Is there a way to disable Transfer button for default players? As it shows all players online and that is not intended for my setup. Thanks!
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Enjoy a highly customizable Shop that can be configured in game! Use NPCs as shopkeepers, and set up a shop with ease using the game interface to add, edit, or remove items on the fly
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Shop Rust Plugin UI
Enjoy a highly customizable Shop that can be configured in game! Use NPCs as shopkeepers, and set up a shop with ease using the game interface to add, edit, or remove items on the fly
- Beautiful user interface
- Discount system (by permissions)
- Automatic shop filling (+ the plugin has support for the ItemCostCalculator plugin)
- Selling items (if SellPrice is more than 0)
- Performance
- Adding/editing/removing items IN GAME
- Supports NPC
- Supports NoEscape
- Convert from ServerRewards
- Favorite items
- By default, the plugin has English, Russian and Chinese translations
- Transfer money between players directly in the plugin!
- Shop allows you to use multiple economy plugins at once (players can choose what they want to pay with)
shop open shop interface
shop.refill refill shop again [clear] convert items from ServerRewards to Shop. The option clear means clearing Shop items before convert
shop.setvm [categories: cat1 cat2 …] add custom VM in config
shop.setnpc [categories: cat1 cat2 …] add NPC in config
shop.remove all a console command to remove all items and categories from the plugin
shop.remove item [category name/all] a console command to remove an item (or all items)
shop.remove category [category name/all] a console command to remove an category (or all categories)
shop.fill.icc [all/buy/sell] a console command for updating prices of items in the store using ItemCostCalculator. all – updates both Price and SellPrice, buy – updates Price, sell – updates SellPrice
shop.convert.from.1.2.26 command to convert Shop plugin version 1.2.26 to version 1.3.0+
shop.setvm for command “shop.setvm”
shop.setnpc for command “shop.setnpc” for free item purchases
shop.admin admin permission
Sorting Types
- None
- Name
- Amount
- PriceDecrease
- PriceIncrease
Category Types
- None – normal category for items
- Favorite – category for favorite items
- Hidden – hidden category, available only in NPC stores or Vending Machines
Full Screen Templates
- Template OLD STYLE
- Template NEW RUST
- Template V1 (V1.1)
- Template V1 (V1.1) with BASKET
- Template V2
- Template V2 with BASKET
- Q: Where can I see an example of a config?
A: Config
- Q: How to use BankSystem to store the economy
- Q: How to use ServerRewards to store the economy
- Q: How to use Economics to store the economy
- Q: How to use IQEconomic to store the economy
- Q: How to use scrap to pay for items
- Q: How to add KIT as shop item
- Q: How to add Command as shop item
- Q: How do I make a weapon spawn with ammo in it?
A: You need to configure the “Weapon” section in the item config:
- Q: How do I make items spawn some content (liquid, weapon modifications)?
A: You need to configure the “Content” section in the item config:
- Q: How to turn off the sell feature?
A: You need to turn off “Enable item selling” in the config, or do it in the item setting in the game.
- Q: How to use the ItemCostCalculator with Shop?
A: You need to use command “shop.refill” (command to refill the Shop)
- Q: What should be the size of images for item icons?
A: Typically, the image dimensions for item icons are 512×512 pixels, but any square image can suffice.
Check out more of my work here! Join the Lone.Design Discord Here! For any questions, contact me on Discord: mevent
Reviews (10)
10 reviews for Shop
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
Version History
- Added shop.manage togglesell - Toggle selling. (console command)
- Added Option “Enable selling items?” in the config
- Fixed Bug: players could sell broken items
- Fixed Bug where you couldn't move items from a disabled category
- Fixed Bug when “ADD ITEM” button was not displayed in categories with sorting enabled
- Fixed Bug where you couldn't add an item to a newly created category
- Fixed Bug where the button to delete a newly created item in a newly created category did not appear.
