How to blacklist or delete skins?
- Description
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- Live Skinning – Skin items in place without moving them
- Auto import – Automatically import and use all game approved skins
- Skin Sets – Create a variety of different skin sets for any item
- Skin Requests – Allows players to request and Admins to accept new skins in game
- Auto Skins – Automatically apply selected skins to every item that enters your inventory
Skinner 2.0 offeres unrivaled performance in plugin efficiency. Our standard testing shows runtime results were 60x faster and memory usage was 200x more efficient than the closest peforming plugin.
SkinMenu Commands:
- /Skin or /S – Live skin any item in your inventory by selecting a skin you wish to apply
- /SkinCraft or /Sc – Create multiple skin sets for use in other functions such as skinauto or skinteam
- /Skinitem or /Si – Skin a deployable item you are looking at ingame.
- Args – Spectify 1, 2 or 3 to automatically use a skin set.
Automatic Commands:
- /Skincon or /scon – sets all items in a container you are looking at to your default craft set
- Args – Optional, spectify 1, 2 or 3 to automatically use a skin set.
- /Skininv or /sinv – sets all items in your inventory to your default craft set
- Args – Optional, spectify 1, 2 or 3 to automatically use a skin set.
- /Skinteam or /st – sets all items in your inventory and your teams to your default craft set
- Args – Optional, spectify 1, 2 or 3 to automatically use a skin set.
- Toggle – Use /skinteam toggle to opt in or out of the team skin set
- /SkinBase – Allows you to skin all deployables in your base to your default skincraft skins.
- Args – Optional, specify item name to filter items being skinned example: /Skinbase sleepingbag to only skin sleeping bags.
- /SkinAll Command – Skin all the items in all the containers in your base.
- Args – Optional, specify item by shortname example: /SkinAll rifle.ak to only skin ak47’s.
Skin Import Commands:
- /Skinimport or /sip – Import custom workshop skins
- Args – WorkshopID example: /Skinimport 2397648701
- /Colimport or /cip – Import custom workshop collection using /skinimport collectionID
- Args – Collection ID example: /Colimport 2921147807
- /Skinrequest or /Sr – Request a skin to be added to skinner, requested skins will show in the /Skinrequests UI for approval
- /Skinrequests or /Srs – Opens the the skinner menu with a box of skins awating approval
- Button Usage – Select an option and remove the skin to enact the process
Try – Recieve a copy of an item with that skin
Approve – Adds the skin from the menu to the imported skins list
Deny – Removes the skin
- Button Usage – Select an option and remove the skin to enact the process
Note: All chat commands are universal meaning they can be used via the console, rcon(for import commands) and can be customized via the configuration.
Player Permissions:
- Skinner.default – enables /skin command
- Skinner.items – enables /skinitem command
- Skinner.craft – enables /skincraft command
- Skinner.skincon – enables /skincon command
- Skinner.skininv – enables /skininv command
- Skinner.skinbase for use of the /skinbase command
- Skinner.skinall for the use of the /skinall command
- Skinner.skinrequest enables /skinrequest
Cooldowns Permissions:
Cooldown settins can be adjusted via the plugin config. Applying the cooldown permission example skinner.default30 will enforce cooldowns on those with the permission. If no cooldown permission is applied no cooldowns will be enforced. If multiple cooldown perms are assigned to a single player they fastest cooldown will be used.
Admin Permissions:
- Skinner.import – enables /Skinimport, /Colimport and /Skinrequests
- Skinner.bypassauth – bypasses the building auth requirement when using /Skinitem
- Skinner.permskintry – enables try feature when using /Skinrequests
- Warning: trying a skin will make a copy of that item. Only give this perm to admins who are allowed to spawn items.
Note: The “Imported Skins (skinid : ‘shortnamestring’, skinid2 : ‘shortnamestring2′”: {}” is now redundant and automatically converted to imported skins list.
