Rust game interface showing customizable keybind settings for enhanced gameplay and server management

Mastering Keybinds in Rust: The Ultimate Guide for Players and Server Owners

Intro to Keybinds for Rust

Whether you’re a server owner, a seasoned player, or new to the game of Rust, keybinds can make a substantial difference in your gameplay and administrative efficiency. This guide serves as a comprehensive resource for understanding, setting up, and mastering keybinds in Rust including several very helpful binds for both players and server owners that aren’t as commonly known!

What Are Keybinds?

Keybinds are customizable keyboard shortcuts that perform specific actions in the game. They simplify complex tasks, providing an edge for competitive players and making server management more efficient for administrators.

The Importance of Keybinds

For Server Owners

  1. Efficient Administration: Execute server commands quickly.
  2. Enhanced Oversight: Monitor player activities more efficiently.

For Players

  1. Competitive Edge: Perform actions faster and more efficiently.
  2. Optimized Gameplay: Simplify and streamline complex tasks.

Setting Up Basic Keybinds

  1. Access the Console: Press F1 to open the Rust console.
  2. Enter the Command: Use the bind command. Example: bind k kill.
  3. Test Your Keybind: Press the assigned key to ensure it’s functional.

Handy Reference Section

Keybinds for Server Management

  • Hide Base Entities: bind keypad1 layer.toggle Tree;layer.toggle World;layer.toggle Construction;layer.toggle Water;layer.toggle Terrain;layer.toggle Clutter
  • Unlock/Lock Code Lock: bind keypad2 ent unlock / bind keypad3 ent lock
  • Entity Ownership: bind keypad4 ent who
  • Daytime/Nighttime for Admin: bind keypad8 admintime 12 / bind keypad9 admintime -1

Keybinds for Players

  • Auto Attack: bind p attack
  • Auto Sprint: bind o forward;sprint
  • Combat Log: bind t "consoletoggle;clear;combatlog"
  • Crouch: bind u duck
  • Emote: bind i "gesture wave"
  • Toggle HUD: bind l graphics.hud 1 / bind m graphics.hud 0
  • Auto Swim: bind t forward;sprint;jump
  • Auto Kill: bind y kill
  • Chat Commands: bind t "chat.say \"/command\""
  • Auto Mute/Unmute Players: input.bind X audio.voices 0 / input.bind y audio.voices 1
  • Auto Craft Bandage: input.bind t craft.add -2072273936 1

Note: To unbind a key, use unbind followed by the key you wish to unbind, e.g., unbind k.


Keybinds are an invaluable tool for anyone serious about Rust. They can significantly enhance your gameplay experience and make server management a breeze. Bookmark this guide for a quick and handy reference to essential keybind commands. Read more information and specifics about keybinds at the official Facepunch Keybind Wiki!

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