

Sold by: ninco90

BetterTC will offer players different automatic systems such as construction improvement, skin changes, and base repair. In addition to being able to see the authorized players individually. It also has a remote update system.


BetterTC – Advanced Toolcupboard Capabilities

Fed up with the need to use multiple addons on my server for functions that players could execute from within the game, and considering the constant increase of new Skins for builds, I found myself dissatisfied with the limited supply of automatic upgrades on the market.

For this reason, I have reworked the most used TC-related features on my server into a single plugin, which has been enriched with ideas contributed by players and other Rust administrators.

All this under an attractive graphical interface, inspired by the item store of the game itself.

Video Update 1.4.0




  • It allows players or simply the rest of the Staff to easily see which players are authorized in the locker. Except for the administrators themselves, if you activate it in the config. (I don’t think any player needs to know that the admin was authorized in their locker to check something)
  • You can also allow authorizations to be deleted individually.

BetterTC bettertc


  • With BetterTC your players will be able to improve their builds to any level of improvement, but they will also be able to choose their favorite Skin (if you enable it) completely free of charge or offering it to the VIPS on your server.
  • Update system: I have added a small system that checks for new skins to automatically add them to the configuration. When you install the plugin for the first time and once you obtain permission from bettertc.admin, you must click on “Check Update” so that it performs an internal check and adds all the skins and options that exist to date.

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  • Allows your players to upgrade the grade of their bases automatically by obtaining resources directly from the TC. As long as they don’t have RaidBlock (if you use NoEscape of course).
  • You can configure different speed levels and costs depending on the player’s permission from the plugin’s own settings. That is, you can have players improve a building every 5 seconds for free and VIPs can improve every 2 or 1… Use your imagination!

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  • Allows your players to repair their bases automatically by obtaining resources directly from the TC. As long as they don’t have RaidBlock (if you use NoEscape of course). Now since version 1.4.0 it will also repair damaged objects such as doors, trapdoors, windows, boxes!


  • It allows players to regret upgrading their huge base to metal and not being able to afford it anymore. Of course, it will charge them resources as if they improved it from 0.However, if you do not want to allow downgrade you can disable it from the config.


  • Allows your players to place any wallpaper available in the game automatically based on the building type. You will get the closet interior fabric as a placement cost. The skin list is remotely updatable, so if new skins are added they will be added without the need to update the plugin. You will just have to click (as admin) on the check for update button.

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  • Give your players the ability to change the appearance of their TC.

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  • A new configuration option has been added to allow saving items back to the TC.
  • “Allow items in TC inventory”: {
    “gunpowder”: false,
    “sulfur”: false,
    “sulfur.ore”: false,
    “explosives”: false,
    “diesel_barrel”: false,
    “”: false,
    “”: false


  • Allows players to disable auto-build buff effects and reduces headaches.However, if you do not want to allow them to disable this, you can disable it from the config.


  • The plugin’s interface has been programmed so that it maintains its size regardless of the interface scaling settings of each player.
  • It has also been taken into account that perhaps not everyone wants to enable all options for their players. Therefore, the buttons that appear at the top of the TC have been programmed so that if a player does not have permission for a specific function, instead of leaving the space empty, the buttons adapt their position automatically.
  • The player list GUI and construction SKINS have also been prepared with a pagination system if necessary.



  • bettertc.admin Exclusive for Admin. It allows you to check if there are new skins to add. You will not appear in the list of authorized players if the option in the settings is activated.
  • bettertc.authlist Shows a button at the top of the TC to check which players are authorized.
  • bettertc.deleteauth Allows you to individually revoke an authorized player. You can give this permission to players if you want them to be able to delete individually.
  • bettertc.use It is the basic degree of use found in the configuration.
  • It is the level of use for advanced that is found in the configuration. Depending on how you configure it, it makes players with this permission improve/repair/change skin faster. Or it simply costs them less resources.
  • Displays a button on top of the TC to repair the build automatically.
  • No explanation needed I think. (USE WITH CAUTION)
  • bettertc.reskin Allows players to change the skin of their build automatically. Imagine one day you upgrade your entire foundation to container and the next day you regret losing FPS and would like to leave it on normal metal.
  • bettertc.reskin.nocost No explanation needed I think.
  • bettertc.updefault Shows players the default upgrade options. Without SKINS.
  • bettertc.upskin Show players upgrade options with SKINS.
  • bettertc.upgrade Permission to evade blocking of all items.
  • bettertc.upgrade.nocost No explanation needed I think. (USE WITH CAUTION)
  • bettertc.wallpaper Allows players to place Wallpaper.
  • bettertc.wallpaper.nocost No explanation needed I think. (USE WITH CAUTION)


  • There are no chat commands. Everything is managed from the TC interface.


