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Better Backpacks
Sold by: 0xFBetter Backpacks is the best plugin for backpacks and has many variations, features, and customizations. Backpacks are physical items and can be equipped on your back with the option to save them after death.
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Better Backpacks Overview
Video about update 1.0.6 version:
- Maximum optimized solution without the possibility of duping. One backpack – one container.
This is an important feature because it ensures that each backpack has its own unique container and eliminates the possibility of incorrectly duplicating items. - No data files or similar things are used. Backpacks and items are saved in the original way of the game.
This provides efficient management of backpacks and items in the game without the need for complex or additional file systems. - Backpacks are physical items and there can be multiple pieces of them.
This is essential for creating a realistic game experience where players can have multiple backpacks in their inventory. - Backpacks can be of all capacities, and types (item or liquid) and for different purposes.
This enhances the gameplay experience by allowing players to choose backpacks based on their specific needs. - Autoloot feature in backpacks is present (customizable for each backpack). Items will go straight into the backpack when picked up.
This feature makes gameplay easier by allowing items to go straight into the backpack you are wearing without additional actions. - A backpack cooking feature is present (customizable for each backpack). Melts and roasts items inside the backpack. The function matches the original mechanics of the stove.
This feature adds an additional gameplay element by allowing players to cook food and recycle items directly inside the backpack. - The backpack lies in the parachute slot and is displayed on the player.
This feature allows the backpack to be worn on the back without taking up inventory space, as well as being visually displayed to players. - The backpack has several ways to open.
The first is through a button in the interface when selecting an item, this allows you to effectively move between backpacks and inspect them even in the box.
The second is through a command if the player has the appropriate permission. The opening will be done for an equipped backpack. - Each backpack has its own shortname and itemid.
This helps in easy management and customization. - Each backpack has a black sheet and a white sheet, allowing you to create a variety of backpacks for different scenarios as flexibly as possible.
- There is an option to return backpacks after death.
- This helps to save players’ progress and prevents the loss of backpacks in case of unexpected situations.
- It is possible to limit the number of backpacks in the inventory, set the maximum stack in the container, as well as customize the maximum stack for items.
- These parameters allow you to carefully control the number of backpacks in the inventory and items in them, which is important for the balance of gameplay.
The plugin necessarily needs the CustomItemDefinitions plugin, so the first thing we do is download and install it by throwing it into the oxide/plugins folder
Link to the plugin:
After purchase, download and install this plugin by dropping it into the oxide/plugins folder
Quick Start:
In the default configuration, 7 different backpacks are available, their shortnames and itemid can be viewed in the config.
Quick grant important permissions:
Allow players to use the auto-loot and furnace functions if they are present in a particular backpack
o.grant group default betterbackpacks.autoloot.allow o.grant group default betterbackpacks.furnace.allow
Allow players to open an equipped backpack on command
o.grant group default
Permission to enable Sortify plugin functionality:
betterbackpacks.sortify.use o.grant group default betterbackpacks.sortify.use
The full version is available here:
Permission to return all backpacks after death:
betterbackpacks.always_reclaim o.grant group admin betterbackpacks.always_reclaim
Permissions and their descriptions:
- – Allows the use of a command to open an equipped backpack
- betterbackpacks.sortify.use – Use the functionality of the Sortify plugin, full version here
- betterbackpacks.backpackslimit.bypass – Bypass the maximum number of backpacks in inventory (for admins).
- betterbackpacks.autoloot.allow – Allow to use autoloot function if it is present in a particular backpack.
- betterbackpacks.autoloot.any – Adds autoloot feature for all backpacks.
- betterbackpacks.furnace.allow – Allow to use the furnace function if it is present in a specific backpack.
- betterbackpacks.furnace.any – Adds the furnace function to all backpacks.
- betterbackpacks.always_reclaim – Returns all backpacks on death
Commands to open an equipped backpack:
- Console command – (no delay)
- Chat command – /backpack (delay 0.2 seconds to wait for chat opening to close)
More details about the functions and their customization:
Max amount backpacks in player inventory (minimum 1)”
Control the number of max amount backpacks in player inventory.
“Prohibit putting backpacks in backpacks?”
Control the ability to put backpacks in backpacks.
“Unique new item shortname”
Here you need to specify the shortname for a particular customized backpack, it will be used in the issue or specified in other plugins. Do not be afraid to specify it in other plugins, it will work.
