Hello! this map has silo?
Hapis Remastered
Sold by: NoxLatest UPDATE
Conversion of lastest Hapis 2022 to this version.
- Added in New Trainyard and A Rail System to ride along most of the map to go use the new Train Monument features aswell as a few stations to recycle at on your trip with the trains, these stations also provide a mission vendor.
- Lots of terrain adjustments and tweaks aswell as some topology overhuals and splats.
Now With the New Nuclear Silo Monument and a Alternative Arctic Research base as seen in my additions to Community Hapis. Though this one is not gonna shoot you out the air.
- My Remastered version of Hapis Island 2016-2021
Map Size 5000
Total Prefab Count under 22k
Recreated and Editable version of Hapis Island
Updated to include the latest Content in Rust
Everything included in Map is Free to use, but please Do Not Resell any of it.
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Hapis Remastered
So Long have we waited for Hapis to Return to Rust
After 7 months of work I have Redesigned and Remastered Hapis
Rebuilt the Map from Images, Videos, and Memory of time played I Present you my Remastered Version.
How this project started
How this Project Started:
Well for years I have played Rust, across two accounts I’ve put in about a few thousand hours, From Legacy, Vanilla Rust -to- Modded I’ve played a lot. My love for this game all started back in 2016 when I discovered a Zombie Server using Hapis as its base map. Hapis was the first non Procgen map I ever Played
And let me tell you it is still my Favorite Map to Date!!
Now speed time up a few years and I discovered Rust Edit Forums by K1lly0u and I was Blown away at the small amount of mappers and what they were creating.
I started out small building what I wanted to see in a Rust map, from a Strip Club, to a Water Fall, RV camper ect. I was then brought into the discord were I still Spend most of my time. A Community I love and cherish. When Personal Life Issues got me Down this Community Helped me Get threw my Darkest of Days. An sitting at the apex of my experience with the Program I tried to recreate the Map I loved and played months on. Hapis was the hardest Project I have ever undertook and I Remade it a few times now. From Using Buildings from Wheatlymf, Keirox I turned my first Hapis remake into a zombie Apoc Nightmare for my server to play and it was great, I then incorporated Underwater Monuments like Lones Submarines and Robjs Sub docks. Currently using Robj’s outpost decor and drydock tugboat, But then HDRP was on the Radar to come to rust and I worked on other projects in the mean time.
Eventually I got my hands on the Aux01 HDRP backport and I nearly died, all the months of hand placing rocks and rebuilding Hapis the first few times were just completely decimated. But their was HOPE, After all the time I have Invested into Rust Edit I now knew how to do what I wanted to do, So I began working on Hapis Remastered. I took Hapis from the game files and brought it into World Creator 2, I played around with a few things and Re Merged it into Rust Edit, then realized there was a Height Limit on the map so I had to then Port it to unity, thankfully Kilgore by then had his Modified Unity Editor up an running. It saved my bacon on more then one thing and I was able to then get the terrain to fit into the map just right.
Now Ill say as I started with the Monuments I wanted to change the Designs abet more from my now acquired tastes of editing and took the liberty of trying to make them my own a bit more. Is this Map a 1×1 Recreation, NO.. This Map is a culmination of the different versions of Hapis I have played and the versions I hoped would come to pass. I wanted to incorporate the old Airfield but then settled on making a custom Airfield and mixing that with the New Military Content.
Strenuous Bug testing and patching Io thanks to my Friend Stoner Jesus I feel I haven’t just Remade Hapis, but expanded it. This feels to be my Opus as far as Map work I have done. I hope to see you enjoy the map as much as I have these last few months.
Let Horses Ride in Tunnels
Optional Plugin but a Must have in my book:
HorseTrigger by BMGJET
Let Horses Ride in Tunnels
Optional Plugin but a Must have in my book:
HorseTrigger by BMGJET
Every Server Host may be Different, Most will have Support staff that should be able to help you Install if not
Join Lone Design Discord and make a ticket We will walk you through the process.