  • I hate plugins that don’t include the texts in a lang file since my native language is not English. This plugin generates a lang file with the texts.



  "GUI Buttons TC - Color Default": "0.3 0.40 0.3 0.60",
  "GUI Buttons TC - Color Active": "0.90 0.20 0.20 0.50",
  "GUI Buttons TC - AnchorMin": "0.71 0.862",
  "GUI Buttons TC - AnchorMax": "0.947 0.892",
  "Alert Gametip": true,
  "Alert Chat": true,
  "Alert Notify Plugin": false,
  "Notify: select what notification type to be used": {
    "error": 0,
    "info": 0
  "Color Prefix Chat": "#f74d31",
  "Show Admin Auth List": false,
  "Show SteamID Auth List": true,
  "Upgrade Effect": true,
  "Downgrade Enable": true,
  "Downgrade only Owner Entity Build": true,
  "Upgrade only Owner Entity Build": true,
  "Upgrade / Downgrade only Owner and Team": false,
  "Reskin Enable": true,
  "Wallpaper placement Cost (Cloth)": 20,
  "Cooldown Frequency Upgrade (larger number is slower)": {
    "bettertc.use": 2.0,
    "": 1.0
  "Cooldown Frequency Reskin (larger number is slower)": {
    "bettertc.use": 2.0,
    "": 1.0
  "Cooldown Frequency Repair (larger number is slower)": {
    "bettertc.use": 2.0,
    "": 1.0
  "Cooldown Frequency Wallpaper (larger number is slower)": {
    "bettertc.use": 2.0,
    "": 1.0
  "Cost Modifier for repairs": {
    "bettertc.use": 1.5,
    "": 1.0
  "Deployables Repair": true,
  "Items": [
      "ID": 1,
      "Enabled": true,
      "Short Name": "Wood",
      "Grade": "wood",
      "Img Icon": "",
      "SkinID": 0,
      "Color": false,
      "Permission Use": "bettertc.updefault"


For any problem, doubt, suggestion or assistance do not hesitate to contact me by Discord ninco90#6219

If you need me to configure everything from scratch, according to your tastes, for your server I can also do it for an additional fee. Although you should be able to configure everything yourself :)

1 review for BetterTC

  1. 5 out of 5

    dollydeee (verified owner)

    This plugin is AWESOME!

    Not only is it flawless, saves fps, but it’s so user friendly that all players use it without issue (all you can ask for as a server owner)

    The wallpapers come through VERY clear, the quality is amazing. There lots of features for base management and the permissions are helpful when navigating different groups within your server.

    I can’t say enough good things about it, you don’t want to skip on this one – it’s a must-have