IMPORTANT: do not specify here shortnames of original items, this field is for a new shortname of a new item. Nothing bad will happen, it will report in the console and remove the backpack from the config.
This field is not used for editing, it is an auto-generated field. This field is for copying and specifying in other plugins.
The default name for the item. Further, the name for different languages is customized in lang files.
“SkinID (you can use the same ones for several backpacks)”
The skin that will be given to the new item, you can specify the same ones, the plugin does not use the SkinID for identification.
The parameter of the capacity of the backpack. You can specify any, but within reasonable limits, do not specify billions or it may kill your server.
“Reclaim after death”
Set this to true if you want the backpack to be returned to the player after death.
“Reclaim only if equipped”
Specify here true if you want the backpack to be returned only if equipped.
“Contents Type (1 – General | 2 – Liquid)”
Container type for the backpack, use 1 for general (default), 2 for liquid.
“Container Max Stack Size (0 = default)”
Parameter to limit the maximum stack size for items in the container. This is not a hard limit, the minimum number for this parameter and the default stack is used. If you need to hard limit, add the items you want to “Max stacks by shortname”
“Use list (0 – None | 1 – Whitelist | 2 – Blacklist)”
Selects a list to restrict items. Types:
Blacklist allows all items except the specified items.
White list allows only the specified items.
“Item list to exclude (for whitelist/blacklist)”
A list of items for the specified item list in the “Use list (0 – None | 1 – Whitelist | 2 – Blacklist)” field.
Example and description:
"Item list to exclude (for whitelist/blacklist)." [ { "Shortname": "stones", // Item Shortname "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 // If it is -1, then the item is with any skin, if a specific one is specified, then only with that skin. }, { }, { "shortname": "sulfur.ore", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, ],
Parameter to enable the autoloot feature.
To work the player must have the permission “betterbackpacks.autoloot.allow” or “betterbackpacks.autoloot.any”.
Once enabled, the player must wear the desired backpack and then all items that will fall into the player’s inventory will be in the backpack.
This works with mining and picking up items.
Parameter to enable the furnace function.
The player must have the “betterbackpacks.furnace.allow” or “betterbackpacks.furnace.any” permission present for it to work.
For this to work, the player must have wood in his backpack.
Works similarly to how a furnace works.
It takes combustible material and melts what can melt, there is an opportunity to change the maximum number of simultaneously cooked items in the oven
“Max number of simultaneously cooked items in the furnace”.
Max number of simultaneously cooked items in the furnace in the backpack.
“Max stacks by shortname”
List for hard limit of stacks for an item by shortname in the format “shortname”: stack size
{ "shortname1": 1000, "shortname2": 1 }
Default config:
{ "General": { "Max amount backpacks in player inventory (minimum 1)": 100, "Prohibit putting backpacks in backpacks?": true }, "Backpacks (Add new ones at the bottom)": [ { "Unique new item shortname": "backpack.admin", "ItemId (DO NOT MODIFY THIS FIELD!)": -1878567520, "Backpack Setting": { "Name": "Admin Backpack", "SkinID (you can use the same ones for several backpacks)": 3050740532, "Capacity": 1000, "Reclaim after death": true, "Reclaim only if equipped": false, "Contents Type (1 - General | 2 - Liquid)": 1, "Container Max Stack Size (0 = default)": 0, "Use list (0 - None | 1 - Whitelist | 2 - Blacklist)": 0, "Item list to exclude (for whitelist/blacklist)": [], "Components": { "Auto-Loot": true, "Furnace": true, "Max number of simultaneously cooked items in the furnace": 3 }, "Max stacks by shortname": {} } }, { "Unique new item shortname": "backpack.small", "ItemId (DO NOT MODIFY THIS FIELD!)": -1093698081, "Backpack Setting": { "Name": "Small Backpack", "SkinID (you can use the same ones for several backpacks)": 3032442379, "Capacity": 6, "Reclaim after death": false, "Reclaim only if equipped": false, "Contents Type (1 - General | 2 - Liquid)": 1, "Container Max Stack Size (0 = default)": 0, "Use list (0 - None | 1 - Whitelist | 2 - Blacklist)": 0, "Item list to exclude (for whitelist/blacklist)": [], "Components": { "Auto-Loot": true, "Furnace": false, "Max number of simultaneously cooked items in the furnace": 3 }, "Max stacks by shortname": {} } }, { "Unique new item shortname": "backpack.large", "ItemId (DO NOT MODIFY THIS FIELD!)": -717465782, "Backpack Setting": { "Name": "Large Backpack", "SkinID (you can use the