Cooking 2.0


Sold by: imthenewguy

Spice up your server and make chefs of your players with cooking 2.0.

All 91 new ingredients can be acquired from 33 different sources, and are used in the creation of some more than 90 delicious (and not so delicious) meals.

These meals offer the consumer 1 of 48 different buffs, including invisibility,  no-fall damage,  food share and may more.

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This plugin extends the vanilla cooking system in rust by adding a number of ingredients and advanced recipes to the game.

The ingredients are obtained from any of the 30+ different sources, from ore nodes, to trees, to collectibles such as hemp and pumpkins.
These ingredients are used to create delicious meals that will provide the player with 1 of the 46 different buffs the plugin has to offer, or your own custom buffs should you wish to create your own using permissions from other plugins.

The plugin comes standard with 47 custom recipes and 11 custom ingredients included. It also utilizes a number of rusts existing items, such as pumpkins, corn and potatoes.



There are over 47 recipes that come with the default configuration.
Each recipe allows for any number of ingredients to be added (default is up to 4), and any number of the 46 buffs to be added to each meal.
Recipes can be easily added via the config. This allows server owners to get creative by creating their own custom meals and buffs.

The above video showcases how new recipes and ingredients can be easily added to your configuration.



The plugin comes with 11 unique custom ingredients, and also utilizes 16 of the default items in rust.
Ingredients can be easily added to the configuration (see the above video).

All non-default ingredients can be found from 37 different sources including cutting trees, mining nodes, collecting hemp etc.
Each sources drop rate can be customized to suit your server, and the sources for ingredients can be changed incredible easily by simply adjusting a number in the config file.



There are 37 unique sources that ingredients can be obtained from from cutting trees to collecting pumpkins.
The chances for each ingredient drop are based on the interaction with that source.
For example, picking a pumpkin offers 1 chance, as it is 1 interaction to pick a pumpking, while cutting a tree may be 10-20 chances (depending on the tool), as it takes a number of hits to fall a tree (this can be adjusted to be based on 1 chance per tree/node etc via the config).

When a roll is successful, it then rolls through each item type and selects the item based on that items “dropWeight”, allowing you to make ingredients more or less common than others on the same drop table.



The Farmers Market is an in-built market that allows players to buy and sell ingredients for scrap, server rewards or economics.

By default, the markets stocks will start at 0, and will only increase as players sell their unwanted ingredients to it.

It can be configured to allow all items, or only custom items to be bought and sold through it, and also allows for a maximum stock to be set (default 100), meaing that it cannot have more than 100 of an item type.

The buy/sell values for each ingredient can be adjusted in the config file (default $10 buy, $5 sell).

Starting quantities can also be set if you do not want the market to start at 0.

The market can be accessed by typing in /market (if config is enabled) or by speaking to an NPC that matches the market name (default: farmers market).



Ingredient: A useful ingredient used to make more complex meals.
Woodcutting_Yield: Increases the amount of wood received by a percentage when cutting trees and logs.
Mining_Yield: Increases the amount of ore received by a percentage when mining any ore type.
Skinning_Yield: Increases the amount of animal products received by a percentage when skinning animals.
Heal_Share: Heals those around you for a percentage of the healing you receive.
Heal: Instantly heals you for a percentage of your maximum health.
Food_Share: Shares your food with nearby players, providing them with a percentage of the calories that you consume.
Metabolism_Overload: Increases your maximum calories and hydration capacity by a percentage.
Comfort: Provides an aura of comfort around you. Each nearby player will receive a percentage comfort.
Water_Breathing: Will allow you to breath underwater for the duration.
Fire_Resist: Reduces the damage taken from all sources of fire/heat by a percentage.
Cold_Resist: Reduces the damage taken from the cold by a percentage.
Explosion_Resist: Reduces the damage taken from explosives by a percentage.
Animal_Resist: Reduces the damage taken from animals by a percentage.
Melee_Resist: Reduces the damage taken from attacks made with a melee weapon by a percentage.
Wounded_Resist: If you would enter the wounded state while this buff is active, you will instead be brought to your feet. Any negative modifiers will be removed.
Spectre: You will become invisible to auto-turrets, flame turrets and shotgun traps for the duration.
Madness: This food will make you sound strange to others.
Wealth: Provides you with a percentage find scrap/economics/points when breaking barrels.
Barrel_Smasher: Provides you with a percentage chance to instantly break a barrel with any amount of damage.
Crafting_Refund: Provides you with a percentage chance to refund components when crafting an item.
Passive_Regen: Will passively regenerate a percentage health each second.
Horse_Stats: Will increase the speed any horse you ride by a percentage.
Fall_Damage_resist: Reduces damage taken from falling by a percentage.
Condition_Loss_Reduction: Reduces the condition loss of all worn and held items by a percentage.
Ingredient_Chance: Increases the chance to obtain cooking ingredients by a percentage.
Upgrade_Refund: Provides you with a percentage chance to receive a free upgrade when upgrading your building blocks.
Research_Refund: Provides you with a percentage chance to receive a scrap refund when using a research bench.
Role_Play: This item provides no buffs as it a Roleplay item.
Anti_Bradley_Radar: Makes you invisible to the Bradley APC.
Fishing_Luck: Provides you with a percentage chance to obtain a random item while fishing.
Farming_Yield: Increases the amount of resources collected by a percentage when harvesting player-grown plants.
Component_Luck: Provides a percentage chance to receive a random component when breaking barrels.
Electronics_Luck: Provides a percentage chance to receive a random electrical item when breaking barrels.
Permission: Used for firing off custom commands such as assigning and removing permissions.
Bleed_Resist: Reduces the damage taken from bleeding by a percentage.
Radiation_Resist: Reduces the damage taken from radiation by a percentage.
Max_Repair: Any item that is repaired while this buff is active, will have its maximum condition reset.
Smelt_On_Mine: Provides you with a percentage chance to receive refined resources instead of ores, when mining sulfur and metal nodes.
Loot_Pickup: Provides you with a percentage chance for all items to be moved directly into your inventory when breaking barrels.
Reviver: Sets a players health to a percentage when bringing them up from the wounded state.
Duplicator: Provides you with a percentage chance to duplicate an item when crafting.
Harvest: Increases the amount of resources collected by a percentage> when harvesting wild entities.
Ingredient_Storage: Stores ingredients.
Extra_Calories: Instantly provides you with a percentage of your maximum calories when consumed.
Extra_Hydration: Instantly provides you with a percentage of your maximum hydration when consumed.
Max_Health: Increases your maximum health by a percentage.
Fishing_Yield: Increases the amount of fish received by a percentage.
Damage_Over_Time: The player will always hit the hot spot while mining.
Mining_Hotspot: This perk will damage the consumer every second for the set value.
Woodcutting_Hotspot: The player will always hit the marker while chopping wood.
Dehydration: Removes hydration when applied.
Damage: Damages the consumer by the value.
Radiation: Gives the consumer radiation equal to the value.
Hunger: Removes calories when applied.