- Fixed Previously, the image from the “Background Setting” section of the interface configuration was not downloaded
- Added Using native player avatar display instead of using ImageLibrary
- Removed Using ImageLibrary to load avatars
- Added Improved performance of player list display in Transfer UI
- Added General permission to use the plugin
- Fixed Bug when you couldn't use scroll in places where there are no items
- Fixed Interaction with ServerPanel plugin after server restart. Added initialization check for Shop plugin.
- Fixed Handling of custom items. Now, a custom name will only be recognized if the item's store settings match the skin.
- Added Individual post-buy/sell delay settings for each item.
- Added Checks and notifications for using the Shop plugin within the ServerPanel menu. Users receive accurate alerts, and admins are notified via console.
- Added Cooldown display now occurs on player clients, reducing server load.
- Updated P.S. Do not download this update BEFORE the game update on October 3, 2024.
- Fixed Pool changes
- Fixed After FP update
- Added shop.refill – now with a recovery rate (Sell / Buy) parameter! Example: shop.refill 0.5
- Added Item Filtering: We’ve refined how we fill categories by only including user craftable items.
- Fixed Displaying the cost in the basket
- Removed Economy name from economy settings
- Fixed After creating an item, the page is updated to the page with the created item.
- Fixed After changing an item, the page stays the same.
- Fixed After deleting an item, the page remains the same. If the page is no longer available, the last available page is displayed.
- Added When using the "shop.reset" command, a message is now displayed stating that the command can ONLY be used from the server console.
- Fixed Data hosting has been changed from GitHub to GitLab due to GitHub being blocked in several provinces in China.
- Added The "shop.manage economy" command, which allows you to view a list of all economies ("list"), set economy parameters by economy name ("set Economics/ServerRewards/BankSystem/IQEconomic/scrap").
- Fixed Localization settings are no longer reset after changing an item.
- Fixed In the list of dependencies (when installing a plugin), work with HumanNPC plugin has been fixed.
- Removed Removed all economy related values from lang files.
- Added Economy text customization is now in the config. This will be clearer for users
- Fixed The "+ADD ITEM" button on the favorites page is no longer displayed.
- Fixed Clicking on the item bar in fullscreen mode no longer closes the menu
- Added Added and tested conversion when upgrading from 2.0.0, 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 to 2.1.0.
- Fixed
- Removed
- Added
- Fixed
- Fixed
- Fixed
- Added
- Fixed
- Added
- Fixed
- Fixed
- Added shop.install command has been split: there is now a console version and a chat version.
- Updated When using scroll in categories, it is not disabled automatically. This will make it more comfortable to enable admin mode
- Fixed In the new template settings, moved the economy selection to the top (now it won't overlap on/under store items)
- Added Economy Title in economy settings
- Added Customization of items has been moved to a separate file in the folder “data/Shop”
- Added UI customization has been moved to a separate file in the “data/Shop” folder.
- Added Almost the entire plugin interface has been moved to the configuration. Now you can change every element of the interface
- Added New template in Rust style (old template is also preserved).
- Added Several templates for interaction with ServerPanel
- Added Now all notifications can be customized in config
- Updated Improved plugin performance
- Added Console command: shop.reset (resets store data including templates, configurations and items)
- Added Plugin installer where you can select plugin template and check plugin dependencies
- Fixed After FP update
- Fixed After update
- Fixed Error when opening plugin menu, because “Lang Key (for Price)” is missing in config
- Fixed Incorrect display of the list of items when adding an item
- Added When adding an item, the last page is displayed immediately
- Added When you delete an item, the page you were on is displayed. If this page is empty, the last possible page will be displayed
- Added Scroll for items in the "Shopping Bag"
- Fixed The display of items when changing the economy
- Fixed Tthe display of the "Add Item" button when changing the category from "Favorites" to another
- Fixed When using scroll, all categories are now displayed at once
- Added When you change the category, the scroll remains in the same place
- Fixed If the number of available categories is less than "Categories On Page", then the scroll is not used
- Added
- Fixed buttons "-", "+", "MAX" in the modal window
- Added API – void API_GetShopPlayerSelectedEconomy(ulong playerID)
- Added Configuring the Category Panel interface in the config
- Added Real scrolling in shop categories
- Fixed When selling a player's item to a shop, a genetic check now works
- Fixed Displaying the balance for custom economies
- Added The ability to adjust the price of an item based on the chosen economy of the product
- Fixed Improved image handling
- Fixed Genes
- Fixed Item purchase/sale functionality
- Added Ability to change the position of categories and items on the page (forward/backward buttons)
- Updated By default, the number formatting is set to "G" in the settings
- Added Option to configure genes for plants in the item configuration
- Added Support for the image module from Carbon
- Updated Minor code refactoring for improved performance
- Fixed Failed to call hook 'CanLootEntity'
- Fixed Cooldown on items
- Fixed Formatting types have been changed in the default config
- Fixed Optimized the list of images
- Fixed Displaying categories when opening a store through an NPC
- Updated position of "Discount" (used to be on the right, now on the left)
- Updated position of the "Favorite" button (now it is on the place where "Discount" used to be)
- Fixed Bug (NRE) with cooldown update in UI
- Added New player data storage system. Strange data will not be used. To convert - use the command "shop.convert.from.1.2.26"
- Added Command to convert player data from 1.2.26 to 1.3.0: "shop.convert.from.1.2.26"
- Added Favorites category. Now your players will be able to add items to their favorites.
