Rust Admin Discord

The One And Only Rust Admin Discord Endorsed By Facepunch!

Rust Admin Community Discord

Rust Admin Community, ‘RAC’ for short, was founded to fill the gap of good admin servers in our community that would help provide a stepping stone to all admins. We believe that everyone should have a chance and a voice.

Are there any benefits to joining?

Yes! Not only will you be able to network with some of the community’s largest server owners, but you’ll also get access to:

  1. Tools to help you run your community
  2. A place to advertise your services and skills
  3. A place to get all updates notified to you relating to Rust
  4. Plus, many, many more perks!

Who Are We?

RAC is run by some of the community’s largest server owners, admins, and people who know the inner workings of this community. This is important because we know how important it is to have a Discord like this to create fulfilling conversations and for the future of Rust. We also have some of the community’s most prominent service providers, and knowledgeable friends around in our Discord such as BattleMetrics, RustAdmin, Tebex, and service providers of many of your most popular plugins. We firmly believe in having a diverse staff team so there is no bias, nor single entity/person control over the Discord. We firmly want the community to influence and be contributing to it’s changes if need be!


We believe in the community, and we believe we can make a difference, and we’ve already started. Since opening nearly 48 hours ago, we have almost 500 members and discussions going on in every single channel. Come check us out!

Join the RAC Discord



  • RAC Management Team


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Comments (2)

  • Nova Legion


    April 1, 2022 at 4:46 pm
  • Chris

    Nice one Lone for adding it in a blog, after all the s—- that’s happened to the creator of the group it’s about time he had some recognition. Great discord for connecting with others and getting decent support!

    April 2, 2022 at 11:53 am

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