same ones for several backpacks)": 3032442379, "Capacity": 48, "Reclaim after death": false, "Reclaim only if equipped": false, "Contents Type (1 - General | 2 - Liquid)": 1, "Container Max Stack Size (0 = default)": 0, "Use list (0 - None | 1 - Whitelist | 2 - Blacklist)": 0, "Item list to exclude (for whitelist/blacklist)": [], "Components": { "Auto-Loot": true, "Furnace": true, "Max number of simultaneously cooked items in the furnace": 3 }, "Max stacks by shortname": {} } }, { "Unique new item shortname": "backpack.liquid", "ItemId (DO NOT MODIFY THIS FIELD!)": -1863402244, "Backpack Setting": { "Name": "Liquid Backpack", "SkinID (you can use the same ones for several backpacks)": 3050741122, "Capacity": 1, "Reclaim after death": false, "Reclaim only if equipped": false, "Contents Type (1 - General | 2 - Liquid)": 2, "Container Max Stack Size (0 = default)": 10000, "Use list (0 - None | 1 - Whitelist | 2 - Blacklist)": 0, "Item list to exclude (for whitelist/blacklist)": [], "Components": { "Auto-Loot": false, "Furnace": false, "Max number of simultaneously cooked items in the furnace": 3 }, "Max stacks by shortname": {} } }, { "Unique new item shortname": "backpack.comp", "ItemId (DO NOT MODIFY THIS FIELD!)": -1167179500, "Backpack Setting": { "Name": "Component Backpack", "SkinID (you can use the same ones for several backpacks)": 3050740925, "Capacity": 12, "Reclaim after death": false, "Reclaim only if equipped": false, "Contents Type (1 - General | 2 - Liquid)": 1, "Container Max Stack Size (0 = default)": 0, "Use list (0 - None | 1 - Whitelist | 2 - Blacklist)": 1, "Item list to exclude (for whitelist/blacklist)": [ { "Shortname": "gears", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, { "Shortname": "scrap", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, { "Shortname": "fuse", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, { "Shortname": "tarp", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, { "Shortname": "rope", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, { "Shortname": "sewingkit", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, { "Shortname": "techparts", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, { "Shortname": "riflebody", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, { "Shortname": "smgbody", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, { "Shortname": "semibody", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, { "Shortname": "sheetmetal", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, { "Shortname": "roadsigns", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, { "Shortname": "metalpipe", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, { "Shortname": "metalspring", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, { "Shortname": "metalblade", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, { "Shortname": "propanetank", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 } ], "Components": { "Auto-Loot": true, "Furnace": false, "Max number of simultaneously cooked items in the furnace": 3 }, "Max stacks by shortname": {} } }, { "Unique new item shortname": "backpack.wood", "ItemId (DO NOT MODIFY THIS FIELD!)": -16063997, "Backpack Setting": { "Name": "Wood Backpack", "SkinID (you can use the same ones for several backpacks)": 3050741444, "Capacity": 16, "Reclaim after death": false, "Reclaim only if equipped": false, "Contents Type (1 - General | 2 - Liquid)": 1, "Container Max Stack Size (0 = default)": 0, "Use list (0 - None | 1 - Whitelist | 2 - Blacklist)": 1, "Item list to exclude (for whitelist/blacklist)": [ { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 } ], "Components": { "Auto-Loot": true, "Furnace": false, "Max number of simultaneously cooked items in the furnace": 3 }, "Max stacks by shortname": {} } }, { "Unique new item shortname": "backpack.ore", "ItemId (DO NOT MODIFY THIS FIELD!)": 1211853999, "Backpack Setting": { "Name": "Ore Backpack", "SkinID (you can use the same ones for several backpacks)": 3050741346, "Capacity": 32, "Reclaim after death": false, "Reclaim only if equipped": false, "Contents Type (1 - General | 2 - Liquid)": 1, "Container Max Stack Size (0 = default)": 0, "Use list (0 - None | 1 - Whitelist | 2 - Blacklist)": 1, "Item list to exclude (for whitelist/blacklist)": [ { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, { "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, { "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, { "Shortname": "metal.ore", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 } ], "Components": { "Auto-Loot": true, "Furnace": true, "Max number of simultaneously cooked items in the furnace": 3 }, "Max stacks by shortname": {} } } ], "This is an example from which you can take parts and put them into the backpacks you want.": { "Unique new item