Default: Default Rust item
AnyTree: Chopping any tree
ArcticTree: Chopping arctic trees
DesertTree: Chopping palm trees
TemperateTree: Chopping temperate trees
TundraTree: Chopping tundra trees
Cactus: Chopping cacti
AnyNode: Mining any node
AnyArcticNode: Mining any arctic nodes
AnyDesertNode: Mining any desert nodes
AnyTemperateNode: Mining any temperate nodes
AnyTundraNode: Mining any tundra nodes
StoneNode: Mining stone nodes
MetalNode: Mining metal nodes
SulfurNode: Mining sulfur nodes
AnyAnimal: Skinning any animal
Deer: Skinning deer
Bear: Skinning bears
Wolf: Skinning wolves
Chicken: Skinning chickens
PolarBear: Skinning polar bears
Shark: Skinning sharks
Boar: Skinning boar
horse: Skinning horses
Fishing: Catching fish
Gut: Gutting fish
Pumpkin: Harvesting pumpkins
Potato: Harvesting potatos
Corn: Harvesting corn
Mushroom: Picking mushrooms
BerryBush: Picking berries
Hemp: Harvesting hemp
CollectableSulfur: Collectable sulfur nodes
CollectableStone: Collectable stone nodes
CollectableMetal: Collectable metal nodes
Crafted: Crafted
Foodbox: Food boxes
Excavated: Digging up metal detector sites
Lifelink: Heals the user for a percentage of damage done



Command: cook or recipemenu
Action: Opens the recipe menu from anywhere.

Command: market
Action: Opens the farmers market from anywhere.

Command: ibag
Action: Opens the ingredient bag from anywhere.
Permission: cooking.bag.cmd

Command: addmarketnpc
Action: Creates a farmers market NPC
Permission: cooking.admin

Command: removemarketnpc
Action: Removes the targeted farmers market NPC
Permission: cooking.admin

Command: clearingredientbags
Action: Clears the contents of ingredient bags for all players
Permission: cooking.admin

Command: giverecipe <recipe>
Action: Gives the command user the specified recipe card
Permission: cooking.admin

Command: givemeal <target> <meal> <amount>
Action: Gives the specified meal to the target player.
Permission: cooking.admin

Command: giveingredient <target> <ingredient> <amount>
Action: Gives the specified ingredient to the target player.
Permission: cooking.admin

Command: setmarketquantity <ingredient> <amount>
Action: Sets the available market quantity of the specified item.
Permission: cooking.admin



// Recipe menu chat command

// Using the cooking menu

// Admin related cooking comands

// Bypass cooking time

// Bypass ingredient requirements

// Removes ability to gather ingredients

// Allows the ingredient bag to be opened via CMD

// Disables drop notifications

// Disables Notify notifications

// Disables menu sounds

// Allows access to the farmers market via CMD

// Allows the user to speak to the market NPC

// Allows the user to gather ingredients



Economics – Used for the farmers market and the Wealth buff type.

ServerRewards – Used for the market and the Wealth buff type.

SkillTree – Will provide xp when creating meals with the Cooking plugin.




bool CanGatherIngredient(BasePlayer player, uint source)

Returning a non-null value will prevent players from receiving ingredients from certain drop sources. the source is the networked ID of the entity.

void OnMealCrafted(BasePlayer player, string meal, Dictionary<string, int> ingredients, bool isIngredient)

Called after a meal has been created and given to the player.

bool IsCookingMeal(Item item)

Useful if you want to see if an item is from the recipe menu.

bool IsHorseBuffed(RidableHorse horse)

Used to prevent stacking modifiers if a horse is buffed by the Cooking plugin.

object OnAddRecipeCardToLootContainer(BasePlayer player, LootContainer container)

Returning a non-null value will prevent recipe cards from being added to the container.

object OnIngredientBagDrop(BasePlayer player)

Returning a non-null value will prevent the bag from dropping.

void OnMealConsumed(BasePlayer player, Item item, int duration)

Triggered when a player successfully consumes a meal. No return types.


