Drop Ship


Sold by: BlackLightning

Drop Ship – Adds Lootable Custom Shipping containers with Custom Loot tables to the game.
They can Float and drift in the Water, pushed by cars and boats and be lifted and carried by helicopters !!!
Several Events to spawn them including Cargo ship drop, Random Deep Ocean Spawn, Harbor Spawns and Flat train car spawns.

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Drop Ship

Note: This plugin was originally created by Colon Blow but is now being officially maintained by BlackLightning.

Add Custom Shipping Containers automatically to your world. Once enabled in config, the plugin will randomly spawn Drop Ship containers in a number of ways for players to grab the Kick ass loot inside.
Players can then go up to containers, open the door and grab the loot. Containers in the water, will start to “Sink” fast if the door is opened while its in the water.

You can use helicopters to fly over a container and press the Right Mouse Button, to attach that container to the helicopter and to release it again. if the container gets hit by a rocket or grenade, it will break loose and fall back to the ground/water.

All the events are Automatic if enabled. Nothing to do but let your players have fun finding them and getting the loot.

As of Version 1.0.1, you can also fly around in a heli and pickup other things like Animals, Cars, Boats, Ridable Horses and other Helicopters as well.

Container Skin Folder

The skins folder is NOT needed for the plugin to work.
i have included in the zip download, all the png skins for the different color containers so you can use them as a template to make your own custom skinned Containers.

Just create your a new garage door skin in the workshop, apply your custom PNG files. I have included the alpha, glossiness and scale setting i used in the workshop in another PNG.
then just publish it and then add that ID to the config for whichever part you want to replace.

Video Links :
My Release video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4Qd0Q9U_o0
SRTBULL video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRTASICTVyw

Lifting Vehicles (default is enabled)
As of version 1.0.1 you can now use the Lift ability to pickup and haul other things like other Helicopters, Boats, Cars, Animal NPC’s and ridable horses. Each of these categories can be turned on/off in the config.

Make sure when lifting Vehicles and Drop Containers to quickly get to altitude and fly away. Being too close to the ground can cause early release of the Lifted Cargo.

Cargo Ship Event (default is enabled)
Once the cargo ship spawns and event is enabled in Config. Drop Ship containers will start to “Drop” overboard on either side and random times (configurable).
Containers will start to Float towards the island or sit and wait until it sinks. Players can come up and grab then, open them or push them around to where they want.

Harbor Event (default is enabled)

Once the Harbor event is enabled, a Drop Ship container will randomly spawn and drop from 1 of the big cranes at any harbor on your map. Drop times are configurable.

Deep Ocean Event (default is enabled)

Once enabled, the Deep Ocean event will random spawn Drop Ship Containers around the edge of the map in the water.  Times are configurable.

Train Event (default is enabled)

Once Enabled, when a fresh FLAT train car spawns in the world, it has a chance to spawn a Drop Ship container on it.

Admin Spaw:
Players with permissions can manually spawn in Drop Ship containers where they are looking, randomly around the map in the water or on a Flat train car they are looking at.

dropship.admin – Allows authorized user to run admin commands

dropship.liftcon– Allows authorized user to be able to use Helicopters to lift Containers

dropship.liftother– Allows authorized user to be able to use Heliciopter to lift Other things (Cars, Boats, animals..etc)

Commands (Console)
dropshipspawn – This will spawn a Drop Ship container where player is looking at.

dropshiprandom – This will spawn a Drop Ship container randomly around the map edge in the water.

dropshiptrain – This will spawn a Drop Ship container on a Flat train car player is looking at. If the train already has one, it will remove it.

Loot Spawn
I have added custom loot tables to each type of event. By default, the Drop Ship containers will spawn 1 to 3 supply drop containers (set chances in config)  inside once the door is opened.
After the door is open, the container cannot be moved/pushed/picked up by vehicles.

By default, Each supply drop container that does spawn will spawn its default loot plus anything set in the custom loot tables.


