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The Clans Rust plugin is an all-in-one clan manager that lets you create, manage and invite players all from one stunning interface. Toggle friendly fire, view clan and player rankings, create and break alliances, change gathering rates for clan members, and set clan skins to easily identify clan members abroad!
- Description
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Overview of The Clans Plugin for Rust
Clans is an all-in-one clan manager that lets you create, manage, and invite players all from one stunning interface. Toggle friendly fire, view clan and player rankings, create and break alliances, change gathering rates for clan members, and set clan skins to easily identify clan members abroad!
- Image Library
- Better Chat (optional)
- Zone Manager (optional)
- Play Time Rewards (optional)
- Player Database (optional)
- PlayerSkins (optional)
- Automatic Authorization (optional)
- Helpful Supply (optional)
- Player List (optional)
- NTeleportation (optional)
- XPerience (optional)
- LSkins (optional)
- Arena Tournament (optional)
- Beautiful user interface
- Performance
- Allied clans
- Gather rate for players
- Clan skins
- The clan TAG min- and max-length can be defined in the config
- The clan overview shows offline member names
- Clan members can toggle friendly-fire protection for clan mates and allies
- Clan creation can check TAG’s against a blocked word list
- Clan tagging can be optionally disabled
- Old (not updated since x days) clans can be automatically purged
- Clans rating
- Players rating
- Setting a personal avatar for your clan
- Autowipe with wipe (optional)
- clans (display clan menu)
- clans help (get information about commands)
- clan create (create a clan)
- clan leave (leave from your clan)
- clan join (open UI with invitations)
- clan ff (toggle friendly-fire status)
- clan allyff (toggle friendly-fire status for allies)
- clan invite <name/steamid> (invite a player)
- clan withdraw <name/steamid> (cancel an invite)
- clan kick <name/steamid> (kick a member)
- clan allyinvite <clanTag> (invite a clan to ally)
- clan allywithdraw <clanTag> (cancel the invite of an alliance)
- clan allyaccept <clanTag> (accept the invite of an alliance)
- clan allycancel <clanTag> (cancel the invite of an alliance)
- clan promote <name/steamid> (promote a member)
- clan demote <name/steamid> (demote a member)
- clan disband (disband your clan)
- clans.manage list – lists all clans, their owners and their member-count
- clans.manage listex – lists all clans, their owners/members and their on-line status
- clans.manage show [name/userId] – lists the chosen clan (or clan by user) and the members with status
- clans.manage msg [clanTag] [message] – sends a clan message
- clans.manage create [name/userId] [clanTag] – creates a clan
- clans.manage rename [oldTag] [newTag] – renames a clan
- clans.manage disband [clanTag] – disbands a clan
- clans.manage invite [clanTag] [name/userId] – sends clan invitation to a player
- clans.manage join [clanTag] [name/userId] – joins a player into a clan
- clans.manage kick [clanTag] [name/userId] – kicks a member from a clan
- clans.manage kick.player [name/userId] – kicks a member from a clan
- clans.manage owner [clanTag] [name/userId] – sets a new owner
- clans.manage promote [clanTag] [name/userId] – promotes a member
- clans.manage demote [clanTag] [name/userId] – demotes a member
- clans.reborn.convert – convert data from Clans Reborn plugin
- clans.umod.convert – convert data from uMod Clans (v0.2.2+) plugin
- clans.convert.olddata – convert data from old data
- clans.loadavatars – download avatars of all players
- clans.convert.old.stats – used to update player data when upgrading from older versions of the game to 1.1.31 and above.
- clans.cancreate (permission to create a clan)
- clans.canjoin (permission to join a clan)
- clans.canleave (permission to leave a clan)
- clans.candisband (permission to disband a clan)
- clans.cankick (permission to kick a clan member)
Loot Types
- None – used for disabled loot
- Gather – used for gathering loot
- LootCrate – used for a loot crate
- Look – used to look at loot
- Kill – used to kill entities
- Craft – used for crafting items
- HackCrate – used for hacking a loot crate
Q: Where can I see an example of a config?
A: Config
Q: Does the Clans plugin support other plugins?