9 reviews for Cooking 2.0

  1. 5 out of 5 (verified owner)

    This is an amazing plugin for PVE and roleplay servers. Good work mate.
    hope you get more of these ideas

  2. 5 out of 5

    Anthony Villarreal (verified owner)

    Great plugin can’t wait to use it more this coming wipe :D

  3. 5 out of 5

    Emigo (verified owner)

    Wonderfull plugin, adds nice extra content for any kind of server thanks to the buffs but is special for pve servers in my opinion. Happy with the purchase

  4. 5 out of 5

    benragin (verified owner)

    This brings another activity for your players to do when they get bored. I’ve received nothing but praise from players for this plugin…bravo, sir well done!!!

  5. 5 out of 5

    Jacqueline Yalda (verified owner)

    Epic Epic EPIC!!! This changes the game making it a lot more interesting!!! Im using this on my Texas 2X server!!! Money well spent!!

  6. 5 out of 5

    doublee313 (verified owner)

    Great plugin and easy to setup. Adds more things for your players to do and get buffs, etc.

  7. 5 out of 5

    thurken42 (verified owner)

    Fantastic plugin. So much content, and being food items with buffs, very popular with literally everyone (on our PvE server). The fact that Cooking interacts with his other plugin, SkillTree, is just brilliant. Kudos to the dev and I absolutely recommend any of his plugins.

  8. 5 out of 5

    jncwinner1 (verified owner)

    The new version of cooking is amazing imthenewguy, fantastic job. Another great mod by an equally great dev. Not only constantly improving existing mods, but making new ones and fixing problems extremally quick.

  9. 5 out of 5

    Hummer3711 (verified owner)

    what did i need to do that it Items on Market needs $ by Economics and dont get scrap? Change in config doesn´t work at me.