Default Config File :

“dropSettings”: {
“Depsawn Time : Unopened Containers will despawn after this time (Minutes) : “: 20.0,
“Depsawn Time : Opened Containers will despawn after this time (Minutes) : “: 5.0,
“Depsawn Time : Looted Containers will despawn after this time (Minutes) : “: 1.0,
“Option : Drift : Enabled (When container is dropped, adds chance they will drift toward land) : “: true,
“Option : Drift : Speed (speed containers moves) : “: 2.0,
“Option : Sink : Enabled (when container is dropped and doesnt drift, enable option to sink) : “: true,
“Option : Sink : Start Sinking Process after this time (Minutes) : “: 5.0,
“Option : Sink : Start Sinking Process when Door is opened after this time (Minutes) : “: 0.5,
“Option : Open Door : Players Can Only Open Containers (Except Train Car Containers) If Under TC Authorization ? “: false,
“Option : Open Door Sink : Enabled (conatiner fills with water faster if door opened) : “: true,
“Option : Open Door Sink : Fill Rate Per Tick (Default 0.2) : “: 0.2,
“Event : Train Car Drop : Enabled (When a new Flat Train car spawns, enable chance to spawn a Container on it) : “: true,
“Event : Train Car Drop : Chances (Percent chance it will spawn the Container) : “: 75.0,
“Event : Cargo Ship Drop : Enabled (Cargo Ship Randomly Drops a Container in Water while its Active) : “: true,
“Event : Cargo Ship Drop : Interval Min (Minutes) : “: 2.0,
“Event : Cargo Shop Drop : Interval Max (Minutes) : “: 4.0,
“Event : Harbor Drop : Enabled (Randomly Drop Container from a Random Harbor Crane) : “: true,
“Event : Harbor Drop : Interval Min (Minutes) : “: 5.0,
“Event : Harbor Drop : Interval Max (Minutes) : “: 15.0,
“Event : Deep Ocean Drop : Enabled (Randomly Drops Container at Edge of Map) : “: true,
“Event : Deep Ocean Drop : Disable if Cargo Ship Active (Stops spawning if Cargo Ship is Active) : “: true,
“Event : Deep Ocean Drop : Interval Min (Minutes) : “: 5.0,
“Event : Deep Ocean Drop : Interval Max (Minutes) : “: 15.0,
“Event : Deep Ocean Drop : Distance Offset (Higher Numbers will spawn farther from Map Edge): “: 0.0,
“Map Marker : Enable Map Markers for Drop Containers : “: true,
“Map Marker : Prefab for Drop Containers : “: “assets/prefabs/tools/map/cratemarker.prefab”,
“Map Marker : Players can see all markers all the time ? (false means players only seem them shortly after spawning unless close enough) “: true
“liftSettings”: {
“Helicopter Lift : Option : Enable the ability for Helicopters to Carry Containers and other things : (Right Mouse Button to Pickup / Drop) : “: true,
“Helicopter Lift : Allow Air Vehicles to be lifted : “: true,
“Helicopter Lift : Allow Water Vehicles to be lifted : “: true,
“Helicopter Lift : Allow Ground Vehicles to be lifted : “: true,
“Helicopter Lift : Allow Animal NPC’s to be lifted : “: true,
“Helicopter Lift : Allow Ridable Horses to be lifted : “: true,
“Helicopter Lift : Attach Max Height (smaller numbers means you have to be closer to attempt pickup) “: 25.0,
