Monument Owner


Sold by: jtedal

Never worry about your players fighting over a monument, make them compete for ownership! With this plugin you can configure several parameters then players can compete to claim a monument for a set time. There is enough configuration and options that this would work well for any server, whether PvE or PvP.


Monument Owner

Never worry about your players fighting over a monument, make them compete for ownership! With this plugin you can configure several parameters then players can compete to claim a monument for a set time. There is enough configuration and options that this would work well for any server, whether PvE or PvP.



This plugin will automatically find Facepunch standard monuments, including Cargo Ship and Oil Rigs that are on the map, and which can be specified in the configuration. This will create a zone around each monument in which customizable rules apply for anyone coming to the monument, whether they become owner or not. You can also create a zone using coordinates anywhere on the map, and assign certain rules to it.

Monument Owner

Chat Commands (For all players)

/mocd – Displays all cooldowns for the player

Chat Command (For Admins)

/moсreateсustomzone {name} – Creates a file for a custom zone in the Data/MM_Data/MonumentOwner/Custom Zones folder with the administrator position at the time of file creation
/moshowid – Creates a mark for the administrator that displays the ID of each zone on the map
/modrawedges – Shows the administrator the boundaries of each square zone on the map (used to set up such zones)

Console Commands (RCON only)

mocdreset {SteamID64} – Resets all cooldowns for the player

mogetcd {SteamID64} – Outputs information to the console with all the cooldowns of the player

Plugin Config



The answer true or false will tell whether there is a zone in this coordinate

private bool HasZone(Vector3 posMonument)

The answer true or false will tell whether the zone belongs to someone

private bool HasOwner(Vector3 posMonument)

The answer BasePlayer will tell who the zone belongs to

private BasePlayer GetOwner(Vector3 posMonument)

The answer true or false will tell whether the player can become the owner

private bool CanPlayerBecomeOwner(Vector3 posMonument, BasePlayer player)

Forcibly establishes the owner of the zone, bypassing checks on his ability to become the owner. The answer true or false will tell whether he was able to become one or the zone is occupied by another player

private bool SetOwner(Vector3 posMonument, BasePlayer player)

Deletes a zone. The answer true or false will tell whether he was able to do it

private bool RemoveZone(MonumentInfo monument)

Creates a zone for the desired monument. The answer true or false will tell whether he was able to do it

private bool CreateZone(MonumentInfo monument)

Translation assistance by Jbird.

Check out more of my work here JTedal’s library.

Come by the Mad Mapper Discord for support, feedback, or suggestions!

1 review for Monument Owner

  1. 5 out of 5

    Xacku Mapping (verified owner)

    In general, it’s funny that the mapper has gone into coding, but😄 his works also continue to please. Just what my server was missing. The Low load on the server is probably the most important plus from the technical side. The visual setting pleases the eye. The players are happy that now they have the monuments under full control, and no thief will spoil their game.