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

Version 2.0.18 | Updated March 6, 2025
  • Updated Changed Bleed_Resist and Horse_Stats to use modifiers.
  • Added Added cooking menu access support to the Cooking station.
  • Updated Updated wheat and eggs to use default items.
  • Added Added update to handle changeover for bread.
  • Fixed Fixed version number
Version 2.0.17 | Updated February 2, 2025
  • Added Added a field under ingredientinfo for custom sources so custom loot sources can be displayed.
Version 2.0.16 | Updated December 31, 2024
  • Added Added new skill: Lifelink. Will heal the user for a percentage of the damage done.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with once off buffs not showing the correct chat message.
Version 2.0.15 | Updated December 5, 2024
  • Added Added console commannd: setglobalmarketquantity - Sets the market quantity for all items to amount.
  • Fixed Fixed an exception caused by 0.10 timer.
  • Added Added failsafe to ensure bag is closed.
  • Added Added color option for recipe title menu in recipes menu to be different when the meal is learnt vs unlearnt.
  • Fixed Fixed an exception when adding ingredients to crates that had null networkables.
  • Updated Patched for Decembers update
Version 2.0.14 | Updated October 3, 2024
  • Removed Removed an error message the incorrectly broadcast the config was null.
  • Fixed Fixed an error where fishing luck was giving items with a quantity of 0.
  • Added Added hookmethod: GetCookingMealsAndIngredients(). Returns an object[] of object[] { string: type (ingredient/meal), ulong: skin ID, string: meal displayname, string: meal shortname }
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with the Woodcutting_Hotspot causing conflicts with Skill Tree.
  • Updated Patched for October update
Version 2.0.13 | Updated September 6, 2024
  • Added Added 5 new ingredient sources (crates): VehicleCrate,ToolCrate, MedicalCrate, AmmunitionCrate, FuelCrate.
  • Updated Updated crates to include the ingredients inside of the crate, rather than simply adding them to the players inventory when looted.
  • Updated Improved performance by reduced the garbage collection when cycling through items (thanks Whisper88).
  • Updated Updated the market reset wipe setting to take an int rather than true or false. This allows servers to set the base stock amount that is set when the server wipes.
  • Updated Updated pooling
Version 2.0.12 | Updated July 7, 2024
  • Added Added chat command: inspectmeals to inspect meals.
  • Updated Updated for July's surprise patch.
Version 2.0.11 | Updated June 3, 2024
  • Added Added Ingredient source: Excavated - found when digging a site that has been found with a metal detector.
  • Added Added permission fields for each drop source (default null). Non-null values will require the player to have the permission in order to obtain ingredients from the source.
  • Added Added permission requirement for grown items (default null). Non-null value will require the player to have the permission in order to obtain ingredients from player grown sources.
Version 2.0.10 | Updated May 10, 2024
  • Added Added new (de)buff type: Damage - damages the player when the meal is consumed.
  • Added Added new (de)buff type: Radiation - Irradiates the player when the meal is consumed.
  • Added Added oil barrels to the Loot pickup buff.
  • Fixed Attempted to fix an issue with OnResearchCostDetermine firing multiple times.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue where recipe cards would drop for default recipes.
  • Added Added option for recipe cards to show the buff information for their respective meals in chat when a player finds it.
  • Updated Updated Comfort buff so that the player who consumed the meal also receives comfort.
  • Fixed Fixed an infinite loop with OnPlayerHealthChange that caused server crashes after the last oxide update.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with ingredients obtained while gutting a fish in an ingredient bag being deleted.
Version 2.0.9 | Updated February 21, 2024
  • Added Added a few missing language translations for ingredient drops.
  • Added Added a config option to set market quantities to 0 on a new wipe.
  • Added Added new command: setcookingmarketstock - sets the global ingredient stock to the specified value.
  • Added Added new command: setcookingmarketstockfor - sets the stock for ingredient to the specified value.
  • Added Added option to class: allowDefaultEffects. This will ignore the config setting.
  • Added Added buffs: Dehydration and Hunger. These will be banes that can be added to meals for balance.
  • Fixed Fixed a potential exception error under HandleDispenserDrops method.
  • Added Added a redundancy for the quantity input field under recipes. Should prevent exceptions when letters are entered.
  • Added Added option for meals and/or ingredients to be added to loot crates.
Version 2.0.8 | Updated December 12, 2023
  • Added Added config option to prevent stack consolidation in the ingredient bag.
  • Added Added ingredient option: "notConsumed". This will prevent the item from being consumed when used to craft. Useful for adding ingredients such as cake moulds etc to your recipes.
  • Added Added config option to control buff stacking. If set to false, it will select the highest active buff, rather than adding them buff values together.
  • Updated Prevented players from learning recipes that they do not have the permissions for.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with disabld meals showing up as a blank space in the menu.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with the config option for controlling items going into ingredient bags not functioning.
Version 2.0.7 | Updated October 26, 2023
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with disabled recipes still appearing in the menu.
  • Added Added cooldown value to UI if above 0.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with Economics and ServerRewards not working with the Wealth buff.
Version 2.0.6 | Updated October 6, 2023
  • Added Added config option to wipe NPCs on server wipe.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with the language file.
Version 2.0.5 | Updated September 21, 2023
  • Fixed Fixed a bug where new default meals weren't loaded into the config.
  • Updated Updated the default recipe durations.
  • Fixed Added missing lang for Fishing_Yield
  • Added Added new buff: Mining_Hotspot - Always hits the hot spot while mining.
  • Added Added new buff: Woodcutting_Hotspot - Always hits the marker while chopping wood.
Version 2.0.4 | Updated August 29, 2023
  • Fixed Fixed the default recipes not caching when using recipe cards.
  • Added Added config option to lower/disable power tool proc rate for buffs.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with recipe cards dropping for players without the perms when smashing barrels.
