Rust update, I have prepared for customization of all armored train cars.
After installing the update, customization will be automatically applied to all cars in the configuration of the armored train. To disable this, make the "Customization preset" parameter empty in the config.
Version 1.4.1 | Updated September 14, 2023
FixedThe helicopter leaves the train
Version 1.4.0 | Updated September 7, 2023
FixedCompilation error after updating the game
Version 1.3.9 | Updated September 3, 2023
FixedThe time before opening the locked crate was incorrect
Version 1.3.8 | Updated August 27, 2023
FixedThe helicopter disappeared after a certain time
AddedThe ability to adjust the damage multiplier from turrets by NPCs
AddedParameter "The turrets of the train will drop loot after destruction? [true/false]"
Version 1.3.7 | Updated August 19, 2023
FixedIncorrect helicopter behavior
FixedIf the driver was killed during the spawn of the train, then the event stopped
FixedPlayerSamSitesIgnorePlayers from true pve influenced the train
Version 1.3.6 | Updated August 5, 2023
FixedThe train sometimes could not spawn
FixedChanged the collision type for rigid Body. This could cause a spam in the console like: Kinematicbody only supports Speculative Continuous collision detection
FixedNRE in OnEntitySpawned(HelicopterDebris entity)
AddedThe ability to use a vending marker and a ring marker separately
AddedThe ability to log the start and end of the event
AddedChanging the color of the marker in the presence/absence of the event owner (when using the PveMode plugin)
AddedThe player becomes the owner of the event when the stop tap is pressed (when using the PveMode plugin)
Version 1.3.5 | Updated June 17, 2023
FixedNullReferenceException in UnityEngine.Component.get_transform
Version 1.3.4 | Updated June 3, 2023
FixedIt was impossible to create a train without wagons
Version 1.3.3 | Updated June 3, 2023
FixedNPCs attacked players in passive train mode
Version 1.3.2 | Updated May 27, 2023
AddedBefore installing the update, you need to update NpcSpawn!!!
Added support for the latest version of NpcSpawn
Version 1.3.1 | Updated May 18, 2023
AddedThe ability to change the target detection distance and the target loss distance for the turrets
Version 1.3.0 | Updated May 5, 2023
FixedThe sound of a collision from Bradley
Version 1.2.9 | Updated May 4, 2023
FixedCompilation error after last Rust update
Version 1.2.8 | Updated April 28, 2023
FixedWhen adding Trumpet to the turret, an error occurred
FixedFailed to call hook can populate loot
AddedThe ability to stop the train when receiving damage
Version 1.2.7 | Updated April 7, 2023
FixedTrain could not find rails on certain maps
FixedThe player could open the crates from under the wagon
FixedWhen using economy plugins, players received an incorrect message
Version 1.2.6 | Updated March 11, 2023
FixedSome messages were not sent to discord
FixedThe event could have ended during the hacking of the crate
Version 1.2.5 | Updated March 3, 2023
AddedTrain self-destruct effects
FixedFixed loot system. Now the same item cannot spawn twice
Version 1.2.4 | Updated January 22, 2023
AddedSupport for the new version of PveMode (Added the ability to control the helicopter)
Version 1.2.3 | Updated January 3, 2023
FixedSamSites did not shoot or did not cause damage under certain settings of the TruePve
Addedbool IsTrainBradley(uint netID) API
Addedbool IsTrainHeli(uint netID) API
Addedbool IsTrainCrate(uint netID) API
Addedbool IsTrainSamSite(uint netID) API
Addedbool IsTrainWagon(uint netID) API
Addedbool IsTrainTurret(uint netID) API
Version 1.2.2 | Updated December 23, 2022
Fixed"Failed to call hook 'OnEntityTakeDamage' on plugin 'ArmoredTrain' at Oxide.Plugins.ArmoredTrain+ATrainHeliHeli.SetTarget"
Version 1.2.1 | Updated December 6, 2022
FixedVery rarely a train could spawn underground when this is disabled
FixedThe train did not attack the players if the player is flying a non-hostile train
Version 1.2.0 | Updated November 5, 2022
AddedA caboose preset has been added to the config, on which players can travel around the map and play. There is no loot on this train car
Version 1.1.9 | Updated November 3, 2022
FixedThe names of prefabs of wagons and locomotives have been updated
AddedAdded the command "atrainstartaboveground"
AddedAdded the command "atrainstartunderground"
Fixeda bug with incorrect work of the underground spawn train chance
Version 1.1.8 | Updated October 14, 2022
FixedNRE in DefineSpawnPosition (Because of this, the event might not start automatically)
AddedThe event timer stopped and the event did not end
Version 1.1.7 | Updated September 28, 2022
FixedCalling hook CanEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: NpcSpawn - False (Boolean), ArmoredTrain (True (Boolean))
Version 1.1.6 | Updated September 15, 2022
FixedThe train did not spawn in some situations
FixedFailed to call hook 'OnCustomLootContainer'
FixedFailed to call hook 'OnEntitySpawned'
Version 1.1.5 | Updated August 21, 2022
FixedThe helicopter was recovering after death
Version 1.1.4 | Updated August 11, 2022
Fixedit is not possible to use a new locomotive
Version 1.1.3 | Updated August 4, 2022
FixedThe train did not spawn
Version 1.1.2 | Updated August 4, 2022
FixedFor the latest update
Version 1.1.0 | Updated July 15, 2022
FixedWhen using the True Pve plugin, turrets did not cause damage to players
Failed to call hook ‘Unload’ on plugin ‘ArmoredTrain v1.4.7’ (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
at Oxide.Plugins.ArmoredTrain.Unload () [0x00007] in :0
at Oxide.Plugins.ArmoredTrain.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x01fee] in :0
at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in :0
at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in :0
at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in :0
First time I ran into this problem but when i install the plugin it doesn’t create an ArmoredTrain.json file in the config section. I uninstalled it then reinstalled it just to make sure there wasn’t a glitch. The second time gave the same result.. there was no json file created for it upon installation
The driver is killed by a gun turret, causing the train to stop. After clearing, I want to make the train explode in a huge explosion that engulfs the surroundings.