A: Yes, this Clans plugin has an API similar to other popular clans plugins. If the plugin works with Clans – it works with this plugin too.
Q: How do I enable the display of clan ratings on the screen?
A: You need to install the Clans Top plugin
Q: Does the Clans plugin work with other Rust plugins?
A: The Clans plugin is designed to work with a wide range of other Rust plugins, but compatibility may vary depending on the specific plugins you are using.
Check out more of my work here! Join the Lone.Design Discord Here! For any questions, contact me on Discord: mevent
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Version History
- Updated P.S. Do not download this update BEFORE the game update on October 3, 2024.
- Fixed Working with PlayerDatabase
- Fixed Pool changes
- Fixed After FP update
- Added Clan tag case sensitivity is now a thing! You can decide if you want your clan tags to be case-sensitive or not. Just don't shout too much! 😅🔤
- Added Working with IQChat!💬⚡
- Fixed Some pesky bugs related to player names and clans. Now names should be accurate, no more mysterious player identities! 🕵️♂️
- Fixed Steam API key handling improved. No key? No problem—we’ll let you know! 🔑🚫
- Updated Minor adjustments to how player avatars are loaded. More avatars, less waiting! 🖼️⏳
- Updated Several internal code refactors to keep things running smoothly. You might not see it, but trust us, it’s better this way. 🧹🛠️
- Added Support for getting skins from the Skinner plugin
- Added Configuring the UI on the "Top Clans" page
- Added Configuring the UI on the "Top Players" page
- Added Configuring the UI on the "Members" page
- Fixed Counting items during mining
- Added Console command: (displays information about the top ten clans on the server)
- Fixed After FP update
- Fixed After update
- Fixed Conversion from clans with Umod
- Fixed Display clan scores after server restart
- Fixed Clan chat & Alliance chat
- Fixed Working with ImageLibrary after server restart
- Added ImageModule support from Carbon
- Added Now Russian and English will be in the body of the plugin
- Added Caching player's scores
- Updated Warning #1: in this version, a more subtle loot adjustment has been made, for this it will be necessary to convert old data into new ones. After loading the plugin to the server, it will automatically update the config. To convert player data, you need to use the command "clans.convert.old.stats"
- Updated Warning #2: This is a fix for version 1.1.31, which (as it turned out in the end) has a problem with the JSON serializer. If you downloaded 1.1.32 immediately, pay attention to Warning #1.
- Fixed JSON serializer for new data storage
- Updated Warning: in this version, a more subtle loot adjustment has been made, for this it will be necessary to convert old data into new ones. After loading the plugin to the server, it will automatically update the config. To convert player data, you need to use the command "clans.convert.old.stats"
- Added A new loot counting system, which includes the ability to specify the type of loot extraction, and for this type the player will receive his points. Available Loot types: None Gather LootCrate Look Kill Craft Hack Crate
- Fixed CanBeTargeted hook has been replaced with OnTurretTarget and the internal logic has been optimized (thanks to @Death for notifying that CanBeTargeted is heavily loading the server)
- Added Ability to hide fields on the clan profile page
- Added OnLootEntity hook for clan loot
- Added Resources that should only be considered when gathering
- Added New API methods: string TryJoinPlayerToClan(string clanTag, string playerName) string TryKickPlayerFromClan(string clanTag, string playerName) string TryKickPlayerFromAnyClan(ulong playerId) string TrySetClanOwner(string clanTag, string playerID) string TrySendInviteToClan(string clanTag, string playerID) string TryPromoteClanMember(string clanTag, string playerID) string TryDemoteClanMember(string clanTag, string playerID) string TryDisbandClan(string clanTag) string TryRenameClan(string oldClanTag, string newClanTag) string TryBroadcastClan(string clanTag, string message)
- Fixed NRE in some cases
- Added Default Pages in config (now you can configure which page will open when you open the clan menu)
- Fixed Code cleanup
- Fixed Gathering items that are not listed in the scoreboard (now, an item must either be listed on the scoreboard or be available to players based on their standards for gathering)
- Fixed Error sending a message when cancelling an invitation to a clan
- Added Support for "ArenaTournament" plugin
- Updated Changed the logic of the "Change Avatar" button - now when you click it, you get a menu where you have to insert a link.
