Is there any youtube videos explaining it deeper, me and my buddys just might be slow but we cant seem to figure it out…

Automated Messages
Sold by: beeeAutomated chat messages based on chat keywords, timer or various other triggers. Plugin comes with an easy to use Admin UI for complete setup, and supports special localization for your messages.
- Description
- Reviews (1)
- Version History
- Discussions (11)
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Automated chat messages based on chat keywords, timer or various other triggers. Plugin comes with an easy to use Admin UI for complete setup, and supports special localization for your messages. You can define messages to be sent only to specific Groups or Permissions, and you can allow players to toggle on/off messages if they do not find them useful.
If what you need is not here and still falls under the scope of the plugin description, reach out to me
Timed | ChatCommand | AutoReply | NewPlayerJoined | PlayerConnected | PlayerDisconnected | PermissionGranted | PermissionRevoked | AddedToGroup | RemovedFromGroup | PlayerDead | CrateHacked | EnteredZone | LeftZone | EnteredMonument | LeftMonument
/am.edit - (Admin UI for complete setup) - requires automatedmessages.admin permission /tips - (Player command for toggling on/off messages) command can be changed in the config file
You can switch between languages in Admin UI to setup localized replies for every language the game supports. Check config section below for how to add languages.
Variables can be included in the messages text to show further info based on the trigger or player. The plugin also supports with the extensive list of variables it brings.
{playerid} - Player steam id
{hacklocation} - Specific to messages with type CrateHacked
{wipetimeremaining} - Days/Hours till wipe (based on rust convar settings if a missile silo monument is present)
{online} - # of players online
{sleeping} - # of players sleeping
{joining} - # of players joining
Below are only settings not currently available in Admin UI, highly recommended to edit triggers or actions using /am.edit
- Chat Icon (Steam Id) – Icon that will be used for all messages sent by the plugin, must be a steam id.
- Toggle Chat Command – “tips” – Chat command that allows a player to toggle on/off messages.
- AutoReply Cooldown (in seconds) – Per action cooldown timer when players type a keyword set.
- ChatCommand Cooldown (in seconds) – Per player cooldown timer when a player types a chat command.
- ZoneManager Cooldown (in seconds) – Per player cooldown timer on enter or exit zone.
- MonumentWatcher Cooldown (in seconds) – Per player cooldown timer on enter or exit monument.
- Replies Server Languages – Languages your server will support. Available options:af, ar, ca, cs, da, de, el, en-PT, en, es-ES, fi, fr, hu, it, ja, ko, nl, no, pl, pt-PT, pt-BR, ro, ru, sr, sv, tr, uk, vi, zh-CN, zh-TW
- Default Server Language – Fallback language if player client language had no available replies, you must have at least one reply for this language for the action to function.
- AutoReply `Broadcast to all` option to broadcast to team only if keywords sent from team chat – true/false
Reviews (1)
1 review for Automated Messages
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
Version History
- Fixed ArgumentException
- Added Settings section in admin ui
- Fixed Replies not sent to eligible players if trigger owner was not eligible
- Fixed Broadcast to all replies not always showing same message for all players
- Added "Use trigger owner chat icon" to actions
- Added "Custom chat icon (Steam Id)" to actions
- Added Reply specific custom chat icon prefix (customicon:{steamid})
- Added "Game tip color (true = blue - false = red)" to actions
- Updated Starts fetching country earlier + webrequest exception handling
- Updated Get grid using MapHelper.PositionToString
- Updated Code cleanup
- Updated ISO language code changes - Changed es to es-ES, pt to pt-PT, zh to zh-CN. Added pt-BR and zh-TW
- Added "Send as game tip" option for replies + ability to preview game tip in /am.edit
- Added "Send in chat" option (true by default)
- Fixed Inaccurate grid {hacklocation}
- Added Support for Radtown when using {hacklocation}
- Fixed Replies sent when a sleeper is killed
- Added To config: "AutoReply `Broadcast to all` option to broadcast to team only if keywords sent from team chat"
- Updated Support for ! prefix in AutoReply keywords (won't work if prefix is reserved for oxide commands)
- Fixed PlayerDead sending on teleport/respawn
- Updated Runs PlayerConnected actions for new players if NewPlayerJoined didn't have active actions
- Added Default Language to config
- Updated Actions with no Groups and Permissions set will be eligible for all except Excluded Groups and Excluded Permissions
- Fixed Message randomly showing receiver name instead of trigger initiator
- Updated Please backup your config file & do not update before wipe
- Added Multi-Language support for Replies (supports all rust available languages: af, ar, ca, cs, da, de, el, en-PT, en, es, fi, fr, hu, it, ja, ko, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, ru, sr, sv, tr, uk, vi, zh)
- Added Multi-Language support for Admin UI with some pre-translated languages (en, es, uk, ru, ko, pt-BR, zh-CN)
- Added Integration with Monument Watcher by IIIaKa
- Added Chat Command Cooldown, Zone Manager Cooldown and Monument Watcher Cooldown to config
- Updated Code refactoring
- Removed Linq
- Updated Player data file moved from data/AutomatedMessages.json to data/AutomatedMessages/PlayerData.json
- Updated This update will move all your replies from the config file to a language file in data/AutomatedMessages/lang, again just as a precaution, backup your config file.