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

Version 1.7.0 | Updated March 5, 2025
  • Fixed when any zone would not allow players to open anything near the monument, but outside the zone.
  • Fixed using a custom name in front of the owner's name
Version 1.6.9 | Updated December 5, 2024
  • Fixed for December update of the Rust
Version 1.6.8 | Updated November 8, 2024
  • Fixed for the November update of the Rust
Version 1.6.7 | Updated September 25, 2024
  • Added 2 hooks
  • Fixed a bug when, after removing cargo from the map, the owner of that zone could not get into the zone of another monument
  • Fixed error in console
Version 1.6.4 | Updated August 2, 2024
  • Fixed some bugs
Version 1.6.3 | Updated July 24, 2024
  • Fixed a bug where the player became the owner and immediately lost ownership
  • Added a command that removes the owner from the monument, if there is one there
  • Added the parameter that sets the text in the monument marker
Version 1.6.2 | Updated July 17, 2024
  • Added support for the Jetpack plugin
  • Fixed an issue where the player could visit the monument but could not become the owner (for those who have the Boss Monster plugin)
  • Fixed GUI for guests after the monument lost its banner
Version 1.6.0 | Updated July 11, 2024
  • Removed after the cargo leaves the port, the zones are created again
Version 1.5.8 | Updated July 6, 2024
  • Fixed for update of Rust
Version 1.5.7 | Updated July 5, 2024
  • Fixed a lot of bugs
Version 1.5.2 | Updated June 23, 2024
  • Fixed the process of creating a custom zone. The position is now also saved in the config
  • Fixed incorrect display of rules when entering the zone for which players received points
  • Added a parameter prohibiting joining, leaving, expelling and disbanding a team when it has an owner.
  • Added a parameter that removes a player from the zone list if he goes outside
  • Added a parameter that removes an owner from the zone list if he goes outside
Version 1.5.1 | Updated June 23, 2024
  • Fixed some Data files that were not uploaded
  • Fixed an error caused when compiling the plugin on Сarbon
  • Added a folder with pictures for GUI. Be sure to install it!
Version 1.5.0 | Updated June 23, 2024
  • Added a command for administrators to view all cooldowns of a certain player (see the product description)
  • Added a parameter for spawning a zone relative to its monument (Data file)
  • Added An update manager that will notify you in the console when there is a more recent version of the plugin on the site.
  • Added a parameter that will allow the player to open his corpse if he died in a zone that does not belong to him (Config) (works only in conjunction with the parameter that allows guests to enter the zone)
  • Added parameters that will respond to a player with Noclip and Vanish as an administrator (Config)
  • Added saving the remaining time of the monument owner to the date. Now, after restarting the plugin or server, the player will automatically become the owner of the monument for the remaining time.
  • Added a parameter that can prohibit NPCs from shooting at players who are outside the zone (Be careful: if your NPC is constantly moving and can be outside the zone most of the time, then this parameter will still work on it. Also, the parameter will not respond to players who visited the monument and immediately left it) (Config)
  • Added illumination of the zone when it is free and occupied by someone. The parameter can be turned off (Data file)
  • Added parameters that regulate the behavior of the plugin when cargo approach into the harbor. You can configure which of the 2 zones will be deleted or not (Config)
  • Added a parameter that allows you to specify the local coordinates of the marker on the map relative to your monument (Sometimes the markers overlapped the inscription of the monument) (Data file)
  • Added a parameter that specifies the type of zone to be created. Now there are 2 of them: square and spherical (Be careful, there is no visual indication of its boundaries for a square zone)
  • Added parameters that prohibit backpacks from falling out of the player's corpse after death
  • Added more options that allow you to customize the type of alerts for the player
  • Added parameters to adjust the size of the GUI as well as the text in it
  • Updated API
  • Updated the parameter responsible for darkening the zone. Now this parameter is personal for each zone (Data file)
  • Fixed when a moving event (for example, Convoy) crossed the monument area, the zone recorded the bradley id and because of this, sometimes damage could not be inflicted on them.
  • Fixed when the player logged into the server and did not see the markers on the map
Version 1.4.0 | Updated January 5, 2024
  • Fixed some errors
Version 1.4.0 | Updated December 7, 2023
  • Updated for update 07.12.2023
Version 1.3.8 | Updated October 11, 2023
  • Fixed an issue where players in the team could not become owners of any monument.
  • Fixed a problem that caused players to lose cooldown on monuments after restarting the server or plugin.
Version 1.3.7 | Updated October 1, 2023
  • Fixed an issue where an NPC could aim and shoot at her monument owner even when the parameter in the config forbade it
  • Added a parameter that can prevent players from dealing damage to the target if it is not inside the zone of the object.
Version 1.3.6 | Updated September 30, 2023
