CH47 Reinforcements


Sold by: bmgjet

Run your own CH47 oil rig events anywhere on the map.

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CH47Reinforcement lets you set up your own ch47 oil rig events any where on the map.

You can create your own event points on custom maps by placing a “codelockedhackablecrate_oilrig.prefab” in rust edit or unity.
Select it then create a custom prefab from selection and give it a name following this naming rules.
On server start up the plugin will find prefabs named ch47landingzone= then setup the landing position.
X:Y:Z are the vector 3 position you want the ch47 to drop the heavy scientists at. A easy way to work out this position is temporary place another prefab and look at its position. When this hackable create is activated it will call in the scientists just like oil rig.
A example would be.
which would have the ch47 land at X 1000 height 15 Z -130.

There are also other event types that can be set from within the config file in your /oxide/config folder

RaidbaseWallBreakTriggersEvent if set to true will trigger the ch47 event when a dome wall of raidablebases plugin is destroyed.
MLRSFireTriggersEvent set to true will trigger the event when some one uses the MLRS.
ExcivatorTriggersEvent set to true will trigger the event which will land at one of the hoppers at random.
BradleyDeathTriggersEvent set to true will call the ch47 to land next to bradley.
AttackHeliDeathTriggersEvent set to true will call the ch47 to land next to the crashed attack helicopter.

Other config:
NPCSuisideSecs is how many seconds the heavy scientists dropped will last before they despawn if they arnt killed.
NPCHealth sets the amount of health they have.
HeliHeightOffset sets the hover height (not recommended to change)
HeliSpawnHeightOffset sets how much extra height the heli will have on its spawn to clear trees mountains (not recommended to change)
SearchForCrate set to true will make the heavy’s set the crates position as there home location.
TryNavAgents set to true will make the heavy’s cycle though the nav agent types to try and be able to walk on monument,walkable and humannpc nav meshes.
UseAlarmSound set to true uses the oil rig alarm sound.
UseFlareSignal set to true ignites a flare at the drop point of the ch47.
Ch47SuisideSecs is how many seconds before the ch47 despawns after its dropped off the NPCs.
SpawnDistance is how far out from the drop point it will spawn the ch47 (not recommended to change)
TravelTime is the max amount of time expected from spawn for it to reach the drop point (not recommended to change)
ExtraHeightTimer is how many seconds the ch47 will have extra height on its hover to help clear stuff.
ExtendAlarmSec how much extra time to keep the alarm sound effect running.
EventsCooldownSec how many seconds between events being able to trigger.
BlockRadius is how far out from blocked areas before event can be triggered.
CustomKit if set to the name of a kit and kits plugin is installed it will apply this kit onto the NPCs.

Chat Commands: (Requires Admin)
/ch47trigger kitname – will trigger a Ch47 event at the position of your player when you use this command. will run using the config settings. If a kitname is enter it will change the NPCs kit.
Example /ch47trigger starterkit
This will call the ch47 to land at your position with the NPCs wearing the starterkit.

/ch47trigger.silent kitname –  is the same as above but disables the alarm sound effect.

Console Commands: (Can be used as API for other plugins to trigger events)
ch47trigger.spawn X Y Z kitname – X Y Z are the vector3 position to land at if a kitname is provided then it will change the npc kit other wise leave it blank.
Example would be “ch47trigger.spawn 100 10 100” Which would land at position X 100 height of 10 and Z position 100.

ch47trigger.spawnsilent X Y Z kitname – the same as above but with out alarm sound effect.

You can set up other plugins to call these console commands,

NPCs wont walk on everything. I have set them up to cycle though the 3 main nav mesh types of Monument, Walkable and HumanNPC that isnt perfect. Such as trying to get them to land on a players base or a prefab with no navmesh at all they will either clip to the nearest valid navmesh or float in the air like they do at oil rig when they cant find nav mesh.

Also depending which nav agent they switch to will effect the behavior of the NPC.
If its used the Monument nav agent it should work good like at oil rig. If its used the walkable nav agent then they will run back wards to there home position when attacked if there are no cover points for them to run behind.
If it falls back to HumanNPC nav agent then they will want to roam to junk piles and may group up at there max roam distance of 30f.
The plugin will install a harmony mod to try suppress any navmesh spam and remove it on unload.
The default config settings have been set so it will work on hapis island which has the largest mountain of any map. So they should work fine on all maps.

If support is required please use the discord support in the discord channel.
It can be found under #Customer_Support
Using the discussion or review pages on the website it will go unnoticed since there is no notification given to vendors when they get held back for moderation.