Custom Monument / Remakes
- Reee Hand placed Rocks
- Small Caves scattered
- Outpost B3 (GreenCardSpawn)
- Lighthouses (GreenCardSpawn)
- Collapsed Tunnel
- Refinery (RedCardSpawn)
- Listening Station (BlueCardSpawn)
- Convoy East
- Convoy south / Cave (BlueCardSpawn)
- Beached Tugboat (Credits to RobJ2210)
- Abandoned Boat north
- Pumping Station
- Venting Shaft
- Loading Dock (RedCardSpawn)
- Junkyard (RedCardSpawn)
- More Custom Caves to Build in, Any Cave that is buildable is Marked outside with a Lantern
- Communications Mini monument (GreenCardSpawn)
- Site A (RedCardSpawn)
- Site B
- Custom airfield with military camps and MLRS
- Custom Abandoned mineshafts additions.
- Tunnel through main mountain connecting outpost to the north
- Crashed Plane off Coast of East Lighthouse
- Dive Site A -unanmed in game
- Car Park -Additional Decor Added (GreenCardSpawn)
Current Stock Monuments
- Launchsite
- Sewer Treatment
- Hqm Quarry
- Stone Quarry
- Sulfur Quarry
- Waterwells
- Underwaterlabs x3
- Oilrig Large
- Oilrig Small
- Outpost -Customized
- BanditCamp
- Large Barn
- Gas Station
Custom Monument / Remakes
- Reee Hand placed Rocks
- Small Caves scattered
- Outpost B3 (GreenCardSpawn)
- Lighthouses (GreenCardSpawn)
- Collapsed Tunnel
- Refinery (RedCardSpawn)
- Listening Station (BlueCardSpawn)
- Convoy East
- Convoy south / Cave (BlueCardSpawn)
- Beached Tugboat (Credits to RobJ2210)
- Abandoned Boat north
- Pumping Station
- Venting Shaft
- Loading Dock (RedCardSpawn)
- Junkyard (RedCardSpawn)
- More Custom Caves to Build in, Any Cave that is buildable is Marked outside with a Lantern
- Communications Mini monument (GreenCardSpawn)
- Site A (RedCardSpawn)
- Site B
- Custom airfield with military camps and MLRS
- Custom Abandoned mineshafts additions.
- Tunnel through main mountain connecting outpost to the north
- Crashed Plane off Coast of East Lighthouse
- Dive Site A -unanmed in game
- Car Park -Additional Decor Added (GreenCardSpawn)
Current Stock Monuments
- Launchsite
- Sewer Treatment
- Hqm Quarry
- Stone Quarry
- Sulfur Quarry
- Waterwells
- Underwaterlabs x3
- Oilrig Large
- Oilrig Small
- Outpost -Customized
- BanditCamp
- Large Barn
- Gas Station
If you need to wipe server and merge Player Data for updating server mid wipe
Feel free to Donate if you like My products and Leave a Review If you like them.
If you need to wipe server and merge Player Data for updating server mid wipe
Reviews (8)
8 reviews for Hapis Remastered
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
Version History
- Updated River Patch
- Updated Missing prefabs
- Removed Arctic research base
- Added NMS
- Updated Outpost to have Airwolf vender and Big Wheel for betting
- Fixed a few terrain bugs
- Added Recyclers to some of the fishing villages
- Updated some splat work
- Updated Horse Plugin for wipe, Thanks BMGJET
- Updated Splats
- Updated Topos
- Added New Trainyard
- Added New rail system
- Updated Terrain
- Fixed Issue preventing players from connecting to server -removing Arrow Bone Prefab
- Fixed terrain bugs around some junction points
- Fixed terrain bug near lighthouse parkinglot
- Updated Field Topology layer
- Removed Some un-needed prefabs
- Added Small tweak to Venting Shaft to avoid terrain clipping
- Updated Adjusted Train spawns
- Added Re added in Rocks to cover two holes in Pirates Cove
- Fixed Holes under Walls trim East
- Updated alittle Rock work
- Added New Train system
- Fixed Terrain issues from the new rail network
- Added two new train depots though not marked on map
- Updated terrain map
- Updated Splatmap
- Updated Topology Map
- Fixed missing station under launch site and missing curve track
- Added new Hapis parkinglot eastern lighthouse
- Added parking lot and bridges for fishing village
- Removed some un needed prefabs
- Updated new caves
- Added Pirates cove remastered
- Added new underground monument North East
- Added new roadway for around mountain in north east
- Updated Site B with new hapis decor
- Updated splats
- Added added in more caves
- Updated some node spawns
- Updated denser forests
- Updated splats
- Added New Zipline System around map to key areas
- Added alot of CCTVs to custom monuments IDs are listed in the text file with map download.