  • Fixed an error that occurred after updating the plugin on the server. For more correct operation, please turn off the server, download the update and restart the server
Version 1.3.5 | Updated September 30, 2023
  • Added support for the BossMonster plugin.
  • Added a parameter that allows or prohibits the selection of collectable items
  • Added a parameter that will not allow players to enter the monument zone if it has a cooldown and the monument is in neutral status. And also prohibits doing damage to anything or opening anything (ver 1.3.4 which was not uploaded to the site)
  • Fixed Now the owner of his backpack can confuse him at any time after his death, regardless of whether the monument belongs to him or not
  • Fixed messages that contained incorrect text after actions or were duplicated several times in the chat.
  • Added a parameter that will allow you to immediately assign the owner status to the player with N-the amount of damage inflicted on the Boss
  • Added the Boss scale damage parameter
  • Added a parameter that sets the cooldown time for the player, after which he will not be able to deal damage to the Boss or otherwise try to prevent other players from killing him
Version 1.3.3 | Updated September 12, 2023
  • Fixed a problem that caused a custom zone to not appear
  • Fixed the API to work correctly with other events. Now all KpucTaJl events will automatically delete and create a zone after the beginning and end of any of its events.
  • Fixed now if you turn off the function "Are administrator able to participate? [true/false]" then the administrator can perform any actions on a busy monument
Version 1.3.2 | Updated August 13, 2023
  • Fixed an issue with infinite monument lock for 1 player
Version 1.3.1 | Updated August 8, 2023
  • Added support for the Clans plugin from the Mevent developer
  • Added the ability to use the recycler for non-monument owners
  • Added an alert for all players in the chat that the monument was blocked by some player
Version 1.3.0 | Updated July 7, 2023
  • Fixed issues related to bots from BotReSpawn
Version 1.2.9 | Updated July 6, 2023
  • Added support for a new monument
Version 1.2.8 | Updated July 3, 2023
  • Fixed some bugs
Version 1.2.7 | Updated June 21, 2023
  • Added data file for Underwater Lab
  • Fixed some bugs
Version 1.2.6 | Updated June 6, 2023
  • Fixed some bugs related to Hooks
  • Updated API
Version 1.2.5 | Updated June 4, 2023
  • Fixed the problem with not disappearing GUI after teleportation using the NTeleportation plugin
Version 1.2.4 | Updated June 1, 2023
  • Fixed the problem with obtaining the status of the owner on the monument
Version 1.2.3 | Updated June 1, 2023
  • Fixed a switch that disabled or enabled the monument area
Version 1.2.2 | Updated June 1, 2023
  • Updated Before installing the new version of the plugin, make the plugin unload, then delete the old config and the old file in the Data/MM_Data folder
  • Updated All the settings for the monuments have been moved from the config file to the Data folder. Now to edit the monument settings, go to the Data/MM_Data/MonumentOwner folder
  • Added files for setting up Roadside Monuments
  • Added file for setting up Abandoned Military Base
  • Added API for developers
  • Added chat command for creating a Custom Zone
  • Added marker on Cargo
  • Added a new parameter in config that controls whether a player can replace one monument with another if he has fulfilled the rules of the new monument
  • Added a parameter that allows players to immediately privatize the monument (if at the moment they can become the owner) by starting hacking the crate
  • Added a parameter that enables the display of the zone size on the map
  • Added a parameter that enables a marker for the monument
  • Fixed the player will not be able to break the barrel if the monument is under the control of another player
  • Fixed location of the center of the zone for some monuments
Version 1.2.1 | Updated May 26, 2023
  • Added

3 thoughts on "Monument Owner"

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  1. Hello.

    I have some question. I am interested in this Mod:
    – I work with Ranks given to players based on Playtime. Is it possible, to activate this mod for only some ranks/permissions?
    At example: With 10 hours you get Rank PRO. When you reach it, it should be possible to claim a monument.
    – Is this event only for a fixed time or could it be active 24/7?
    – Rewarding the owner possible?


    • Hello.

      1) I am currently working on a major update for this plugin and I can make it compatible with your plugin. But this is not the case at the moment
      2) This event is exclusively open 24/7. The new version will also include commands to disable zones while the server is running, so you may be able to configure this later
      3) His reward is that he can safely receive all (or the one that you specify in the configuration) the loot that is on the monument and those who are not on his team will not be able to take it

Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?

• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.

Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!

• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.

Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.

Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)

Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)

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