Fish Loot
Sold by: ZEODEFish Loot adds a chance to get custom items when fishing with a fishing rod or traps, or when gutting fish.
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Fish Loot
Fish Loot allows players to catch custom loot items instead of fish by chance. Create a custom loot table, with configurable rarity and drop chance per item. You can also specify the required bait value per item, so players will need to use that bait to get the best items!
NOTE: If you enable to config option to allow fish traps to continue trapping after a successful catch, you will also probably need to give players the no trap damage permission, otherwise while the player is away, if the trap catches many times, it will break and the player will lose their trap and loot.
Players can also get the same chance to get custom loot items when gutting Small Sharks if enabled in the config.
Very simple to set up with a small example loot table as default. Then just edit the loot table to suit your needs and add as many custom items as you like. All options you could possibly need in the config file.
- fishloot.rod (loot chance with rod)
- fishloot.condition (players rod doesn’t lose condition)
- fishloot.nofail (player can reel in fish without losing)
- fishloot.instacatch (hook a fish as soon as you cast)
- fishloot.gutluck (player has a chance of item when gutting)
- fishloot.fishtraps (player has a chance of item from fish traps)
- fishloot.notrapdamage (player’s fish traps do not lose health after catch)
There are also chance multiplier permissions that can be created and set in the config. Players with these permissions will have a higher chance of getting a bonus item.
Default Config:
"Options": {
"Chat Prefix": "<color=orange>[FishLoot]: </color>",
"Use Chat Prefix": true,
"Use Sounds": true,
"Bonus Received Sound": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/gold_open.prefab",
"Chance Multipliers By Permission (Add As Many As You Need)": {
"fishloot.examplevip1": 1.1,
"fishloot.examplevip2": 1.2,
"fishloot.examplevip3": 1.3
"Gutting Options": {
"Enable Bonus Chance When Gutting (Requires 'fishloot.gutluck' Permission)": true,
"Fish Enabled For Gutting Bonus Chance": [
"Fish Trap Options": {
"Enable Bonus Chance In Fish Traps (Requires 'fishloot.fishtraps' Permission)": true,
"Fish Trap Starting Health (HP) [Default = 100]": 100.0,
"Health To Lose After Each Catch (%) [Default = 10]": 10.0,
"Fish Trap Tickrate (seconds) [Default = 60]": 60.0,
"Fish Trap Success Rate (%) [Default = 50]": 50.0,
"Fish Traps Ignore Stack Limits": false,
"Fish Traps Continue Trapping After Successful Catch [Default = false]": false
"Custom Fish Loot": [
"Display Name": "Green Keycard",
"Item Shortname": "keycard_green",
"Amount": 1,
"Skin ID": 0,
"Rarity [1 = Very Common, 2 = Common, 3 = Normal, 4 = Rare, 5 = Very Rare]": 1,
"Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. [0 - 100]": 0.0,
"Drop Chance [0 - 100]": 10.0,
"Minimum Fishing Rod Bait Level [1 - 10]": 1.0,
"Maximum Fishing Rod Bait Level [1 - 10]": 10.0,
"Minimum Total Trap Bait Calories (Fish Traps Only)": 750
"Display Name": "Blue Keycard",
"Item Shortname": "keycard_blue",
"Amount": 1,
"Skin ID": 0,
"Rarity [1 = Very Common, 2 = Common, 3 = Normal, 4 = Rare, 5 = Very Rare]": 3,
"Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. [0 - 100]": 0.0,
"Drop Chance [0 - 100]": 10.0,
"Minimum Fishing Rod Bait Level [1 - 10]": 3.0,
"Maximum Fishing Rod Bait Level [1 - 10]": 10.0,
"Minimum Total Trap Bait Calories (Fish Traps Only)": 1000
"Display Name": "Red Keycard",
"Item Shortname": "keycard_red",
"Amount": 1,
"Skin ID": 0,
"Rarity [1 = Very Common, 2 = Common, 3 = Normal, 4 = Rare, 5 = Very Rare]": 5,
"Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. [0 - 100]": 0.0,
"Drop Chance [0 - 100]": 10.0,
"Minimum Fishing Rod Bait Level [1 - 10]": 5.0,
"Maximum Fishing Rod Bait Level [1 - 10]": 10.0,
"Minimum Total Trap Bait Calories (Fish Traps Only)": 1500
"Display Name": "Supply Signal",
"Item Shortname": "supply.signal",
"Amount": 1,
"Skin ID": 0,
"Rarity [1 = Very Common, 2 = Common, 3 = Normal, 4 = Rare, 5 = Very Rare]": 4,
"Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. [0 - 100]": 0.0,
"Drop Chance [0 - 100]": 10.0,
"Minimum Fishing Rod Bait Level [1 - 10]": 5.0,
"Maximum Fishing Rod Bait Level [1 - 10]": 10.0,
"Minimum Total Trap Bait Calories (Fish Traps Only)": 1250
"Plugin Version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 2,
"Patch": 1
Reviews (1)
1 review for Fish Loot
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Version History
- Added Config option to enable/disable loot items from fishing rod
- Fixed Default loot table having values in the custom name (breaks stacking with vanilla items)
- Fixed FishTraps now trap custom items again
- Fixed Item creation fixed so vanilla items now stack properly
- Fixed Use Sounds config option now works
- Added Success noise on Fish Trap when catching bonus item
- Added Config option to stop trapping if full if continue after trapping is true
- Added Config option to drop items if stop when full is set to false
- Fixed Language translation files not working (Tested working)
- Added Blueprint chance loot config option (0 = disabled 100 = definite)
- Fixed Health to lose after each catch not working in some cases
- Fixed Health to lose amount not reflecting config option amount
- Fixed Fish trap calories config requirement not working correctly
- Added Config option to allow traps to continue trapping after successful catch (Rust default is false)
- Added Fish Traps now included in the plugin
- Added Config option for trap health
- Added Config option for trap health loss on catch
- Added Config option for trap tickrate
- Added Config option for trap success rate
- Added Config options to allow item chance on gutting all fish
- Added Permission to allow players to get items from Fish Traps
- Added Permission for no trap decay/damage on catch
- Fixed Mono component not destroying in some cases
- Updated First public release
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Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)
CORNDOG (verified owner) –
I like using this plugin to give players a more relaxing way to come up on custom loot without needing a gun or bow. One of my favorite plugins for sure, 10/10