Is there a console command i can use to give a player a drop ?
Vehicle Airdrops
Sold by: Nikedemos16 new kinds of airdrops: minicopter, scrapheli, modular car, rowboat, RHIB, locked crate, solosub, duosub, snowmobile_red, snowmobile_tomaha, tugboat, , attack_helicopter, pedalbike, pedaltrike, motorbike and motortrike! Every kind comes with its own supply signal. Private drops. Fully supports new modular vehicles. Compatible with Kits, Server Rewards and Economics. Robust and easy GUI-based config.
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Vehicle Airdrops
IMPORTANT NOTE: As of September 2023 forced wipe, Facepunch have re-purposed the static parachute prefab that has been used by Vehicle Airdrops for over 3 years. Now it’s a dynamic, player-oriented version that doesn’t show when attached to vehicles or anything other than a player. This means that Vehicle Airdrops will have no visual parachutes attached to them for the next couple of weeks. I am currently designing a replacement parachute from other prefabs (signs, rugs) and will be updating Vehicle Airdrops as soon as possible, but until then – I appreciate your patience and understanding!
Questions? Support? Join the discord:
This plugin adds several new types of Airdrops and their corresponding Supply Signals. Players can access them including a built-in Vending Machine at Outpost and/or through integration with Server Rewards and Economy . There’s also a built-in command shop. You decide what the individual probabilities/prices/currencies are and the way a dropped vehicle/locked crate is handled before it lands. It can also make Airdrops called by a player with a Supply Signal private – meaning that for a given period of time (you decide, how long, if any!) only the caller and perhaps their teammates will be able to mount/loot the vehicle, allowing for private drops. Dropped vehicles can also come with fuel in it – again, you decide how much, if any! Also, with a clever workaround, it also allows players to buy/sell those custom Signals through their own Vending Machines – even though they’re the same Item with a different skin, the right kind is always sold at the right price! Didn’t know Rust could do that, huh?
Have a look at this short video to get a gist of things.
Check out this in-depth tutorial by srtbull, too!
16 new kinds of custom Airdrops.
Minicopter, scrapheli, locked crate, modular car, rowboat, RHIB, solosub, duosub, snowmobile_red, snowmobile_tomaha, tugboat, attack_helicopter, pedalbike, pedaltrike, motorbike and motortrike.
Every kind of custom drop fully customizable.
Set its price, the fuel and health it comes with, permission needed, the means and chances of obtaining it, or even disable that kind completely to suit the style of your server.
NEW in 1.0.8: Snowmobile drops!
NEW in 1.0.5: Submarine drops!
For modular cars, you can also customise probabilities even further. You decide how likely it will be that the car will drop as a 2-module, 3-module or 4-module chassis. The chassis will come with random modules, just like it would normally do in Rust when spawning by the road. For the vehicle engine(s), you can decide the likelihood of spawning with components already inside (and you decide the probability of that component being high, medium or low quality – or, no component at all for particular slot). It’s all down to the probabilities you choose!
By default, all dropped modular cars will have the fuel and necessary components (of random quality, according to config) already inside – the car is good to drive as soon as it lands!
Ass an added bonus, all the fuel, health, module and engine component settings can also be applied to vehicles spawning naturally (like cars by the side of the road – meaning that if you choose so, you can make vehicles like modular cars, minicopters and rowboats spawn naturally using the same fuel/health/component settings, for that particular kind of drop.
Cargo Plane events and loot crates have a chance of spawning custom drop/Supply Signal.
You can define your own chance of a normal drop/signal turning into a custom kind. For every kind, you can also the random weight associated with it (i.e. how likely it is that a custom drop will be of that kind, compared to other drop weights). No more boats dropped on dry land! If you want, you can also disable those features completely and rely on built-in chat command shop or your own shop plugin.
Dedicated Vending Machine for selling Supply Signals (OPTIONAL).