shortname": "backpack.example", "ItemId (DO NOT MODIFY THIS FIELD!)": -1265413270, "Backpack Setting": { "Name": "Example backpack to copy-paste parts", "SkinID (you can use the same ones for several backpacks)": 3032442379, "Capacity": 777, "Reclaim after death": false, "Reclaim only if equipped": false, "Contents Type (1 - General | 2 - Liquid)": 1, "Container Max Stack Size (0 = default)": 0, "Use list (0 - None | 1 - Whitelist | 2 - Blacklist)": 1, "Item list to exclude (for whitelist/blacklist)": [ { "Shortname": "flower", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 }, { "Shortname": "pokemon", "SkinID (negative value = any)": -1 } ], "Components": { "Auto-Loot": true, "Furnace": false, "Max number of simultaneously cooked items in the furnace": 3 }, "Max stacks by shortname": { "shortname1": 1000, "shortname2": 1 } } } }
Default lang file:
{ "NO_PERM_TO_USE_COMMAND": "You dont have permission to use this command.", "backpack.small": "Small Backpack", "backpack.large": "Large Backpack", "backpack.liquid": "Liquid Backpack", "backpack.admin": "Admin Backpack", "backpack.comp": "Component Backpack", "NEED_EQUIPED_BACKPACK": "An equipped backpack is required to use the command.", "backpack.wood": "Wood Backpack", "backpack.ore": "Ore Backpack", "AUTOLOOT_BUTTON": "AUTO-LOOT", "COOK_BUTTON": "COOK", "backpack.test": "Test Backpack" }
Reviews (1)
1 review for Better Backpacks
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
Version History
- Fixed Fix after October update changes
- Fixed Fix after Rust update 04.07
- Fixed Fix for update 02.05.2024 related to the transition to the new version of Harmony. Install only after wipe.
- Fixed Fix after update 24.04
- Updated [!] Improved registration of player death to prevent backpack loss
- Updated Excluded parachute from the function of banning the crafting of official backpacks
- Fixed Fixes invisible items on the first page
- Fixed Fixed ItemCmd/item drop bug related to the latest Rust update
- Fixed [FIX] New parameters from the update will be added to the old configs
- Added Added an option to select a model for each backpack. There are 3 models to choose from: small backpack, military backpack, parachute.
- Added Added the option to block the crafting of official backpacks and the command that will be sent by the player when the block is triggered. This can be used to open a crafting menu with backpacks or something similar.
- Fixed Fixed deletion of saved backpacks after the following set of events: death -> player did not respawn with waking -> server restart -> 2 hours passed.
- Added Added additional hook for saving backpacks after killing a player without death. This applies to the fact that backpacks were lost if the player fell asleep in the safe zone and 20 minutes passed by default, in this case the server killed the player without death.
- Added Added player connection checks when working with the icon
- Added Fixed stacking items in the belt when wearing a backpack
- Added Added option to enable an icon on the side of quick slots, with a bar and fullness numbers. (disabled by default)
- Added Added the ability to open a backpack when selected in a quick slot (disabled by default).
- Added Added notification when the limit on the number of backpacks in the player's inventory is exceeded.
- Fixed Fixed a bug where when killing a sleeping player the backpack was left in the corpse
- Added Added functionality of taking a payment from a worn backpack, for example, payment for construction or improvement. This will work if the method PlayerInventory.Take is used, if the plugins are used that use their own method of taking resources - will not work). It can be disabled via config.
- Added Added ability to specify a description (only for display by other plugins)
- Fixed Fixed MoveItem error when quickly moving multiple items and opening the backpack
- Fixed Fixed null on OnInventoryNetworkUpdate hook
- Updated Changed hook for saving backpacks, now OnPlayerDeath
- Added Added the ability to wear a backpack on any outfit
Discussions (6)
6 thoughts on "Better Backpacks"
Leave a Reply to Gaming4Life TTV Cancel reply
I have a video so you can see -
players on my server backpack keep vanishing and i got it so that they can use /backpack and i had one on me and come on today and it not there no more can you help fix this please
after oxide v2.0.6093 server wont start with this plugin on.
Some problems with the operation of the library, I’m in the process of fixing that problem now
Will be fixed with a library change
Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Backpacks have multiple bugs. items loose their identity along with the backpack it’s self …causing your players to loose all items in the bag…upon purchase the plugin also would kick players for an RPC movement error…very sad not worth 30$