Reviews (8)
8 reviews for Skinner
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
Version History
- Added -Update to fix redirect skins being forced on to non-redirect items -Fixes names being applied to redirect skins when naming config option is disabled
- Added Update for persistant item ownership Fix for new item armour slots
- Added Update for persistant item ownership Fix for new item armour slots
- Fixed NRE fix - May Rarely cause items to poof
- Fixed Fix for held entity sometimes becoming invisible to the client when being re-skinned
- Updated Added support for backpack skins Changed spraycan override behaviour Enabling spraycan override from the config will cause the skin item menu to open when using a spray can to re-skin. The side effect of this is that freehand and decal sprays will not work. Fixed NRE for redirect items (there was a very small chance of getting an NRE and loosing an item when selecting a redirect skin, this is now fixed) Fixed NRE when using stacks extended Fixed compatability issues with Backpacks (umod) and Bag of Holding (codefling) plugins
- Added Fix for unexpected box behaviour
- Added Support added for Oct 3rd update (Only apply this update with the new server version) Updated looting method Added redirect checks to black listed items Pooling method updates Extra checks for skin imports
- Added Added discord webhook config option to log skin requests to discord. (empty = disabled) Active item skin now updates without having to move the item Stopped skinauto from running on a player while other skin commands are in use New stack handeling logic (only for when native stack behaviour is modified via a stacks plugin) New API for developers (Read Docs) Fixed UI sometimes not closing Fixed Skinrequests commands not working after page 1 Added spinner and jacket to custom workshop import definitions Added data converter tool (Allows conversion of skinbox, xskinmenu and skincontroller imported skin json files)
- Fixed Highly recommended update. Patches issues with new skins
- Added It is recommended that anyone using version 2.0 and upwards apply this update and delete the the data file in oxide/data/PlayerUsageData or carbon/data/PlayerUsageData Redirect skins now are checked by blacklisted skin IDs Fixed /Skinrequests NRE Various item logic fixes
- Added WARNING THIS UPDATE(2.0.5) WILL CREATE NEW DATA FILES IN YOUR OXIDE/DATA/SKINNER FOLDER. This means all saved player data (not including imported skins) will be wiped. Old data files can be deleted: -DefaultCraftSkins -DefaultCraftSkins1 -DefaultCraftSkins2 -SkinsRequestData -PlayerUsageData Changes: Performance: All default craft skins are now a single data file Data has been compressed by 500% - This means less data being store in memory as well as faster load and save times Importing of workshopskins and approved skins is also faster Removed all Linq usage Features: Added config option to automatically delete inactive player data after a given time period Added config option to disable auto imported skins New config option to blacklist items from being skinned Bug Fixes: Non-rust workshop IDs will be skipped Updated workshop definitions RPC Error - Fix Fixed item slots becoming locked or containing broken items Backpacks now support live skinning
- Added WARNING THIS UPDATE(2.0.3) WILL CREATE NEW DATA FILES IN YOUR OXIDE/DATA/SKINNER FOLDER. Old data files can be deleted: -DefaultCraftSkins -DefaultCraftSkins1 -DefaultCraftSkins2 -SkinsRequestData -PlayerUsageData Other Changes: -Compressed data by 500% -Added config option to delete inactive player data after a given time period -Removed all Linq usage -Added config option to disable auto imported skins -Updated Workshop Items -Workshop skins import faster -Improved item look up speeds -Non-rust workshop IDs will be skipped -Updated workshop definitions
- Added Fix for handeling stacks with stackmodifier and stacksizecontroller Fixed some stack logic for vanilla as well Fixed Scaling clear your config or use the following values "Custom Page Change UI Positon anchor/offset 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [ "0.5 0.0", "0.5 0.0", "198 60", "400 97" ], "Custom Searchbar UI Positon anchor/offset 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [ "0.5 0.0", "0.5 0.0", "410 635", "572 660" ], "Custom Set Selection UI Positon anchor/offset 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [ "0.5 0.0", "0.5 0.0", "250 610", "573 633" ], Added extra item movement logic You can now drag any item into a filled box to use that as your main item when skinning with /skin Moved player skin request data from config to data file The config can now be edited while the plugin is loaded - then reload for changes to take place Autoskins now remembers your previous setting prior to logging off the server so you don't have to toggle on each time you log in New Config Option - Use on itemcraft hook (skin items after crafting - not required when using skinauto) This is defaulted to false as its only required if your server doesnt allow for skin auto but you still wish to use craft skins.