By default, located at the Outpost, but any position can be defined. Choose the currency, prices, how often it re-stocks along with the amounts, disable individual kinds or even disable the whole feature all together.
Players can also sell different kinds of supply drops in their own vending machines with no problems (and you thought selling same item, but with different skins/prices, in the same vending machine, was impossible?)
Private Supply Signal drops (OPTIONAL).
You can make Supply Signal drops available to mount/loot only by the player (and optionally, also their teammates) who called the drop, for a limited amount of time after landing. You can choose how long the grace period is, or disable that feature completely. After the grace period, any player will be able to access it (you can configure the period too!)
In-game signal shop with Full ServerRewards and Economics integration.
Everything configurable through a clear, color-coded GUI.
Good news for server admins. No need to type hundred of chat commands till you find the one option you’re looking for You see a feature you want to change, you will instantly know how that will affect things. You can change almost anything about the way custom signals/drops are handled – disable and enable the ways they’re bought/spawned, change the prices/chances of spawning, enable and disable particular kinds of drops, change the speed at which they fall, change the damage settings for falling drops and many, many more. All the configuration options are detailed in the docs the plugin comes with. Just type /vagui in the chat and take it from there!
I’m not going to speak legalese here. It’s going to be short and to the point. By purchasing Vehicle Airdrops you hereby agree to these conditions:
- If something goes wrong with your server (not that it will!) while using this plugin, you will not hold Nikedemos responsible. You use the plugin at your own risk. Always make sure you make backup copies before experimenting with anything.
- You are granted a license to use the plugin on up to 6 servers at time. You have to be the owner or co-owner of those servers. This license will never expire. When the plugin gets updated, every license owner is entitled to an update.
- You will not distribute this plugin in any shape or form – not on forums, social media, not to your friends, not to other server owners nor other plugin developers. Making plugins takes time and effort and I really appreciate respecting plugin developers by not stealing their work. The only way to legally own and use Vehicle Airdrops on a server you own is to purchase a license. If you’re not a permanent co-owner on a particular server (that has been participating in the server costs/revenue), you can’t deploy the plugin there, even if you’re friends with the owner. They have to purchase a separate license.
- Hooks and API methods for plugin developers (let me know what you might need, if it makes sense, I’ll add a method/hook for it!)
- Extra settings for locked crates (hacking timer settings, custom loot tables, perhaps with 3rd party loot manager plugins support? Let me know what you’d like to see!)
- PVP drops/signals (airstrike, booby trap, bradley, attack helicopter, chinook heavies)
Reviews (33)
33 reviews for Vehicle Airdrops
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
Version History
- Fixed Fixed the ever-growing console spam on save about entity being null
- Updated Update for October 2024 forced wipe
- Added Added 4 new drops: pedalbike, pedaltrike, motorbike, motortrike. None of them are dropped during random event drops, unless you set their chances to above 0 in the /vagui menu
- Fixed Fixed the issue with Economics balance not being properly recognised for /vabuy command - make sure you install the latest Economics too, if it applies to you!
- Fixed Fixed fuel containers for dropped/naturally occurring vehicles not being properly filled with Low Grade on drop/spawn
- Fixed Fixed some null reference errors that had to do with old (and thus no longer correct) firework prefab names (roman candles). Added some logic to automatically remove those incorrect entries from the config when the config migrates to 1.0.18
- Updated Update for July 2024 forced wipe
- Updated Update for June 2024 forced wipe
- Updated Update for the April 2024 forced wipe
- Added Added 2 new drops: Tugboat and Attack Helicopter
- Updated Update for September 2023 forced wipe
- Removed Removed now unusable static parachute that FP have repurposed, rendering it useless for Vehicle Airdrops, without consulting anyone. See the product page's "IMPORTANT NOTE".
- Fixed Fixed the parachute not being removed while hitting the water surface
- Updated Update for May 2023 forced wipe
- Updated Updated for February 2023 forced wipe
- Fixed Fixed normal supply drops not inheriting the ownerID, thanks sapnu!