- Added Ability to customize color transparency
- Added Expanded the number of colors that can be customized
- Added Global discount customization. If you want to set a custom discount for a specific item, use the "Use custom discount?" option when customizing the item
- Added When customizing a category, you can now change the "Category Type". Available options are None (normal category for items) ; Favorite (category for favorite items); Hidden (hidden category available only in NPC stores or Vending Machines).
- Added Full customization of item display in the store (all colors, backgrounds, pictures, text)
- Added Now the window of money transfer between players is displayed on top of the store (made to fix errors when transferring money between players).
- Fixed Display a list of categories in NPCs that have localization enabled
- Fixed Adding an item in UI
- Added The ability to sell items with content (for example: liquids, modifications to the weapon) [configurable in the config]
- Added Ability to sell weapons with ammunition [configurable in the config]
- Added Checking for ImageLibrary, and prohibiting opening an interface without ImageLibrary
- Updated The update is for a forced wipe on 5/04/23, do not install them until 05/04/2023 as they will not work until the update
- Added Option - Buy Again
- Added Cooldowns (Buy and Sell) by permissions
- Fixed Category button size when there are no pages for categories
- Fixed Compilation
- Added Creating, editing and deleting categories
- Added The "Calculate" button when editing the price of an item, which helps calculate the cost of the item using the ItemCostCalculator
- Added Command - shop.fill.icc [all/buy/sell] (command for updating prices of items in the store using ItemCostCalculator. all - updates both Price and SellPrice, buy - updates Price, sell - updates SellPrice)
- Added Localization for categories and items
- Added Option - Enable item selling?
- Added Option - Enable item buying?
- Added Permissions for NPCs
- Added Permissions for Custom Vendings
- Fixed Error when opening the interface when the player has no categories available
- Added Ability to sell/buy items for free (admin sets price 0.0)
- Fixed Optimized memory usage for caching
- Fixed Positions for Commands
- Fixed Purchase limits (previously, first the balance was removed and then the product limit was checked)
- Added shop.remove all - a console command to remove all items and categories from the plugin
- Added shop.remove item [category name/all] - a console command to remove an item (or all items)
- Added shop.remove category [category name/all] - a console command to remove an category (or all categories)
- Added New option - "Settings available containers for selling item"
- Added New permission - "shop.setnpc"
- Added New command - "shop.setnpc [categories]"
- Fixed Cleaning the shopping cart after purchase
- Added Working with IQEconomic
- Fixed Working with IQEconomic
- Added Text in input fields
- Fixed The same category in different bots
- Fixed Separating the cart of items main and bots
- Fixed Transfer of negative amount
- Fixed Checking stacks for items only
- Added Text in edit fields
- Added Option for items - Blueprint
- Fixed Displaying NPC categories
- Fixed Buying items with prohibit on splitting the item into stacks
- Added Sorting by Name, Amount, PriceDecrease, PriceIncrease
- Fixed Amount of items for sale
- Added Converting from ServerRewards (command -
- Added Option - Prohibit splitting item into stacks
- Fixed Discounted price display for force buy
- Added Cache (background, search)
- Fixed Amount of free space
- Fixed Cost of items for Force Buy
- Fixed Adding items
- Fixed Code optimization
- Removed Using System.Linq
- Added Console command - openshopUI
- Added Custom vending machines
- Added Permission - Shop.setvm
- Added Command - /shop.setvm
- Added Choice of currency for players
- Added Usage of in-game pictures
- Updated Optimization of item distribution