- Fixed Fix hack location not detecting oil rigs due to name change
- Updated Can now define multiple chat command variants for one action (comma separated)
- Updated Performance optimizations
- Fixed Hide horizontal scrollbars showing in Carbon
- Fixed PlayerConnected and NewPlayerJoined not firing
- Fixed Changed ip to country service to attempt fix of some hosts blocking the other
- Fixed NRE handling when {wipetimeremaining} used without missile silo monument on map
- Fixed NRE fix causing new plugin config not generating
- Added New admin UI to completely setup your automated messages
- Added PlaceholderAPI support
- Added Added {wipetimeremaining} {online} {sleeping} {joining} variables
- Added Option to exclude admins triggering
- Added Process PlayerDead trigger instantly if was set to global
- Added Unsubscribe from unused hooks
- Added Some config titles renaming
- Added Some code cleanup
- Updated AutoReply keyword sets that share same reply messages can now be separated by the character | Example -> "when,wipe|update" will trigger if chat message contains all the keywords 'when' and 'wipe' or the word 'update'
- Fixed hacklocation mixing oil rigs in message
- Added PlayerDisconnected & CrateHacked triggers
- Added {playercountry} & {hacklocation} variables
- Updated Messages now run in sequence, opposed to the previous random behaviour
- Fixed Multiple NewPlayerJoined or PlayerConnected in config were sending only one
- Added cooldown for AutoReply type messages
- Updated moved some Loaded processing to OnServerInitialized
- Added AutoReply trigger based on keywords specified in Target (comma separated)
- Fixed {playername} should show trigger owner not recipient name for messages sent to global
Discussions (11)
11 thoughts on "Automated Messages"
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Will try to add starter files later that can be helpful, but for now you can reach out to me on discord to help you out.
My discord is .b.e.e.e.
this is the config. not very helpful or easy to navigate unless you understand basic code….. you need to have filled out a starter config for each category as in Message Timed Auto Reply etc. Is there a better example somewhere as the description page is very confusing. awaiting your reply thanks
“Version”: {
“Major”: 1,
“Minor”: 0,
“Patch”: 18
“Chat Icon (SteamId)”: 0,
“Sample Types for Reference (Do Not Edit)”: “Timed | ChatCommand | AutoReply | NewPlayerJoined | PlayerConnected | PlayerDisconnected | CrateHacked | PermissionGranted | PermissionRevoked | AddedToGroup | RemovedFromGroup | PlayerDead | EnteredZone | LeftZone”,
“Toggle Chat Command”: “tips”,
“AutoReply Cooldown (in seconds)”: 30,
“Messages”: [] -
OK SO I GOT IT FIGURED AND SEEMS TO WORKING FINE….. its a lovely plugin and once you have figured it out works very well… I do feel a few sample messages etc would be a good idea in the config
I will make some changes soon to make it a bit easier to setup for first timers. Been wanting to do so for a while.. but… procrastinating is a bitch.
Hello. A quick question for you… so a player types wipe and they get the text telling them. my question is where does the plugin draw this information from and how do you change the wipe times. mine is saying wipe next week but actually i dont wipe for another two weeks (forced wipe first thursday december 7)………..