- Fixed Fixed minicopters losing their parachutes instantly mid-air after October 2022 forced wipe - thanks for reporting the issue, Dicky and Bulletproof
- Fixed Fixed some vending machine issues with the advice of White Thunder - thanks!
- Fixed Fixed null reference error when opening /vagui caused by recent changes in the CUI Helper
- Fixed Fixed UnityException: get_realtimeSinceStartup error in the console
- Added Added Snowmobile Red and Snowmobile Tomaha support!
- Added Added new config value "Supply signal smoke length, in seconds (210 = default Rust)" - no more lengthy smokes!
- Fixed Minor fixes and improvements
- Updated Update for force wipe changes
- Added Added compatibility with PlaneCrash, this time for good!
- Added Added new config value that protects dropped vehicles from taking damage between landing and being claimed (like minicopters drops landing on the edge of the roof, the parachute being removed, and the copter plummeting down)
- Added Added support for Notify plugin, new config value "Enable Notify plugin capabilities (messages printed in the chat will also be sent there)" is true by default
- Updated Updated logos to reflect new submarine drops
- Added Added Solo Sub and Duo Sub drop support!
- Fixed Fixed swapping drops when they're happening at the same time
- Fixed Fixed crate timer unlocking instantly, now it should respect your config values
- Fixed Fixed Cargo Plane events always dropping a normal Supply Crate when called through console
- Added Added fireworks to indicate drop position - check for some new config values associated with in your config file. By default, the firework "show" will only happen for events, but you can also enable it for private drops - or disable completely.
Discussions (22)
22 thoughts on "Vehicle Airdrops"
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Was this ever updated with new parachutes?
A problem with this plugin is that if you have raised stack sizes on Suppl Signals this can cause a duplication bug for mini copter air drops (or any minicopter ones)
An example:
If you have a stack size of a max 10 supply signals, if u drop 9 default supply signals, then drop 1 mini copter supply signal, and all 10 supply signals will be converted into mini copter supply signals.Because the world views them as supply signals on the ground, they will always merge. Reducing the stack size of supply signals just isn’t an option for most modded servers. Do you have any solution or guidance to this bug?
since I installed this my air drop is dropping 2 supply’s how can I stop this please?
the plugin is very buggy!!!!!!!!!
The vehicles drop have no parachute and always explode when they land
I just called 2 snowmobile-tomaha drops and automatically 2 normal drops are added to the 2 snowmobile-tomaha drops that don’t drop anything
Hi there! Looks like you have some sort of a plugin incompatibility going in which is particular to your setup, causing the double drops and plummeting to the ground. I have seen this before! Hit me up on Discord ( – or find me on Discord server, and let’s see what’s going on.
The machine at the outpost only has the standard items in it that the standard machine has
Broken with latest update. Error: Error while compiling VehicleAirdrops: ‘IFuelSystem’ does not contain a definition for ‘fuelStorageInstance’ and no accessible extension method ‘fuelStorageInstance’ accepting a first argument of type ‘IFuelSystem’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 9311, Pos: 67
Did you download the latest version of VA, 1.0.17, from your panel, on top of the latest Rust? I posted the 1.0.17 update for the new wipe about 20 minutes before Oxide updated. Tested it post-wipe too and everything compiles fine. Please check again!
how to turn off vending machine option?
Hello, It seems like these warnings are repeatedly appearing too frequently in RCON:
Entity is NULL but is still in saveList – not destroyed properly? mortarblue
3:16 AM
Entity is NULL but is still in saveList – not destroyed properly? mortarblue
3:16 AM
Entity is NULL but is still in saveList – not destroyed properly? mortarviolet
3:16 AM
Entity is NULL but is still in saveList – not destroyed properly? mortarblue
3:16 AM
Entity is NULL but is still in saveList – not destroyed properly? romancandleblue
3:16 AM
Entity is NULL but is still in saveList – not destroyed properly? mortargreen
3:16 AM
Entity is NULL but is still in saveList – not destroyed properly? mortarorange -
Fixed in 1.0.20, please download the latest version from your panel – and thanks for the report!
thank you
I did o.reload VehicleAirdrops, but these spams continue. Do I need to restart the server?