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

Version 1.4.81 | Updated March 4, 2025
  • Fixed Bug fix when compiling. The way harmony is patched has been changed following a customer recommendation.
Version 1.4.8 | Updated March 4, 2025
  • Updated The way the TC being handled is checked has been changed. How does TC detection work? Now it will first try to get the building block that is under the player who is interacting. Once the block is found it gets the Building that the block is connected to. In case of error it will use the previous method where it got the Building by the construction zone. In this way I hope to fix the problems that sometimes occurred in multi-TC constructions where the constructions linked to the secondary TC were not improved since the main TC was always obtained. Therefore it was necessary to move the external TCs a little further away so that the range of the first TC did not overlap. I hope I have explained myself well and that it works better now.
  • Added - A new configuration option has been added to allow saving items back to the TC. "Allow items in TC inventory": { "gunpowder": false, "sulfur": false, "sulfur.ore": false, "explosives": false, "diesel_barrel": false, "": true, "": true }
Version 1.4.7 | Updated February 18, 2025
  • Fixed Fixed issue where the reskin button disappears when the player does not have wallpaper permissions in the container DLC.
  • Added Now, if BetterTC is active on a TC while upgrading, repairing, reskinning, or applying wallpaper, and the player who initiated the process enters Raid Block, all functions will automatically stop.
Version 1.4.6 | Updated November 6, 2024
  • Added Added to config: Check for updates when loading (Default True) This will check every time the plugin loads if there are new skins or wallpapers and add them automatically. Disable this if you don't want it to happen automatically and want to do it manually with the blue "Check Update" button
  • Added Avatars are now shown in the list of authorized players.
  • Added Fixed a compatibility issue with other building plugins. Now if you use "BuildingSkin", "BuildingSkins" or "XBuildingSkinMenu" an additional check is disabled. So you should no longer experience problems where the base turns into sticks.
Version 1.4.5 | Updated October 26, 2024
  • Added I've added new unofficial wallpapers created by me. I'll be creating and adding new wallpapers later.
  • Updated Once you update the plugin click on Check Update.
  • Fixed Fixed Check Update button icon.
  • Added If for some reason you don't want your players to use these wallpapers edit the settings and set Enabled to false. If you have any ideas for a wallpaper, let me know and I'll look into it.
Version 1.4.4 | Updated October 13, 2024
  • Added Added RaidBlock Plugin support
  • Added Added a new option in the config to force the use of Wallpapers on both sides of all walls. Disabling the game's cleaning of exterior walls.
  • Added Added a new feature that allows you to calculate the resource cost that will be needed for the upgrade. For this, a new info button has been added to the menu.
Version 1.4.3 | Updated September 26, 2024
  • Updated No update until October UPDATE. You can use it while on Staging servers.
  • Added Added support for placing wallpaper on both sides of the wall. Added a switch for the player to decide if they want it on both sides or just inside.
  • Added Added an option to globally enable/disable placing on both sides to the plugin config. Leave it on True if you want to allow players to decide. Or false to disable it.
Version 1.4.2 | Updated September 12, 2024
  • Added IMPORTANT: You may need to delete the config file and regenerate it by reloading the plugin. Remember to click the check update button to download the skins list!
  • Updated Reduced the default cost of placing wallpaper to 5. To make it consistent with the in-game price per unit.
  • Added You can now place a wallpaper on the entire building. Added a button called "PLACE ALL" this will place the wallpaper regardless of grade or skin.
  • Updated Spray can icons, wallpaper and TC skins now load directly from the client side, thus optimizing image loading.
  • Added Added an additional setting to decide if you want to use NoEscape or not. "Use NoEscape Plugin: true/false"
  • Fixed Disabled debug logging.
Version 1.4.1 | Updated September 5, 2024
  • Fixed Fixed a small bug where the plugin was trying to place wallpapers on door frames and spamming the error on screen. Thanks to IlIDestroyerIlI for reporting it!
  • Updated Updated the wallpaper placement sound to match the in-game sound.
  • Fixed Fixed two texts that were not set correctly in the lang. Thanks for reporting it MrLiquid!
Version 1.4.0 | Updated September 2, 2024
  • Added Added support for Wall Wallpapers.
  • Updated You will need to download the list of available Wallpapers by clicking on the Check Update button. In case new Wallpapers are added they will be updated remotely with this system. No need to update the plugin.
  • Added Added support for repairing deployable elements in buildings. That is, doors, windows, boxes, etc. are now repaired.
  • Updated The configuration file has been updated with new options related to Wallpaper and Deployable repair (default to true).
  • Added Added permissions: bettertc.wallpaper and bettertc.wallpaper.nocost
  • Added Added new langs.
  • Added Note: Wallpaper placement is not affected by Raid Block, as it does not really apply life changes or anything similar.
  • Added By default it is set to 20 fabric per wallpaper placed. You can change the amount in the settings.
Version 1.3.2 | Updated August 1, 2024
  • Added Added a new menu to select the TC Skin. (Remember to have the bettertc.tcskinchange permission enabled)
  • Added Added the new Shockbyte skin.
  • Removed Removed the old button to activate or deactivate the skin, use the new menu instead.
  • Updated The skin selected in the menu will be automatically applied when placing the rest of the TC if you have the bettertc.tcskindeployed permission enabled.
Version 1.3.1 | Updated May 2, 2024
  • Added DO NOT UPDATE BEFORE FACEPUNCH UPDATE Added scroll bar to the view of authorized players in the TC.
Version 1.3.0 | Updated April 3, 2024
