About Heli Signals
Heli Signals allows players with permission to call an Attack Helicopter to their location with a custom Supply Signal, where it will engage players and patrol, allowing players to fight it to win the valuable Heli crates.
The plugin comes with 8 default heli profiles, Easy, Medium, Hard and Elite, with a duplicate profile of each set up for calling multiple helis at once for each tier. In addition there is also 2 Wave Heli profiles, which will call in a wave of different helis one after the other. Each default profile has it’s own custom supply signal skin (below). Server owners can add as many profiles as they like in the config by copying and pasting an existing profile within the config and editing to suit. This may require the server owner to create their own custom skin for the inventory item. Please note: Wave Heli Signals currently only support single heli profiles. Multi heli profiles will only spawn one heli per wave. (This will be updated in future to call multi helis per wave).
If you are setting up Multi heli signals, set the global and player limit in the config accordingly.
There is also an option to have a BotReSpawn profile spawn at the crash site, just set the BRS profile name in the config.
The profile name in the config should match the Custom Supply Signal name which the shop gives the player. The Helicopter Name is separate and can be set independently from the Signal item. Also, when giving players items from shop plugins, if available, I always recommend adding the item to the shop using custom name, skinID etc, rather than the console command, but either will work.
Plugin default Supply Signal Skin ID’s to add items to various shops, loot plugins, kits etc are:
Heli Signal (Easy) : 2920175997
Heli Signal (Medium) : 2920176079
Heli Signal (Hard) : 2920176050
Heli Signal (Elite) : 2920176024
Heli Signal (Expert) : 3099117081
Heli Signal (Nightmare) : 3099117372
Multi Heli (Easy) : 3083234542
Multi Heli (Medium) : 3083234833
Multi Heli (Hard) : 3083234755
Multi Heli (Elite) : 3083234647
Multi Heli (Expert) : 3099124338
Multi Heli (Nightmare) : 3099124426
Heli Wave Signal : 3099117224
Heli Wave Signal (Normal): 3104667036
Heli Wave Signal (Hard): 3104666951
- helisignals.admin (to use give command)
- (to use /bdbuy command)
- helisignals.bypasscooldown
- helisignals.easy
- helisignals.medium
- helisignals.hard
- helisignals.elite
- helisignals.easy_multi
- helisignals.medium_multi
- helisignals.hard_multi
- helisignals.elite_multi
- helisignals.wave_normal
- helisignals.wave_hard
Commands (Prefix with / to use in game):
- hsgive <Profile ShortName> <Steam64ID> <Amount>
- hsbuy <Profile Shortname>
- hsbuy list
- hsreport (Get details of all active helis)
- hsretire (Retire all helis called by a player or their team, no refunds)
- hsclearcd (clear all cooldowns)
- hsclearcd <SteamID|Name> (clear cooldown for player)
(Buy and Despawn commands are customisable in config)
Please note the correct use in config file for supply signal name and Heli display name. These values CAN be different if you wish.
See at bottom of page
For Other Developers:
The following hook is available to use in your plugins to check custom Supply Signals or Patrol Helicopters to avoid conflict with your plugins:
object IsHeliSignalObject(ulong skinID)
This will return true if the item is a Bradley Drop item/entity, or null if not.
Call it directly without referencing the plugin:
if (Interface.CallHook("IsHeliSignalObject", skinID) != null)
return true; // IsHeliSignalObject
Or reference my plugin and call like this:
Plugin HeliSignals;
if (BradleyDrops.CallHook("IsHeliSignalObject", skinID) != null)
return true; // IsHeliSignalObject
Default Config:
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Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)
3D Slug (verified owner) –
Very glad I brought this, highly recommend for any server.
vykterrornox (verified owner) –
Great plugin. Players in my server love it. Previously have another (i dont say name) and lot of problems with PVE, With this 0 problems
Aigars Bogdanovs (verified owner) –
hello, just question , what could cause heli wave signals to send just 1 easy heli and not send rest , was working fine and then for some reason it just stopped .thank you
Hannuman (verified owner) –
highly recommended developer and plugin is a blast