Yes, it would appear so. Thank you for your patience
Not a problem, it was resolved after a restart. Thank you for your help
Does not allow the use of water transport.. -
This setting in the config helped )
“Can mount/loot drops when the parachute is still attached”: true, -
Was this ever updated with new parachutes?
I’m still not seeing them after about a year having this plugin.
I am up to date or am I doing something wrong?
HI there! Unfortunately, more than a year ago Facepunch had re-purposed the airdrop parachutes to be the player-worn parachutes, which sadly cannot be used with airdrops any more. Those new parachutes count as wearable vehicles, i.e. they require an actual player mounted in it. Without a player using it, they just remain invisible. Of course I wish there were some parachute-adjacent prefabs available to the modders and maybe one day there will be – but it’s all down to the good will of our FP developers.
Hello, BotReSpawn manages to have parachutes with NPCs, so doesnt that mean it can also be attached on this plugin? The immersion is not very good when a vehicle just floats down
Hello! Please read my my previous comment carefully again. Parachutes can no longer be applied to regular (non-player) entities. Bots, as the name suggests (like in the plugin BotRespawn) utilise an actual player entity inside of it. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a real player or a bot player, it only matters if the entity in question is of a BasePlayer type (i.e. something with arms and legs) – and the vehicles are not. That being said, Vehicle Airdrops is currently in the process of being entirely re-written from scratch, and in the place of a parachute, there will be a translucent “bubble” that CAN indeed be applied to all types of entities. Hope this helps!
Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)
erikhoward30 (verified owner) –
Super cool plugin and extremely user friendly! 10/10 worth every cent
slayersrust (verified owner) –
One of the best designed Rust Plugins I’ve ever seen! The in-game GUI only took me a few Minutes without reading any documentation to figure everything out. I love how easy it was to setup and jump back in to make any changes. My players really love this plugin, the Outpost vending Machine was a super cool addition. I’d definitely recommend this to add some spice to your server!
Rusticity Organization (verified owner) –
Works great. Would really love to see the ability to call in a ridable horse.
zig (verified owner) –
Its a really fantastic plugin that players like. The developer is a great guy aswell. I really recommend this plugin if you whant something new and unique on the server!
Jason Cox (verified owner) –
Watched the development of this Love it just can’t find the GUI
Naveen Narra (verified owner) –
This plugin is incredible! Not only does it introduce a whole new set of airdrops, the GUI to edit plugin variables is something I’ve never seen before! This is a must have!
b.vleminckx (verified owner) –
Nice plugin, works great. Loot table manager would be a nice addon.
Big Easy (verified owner) –
Absolutely love this plugin so far, Nikedemos has done an awesome job with this, and was very helpful with a few questions, appreciate the effort!
uGamers (verified owner) –
Crazy how well this plugin is built and support is great as well look forward to more plugins by you Nikedemos.
cullentierney (verified owner) –
Great plugin. Exactly what I need. Support A++++
charlprak81 (verified owner) –
This is a very amusing and useful plugin. I love players being able to basically carry a extra transport option in their pocket. The only thing that could make it cooler would be if one could have a horse on a chute too.
johnwcordell (verified owner) –
Couldn’t find a way to edit my review so here’s another. Apologies for the bad previous review. Frustration got the best of me. As the maker of plugins I’m sure you understand the frustration levels. I’ve made it so other plugins don’t utilize cargoplane drops and everything seems fine now. If you can make it so I see a horse coming down with an airdrop, I’ll throw ya another $20 :fistbump: Just lemme know where to donate :-)
Chris Bevans (verified owner) –
An absolutely fantastic addition to any server, providing the players with vehicles on demand with established integration to various currency options.