  • Added Added menu option to toggle drops (assigns the cooking.nogather permission when disabled)
  • Added Added SurvivalArena meals blacklist. This prevents players from joining the event if they have the meal active.
  • Added Added command: removeallmarketnpcs. Removes all market NPCs from the map and data.
Version 2.0.3 | Updated August 3, 2023
  • Updated Updated it so the Meals button will only be shown if the player has the cooking.use permission.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with saving market quantities on unload.
  • Added Added a new buff: Fishing_Yield.
Version 2.0.2 | Updated July 26, 2023
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with the permissionToCook attribute not functioning.
  • Added Added the player UI buttons to the settings, allowing for adjustment.
  • Updated Updated language settings.
  • Added Added cooking.recipecard permission as a requirement to find recipe cards.
  • Added Added the requirement for the growable entities to be ripe to provide ingredients.
  • Updated Updated the method for destroying ingredients when sold to the farmers market.
  • Fixed Fixed the meals not giving XP in skill tree.
  • Added Added support for RandomTrader
  • Fixed Fixed an exception error when attempting to look at the recipe menu.
  • Added Added config option to adjust UI button colours.
  • Fixed Fixed an exception error caused by the invalid string format of the wealth buff.
  • Added Added blacklist for ingredient bag.
  • Fixed Fixed an RPC error caused by the Wounded_Resist buff, when a player was wounded due to fall damage.
  • Added Added a new perk: Damage_Over_Time. This perk will damage the consumer every second for the set value.
  • Updated Updated the UI to display the correct healing value for Passive_Regen.
  • Added Added config option to allow the default metabolism and healing functions of base food types to trigger (default: false)
  • Added Added failsafe when adding recipes to a loot container that contains more than 6 or more items already. The recipe will be given directly to the player if this happens.
  • Added Added a failsafe for a bug that occures when dying while looting the ibag.
  • Added Added SkillTree integration with 3 unique skills: IngredientChance, CookingTime (reduction), BuffDuration. These are handled via Cooking directly.
Version 2.0.1 | Updated May 31, 2023
  • Updated Changed the default config for bread so the shortname matches the recipe.
  • Added Added a check on initialize to ensure ingredient data matches recipe data where applicable.
  • Fixed Fixed a bug that was preventing collectibles from providing ingredients.
  • Added Added config settings to wipe bag and recipes on server wipe.
  • Fixed Fixed loot not spawning in FoodBox.
  • Added Added support for multiple FoodBox variations.
  • Fixed Fixed an exception issue when sending the recipe sub menu.
  • Added Added void OnMealConsumed(BasePlayer player, Item item, int duration);
  • Fixed Fixed the gutting gather source.
  • Updated Updated some of the default recipes to make their descriptions and ingredients more unique.
  • Added Added auto update for ingredient bag settings.
Version 2.0 | Updated May 25, 2023
  • Added Added the ability to find and lean recipe cards. Using this feature will remove the default recipes and require the player to find recipe cards in order to learn new recipes.
  • Added Added a cooking queue system. Players can now queue up multiple meals for cooking.
  • Added Added the ability to run commands to individual meals. This will allow you to run command(s) when a player consumes a meal, and more commands when the meal timer finishes. An example use for this feature is assigning and removing permissions from a player based on the meals they consume.
  • Added Added menu navigation sounds
  • Updated Completely reworked the UI design. UI is a lot cleaner and responds a lot faster.
  • Added Added indicators that show whether or not the player can craft the meal directly from the menu.
  • Added Added a quantity input box, allowing for multiple meals to be queued. This also updates the required ingredient amounts.
  • Updated Favourites menu can now have as many entries as the player wants. The order is dictated by when the player added the meal to favourites.
  • Added Added a settings UI, allowing players to toggle menu sounds, buff notifications, drop notifications, and move various UI elements to their liking.
  • Added Added Buy/Sell 10 buttons to the farmers market.
  • Added Added the ability to colour menu elements via the config.
  • Added Added the ability for servers to allow any number of concurrent meal buffs to run alongside each other.
  • Added Added dynamic Hud buttons for easy access to menus (updates when permissions are given/removed).
  • Added Added the option to cook from any BaseOven (furnace, bbq, fireplace etc). Config contains optional whitelist/blacklist.
  • Added Added the ability to set multiple recipe commands
  • Added Added Permission based drop chance modifiers
  • Added Added additional drop sources
  • Updated Simplified the ingredient and meal menu significantly, as the previous version had way too many items.
  • Updated Moved all of the CUI to steam workshop so icons are cached by clients, freeing up server performance.
  • Added Added an option for ingredients to be gained on the final hit of a node only.
  • Updated Allowed drop sources to house multiple ingredients, and for ingredients to be housed by multiple drop sources.
  • Added Added the option for meals to persist through death.
Version 1.4.9 | Updated May 4, 2023
  • Updated Updated the CanCombineDroppedItem return type.
  • Updated Updated for forced wipe.
Version 1.4.8 | Updated March 2, 2023
  • Fixed Fixed compile error
Version 1.4.7 | Updated March 2, 2023
  • Updated Removed console spam
Version 1.4.6 | Updated March 2, 2023
  • Updated Moved the check for disabled recipes to be done earlier in the hook.
  • Fixed Fixed some logic around the iBag.
  • Added Added configurable chat command option for recipe menu.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with meal creation trigging the OnItemUse hook.
  • Updated Updated for forced wipe.
Version 1.4.5 | Updated January 6, 2023
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with items stacking when collected directly into the ibag.
  • Fixed Fixed a rare duplication when the fruggal rationer perk (SkillTree) proc'd.
Version 1.4.4 | Updated October 26, 2022
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with item stacking and default ingredients caused by the ingredient bag.
  • Updated Updated the horse feed to work with horses that have no saddle and fixed an issue where horse speeds were not reset correctly on plugin unload.
