I present to your attention – IQSphereEvent
This is a new look at the plugins for RUST servers, a storyline, a dynamic story, and events depending on the story
The dull, old, and familiar sphere will gain new colors with this plugin, your players will definitely like it!
This plugin is suitable both for PVE servers to gather teams and attack the sphere, capturing valuable loot from scientists and for PVP servers, creating battles between players for holding the sphere and passing the story!

Chat & Console Commands :
– iqsp start – standard start of the event in normal mode
– iqsp quick.start – quick start of the event
– iqsp stop – standard shutdown of the event
– iqsp quick.stop – quick shutdown of the event
public Boolean IsEventStart() //Returns the event status
With this plugin, you can :
- Create a unique event on your beautiful server
- Entertain the players and surprise them with the introduction of this event
- A unique story with a pleasant accompaniment
- Large and convenient plugin configuration
- Multilingual support in the plugin story
- Absolutely configure the plugin in detail :
- Detailed configuration for NPCs of each level of the sphere separately:
- You will be able to customize the items of clothing on the NPC
- You will be able to customize the elements of weapons from NPCs and adding different variations
- You will be able to customize the drop-down loot with an NPC
- Setting up the chance of falling out for loot with NPC
- Support for custom loot in NPC
- Setting the number of HP for an NPC
- Configuring the NPC Display Name
- Setting the number of NPC spawn
- Full control over the event :
- You can configure the interval for the automatic start of the event
- You will be able to control the end of the event
- Setting up your own loot on the sphere :
- Support for custom items
Support for the chance of dropping items
- You can configure the event’s coverage area :
- You will be able to block the teams you need in the event area
- Support for placemarks on the G map :
- You can customize the marker color
- You can adjust the transparency of the marker
- Additional settings :
- You will be able to enable notifications for players who are in the area of the event to inform them
- Pager support :
- You can enable and disable pager support
- You can adjust the frequency of the pager
- The pager will turn on and vibrate from the start of the event to its end
- Full customization of the sphere’s appearance and configuration of its events:
- Air defense support :
- You can enable and disable air defense support
- You can adjust the radius of detection of flying objects
- You can adjust the number of rounds in each air defense
- Support for sound effects :
- You can enable and disable support for sound effects
- You can create your own unique sound effect or take a ready-made one from YouTube, absolutely any sound is suitable, at your discretion
- You will be able to control the volume level of the sound effect
- Radiation support :
- You can turn on additional radiation on the sphere during the storyline
- Setting the initial radiation value
- Setting up the radiation multiplier
- Setting the radiation update time
- Maximum radiation value
- Support for light signals :
- You can enable and disable support for light signals
- The light signals include :
- Red warning lights
- Yellow warning lights
- Lighting support:
- You can turn on and off the lighting on the sphere
- The lighting includes :
- Laser support
- You can enable and disable support for lasers on the sphere
- The lasers include :
- Laser installations that respond to sound
- Support for additional plugins :
- There is support for IQChat :
- You can enable and disable IQChat support
- Configuring the icon in the message
- Configuring the prefix in messages
- Story Settings : (All the settings listed above also affect the story )
- You will be able to customize each element of the story :
- Setting up icons for each person’s story interface
Setting up the names of each person’s story interface
- Setting up effects in the story:
- You can enable and disable the effects support in the plugin
- The story has a nice running line that is comfortable to read
- When you turn on the running line with the story , a different sound of the NPC is played
- You will be able to customize the playback sound yourself when you turn on the story (Sounds specifically from the game)
- Setting up a helicopter :
- You can enable and disable helicopter support on the sphere
- Adjust the number of circles that the helicopter will make around the sphere
- Adjust the maximum speed of the helicopter
- Adjust the speed indicator of the helicopter (The helicopter has its own speed during each maneuver, so this indicator differs from the maximum speed indicator)
- Plot development with a helicopter : (All events will be accompanied by a story)
- When a helicopter is shot down :
- You can set up your own loot from a helicopter
- Burning boxes fall out of it, already in flight and fly to the ground, have their own gravity, thereby making this element unusual, because the boxes can fly to different places
- The number of boxes is always different, you can specify it yourself
- Enable and disable loot support
- At the end of the flying circles by helicopter :
- The helicopter will start to fly away and disappear only at the end of the map, where it will not be seen by the players
- Setting up a Chinook :
- You can disable and enable Chinook support on the sphere
- Chinook has several behaviors and each behavior has its own events :
- Behavior : Crash
- With this behavior, during the flight to the sphere, the Chinook will suffer an explosion of the fuel tank and begin to explode in flight, after that it will try to make an emergency landing, which will be unsuccessful and it will fall exactly into the center of the sphere (All this will be accompanied by a plot)
- When a Chinook crashes, there are several events :
- A normal crash :
- The Chinook just falls, accompanied by the plot, on the sphere
- Behavior with the loss of cargo :
- A Chinook can drop one or more boxes with a timer of 15 minutes during falls
- You will be able to set up your own loot list for each hackeblelocket crate
- Behavior : Combat Support
- With this behavior, the Chinook will fly up to the sphere and maneuver over it while the scientists in it will shoot everyone around and after that it will fly away (All this is also accompanied by a plot)
- Behavior : Ammunition support
- With this behavior, the Chinook will fly up to the sphere and maneuver over it while the scientists in it will shoot everyone around, then it will drop the box and after that it will fly away (All this is also accompanied by a plot)
- Configuring hackeblelocket crate drops in each behavior :
- In each behavior of the chinook, you can configure the hackeblelocket crate drop:
- You can set up a static chance of dropping the hackeblelocket crate
- You can set up a dynamic chance of dropping the hackeblelocket crate
- You can disable or enable hackeblelocket crate drops support
- Each behavior supports its own loot setting
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Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)
bu0704 (verified owner) –
nice plugin~
wesley (verified owner) –
Good idea but terrible execution and major language barrier when trying to communicate with creator.
Mercury –
What exactly did you not like about the performance?
Contact me in Discord – Mercury#5212
Lone –
Really great event for any server. Super fun!
Kronos (verified owner) –
Great Plugin with great activity!! Cool Really love to see more