“Helicopter Lift : Attach Scan Radius (larger numbers means its easier to find entity when attemping pickup) : “: 4.0,
“Helicopter Lift : Ground Proximity Release Height (if helicopter gets this close to ground, it will release lifted cargo) : “: 5.0,
“Helicopter Lift : Lifted Cargo is released if Helicopter is hit by Rockets/grenades ? “: true
“skinSettings”: {
“Blue Container : Door Skin ID : “: 2805807223,
“Blue Container : Wall Skin ID : “: 2805807481,
“Blue Container : Ceiling/Floor Skin ID : “: 2805807875,
“Green Container : Door Skin ID : “: 2805808264,
“Green Container : Wall Skin ID : “: 2805808506,
“Green Container : Ceiling/Floor Skin ID : “: 2805808788,
“Yellow Container : Door Skin ID : “: 2805809991,
“Yellow Container : Wall Skin ID : “: 2805810191,
“Yellow Container : Ceiling/Floor Skin ID : “: 2805810458,
“Orange Container : Wall Skin ID : “: 2805809328,
“Orange Container : Door Skin ID : “: 2805809073,
“Orange Container : Ceiling/Floor Skin ID : “: 2805809511
“lootTableSettings”: {
“Loot Crates : Chance to Spawn 2 Crates in Drop Ship Conatiner : “: 50,
“Loot Crates : Chacne to Spawn 3 Crates in Drop Ship Container : “: 10,
“Loot Crates : Only allow Heli Lifted Contianers to be opened under TC Auth : “: true,
“Loot Table : Delete standard loot and only use this loot table ? “: false,
“Loot Table : Cargo Ship Drop : Adds Special Loot to Loot Containers (Shortname, Chance, MinQty, MaxQty, SkinID) “: [
“itemName”: “fish.herring”,
“itemChance”: 50,
“itemMinAmount”: 1,
“itemMaxAmount”: 2,
“itemSkin”: 0
“itemName”: “seed.black.berry”,
“itemChance”: 50,
“itemMinAmount”: 5,
“itemMaxAmount”: 10,
“itemSkin”: 0
“Loot Table : Deep Ocean Drop : Adds Special Loot to Loot Containers (Shortname, Chance, MinQty, MaxQty, SkinID) “: [
“itemName”: “fish.minnows”,
“itemChance”: 50,
“itemMinAmount”: 1,
“itemMaxAmount”: 3,
“itemSkin”: 0
“itemName”: “seed.hemp”,
“itemChance”: 50,
“itemMinAmount”: 2,
“itemMaxAmount”: 6,
“itemSkin”: 0
“Loot Table : Harbor Drop : Adds Special Loot to Loot Containers (Shortname, Chance, MinQty, MaxQty, SkinID) “: [
“itemName”: “fish.orangeroughy”,
“itemChance”: 50,
“itemMinAmount”: 1,
“itemMaxAmount”: 3,
“itemSkin”: 0
“itemName”: “seed.blue.berry”,
“itemChance”: 50,
“itemMinAmount”: 2,
“itemMaxAmount”: 6,
“itemSkin”: 0
“Loot Table : Train Drop : Adds Special Loot to Loot Containers (Shortname, Chance, MinQty, MaxQty, SkinID) “: [
“itemName”: “fish.salmon”,
“itemChance”: 50,
“itemMinAmount”: 1,
“itemMaxAmount”: 3,
“itemSkin”: 0
“itemName”: “seed.white.berry”,
“itemChance”: 50,
“itemMinAmount”: 2,
“itemMaxAmount”: 6,
“itemSkin”: 0
“Loot Table : Admin Spawn : Adds Special Loot to Admin Spawned Loot Containers (Shortname, Chance, MinQty, MaxQty, SkinID) “: [
“itemName”: “fish.smallshark”,
“itemChance”: 50,
“itemMinAmount”: 1,
“itemMaxAmount”: 3,
“itemSkin”: 0
“itemName”: “seed.yellow.berry”,
“itemChance”: 50,
“itemMinAmount”: 2,
“itemMaxAmount”: 6,
“itemSkin”: 0