- Added Major update please read the docs page before installing. New features include: Live Skinning - Skin items in place without moving them Auto import - Automatically import and use all game approved skins Skin Sets - Create a variety of different skin sets for any item Skin Requests - Allows players to request and Admins to accept new skins in game Auto Skins - Automatically apply selected skins to every item that enters your inventory Thanks to everyone who helped with testing, profiling, feature requests and code suggestions: Patrette(master of the carbon profiler), Raul, RyanRust (@facepunch), Monstro, Raichu and SRTBull 2.0.1 - Fix for searchbar missing in skincraft
- Updated Update for backpacks - /Skininv now skins items in your backpack as well
- Fixed Fix - Keybings wont trigger when typing in the search bar
- Fixed Patch for new weapon skins. High priority update.
- Fixed Fix for bugs caused by other plugins using CanStackItem or OnMaxStackable.
- Updated Massive performance improvements, hook times have been reduced by 99%
- Updated Removed sets UI from skin deployables and skin items.
- Added Skin sets x3 - You can now have 3 different sets of craft skins
- Added config position options for skin sets UI
- Added skinset && ss chat commands (example: skinset 3 - this will set your default craft skins as your third set)
- Added skinimport console command - sip or skinimport
- Added workshop skin collection console command - cip or colimport
- Updated Changed spray can over-ride to middle mouse button
- Fixed Fixed tug boat building auth
- Added Added public API - GetAllCachedSkins
- Added Added public API - GetSkinsItemList
- Updated Patched for 03/08 update for crafting baseplayer.
- Fixed Added double wooden doors to skin workshop api list
- Fixed Fixed bug where a player may loose items when their inventory is full
- Updated Patched for 05/05 update for netids.
- Added Added double wooden doors to skin workshop api list
- Fixed Permission logic fixes
- Fixed -Update for February network patch
- Updated -Updated search UI to work on all commands
- Updated -Blacklisted skins are now blocked from being skinned
- Added Added config option of applying skin names
- Fixed Importing command not importing some skins
- Fixed Small various bugs
- Fixed Added workshop definitions for M39 and Table skins.
- Fixed Fixed no skins importing when a workshop definition isn't found.
- Added Update to reset skin search/filter when item is removed
- Fixed Fix for workshop skin definitions
- Added Fix for some skin names showing long asset names
- Added New Features: /SkinBase Command - Allows you to skin all deployables in your base to your default skincraft skins. You can optionally specify certain deplorables such as /skinbase sleepingbag to only skin sleeping bags. /SkinAll Command - This is like the skincon command but it will skin all the items in all the containers in your base. You can optionally specify certain items such as /SkinAll rifle.ak to only skin ak47's. New search bar UI has been added to skin craft, skinitem and skin commands, Additional config options for this have also been added. Added ability to import workshop collections has been added to the config Skin names are now automatically applied to reskinned items Short names are automatically added to custom skins Added ability to over-ride spray can behavior via config. Added ability to use the spray can effect when holding a spray can.
- Added Config Updates: Added skinbase and skinall command options to config Added UI options and toggle for search bar Added spray can override (default is off) and spray can effect options to config Update cooldowns options for new commands Added imported skins list. Added imported skin collections list The imported skins list will automatically convert skins from the original imported skins to the newer format. Imported skins from your steam collections will automatically get added to this. If you want to manually add skins you only need to provide the skin ID in the following format: "861142659": { "itemShortname": "vending.machine", "itemDisplayname": "Charcoal Vending Machine" } Leave the item shortname and display name blank and these will automatically be populated.. Optionally you can use the skin import command and just do /skinimport skinid
- Added Permissions: Added skinner.skinbase for use of the skinbase permission Added skinner.skinall for the use of the skinall permission
- Added Fixes: Fixed rare occasions of entities out of order kick bug Fixed removal of items in skinner when the plugin is reloaded Fixed removal of items on death Fixed null-references Fixed for "Item.SetParent caused remove" debug notice (this isn't actually an issue but the debug is annoying)
- Added support for Artic/Ice rifle skin
- Fixed Bug fix. Important update if using 1.1.5
- Added Support for skinning item stacks
- Fixed Small Bug Fixes
- Added /skinimport command - allows you to add workshop skins in game
- Added Added LR and non-craftable items to default craft skins for the skin inv and skin con commands
- Fixed Fixed page indexing so all pages should now be displayed according to UI
- Fixed Fixed random console spam
- Fixed Fixed for servers which allow stacking of weapons
- Fixed Fixed issue where normal loot containers wouldn't stack items into a players inventory
- Updated 1.1.1 Feature Update. Please read all patch notes.