  • Added Retro TC Skin Support A new feature (beta) is added to offer your players the possibility of directly placing TC with the new appearance that Facepunch will add in the next April update. Likewise, the possibility of changing the appearance from the plugin menu is also added. Note: I have been testing and everything seems to work correctly even with Dynamiccupshare. If you find any problem let me know. There may be problems with multitc builds if the player decides to change the skin later. Since what really occurs is the elimination of the wardrobe and the placement of a new one, maintaining its properties.
  • Added 2 new permissions were added: - bettertc.tcskinchange shows the player the option to toggle skin in the menu. - bettertc.tcskindeployed allows the player to place a cabinet with the Retro skin automatically.
Version 1.2.4 | Updated March 10, 2024
  • Fixed I have changed the way it checks whether building entities belong to a teammate or not. Now it should be more optimized and not produce any Player Tick. Please, if you find any problem let me know.
Version 1.2.3 | Updated March 7, 2024
  • Fixed Fix for March update.
Version 1.2.2 | Updated February 23, 2024
  • Added Added "Upgrade / Downgrade only Owner and Team" option. If this option is enabled and the previous two are disabled, both the entity owner and his teammates will be able to upgrade or downgrade the entities. Important: If all 3 options are disabled, everyone will be able to upgrade and downgrade.
Version 1.2.1 | Updated January 27, 2024
  • Added Added "Upgrade only Owner Entity Build" option
  • Added A new parameter has been added to the settings to hide the SteamID in the authentication list if you do not have admin permission.
  • Updated Now if you don't have permission to reskin it will also report that you don't have permissions.
  • Fixed Fixed bug that allowed you to upgrade a container skin even if you did not have permissions to upgrade with skins.
Version 1.2.0 | Updated January 10, 2024
  • Updated Now if you only have the reskin permission enabled and not the upgrade permission, a "RESKIN" button is displayed, since otherwise before you could not exclusively enable this option if you did not want to enable the upgrade.
  • Updated The upgrade button is replaced in the item list by "RESKIN" if you do not have upgrade permission.
  • Added Now all items are shown even if you don't have permission (although you have it blocked). If you want to completely disable any option, simply hide it from the config.
  • Fixed Fixed the list of authorized players in the lockers, it was not displayed correctly when there were more than 6 authorized players.
  • Updated Images of: cupboard.tool, hammer, metal.fragments, stones, wood and metal.refined have been added to my own website. Since sometimes some clients had problems with images that did not load from the Image Library itself.
  • Added Added support for Notify and UINotify.
  • Added Added option in config to disable gametip.
  • Added BetterTC now supports the new TCLevels plugin. A button to access the level system will be displayed within the upgrade panel.
  • Added Now makes a call to OnStructureUpgrade in case you have another plugin that blocks upgrading to a certain level.
  • Fixed Corrected a spelling error.
Version 1.1.0 | Updated October 22, 2023
  • Fixed Added default upskin permission. Now it will not be necessary to reload the plugin after downloading the list of skins.
  • Added Added option in the interface to enable/disable Downgrade (in case it is active in the config). This will serve to prevent some constructions from accidentally downgrading. By default it will appear disabled.
  • Added Added option in the config ("Downgrade only Owner Entity Build") to allow only downgrading of entities built by the same player. This will prevent other players from downgrading a raided base, it is recommended to have this option activated.
  • Updated The working frequency system has been modified in the configuration. Now you can set different times depending on the work being done. So you can assign a cooldown between upgrades, another cooldown between repairs and another cooldown between reskin.
  • Added TiersMode support. It is now compatible with the Tier system, so if you have a limited Tier, the upgrade to wood can only be upgraded to wood. If you have it made of stone, allow wood and stone,...
  • Added Multicolor option has been added to the color palette.

8 thoughts on "BetterTC"

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  1. Not sure what’s going on with this plug-in but it requires us to delete our image Library data folder every wipe or the upgrade/repair tabs will have no image..

  2. Was watching the video and looking at the config and it seems a little slow. If, I did buy it would there be any way to make it faster? Like lower that 0?

    “Cooldown Frequency Reskin (larger number is slower)”: {
    “bettertc.use”: 2.0,
    “”: 1.0

  3. Error while compiling BetterTC: No overload for method ‘RemoveWallpaper’ takes 1 arguments | Line: 462, Pos: 20

  4. Compiles great, speeds are perfect, images and wallpapers load and look AWESOME plus the plugin is supported and updated – what more can you ask for? Thanks again for a great plugin!

  5. not sure whats going on but the wallpaper has a mind of it’s own. It keeps wallpapering random wallpaper on walls inside and out and i cant get them to leave..

Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?

• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.

Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!

• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.

Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.

Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)

Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)

How do I set up these Tools/Utilities I just purchased for my server?

• All tools/utilities are to include installations steps in the description or within the product download themselves, however, if you need assistance whilst setting them up please reach out to us on Discord. Please follow the installation steps found in the description or attached within your downloaded file.

• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.

Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.

Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)

Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)

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