Marc -
If a message is sent from the plugin, it’s set in the config file, if not, then it’s another plugin.
All three coming at the same time
“Version”: {
“Major”: 1,
“Minor”: 0,
“Patch”: 18
“ChatIcon_SteamId”: 76561199562550210,
“SampleTypes_forReference_DoNotEdit”: “Timed | ChatCommand | AutoReply | NewPlayerJoined | PlayerConnected | PlayerDisconnected | CrateHacked | PermissionGranted | PermissionRevoked | AddedToGroup | RemovedFromGroup | PlayerDead | EnteredZone | LeftZone”,
“ToggleChatCommand”: “tips”,
“AutoReplyCooldown_inSeconds”: 20,
“Messages”: [{
“Messages (Random if more than one)”: [
“[VIP] Want to support this server and snag some awesome kits in return? /tips Visit us at!”
“Enabled”: true,
“Type (Check Sample Types above for Reference)”: “Timed”,
“Broadcast to all?”: true,
“Interval between messages in minutes (if Type = Timed)”: 20,
“Target”: “”,
“Permissions”: [],
“Groups”: [ “default” ],
“Blacklisted Permissions”: [],
“Blacklisted Groups”: [],
“Player Can Disable?”: false
“Messages (Random if more than one)”: [
“[TIP] You’re stuck with something?/tips Then visit our Discord, where you can find all important information under #Guide.!”
“Enabled”: true,
“Type (Check Sample Types above for Reference)”: “Timed”,
“Broadcast to all?”: true,
“Interval between messages in minutes (if Type = Timed)”: 30,
“Target”: “”,
“Permissions”: [],
“Groups”: [ “default” ],
“Blacklisted Permissions”: [],
“Blacklisted Groups”: [],
“Player Can Disable?”: false
“Messages (Random if more than one)”: [
“[TIP] You want to place a TP Point in your Base?/tips Just try /Homes.!”
“Enabled”: true,
“Type (Check Sample Types above for Reference)”: “Timed”,
“Broadcast to all?”: true,
“Interval between messages in minutes (if Type = Timed)”: 60,
“Target”: “”,
“Permissions”: [],
“Groups”: [ “default” ],
“Blacklisted Permissions”: [],
“Blacklisted Groups”: [],
“Player Can Disable?”: false
Because you have one every 20 mins, one 30 mins, one 60 mins. Which means that every hour you will see all three together.
Maybe put them together in one instead to ensure only one of them gets sent. Made you one below that sends every 30 mins a different messages from the list.
“Version”: {
“Major”: 1,
“Minor”: 0,
“Patch”: 18
“ChatIcon_SteamId”: 76561199562550210,
“SampleTypes_forReference_DoNotEdit”: “Timed | ChatCommand | AutoReply | NewPlayerJoined | PlayerConnected | PlayerDisconnected | CrateHacked | PermissionGranted | PermissionRevoked | AddedToGroup | RemovedFromGroup | PlayerDead | EnteredZone | LeftZone”,
“ToggleChatCommand”: “tips”,
“AutoReplyCooldown_inSeconds”: 20,
“Messages”: [
“Messages (Random if more than one)”: [
“[VIP] Want to support this server and snag some awesome kits in return? /tips Visit us at!”,
“[TIP] You’re stuck with something?/tips Then visit our Discord, where you can find all important information under #Guide.!”,
“[TIP] You want to place a TP Point in your Base?/tips Just try /Homes.!”
“Enabled”: true,
“Type (Check Sample Types above for Reference)”: “Timed”,
“Broadcast to all?”: true,
“Interval between messages in minutes (if Type = Timed)”: 30,
“Target”: “”,
“Permissions”: [],
“Groups”: [
“Blacklisted Permissions”: [],
“Blacklisted Groups”: [],
“Player Can Disable?”: false
“` -
Code text gets messed up here btw, so if you need further help reach out on discord better. My username is .b.e.e.e.
se puede añadir sticker¿? como se haria? gracias
Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)
Full Wiped (verified owner) –
Automated Messages is a very useful plugin in my opinion. I used a free auto message plugin for a year, but I was looking for something more professional. This is exactly what I was searching for. I would like to thank the developer, and I hope this plugin stays up to date and continues to receive new features.
Best regards.