- Added Quickly purchase items (without using shopping cart)
- Added chat.say commands are now executed on behalf of the player
- Fixed Loading images after adding an item
- Added Money transfers between players
- Added Cooldown after wipe
- Added Cooldown after respawn
- Fixed Reset page after search
- Added Daily Limits
- Fixed Limits did not take into account the amount of the items
- Added Autowipe limit data
- Added Command - shop.wipe
- Fixed Adding items to cart
- Fixed Max Buy Amount
- Fixed Balance rounding (it was possible to buy the product for free)
- Added Logging
- Added Permission (allows you to buy items absolutely free)
- Removed Spectating flags
- Added New item type - Kit
- Added Blocked skins for sell
- Added Blocking the opening in duels
- Added Display type
- Fixed Limits
- Added Max Buy Amount
- Added Max Sell Amount
- Fixed Saving an item after editing
- Added Disable spectator mode
- Added Buy and Sell Limit
- Added Save cooldown to data
- Fixed ArgumentOutOfRangeException
- Fixed Work with HumanNPC
- Fixed Unknown parent
- Added Work with NoEscape
- Fixed Cooldown Button Refresh
- Added Notification when selling items
- Fixed Work with HumanNPC
- Added Number of digits after decimal point for rounding prices
- Added Option to disable editing of the shop by flag-admins
- Added Work with BankSystem
- Added Option to disable the slider and enable just buttons
- Added Option to disable search
- Added Colors in config
- Added Settings for categories
- Fixed Loading images
- Fixed Select Item
- Added Cooldown
- Added Interface customization
- Added Working with Notify
- Fixed Discount position
- Added Returning to the original page when editing an item
- Added Search
- Fixed Saving an item to the selected category
- Fixed Enabling player spectating mode
- Fixed Broken items couldn't be sold
- Added Ability to create items for sale only
- Fixed Switching categories when searching for an item
- Added Working with HumanNPC
- Added System for adding/editing/removing items in game
Discussions (37)
37 thoughts on "Shop"
Leave a reply
Hi! In the config, you need to turn off “Enable money transfers between players??”
“Enable money transfers between players??”: false,-
Worked perfectly, Thanks great plugin!
If i set up an add kits to the shop do they inherit from the kit settings like usage amounts and cooldowns
I’m curious whether the developer actively responds to our comments and discussions. I hope this question is taken in the spirit of seeking information rather than as rudeness but there is not one response to any of us here.
Failed to call hook ‘OnEntityTakeDamage’ on plugin ‘HeliSignals v1.2.3’ (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)
at Oxide.Plugins.HeliSignals.OnEntityTakeDamage (BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info) [0x0003c] in :0
at Oxide.Plugins.HeliSignals.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00552] in :0
at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in :0
at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in :0
at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in :0-
Hi! Your error is related to the HeliSignals plugin
Opening the shop through NPC will display all Titles
The video in this description isn’t working. Possible to get it fixed please so I can check it out?
Hi! I fixed it :)
Hi, Great plugin. One issue I have is that if I set a sell price (and probably a buy price) as say 0.004 rp, It shows in the shop as 0, but when I click on sell, it displays the correct 0.004 price (for 1 item). Is it possible to have the initial sell price display with the decimal places ?
Hello, I have updated to the latest version of the shop plugin as of 3/27/2024 version 1.3.4 and no longer can sell anything back to the server. i have tried removing items from the shop and re-adding them to try to sell them however i cannot sell anything anymore. Is this an known issue with the latest version? Is there anything i can do to fix this issue?
