RaidableSleeper [Works with HallOfShame]


Sold by: RustFlash
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-> Steal from sleeping players.
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Project details

Project: RaidableSleeper

dev language: c# oxide

Plugin language: en

Author: @RustFlash


The RaidableSleepers plugin allows players to loot sleeping players that appear on the map. These sleepers appear randomly and contain valuable loot that can be stolen by the active players. The sleepers spawn automatically at set intervals and disappear again after a certain amount of time.


  • Random Sleeper Spawns: Sleeping players spawn at random locations on the map.
  • Loot distribution: Each sleeper is filled with random items from the preconfigured loot list.
  • Cooldown mechanism: There is a configurable cooldown time between sleeper spawns.
  • Loot Notification: Players will receive a notification when a Sleeper has been looted.
  • Admin commands: Admins can manually spawn, test or delete sleepers.
  • Cluster spawns: Multiple sleepers can be spawned in a certain radius around a central position.


/spawnsleepers – Spawns a random sleeper on the map cooldown 5 minutes for this command
/testsleepers – Spawn a test sleeper at your position
/clearallsleepers – Removes all sleepers on the map
/clearsleepers – Removes the sleeper you are looking a


raidablesleepers.admin – Allows admins to spawn, test and delete sleepers. – Allows players to raid sleeping players.


  “NumberOfSleepers”: 10,  // Maximum number of sleepers on the map
  “AvailabilityDuration”: 600.0, // Minutes when position change if not found
  “CooldownDuration”: 300.0, // Minutes when a new sleeper should spawn if the NumberOfSleepers is not reached
  “EnableLootNotification”: true, // Chat message who loots a sleeper?
  “ItemsToSpawn”: [
      “Shortname”: “ammo.rifle.explosive”,
      “SkinId”: 0,
      “MinimumAmount”: 100,
      “MaximumAmount”: 256
      “Shortname”: “explosive.timed”,
      “SkinId”: 0,
      “MinimumAmount”: 1,
      “MaximumAmount”: 2
      “Shortname”: “wood”,
      “SkinId”: 0,
      “MinimumAmount”: 2000,
      “MaximumAmount”: 6000

load, run, enjoy 💝


Unfortunately, I do not always receive all notifications. Therefore, if you have any questions, please only create a ticket in our Discord. Please be patient until someone answers. Only use the ticket system for this and select the “Flash” role when joining.

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As we all live in different time zones, it can sometimes take a while for us to reply. However, we will do our best to respond as quickly as possible. Please note that we do not offer 24/7 support.

For a smooth cooperation, we ask you not to write to us privately, as such messages often end up in the spam folder. We also ask you not to ping us, we see all tickets and respond promptly.

Please formulate your ticket clearly and precisely. A simple “Hi, can you help?” does not help us and only leads to unnecessary delays. Detailed requests save both your time and ours.


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Version 1.6.0 | Updated October 15, 2024
  • Added ➔ | Compatible with skins from misticos
Version 1.4.0 | Updated September 27, 2024
  • Added ➔ | New loot mechanism added: Variations of loot with a loot table system. ➔ | Added configuration options for minimum and maximum number of loot items. ➔ | Loot tables now contain different categories such as “Common”, “Uncommon” and “Rare”, each with a fixed spawn probability. ➔ | Adjusting the loot distribution mechanism to provide more variety.
Version 1.2.0 | Updated September 19, 2024
  • Added 🆕 ➔ | Added functionality to automatically remove a Sleeper 10 seconds after it has been looted. ➔ | Improved the CanLootPlayer method to include a timed sleeper removal feature. ➔ | Minor optimizations for sleeper management and loot notifications.


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Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?

• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.

Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!

• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.

Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.

Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)

Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)

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