  • Added Added black list for cooking items that go into raidable bases
  • Fixed Fixed compatibility issue with BetterLoot
  • Updated Updated the message for receiving components for better punctuation.
Version 1.4.3 | Updated October 18, 2022
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with locked BaseOvens sending the UI.
  • Updated Migrated the images to Dropbox and added method to change existing links to use new Dropbox links.
Version 1.4.2 | Updated October 11, 2022
  • Fixed Attempted to fix the timer 0.1 exception.
  • Added Added Cuppa Tea to recipes.
  • Added Added Tea Leaves to ingredients.
  • Fixed Fixed PassiveRegen not being removed after timer has finished.
  • Added Added support for QuickSortExcluded exclusions
  • Added Added new ingredient source: FoodBox - rolled when a player opens a foodbox.
  • Added Created a simplified version of the config for ingredients and recipes, for servers that do not want such a large number of meals and ingredients. Changing between them will delete recipes and ingredients from the config and replace them with their respective defaults.
  • Added Added Hook: object OnIngredientAddedToContainer(LootContainer container). Returning non-null will prevent the ingredient from being placed into the container.
  • Added Added Hook: object OnRecipeAddedToContainer(LootContainer container). Returning non-null will prevent the meal from being placed into the container.
  • Fixed Fixed issue with /mealinfo when players had no meals.
  • Updated Added method to handle replacing Chocholate type on start.
Version 1.4.1 | Updated September 17, 2022
  • Updated Added some additional null checks to CanLootEntity to prevent null itemDef usage.
  • Fixed Fixed an error with OnPlayerAddModifiers.
  • Fixed Fixed an error with player data being adjusted by others.
  • Added Added option to adjust backpanel colour and transparency.
  • Added Added support for bbq.campermodule.
  • Added Added support for RaidableBases.
  • Updated Changed Quaternion for NPC info to Vector3 due to serialization error.
  • Added Added optional required permission for all recipes. If the value is not null, the permission will be required to craft the recipe.
  • Fixed Patched an market NPC duplication error on start up.
Version 1.4.0 | Updated September 3, 2022
  • Added Added chat box notifications when consuming a recipe describing the buff.
  • Added Added support for RandomTrader.
  • Updated Added some null checks in the OnEntityTakeDamage hook.
  • Added Added new buff type: Duplicator (meal: Mozzarella sticks). Gives the consumer a chance to duplicate their crafts.
  • Updated Changed the structure of the config so you can add multiple buff types to a dish.
  • Added Added whitelist option for ingredients bag to allow default items based on shortname.
  • Added Added support for SkillTree to insert the Instant Chef skill node to the Cooking tree.
  • Updated Updated the OnCollectiblePickup hook.
Version 1.3.2 | Updated June 7, 2022
  • Fixed Fixed the hook buff type to add players to a Dictionary instead of a list, based on the name of the meal that the hook returns.
  • Added Added API hook to see if a horse has been buffed. Will prevent buffing of horses that have been buffed by the SkillTree or EpicLoot plugins.
  • Added Added a new mealinfo chat command to display meals from a players inventory
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with the Halloween bag being up-gradable due to updates.
  • Updated Wrapped unload snippets in try/catch to prevent failing to unload.
  • Added Added a fail safe to delete old NPCs if the server crashed and it could not unload the plugin properly.
  • Added Added fail safes in to prevent items being created with quantity < 1
  • Added Added new API call: void OnMealConsumed(BasePlayer player, Item item, int buff_duration) - triggered when a meal has successfully been consumed.
  • Added Added API: bool IsCookingMeal(Item item) - Used to check if an item is a meal.
Version 1.3.1 | Updated May 8, 2022
  • Fixed Fixed the skin ID for glass so it is consistent for the ingredient and the recipe. Will require manual update or refresh of the config.
  • Updated Updated the trycook block so it considers the or the skin ID + shortname.
  • Updated Added a null check to the timer 0.1f.
  • Fixed Fixed the default skin ID for coriander -2572180050.
  • Removed Deleted duplicate chocolate browny.
  • Updated Updated OnMealCrafed: void OnMealCrafed(BasePlayer player, string meal, Dictionary ingredients_used, bool isIngredient)
  • Fixed Fixed the base item for wood.
  • Fixed Patched an issue where some default items would be placed into the ingredient bag and deleted straight away because they are default. Default items will no longer attempt to be placed into bags.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue where the panel wasn't updating when splitting a stack from a container.
  • Added Added config option to disable stack management from cooking, for cases where a server is running stack management plugins.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with the crafting refund working on total crafting task, rather than individual completions.
  • Updated Updated the behavior of BarrelSmasher to work with loot magnet.
  • Fixed Fixed a dupe issue with some ingredients.
Version 1.3.0 | Updated April 14, 2022
  • Fixed Fixed config duplication for cooking entities and animals.
  • Added Added option for meals and ingredients to be found in loot crates.
  • Fixed Fixed an error when using item dropWeights.
  • Fixed Fixed issue with the Ingredient buff.
  • Updated Changed GatherTypes from individual to arrays, so you can add more than 1 source per ingredient.
  • Added Added a large amount recipes and ingredients thanks to Mirabel. (91 recipes and 90 ingredients total).
  • Added Added a number of new gather sources, mainly around different biome locations for trees and nodes, as well as stone, metal and sulfur nodes directly. Ingredient drops are now rolled per source, rather than all rolled into 1 roll.
  • Added Added locations to find ingredients when selected in the cooking menu.
  • Added Added new buff type: Heal - heals the player for the modifier value.
  • Added Added new buff type: SmeltOnMine - instantly refines all ore mined.
  • Added Added new buff type: LootPickup - automatically loots a barrel that the consumer has broken.
  • Added Added new buff type: Reviver - when the reviver brings a player out of the wounded state, the player is given hp equal to the modifier.
  • Fixed Fixed deermeat shortname in the default config (changed to deermeat.raw).
  • Added Added colour tags to the ingredients listed in the recipe which represents the quantity of ingredients the player has on them. Red: None. Yellow: Some but not enough. Green: Enough.