I am having trouble changing the shop selling prices. I have changed the config so the econmy is on Item and Scrap and disabled the server rewards plugin. but in the shop it is still giving an RP price not a scrap price. how can i fix this?
I set the selling quantity as 1, and when I sold it, I wrote the maximum but I couldn’t sell it. I could only sell it one at a time.
Hello, friend! I will publish a fixed version today!
I am here
How to download the 1.3.15, not the latest?
hello , wanted ask if theres whay to make item to sell for item and not economics or RP, like if i want to sell stone for wood or any other item .
Yes, you can customize to sell items for items, not currency or points.
the oxide perms is not working and commands ingame say contact administrator
Pay attention to the plugin messages in the server console, the message you get in the game – for players, in the server console you will find out the exact cause of what is wrong with the plugin and instructions on how to fix it!
doesnt work
PM to me in discord, I’ll try to help you.
my shop says contsct admin plugin noot working right i changed nothing did facepunch break it
Hi. Pay attention to the SERVER console, usually all error messages are displayed there. This message can be either because you don’t have ImageLibrary, or because you didn’t install the plugin via /shop.install
I uploaded the Files to my Server and now i got following error:
Failed to compile: Newline in constant | Line: 12308, pos: 17
Which is that Line from the Shop.cs:
[CmdName] = “Команда”,
any thoughts???
After the last rust update typing /shop just shows “The plugin does not work correctly, contact the administrator!”
Shop – Failed to compile: ‘PlayerInventory’ does not contain a definition for ‘AllItems’ and no accessible extension method ‘AllItems’ accepting a first argument of type ‘PlayerInventory’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 3062, Pos: 41
this error wont resolve after October 3rd update? ive updated the plugin, Oxide is up to date, and cannot get this to compile, along with a few others. thank you in advance!
nevermind! issue was on my end, sorry!
Hi! Yes, you should have just downloaded the new version :)
I have Shop ver 2.1.3 which has loaded ok, but when I type /shop it says
This plugin does not work correctly, contact the administrator!
Any idea what might be wrong ?
found the problem…I had to be looking at the rcon console for the fix not the game chat.
Can there be an option for the shop to filter (for SELL) what is already in the players inventory? Its kind of a pain to keep checking inventory, remembering the item you wanted to sell, then finding it, etc.
If there was a “Sell Filter” it would only pull up items currently in players main inventory?
hello , quick question , every wipe it resets favorite items saved in shop for me , can i change something for plugin to not reset saved items in favorit . thank you
Hi! You can disable automatic server wipe in the config.
ok , great . thanks
Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)
OxiniX (verified owner) –
Best shop plugin out on market, i can 100% recommend this one :)
Mindshadows (verified owner) –
I love the design, especially having the shopping cart, such a great addition
Techno_Master (verified owner) –
Good design and easy to use.
Buzzdog115 (verified owner) –
Amazing plugin. I tried a free shop plugin that wouldn’t work at all so I bought this one and it worked immediately. All you have to do is configure the prices. Excellent work!
combatarms (verified owner) –
Easy to use and add remove items is a breeze
kmartian (verified owner) –
This had potential but is full of bugs that go unfixed for long stretches of time. The author will push small updates here and there, but doesn’t really add or fix anything. Actually he’s known for doing this on most of his plugins. He’s not around much to offer support and when he does answer you, you typically get a few words and then ghosted. We’ve switched to a much better Shop and couldn’t be happier.
Skunk puss (verified owner) –
Very good shop plugin Mevent has recently brought out loads off updates big props to him, he responds quickly if you require support i Recommend this plugin for sure!
jon.s.noel (verified owner) –
Great plugin, only suggestions would be the ability to sort categories and delete items from within the ui. Less important suggestion, ability to add item from a master list created by game items.
Nicholas Whitehouse (verified owner) –
Best Shop plugin there is ! Also really responsive dev helps when you need it.
Roofer (verified owner) –
Very good Shop plugin with a beautiful interface and simplicity to configure. Mevent responds quickly if you need support, I recommend this plugin for sure!