11 reviews for Drop Ship

  1. 5 out of 5

    Matt Kowalski (verified owner)

    Our server is having a lot of fun with this mod! Running a simple PVE server and it’s hysterical seeing a mini flying overhead with a container. It definitely adds a unique feeling as its not something you see everyday.

    • ColonBlow

      thank you.. and as of 1.0.1 update.. you can haul around bears and drop in your freinds bases for even more fun !!!!

  2. 3 out of 5

    Watcher (verified owner)

    This mod has a lot of potential but need still be fine-tuned, because not all is doing what it supposed to do.

  3. 5 out of 5

    rustedmaster.eu (verified owner)

    I love this plugin! Lots of fun for players. Particularly pleased with the ability to carry containers and vehicles!

  4. 2 out of 5

    nashslash (verified owner)

    Read the discussion before purchasing. The plugin has a lot of potential. However, still has lots of problems and bugs and Dev is slow to respond fix or update. I know everyone has a RL. But this is a premium plugin, and I really expect support.

  5. 5 out of 5

    Ac3 (verified owner)

    Great plugin.
    If i had a problem he was willing to help and solve the problem i had , So i say great support form Colon Blow.

    Thank you

  6. 5 out of 5

    Paul Fieldhouse (verified owner)

    I love this plugin but it turns out it is causing problems with some custom maps. For some reason the puzzles were not working on custom maps, yet when I removed this plugin the puzzles all worked. Perhaps you could look into this. Specifically Battlefront Map by Gruber was having that issue. Also the Hunger Games plugin would not spawn the lifts until I removed Drop Ship plugin.

    • ColonBlow

      humm. good to know. I will try to see if i can find a cause for the custom map issue. thank you for noting it.

  7. 5 out of 5

    TTK (verified owner)

    Works great. Gives something for the ocean farmers to look forward to.

  8. 4 out of 5

    EVIL (verified owner)

    This is such a cool concept but I kept running into issues with kicks for “flyhacks”. But it is definitely fun! Would be great for a PVE server!

  9. ColonBlow

    I am working on try to tweak it some more to stop those weird random flyhacks.

  10. 5 out of 5

    jncwinner1 (verified owner)

    seriously the lifting of vehicles has to be the best thing in this mod, my players love that 100x more than the actual crates. Hard to balance the number of crates as I wish there was a dynamic number based on pop.

  11. 5 out of 5

    The Friendly Chap (verified owner)

    Loving it. This makes it worth it for even end-game players to scour the beaches for loot, and just makes for a more interesting ocean environment as well.