  • Updated Rewrote the code the the farmers market. Should work a lot smoother now. Added Buy/Sell x buttons as well. value of x is set in the config (default 10).
  • Updated Can now sell to the market directly from your ingredients pouch.
  • Added Added support for Polar Bears.
  • Added Added failsafe to prevent storing items into the ingredient bag that do not belong. These items will be dropped to the floor.
  • Added Added config option for the ingredient container to drop on death if enabled, and the player has the chat perms to acces the bag or has the bag item on them.
  • Added Added options to recolour the UI
  • Added Added a favourites menu (maximum 10 recipes).
  • Added Added chat command: togglenotifications - toggles the notifications of drops on/off
  • Added Added config option for recipe text highlighting based on ingredients available.
  • Fixed Fixed splitting ingredient stack when not using plugins like StackModifier.
  • Added Added spawnable NPC that can be used to access the farmers market.
  • Added Added chat command to spawn market npc: addmarketnpc
  • Added Added chat command to remove market npc: removemarketnpc . Can be used with a userid parameter or while targeting the NPC.
  • Added Added chat command to list market npcs that exist: listmarketnpc
  • Updated Updated the image caching to be more reliable.
Version 1.2.10 | Updated March 21, 2022
  • Fixed Patched an ingredient bag item duplication method.
  • Fixed Fixed the lang to display the correct descriptions. Old lang values will remain, but will be unused. New lang starts with "BuffType0" and is proceeded by the buff value. IE BuffType02 is for FoodShare.
Version 1.2.9 | Updated March 20, 2022
  • Added Added config option to automatically update missing meals
  • Removed Removed the required field for ImageLibray to prevent it from reloading.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with the button not being removed when the player stops looting an oven.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue where the market prices were not updating from the config.
  • Updated Added a null check for OnEntityKill and SaveContainerContents to prevent NRE.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with fish_drop_chance not having an impact when gutting fish
  • Added Added support for StackModifier to prevent cross over.
Version 1.2.8 | Updated February 24, 2022
  • Updated Updated the bag config option to allow the user to specify the prefab that they wish to use, as well as the slot count.
  • Added Added "givemeal" console command with parameters.
  • Updated Changed market command to be configurable.
  • Added Added failsafe for when the storage bag chest is spawned, so it isn't deleted by server due to ground watch.
  • Updated Adjusted the chat message displayed when a player eats a meal that they are on cooldown for, advising them how long they have left on the cooldown.
  • Added Added API call: OnIngredientBagOpened(BasePlayer player, ItemContainer container).
  • Removed Removed the data requirement for ingredients/recipes.
  • Updated Optimized the plugin in various ways.
  • Added Added auto update for new recipes.
  • Added Added new buff type: permission buffs. These will give a permission to a player upon consumption and remove it after the timer expires. Recipe: chilli stuffed peppers (disabled by default) gives you an example of how this works using skinbox.use permission.
  • Added Added new buff type: NoBleeding buff. This will prevent the consumer from bleeding and remove any active bleeding effect.
  • Added Added new buff type: RadiationResist buff. This will prevent the consumer from taking radiation damage and remove any active radiation effect.
  • Added Added new buff type: MaxRepair buff. This will restore the maximum condition of an item when the repairer is under the influence of the buff.
  • Updated Adjusted barrel smasher to encompass all LootContainer entities (including road signs).
  • Added Added the ability to give ingredient items that are also recipes as buff (ie cheese can be given the comfort buff, but is also required to make pizza).
Version 1.2.7 | Updated January 13, 2022
  • Added Added the ability to cook using ingredients in your ingredient bag without having to withdraw them.
  • Added Added scrap option as a wealth currency for the wealth buff.
  • Added Added exclusion options to power tools for acquiring ingredients.
  • Fixed Fixed a bug that prevented economics from being accumulated with the wealth buff.
Version 1.2.6 | Updated January 4, 2022
  • Added Added hook: void OnMealCrafed(BasePlayer player, string meal, Dictionary ingredients);
  • Added Added a new buff and meal - Admiral Pie: BoatTurbo. This will allow the consumer to toggle the boats turbo system on/off with the /cturbo command.
Version 1.2.5 | Updated December 15, 2021
  • Added Added permission (cooking.gather) to allow players to gather resources. No permission means players will not receive ingredient drops.
  • Added Added a config option to allow animals to be specified for the animal gather source.
  • Fixed Fixed an inaccessible food buff if the user had item drops turned off.
  • Fixed Fixed an bug that added berry bush drops to the collectable nodes drop list.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with the bbq button appearing when players were no longer looting a bbq.
Version 1.2.4 | Updated December 8, 2021
  • Added Added a command and permission to allow players to open the ingredient bag without the item. Ingredients will automatically go into the bag if the config is set to allow it, and the user has the permission or they possess the bag item. If they have the permission, they will be notified of the command upon receiving their first drop each time they connect.
  • Added Added buttons to the recipe menu, where the ingredients are listed. This will populate the ingredient name above the picture tiles when clicked.
  • Added Added a config option to delete user ingredient bag data between wipes (default true). Set it to false if you would like players to keep their ingredient bag contents between wipes.
Version 1.2.3 | Updated December 2, 2021
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with 1.2.2 that set the new "enabled" fields to false, preventing the menus from being used.
Version 1.2.2 | Updated December 1, 2021
  • Added Added a config option to allow the cooking menu to be opened via an NPC.
  • Added Added Hook: CanGatherIngredient(BasePlayer player, uint source) - Prevents players from receiving ingredient drops if returned false.
  • Added Added command: /updaterecipes. This will add missing recipes from the default config to the config and reload the plugin.
  • Added Added DoubleJump buff (requires double jump plugin) with new recipe: Spicy Carrot Stew.
  • Fixed Fixed the invisible buff not reading the buffModifier value correctly.
