Rust Nuclear Missile Silo monument in development

Rust: Nuclear Missile Silo Development & Beta Testing

A Comprehensive Look at the Upcoming Nuclear Missile Silo Monument in Rust

Facepunch Studios, the developer behind the popular survival game Rust, has been hard at work developing an exciting new addition to the game – the Nuclear Missile Silo monument. Recent updates on the development progress suggest that the team is making steady progress in refining the monument’s design and functionality. For those eager to get a first-hand look, the producer Alistair has announced that the Nuclear Missile Silo will be available on the Aux02 branch today/tomorrow depending on your timezone for beta testing.

Key Features and Improvements

Optimizations and Visual Enhancements

From the information available, it appears that the development team is focusing on various aspects to enhance the player experience in the Nuclear Missile Silo. These include improving lighting conditions and optimizing textures for better visual quality. The team has also been working on mesh optimization for this monument, which contributes to smoother gameplay by reducing the load on the players’ systems when at this monument.

New Prefabs and Structures

The addition of new prefabs, such as radio towers, watchtowers, and portacabin buildings, indicates that the monument will feature a diverse range of structures for players to explore.

Collision and Movement

Other updates highlight improvements to collision and movement, ensuring that players can navigate the monument seamlessly. These refinements, along with numerous other tweaks and fixes, demonstrate the attention to detail that Facepunch Studios is known for.

Beta Testing on Aux02 Branch

For Rust enthusiasts and server owners, the Nuclear Missile Silo monument will be available for beta testing on the Aux02 branch today. This is a fantastic opportunity to test out this new content and provide valuable feedback for further refinements.

Switching to Aux02 Branch in Steam

To change your Rust game from the main branch to the Aux02 branch in Steam, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open your Steam library
  2. Right-click on Rust- Staging Branch and select “Properties
    How To Select Aux02 Staging Branch For Rust Beta Testing
  3. Go to the “Betas” tab
  4. In the dropdown menu, select “aux02 – upandcoming
    Rust Nuclear Missile Solo Staging Branch Walk Thru
  5. Close the properties window, and Steam will automatically update your Rust – Staging Branch to the Aux02 branch


In conclusion, the Nuclear Missile Silo monument is shaping up to be an exciting addition to Rust, with its development progressing steadily. The availability of the monument on the Aux02 branch for beta testing allows eager players and server owners to experience this new content and contribute to its development. As more information becomes available, fans can look forward to a well-crafted and engaging experience in the Nuclear Missile Silo.

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