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

Version 1.0.21 | Updated February 18, 2025
  • Added Added support for lifting the new horses
  • Added Added option to set item display name for loot
  • Updated Updated the bounds for shipping containers to improve collision with players
  • Fixed Fixed the /dropshiptrain command not working due to a prefab change
Version 1.0.20 | Updated July 13, 2024
  • Fixed Fixed issues with transporting various vehicles
Version 1.0.19 | Updated November 28, 2023
  • Updated Author name since the plugin has a new maintainer
  • Updated Performance improvements
  • Fixed Issue where shipping containers were not cleaned up on server reboot, which caused there to be leftover containers that did not function correctly (e.g., no loot spawned when opened)
  • Fixed Fixed issue where shipping containers would unintentionally spawn on train cars on server boot, which was causing containers to overlap when combined with the issue where old containers were not cleaned up
Version 1.0.18 | Updated September 8, 2023
  • Fixed Compiler issues with rust update
  • Added Config option to to Allow / Not Allow tugboats to be lifted specifically.
Version 1.0.17 | Updated July 26, 2023
  • Fixed Added offset when lifting Tugboats so they can be lifted ok.
Version 1.0.16 | Updated June 10, 2023
  • Fixed Fixed glitch when if a container is hit with grenade or rocket while on the ground, it would respawn, even after it was looted already and awaiting to despawn.
Version 1.0.15 | Updated June 10, 2023
  • Fixed Players able to pickup Door after opening
Version 1.0.14 | Updated March 20, 2023
  • Added new option to only allow Lifted drop containers to be opened under TC auth (off by default)
Version 1.0.13 | Updated September 25, 2022
  • Added Plugin Compatablity with HarborEvent plugin, adjusted crane drop positions in harbor to not cover that plugins Event.
  • Fixed Better fix for containers that keep moving a little crazy after falling or being hit by something.
  • Removed Removed previous fix for lifted entities being "stuck" in air. it was causing lifted entity to not uparent from heli. Reverted back to previous version.
  • Added Added slight "force" to lifted container so it will not "float" after being released. works better than last fix overall and unparents lifted entity correctly.
Version 1.0.12 | Updated September 18, 2022
  • Fixed Cars being stuck in air after being released from "Hitting someting"
  • Fixed Better Collision checks to not release if the "collision" is part of the Lifted Cargo. Seems to fix alot of the random "Hit Something" when there is nothing around.
Version 1.0.11 | Updated August 19, 2022
  • Fixed Helicopters releasing Cargo shortly after taking off.
Version 1.0.10 | Updated August 6, 2022
  • Added Fix for Error when picking up Containers with Heli, and it duplicating the container.
Version 1.0.9 | Updated August 5, 2022
  • Fixed Fix for Rust update chaning Flat Train car prefab and not allowing Containers to spawn on them.
  • Fixed Fix for Containers moving around crazy and all over at times.
  • Fixed Fix for Train Car spawn chance not properly working when set.
  • Fixed Fix for Containers Still sinking when config is set not to.
  • Fixed More Tweaks for drop continers when they despawn/die.
  • Added WIP .. Coded in rough checks for Flat Train cars with Sentry Guns on them. Config options to disable container spawns on them. More for compatability with other plugins like TrainHeist..etc.
  • Updated Proximity Checks when flying around vehicles.
Version 1.0.8 | Updated July 10, 2022
  • Fixed Fix for Minicopters going "BONKERS" when attaching container. yes "BONKERS" !!!!
  • Fixed Fix for Player getting kicked for antihack while running on top of containter when it is opened in the water.
Version 1.0.7 | Updated July 8, 2022
  • Updated *** Delete your config and reload plugin if you have any issues ***
  • Fixed Only Pilot can trigger attach /release of containers or cargo
  • Fixed Fixes issue where helicopters would dissappear when cargo container despawn timer ended and was attached to heli
  • Added Config Option to disable container despawn timer when attached to helicopter (default will disable timer)
  • Removed Config option for Only allow to open Container under TC auth.. still in works for future.
  • Fixed Skin names in the skins folder for yellow / orange skins
  • Fixed Few other tweaks
Version 1.0.6 | Updated July 8, 2022
  • Fixed Fix for players being kicked for flyhack when running on top of containers
  • Fixed Fix for players being able to lift containers / cargo thru a roof top
  • Updated Tweaked collision checks
Version 1.0.5 | Updated June 21, 2022
  • Added *** Delete Config and Lang file if you have issues ***
  • Added Support for Vehicle Deployed Locks plugin "Has Access" checks. if plugin is installed, will look to see if your allowed to access before lifting with heli.
  • Added New Permissions for Being able to Lift Container and Lift Other (cars, boats..etc) - dropship.liftcon -dropship.liftother
  • Fixed Better checks when opening door
  • Added config options for FX when attaching and releasing
  • Updated more language options you can customize
  • Fixed better colliders when opening door
  • Updated Working on More cool stuff. Lockable containers coming soon..
Version 1.0.4 | Updated June 12, 2022
  • Fixed Null Reference Error fix when reloading plugin and when trying to spawn containers automatically if the instance reference of plugiun wasnt loaded.
Version 1.0.3 | Updated June 12, 2022
  • Fixed Fix when loading/reloading this plugin, other plugins timers, events (coroutines) would stop.
  • Added Sound FX for successful Heli Hookup / release
  • Added Chat message to Pilot on Successful Heli Hookup/release
Version 1.0.2 | Updated June 11, 2022
  • Fixed Fix for Zone Manager zones triggering Lifted Items to release
Version 1.0.1 | Updated June 10, 2022
  • Added *** Please Delete Config file before updating to 1.0.1 from 1.0.0 ***
  • Added - Added ablity to lift other vehciles (cars, boats helis) and animal NPC's
  • Added - Added more config options for more stuff.
  • Added - also zip file contains Skins files for all 4 Containers so you can make custom skins off those templates

5 thoughts on "Drop Ship"

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  1. Hey could you please add the ability for the items to have custom display names pllllease :)

    • I’m working on this but having some issues since the new horses work differently. I will try to release an update this week.

Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?

• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.

Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need! https://youtu.be/yWC_p97FhQA

• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.

Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.

Video On How to Zip and Unzip: https://youtu.be/Ep-L3PjBPCk (TechInsider Youtube Channel)

Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar https://www.rarlab.com (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z2107-x64.exe (the one I use currently)

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