Be advised that if you use another airdrop plugin, it may have some errant effects in how it works when you call in the vehicle airdrops. Easy solution was to just disable our other airdrop plugin and we were back to normal.
sebbe.vs.preditor (verified owner) –
A very well made plugin with a neat easy to use Gui!
Players like it and the veichles dropping with parachutes is a very cool thing to se!
Lastely the support from the developer is great !
Dennis Adelborg (verified owner) –
Cant give more than 5 stars, sadly.
Bought the plugin, couldnt figure it out. Asked for help on the discord listed when you purchase. Had an answer, a chat and fixed plugin within 10 minutes. Im a VERY happy costumer, thanks so much for the great work
Thomas Marche (verified owner) –
are subs gonna be added to this anytime soon ??
polargem28 (verified owner) –
It’s good
strand (verified owner) –
Awesome plugin never had an issue. Looking forward to the next project.
Patriot (verified owner) –
Would be 5/5 if you could have some of the adjustments fancy drop gives, like adjusting the amount of random airdrops that could come (more or less).
AlterEgo (verified owner) –
awesome plugin, awesome developer and fair pricing.
Remedy (verified owner) –
My second plugin from Nikedemos. Dude knows what he’s doing, and he’s a super friendly dev. Plugin does exactly what it describes, and is extremely easy to set up. Plenty of config options. Worth. Every. Red. Penny. Thank you Nikedemos!!!!
houdini (verified owner) –
amazing plugin and Nikedemos is a amazing dev and always willing to help you out. i would 100% recomend this plugin
JohnC48 (verified owner) –
Amazing plugin, works amazing and the developer is super helpful. If you purchase this plugin and have any questions, comments or concerns, do not hesitate to ask him. He is super helpful and nice. If you are looking to buy this plugin for your server, I would 100% recommend the purchase.
Matthew Fleischmann (verified owner) –
10/10 Great plugin! Great dev super fast support! 100% recommend this plugin to anyone that is interested in purchasing it!
Marmel1810 (verified owner) –
I thought this plugin draws a lot of performance
Here I was wrong
It works great and is an asset to my server
TDPcorndiggitydoggg (verified owner) –
Cars dropping out of the sky is a must have for every rust server! This is awesome! Love the vending machine option!
Elite Gaming 5X (verified owner) –
Players are loving this plugin, awesome support from the dev! Thank you!
Five10 (verified owner) –
This plugin is wonderful. I set it up to work with Shop UI and it works perfectly. You can control plane height and speed along with many other options in the config file. Nikedemos is absolutely wonderful with customer support. Multiple times he has quickly responded to any questions I had. Absolutely recommend this plugin and other plugins from Nikedemos. The water bases plugin is great too.
brett_g (verified owner) –
Well made plugin that is simple to use. I love having the ability to have vehicles be airdropped.
richard.tester (verified owner) –
Neat plugin from a great developer!
Elite Gaming 5X (verified owner) –
We like it, 10/10, easy to use and setup. I will support this dev for all his hard work and commitment to his plugins.
The Friendly Chap (verified owner) –
Wow. I got this before submarines were a thing, and Nikedemos just adds in every new vehicle. The after-sales service is great. This plugin is why I have no hesitation in buying every single one of Nikodemos’ plugins, as the attention to detail and quality of code is great. Players love being able to carry a spare vehicle around in their pockets.
marinuspfadisch (verified owner) –
the plugin is very buggy!!!!!!!!!
The vehicles drop have no parachute and always explode when they land
I just called 2 snowmobile-tomaha drops and automatically 2 normal drops are added to the 2 snowmobile-tomaha drops that don’t drop anything
The machine at the outpost only has the standard items in it that the standard machine has