- Added Button to leave the clan on the "About clan" page (to confirm, you need to write the clan name in the special menu).
- Added Button to remove items from the "Gather Rates" page.
- Fixed Gathering progress which showed wrong values
- Fixed Cancel alliance invitation button
- Added Significant performance improvements
- Updated Now player stats only collect data when a player is in a clan, and this data is available in the "Score Table".
- Added Paid functionality (now you can set, for example, that creating a clan costs $100)
- Fixed Wipe clan data
- Added Ability to wipe players (files are also deleted)
- Added Ability to wipe invitations to a clan
- Added Ability to merge in-game teams when clans are in alliance (but: only if only one clan can be in alliance with your clan).
- Fixed Default avatar link
- Updated A lot of data is now cached, so there may be delays in player/clan tops, general clan data.
- Added Clan Tag in game chat (previously it was possible only through BetterChat plugin)
- Added Support for skins from LSkins plugin
- Updated Friendly Fire settings moved to a separate config item
- Added More options for color settings (now you can adjust transparency, etc.)
- Added Avatar storage scheme (previously, any avatars were stored - both default and custom, now only custom avatars will be stored)
- Fixed UI image refreshing when changing avatars
- Fixed After update
- Fixed GetAllClans
- Fixed Prohibition to exit a team using Rust teams (thanks @P1S4G0R)
- Fixed Displaying an error message (during testing mode)
- Added Code to diagnose the plugin (at least the main functions) - this will allow you to quickly and efficiently solve problems with errors occurring on the servers. If the debugging function is not enabled, it will not affect server performance in any way.
- Added Checking for ImageLibrary, and prohibiting opening an interface without ImageLibrary
- Added Hook CanMoveItem
- Updated The update is for a forced wipe on 5/04/23, do not install them until 05/04/2023 as they will not work until the update
- Fixed ArgumentException
- Added Clan chat (/c)
- Added Alliance chat (/a)
- Added Hook – OnClanChat(BasePlayer player, string message, string clanTag)
- Added Hook – OnAllianceChat(BasePlayer player, string message, string clanTag)
- Fixed Searching for the clan alliance during the Friendly Fire check
- Fixed Not updating item icons after selecting new Item in Gather Rates
- Fixed Using /ff commands when Friendly Fire is off
- Fixed Command - clans.manage kick.player [name/userId]
- Added Aliases for FF-commands for clan
- Added Aliases for FF-commands for alliance
- Added Option – "Show the close button on the clan creation screen?"
- Fixed Command "clans.manage promote" (didn't promote a player to moderator)
- Fixed Layout
- Added API - private string GetTagColor(string clanTag)
- Added Command - clans.manage kick.player [name/userId]
- Fixed Sending console and chat commands using buttons
- Added Parameter "{targetName}" for profile buttons
- Fixed Changing skins for players when the skins menu item is disabled in the config
- Added Command "clans.umod.convert" - convert data from uMod Clans (v0.2.2+)
- Updated Command "clans.convert" renamed to "clans.reborn.convert" - convert data from Clans Reborn
- Fixed Applying a skin to the active item
- Added API - float GetPlayerScores(string userId)
- Added API - float GetPlayerScores(ulong userId)
- Added API - float GetClanScores(string clanTag)
- Fixed PlaytimeTracker compatibility
- Fixed Ally invites
- Added Hook - OnClanTopUpdated
- Added New Plugin - ClansTop
- Added
- Fixed Searching for a player's clan (now a simpler algorithm)
- Updated Storing invitation data
- Added Caching clans by tag
- Added Caching clan scores
- Added Caching the percentage of clan farming (now updated with the update of the top players)
- Added Settings for clan member profile fields
- Added Settings for top player profile fields
- Added Support PlayTimeRewards in fields: { "Width": 90.0, "Lang Key": "PlayTimeTitle", "Key": "playtime", "Text Format": "{0}", "Text Align": "MiddleCenter", "Title Font Size": 10, "Font Size": 12 }
- Added Updating the leader's nickname
- Updated Displaying "Last Login" (seconds are no longer displayed)
- Fixed Updating top clans and players
- Fixed NRE when setting up a clan description
- Fixed Working with PlayerDatabase
- Fixed GetPlayerName
- Added Option - "Enable character checking in tags?"