  • Updated Optimized the application of buffs a little.
  • Updated Updated the permission system for external buffs such as NightVision to use a group system.
  • Added Added Option for ingredients to be disabled in the market, without disabling them entirely.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue with certain items not stacking. This was preventing some purchases from happening via the market.
Version 1.2.1 | Updated November 18, 2021
  • Fixed Fixed a bug that prevented the cooking button from appearing when opening up an oven.
Version 1.2.0 | Updated November 17, 2021
  • Updated Replaced a number of global config options for some buff types so you can adjust the values individually via the recipe. This will allow recipes to have different modifiers, but the same buff type. Example: HealShare can have an adjusted BuffModifier for each meal, which will dictate the distance that other players are healed.
  • Added Added FishingLuck buff to increase the fishing luck when rolling for a casket (requires FishingTreasure plugin).
  • Added Added MiningYield buff to increase the amount of resources obtained while mining.
  • Added Added WoodcuttingYield buff to increase the amount of resources obtained while cutting trees.
  • Added Added FarmingYield buff to increase the amount of resources obtained while harvesting player-grown crops.
  • Added Added ComponentLuck buff, which adds a chance for extra components to be spawned when opening a Loot container for the first time.
  • Added Added ElectronicLuck buff, which adds a chance for an extra electrical item to be spawned when opening a Loot container for the first time.
  • Updated Updated the flavor text of the default recipes.
  • Added Added recipe menu title, next button text and back button text to lang file.
  • Added Added 5 new default recipes: MiningYield, Woodcutting, FarmingYield, ComponentLuck & ElectronicLuck.
Version 1.1.7 | Updated November 8, 2021
  • Updated Changed the OnNewSave hook to set the market quantities to values based in the config and not 0.
  • Added Added a chat command to set the market quantities for ingredients individually (/setmarketquantity )
  • Added Added a recipe buff to prevent helicopter from targeting a player with the machine gun (napalm runs will still happen) - Buff number: 30.
Version 1.1.6 | Updated October 10, 2021
  • Added Added a buff type called RolePlay (29). When assigned as the BuffType for a meal, it will provide the player with calories/hydration as normal based on the Base food, but will not offer any other buff. Useful for role players.
  • Fixed FIxed a null reference exception error when gutting fish.
Version 1.1.5 | Updated September 25, 2021
  • Added Added a sound when cooking a meal.
  • Fixed Fixed an issue when eating a meal, while there were already 3 buffs active, would give the player free food/hydration. Also fixed all bugs for crafting using items that would give the player a modifier such as poison etc.
Version 1.1.4 | Updated September 25, 2021
  • Added Adjusted the way the config and data file saves, so when an ingredient is removed/renamed, it reflects that in the data file/menu. Useful for updating the language of items etc.
Version 1.1.3 | Updated September 21, 2021
  • Added Added a chat command to toggle the ingredients dropping per player.
  • Added Added 2 options for the bag size - Small (12 slot) and large (30 slot). Adjust in config (default small).
Version 1.1.2 | Updated September 14, 2021
  • Fixed FIxed a bug where wolves would drop the chicken's drop table as well as their own.
  • Fixed Adjusted default config so blood has a DropWeight. This was effecting the milk drops for some reason. If milk is not dropping for you, set the dropWeight of "blood" in your config to a value greater than 0.
  • Fixed Adjusted the plugin to remove items with a dropWeight of < 0 from the designated DropSource.
Version 1.1.1 | Updated September 11, 2021
  • Fixed Fixed blood being added to the inventory when gathered from animals etc.
Version 1.1.0 | Updated September 7, 2021
  • Fixed Fixed a bug with selling an ingredient to the market, giving players the effect of the ingredient.
  • Fixed Fixed a bug with the market NPC not working, despite the name being correct. You will no longer need to have the chat command config enabled for this to work.
  • Added Added the option for NPC IDs to be used instead of/in addition to the NPC names to open the market.
  • Added Added the option for additional oven types to present the cooking button when opened. Simply add the prefab shortname to the config.
  • Fixed Removed a bug where the cooking menu would appear, despite not looting an appropriate oven. This will also prevent the cooking button from appearing after closing the recipe menu, if it was opened via the chat command.
  • Added Converted all chat messages and recipe buff descriptions to lang. You can now access this via oxide/lang/en/Cooking and adjust all messages to your liking.
  • Updated Moved the Cooking icon slightly higher.
  • Added Added a cooldown option for meals to prevent players from spamming them (default no cooldown). Useful for powerful buffs like NightVision or Vanish. You will either needs to reload your config (delete it and let the plugin generate a new one) or add the cooldown parameter inside of your config (see link for example:
Version 1.0.5 | Updated September 4, 2021
  • Fixed Fixed a config issue where the market inputs weren't being saved to the data file.
  • Added Added a chat command to reset the market data to its default quantities - /resetmarket
Version 1.0.4 | Updated September 4, 2021
  • Fixed Fixed an error with economics when purchasing an item from the farmers market
  • Added Added 4 API calls for buying and selling to the farmers market.
Version 1.0.3 | Updated September 3, 2021
  • Added Added ImageLibrary dependency for image caching. Images should load a lot quicker now.
  • Added Added halloween collectables (stone, sulphur & metal) to gatherFrom_CollectableNode.
  • Fixed Blacklisted the Ingredients bag from being placed into the Ingredients bag.
Version 1.0.2 | Updated September 1, 2021
  • Added Added ServerRewards support for the Wealth buff and the market. Can be used instead of Economics if set in the configuration.
Version 1.0.1 | Updated September 1, 2021
  • Added Fixed a syntax issue that messed with compiling


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Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?

• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.

Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!

• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.

Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.

Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)

Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)

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