Dynamic Harmony

Full Oxide Support

No Carbon Support

3 reviews for CH47 Reinforcements

  1. 5 out of 5

    strand (verified owner)

    Finally an awesome and highly configurable event with the chinook. Nice work and not surprised that it’s bmgjet

  2. 5 out of 5

    3D Slug (verified owner)

    My new favorite plugins, Can only give 5 stars

  3. 5 out of 5

    Mr Ajay (verified owner)

    Very good, simple and does the job of replicating oil rig heavy scientist drop on any hackable crate you wish, anywhere.

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

Version 1.2.2 | Updated November 7, 2024
  • Updated For Nov Force Wipe, Dont Update Before Hand (AI - Ai)
Version 1.2.1 | Updated October 3, 2024
  • Added Oct Force Wipe (Dont Update Before)
Version 1.2.0 | Updated September 5, 2024
  • Updated Sept Force Wipe (Dont Update Before)
Version 1.1.3 | Updated May 20, 2024
  • Added Secondary region for dynamic harmony server
  • Added Improved error messages
  • Fixed Adjust some settings to improve BetterNPC function
  • Updated Optimize performance to reduce memory usage
Version 1.1.1 | Updated May 12, 2024
  • Added Added config to force framework type
  • Added Config to use BetterNPC to control the NPCs
  • Added Config that exposes more NPC settings
Version 1.1.0 | Updated May 2, 2024
  • Updated For May Force Wipe And Harmony 2.3, Don't Update Before!!!
  • Updated Change Class name to prevent issue with native class of the same name that will happen next wipe. (You will need to delete the old cs file)
Version 1.0.2 | Updated January 14, 2024
  • Fixed Carbon Compile
Version 1.0.1 | Updated May 4, 2023
  • Updated Updated for May Forced Wipe.

14 thoughts on "CH47 Reinforcements"

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    • I would push a update but Im in the middle of a lot of changes with it for next wipe and the changes in that.
      So if your able to yourself you just need to change one line.

      “if (config.AttackHeliDeathTriggersEvent && entity is BaseHelicopter && entity.PrefabName == “assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/patrolhelicopter.prefab”)”

      change “BaseHelicopter”
      to “PatrolHelicopter”

    • Hmm they use to be but maybe rustedit removed that since it made for some crazy names in the customprefab folder.
      So Id say keeping it round numbers would be best.

      • Thanks, it doesn’t matter anyway since its just tiny pos adjustments. Works perfectly well with rounded number.

        Good stuff, unlocks many possibilities for crate locations beyond rigs.

        Feature request – configurable kit/bot name per crate location.
        Perhaps save the crate locations into a config/data file with the kit set this way.

        • Yeah sadly if your server hits 200+ NPCs between vanilla monuments or zombies the npcs in this break these also count towards the max vanilla limit. so far botrespawn is the only plugin that seems to bypass it as it uses its own custom AI where npc spawn and chaos are just pulling from vanilla AI.

          so be warned if your like me making custom monuments or using stuff like zombiehordes+humanpc or all of them lol. not sure what facepunch changed a few months ago with AI but majority AI Plugins or that call AI now cause lot issues one being to many AI=AI wont attack or notice a player almost as if they turn off completely.

          not sure if lot of plugin devs even know of this atm either I only noticed cause I made to many military monuments and was running this with Zombiehordes and noticed both plugins break ai and found out it was due to amount ai I had then noticed they pull from the base games AI trying to work off it.

          • Thats incorrect. There is no limit in the vanilla code anywhere at a set number.
            I have a benchmark plugin that I made for a server host to test out server limits and that spawns in 1K vanilla scientist AI’s then measures FPS.
            They all still path and attack as long as server fps stays above 25fps. 25fps is the point unitys FixedUpdate starts missing calls which could cause AI to stall. If you use a shared host they might mod a limit in since they already add limits to lots of other things artificially to stop other servers on that same hardware lagging.

            PS this plugin uses custom AI other wise they would be broken like RustEdit placed Heavy Scientists. And a vanilla 6K map has around 500 npcs vanilla from the massive train network having them every few grids.

  1. Error while compiling CH47Reinforcement: The type or namespace name ‘Harmony’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 19, Pos: 7

    Seems to be not working now

  2. Hey bmgjet! Love the plugin, is there a chance you can have the bots that spawn when dead turn into bags please or an option to do so?

    Keep up the good work!

  3. Ok. CH47 stays in the Air and sometimes does not drop off soldiers after yesterdays update. Is this the plugin or something Oxide needs to sort?

Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?

• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.

Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!

• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.

Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.

Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)

Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)

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