- Fixed NRE in Top Clans
- Fixed Large load from CanBeTargeted. This was due to the fact that the bots were counted as turrets and the hook was triggered. If there is a delay - I advise you to disable "Use Friendly Fire for Turrets?
- Fixed Added text in input fields
- Fixed Loading player data after loading the plugin
- Fixed Checking the link to the clan avatar
void OnClanMemberJoined(string playerID, List
memberIDs) - Updated Tag settings moved to a separate field in the config - "Clan Tag Settings"
- Added Special characters allowed in tags
- Added Clan tag color settings
- Added Support of PlayerSkins
- Fixed Disabling the need to accept invitations to the team as a clan
- Added Processing of player tops moved to Coroutines
- Fixed Some memory leaks
- Fixed No colors in the clan creation panel after reloading the plugin
- Fixed Convert from old data
- Added Command - clans.convert.olddata
- Fixed Convert from old data
- Added New data storage system. Now, the data of each player is in its own file, which will avoid a large load on the server
- Fixed OnCollectiblePickup
- Fixed clans.manage rename
- Fixed Working with BetterChat
- Fixed FF Messages
- Added Working with ZoneManager (Zones with allowed FF)
- Added Working with SkinBox (parsing skins from SkinBox)
- Added Friendly Fire for Turrets
- Removed Using System.Linq
- Added Using images from the game
- Added Image caching
- Fixed Re-creating the team with each reload
- Fixed Field "Use Friendly Fire?"
- Added NeedsKeyboard for Input fields
- Removed Using regular expressions for nickname
- Fixed Saving bots to a data
- Fixed Compilation after restart
- Fixed After a player kick, a list of clan members is now shown
- Added Ability to accept an invite to a clan through an invite to a Rust team
- Fixed Fix names. Now only numbers and letters in the name will be displayed
- Added API: GetClanAlliances IsAllyPlayer IsMemberOrAlly
- Added Work with PlayerDatabase
- Added General Friendly Fire for clan and alliances
- Added /cinfo
- Fixed NRE when displaying information about clans
- Added When alliances are disabled, commands do not work for them
- Added Option - Use Friendly Fire?
- Fixed Display an invitation to the alliance when they are disabled
- Added Clans converting optimization
- Added Convert "Last Online Time"
- Added When you disable the page with skins - skins are not cached
- Fixed FF for alliances
- Added Lang
- Fixed Interface was not displayed due to characters in player names
- Fixed Skins
- Added Opening the clan creation menu when creating a team
- Added Options for disabling statistics categories
- Added clan join - opens an interface with invitations
- Added Players without a clan are now shown tops pages
- Added Option to disable clan skins at will
- Added Accounting for crafting items
- Added Commands (and permission to access them - clans.admin)
- Fixed Clan purging
- Added Custom buttons in profile
- Added Option to enable/disable rounding of numbers
- Fixed NRE in OnTeamKick
- Added Setting up skins in the config
- Added Permission to install custom skin
- Fixed Config
- Added Colors moved to config
- Added Setting up tables (top players and clans) in the config
- Added Option to enable/disable pages
- Added Permissions for pages
- Fixed In-game Teams
- Updated Top Clans and Top Players
- Added New pages
- Fixed Display of numbers
- Fixed Skins
- Fixed Resources gathering
- Fixed Display of numbers
- Fixed Work with in-game teams
- Fixed Installing your own skin for items
- Fixed Accepting an alliance with another clan
- Added Revoking an alliance with another clan
- Fixed Resource accounting
- Fixed After update
- Fixed FriendlyFire Button Length
- Fixed Disbandment of the team
- Fixed FriendlyFire
- Fixed Gather display
- Added Pages for skins items
- Fixed The page was not displayed in invitations to the clan
- Fixed Didn't delete from the previous team when creating a clan
- Added Next/Back buttons
- Fixed Loading avatar
Discussions (4)
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Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)
can we disable gather rates?
yes ofc
Xskinmenu work with this?
Yes, ofc!