- Added ★Command cooldowns - allows you to set a permission based cooldown per command.
- Added ★ /Skininv command, automatically sets all items in your inventory to your default craft skins.
- Added ★/Skincon command, automatically sets all items in a container you are looking at to your default craft skins.
- Added ★Customizable UI (move global UI position now in config)
- Added ★Skinned items now show skin names in item display
- Added ☰☰☰New Perms:☰☰☰
- Added ◈ skinner.skininv allows use of the skininv command
- Added ◈ skinner.skincon allows use of the skincon command
- Added ◈ Ability to add custom cooldown perms see config options
- Added ☰☰☰New Config Options:☰☰☰
- Added ◈ Skininv commands list
- Added ◈ Skincon commands list
- Added ◈ UI position - set the position of the skinner UI
- Added ◈ Cooldown - set permission and command based cool down per permission
- Added ☰☰☰Localisation Changes:☰☰☰
- Added ◈ Added cooldown lang options
- Added ◈ Added missing lang options
- Fixed ☰☰☰Other Changes:☰☰☰
- Fixed ➢Improved speed stability and over all performance of skin controller functions
- Fixed ➢Fixed items disappearing
- Fixed ➢Fixed null reference errors
- Fixed ➢Added workshop initialisation debug and skins total count
- Updated ➢Changed to unlock inv and prevent universal conflicts
Discussions (10)
10 thoughts on "Skinner"
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how to blacklist items like Abyss Assault Rifle
You need to get the SkinID in this case the workshop item is
so copy the ID 3090153186 into the blacklist in the config file
Morning, i installed the new skinner v2. but have question, i noticed theres only one page for particular items, how to I get the next page of skins to show up. I dont see a next page button some place on the screen
oh, wait, now i see it, its right in the middle of the skins ui. any way to get that below or above it. its located six lines down in front of the skins
Was wondering, is there a way to have it where we can put in a webhook to let us know when players request for a skin approval. Seems only way is to use the command in game to see if any request have been made.
Hello, I am getting a message that Skinner needs to be updated. I see it has been updated on Another website but none here since Version 2.1.4 | Updated November 16, 2024
What’s New in Version 2.1.5
Released January 11
Fix for held entity sometimes becoming invisible to the client when being re-skinned
Also looking to update to version 2.1.6 that’s available on Codefling. This seems to now be a frequent issue on Lone. The problem is, I pay for my premium plugins on Lone. Is it possible that those sales can be transferred over to Codefling if we are unable to download updates here? I would sure hate to have to repurchase the plugins over on Codefling just to be able to get updates if I don’t have to.
update? :(
Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)
RustNRelax (verified owner) –
Without a doubt, the best skins plugin currently available. Very fast and players are loving being able to skin items already placed.
Matthew Schmelter (verified owner) –
Amazing plugin, dropped right into my server without any issues. Easy to use and configure.
JohnC48 (verified owner) –
This is THE best skin plugin out there. If you are thinking about buying it, just do it, it is 100% worth it. The plugin developer is also the nicest guy you will ever meet. 10/10 recommend.
solorandom2 (verified owner) –
Love this plugin sense you can create cooldown for each group that you have for example
vip1, vip2, vip3, ect
Each command can have a individual cooldown
Also love the fact that there is a command to be able to skin items that players placed down so they dont have to pick it up and take damage on said item (Garage Door). 10/10 would recommend. So simple to cfg to
tobipolar (verified owner) –
Really awesome plugin. Love that it not only skins specific items, but you can also save your default skins for each items with /sc, but then if you find unskinned versions you can use /sinv to auto apply your set skins to them. And being to skin deployables when they’ve already been placed is great! 100% recommend!!
New B (verified owner) –
New B (verified owner) –
Everything you need to skin items in one plugin.
Provokatze23 (verified owner) –
I’m stunned how performant this plugin runs and loads in tons of skins quickly.
Offers everything players asked for.
Simple UI – basically like the good old skinbox, doesn’t confuse players.
Love that i can add collections with one command, saves so much time!
Thank you! <3