Since the 4/12 update, I have been getting this error. I have not been able to fit it. I tried to uninstall and reinstall.
Failed to call hook ‘ChatStartCommand’ on plugin ‘ArmoredTrain v1.6.0’ (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
at Oxide.Plugins.ArmoredTrain+EventLauncher.DelayStartEvent (System.Boolean isAutoActivated, BasePlayer activator, System.String presetName, System.Single overrideUndergroundChance) [0x0004c] in :0
at Oxide.Plugins.ArmoredTrain.ChatStartCommand (BasePlayer player, System.String command, System.String[] arg) [0x00010] in :0
at Oxide.Plugins.ArmoredTrain.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x02054] in :0
at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in :0
at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in :0
at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in :0
Thanks for any help you could provide in helping me fix this.
i have a question. i bought the plugin and i got everything to work except the bradlys wont target anyone and wont shoot and im not sure why because i havent touched that part of the plugin
Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)
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PerfectAngel01 (verified owner) –
Players already love this event!!
dan owen (verified owner) –
this is what i have been waiting for! less gooo!
mrsnake777 (verified owner) –
Another great event, the developer responds very quickly to messages and is ready to make the event better. Flexible setup, great functionality. I will wait for new plugins from this developer
hc4stillo (verified owner) –
Ey Adem eres un crack, este trabajo tampoco me lo podia perder, lo añadi en mi coleccion y sin duda no me defraudo excelente plugin, vale cada puto centavo.
Hey Adem, you’re a crack, I couldn’t miss this work either, I added it to my collection and without a doubt it didn’t disappoint me, excellent plugin, it’s worth every fucking penny.
Привет, Адем, молодец, я тоже не мог пропустить эту работу, я добавил ее в свою коллекцию, и она определенно не разочаровала, отличное дополнение, стоящее каждой копейки.
jk-ft (verified owner) –
Great event. Players are pleased that the event has several types of train difficulty. The developer is always ready to help with any problem.
Lextronic (verified owner) –
The Server loves this plugin its like Convoys Twin Sister A+ Plugins from Adem like always. :)
Creed (verified owner) –
Another amazing mod from Adem. This and the convoy are a lot of fun to play, easy to set up and start playing immediately. Thank you!
IDDOSI (verified owner) –
Плагин топ! Автору респект
Stefan (verified owner) –
conoy and armored train are very similar in terms of settings, but it’s still worth buying both.
you have the possibility to adapt the plugin to any kind of server. It comes with 3 pre-built stages but that shouldn’t stop you from customizing everything to your type of server and creating more if you want :)
Yastreb Biker (verified owner) –
Офигенный плагин! Мне очень понравился. Сам проходил несколько раз. Одно удовольствие!
adminwickedninjagames (verified owner) –
Great plugin. Players will love this event. Worked well out of the box, and config is self-explanatory. Great work!
jncwinner1 (verified owner) –
Amazing plugin, Adem has to be one of the best plugin maker I’ve experienced. This plugin works very well with Adem constantly updating it every time there is an issue after an update and my players love it!
Chris C. (verified owner) –
Awesome event and great plugin!
Reflex1 (verified owner) –
The plug-in would be great… if it worked. :l
Reflex1 (verified owner) –
The plug-in is nice. Just make sure you download NPCSpawn so it works. ;-;
NeoJoJo (verified owner) –
As much as I love Rust, the lack of PvE options made it hard for me to play with friends that just wanted something to do together. The standard vanilla raids of oil rig and military bases are fine, but they get very boring and the AI gets predictable very quickly. Then I watch some videos on the world of plugins, and I get recommended Adem’s plugins, and the game has opened up tremendously. I’ve purchased Armored Train, Convoy, and Shipwreck and me and my players have had so much fun with these new events. Don’t forget to install the “NPC Spawn,” plugin that is linked with your purchase so that the plugin works and adds actually challenging NPCs for these events! I definitely plan on buying the rest of the plugins Adem has to offer, and cannot recommend them enough. The different types of trains and vehicles that can spawn in keep this event fresh and different every time it goes live.
LUDĚK (verified owner) –
This plugin is great. I give five stars. I switched from a competitor where I owned the TrainHeist plugin. Unfortunately, the plugin never worked and the creator is not doing anything about it. Armored Train is great, works as it should and can be customized in many ways. Plus there are the New Year Update and Halloween Update skins.