- Fixed Rock south of custom airfield.
- Added a few more decor updates
- Added 3 New Remakes of Old Hapis Cave in HDRP version
- Updated updated some splats
- Fixed Emergency update to replace missing Tunnels so players can stop falling into the nether
- Updated chenaged out the stupid sewer prefabs that were causing the terrain violation kicks so no you should be safe to run near them on site A
- Updated Splats around some monuments
- Added My self on a snowmobile and jumped into the either wee snoow fun weee
- Added Excavator after testing on Rustomantic Servers
- Added New upcoming Snow Research Base
- Updated Remade the Communications Mini Monument on the way to Launch.
- Removed Some unwanted roadside topology that was causing Roadside junk piles to spawn floating over cliffs
- Added New pictures to Product Page for updates
- Fixed Re added power to Red Button Door Refinery Blue puzzle.
- Added Fixed Holes in rocks P3,F13,U24,AC27
- Updated Small tweak to lighting
- Added Sweet Jumps to slam your Sled off and get some Nar!
- Updated Minor road adjustment NW side of launch
- Added Fixed missing Cave allowing players to fall through world -Thanks Revenant02
- Added Small cave added to amp indicated by *
- Added Added Mini Roadside Bandit junk near bandit, Carefull stealing there junk may anger them Loot at your own risk :P
- Fixed Fixed another Terrain Kill spot Venting Shaft -No Wipe Required
- Updated Small Splat changes to fix floating grass an rocks
- Removed Duplicate doors outpost b3
- Added an extra rock to one of the Monolithic Spires :P
- Added Updated NavKiller CS for error spam in console -Thanks Nivex
- Fixed Returned Prevent Build into Ladder trigger Site B
- Added Added a small "Easter egg" a top the tower at site B that had missing Ladder trigger.
- Updated Adjusted Build Zone Prevention at Listening Station as per Request to allow some parts to be buildable manly the sand bars and western coast
- Fixed Underwater Labs have Extra non needed rooms Spawning inside eachother
- Updated Terrain mesh Venting shaft
- Fixed Venting shaft Kill zone
- Updated River tops to fix terrain texture glitch and clean up terrain
- Fixed More Holes in cliffs
- Updated Site A -Hopefully to completely prevent Insta Death in a few spots.
- Added Small hidden Cave as a Thank you to A server who has been working with me on Bug Reports :P
- Added Addition to Military Barracks Monument -New mini monument where 5 Diesel Fuel will let you call in Airdrop just like Excavator!
- Added Diesel Fuel Spawners to a few monuments and both Oil Rigs for use for new mini monument.
- Updated Some over used Rock Splat
- Updated Replacement for prefabs that were going missing on server load for Car Park
- Added Recyclers Added back to Oilrigs
- Added Moon Pool Water to labs
- Added Back Plugin for Nav Spam errors to download as I cant fix the Ai issues yet
Discussions (8)
8 thoughts on "Hapis Remastered"
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The maps little older ATM but it should have silo on it.
Though there are alternative versions now of hapis that also have silo on it such as community hapis as well. -
I have troubble with the pump jack and the quarrys, those don’t accept fuel.
Can someone confirm if it is the same for them?
someone knows a fix?thanks!
ok, was a change in the game, the map is fine….
(the pumps now take diesel, not low grade annymore)
Will this map need updated for the November patch or is it okay to use without it?
Could we possibly get an update where the traintrack is fully complete? Sucks that none of it is connected at the moment
Just tried to run this map, but it wouldn’t load due to being ‘outdated’ in the start.bat.
Is there a new gen Hapis map in the works in 2025?
Weird, the map looks fine in RustEdit, but in-game it’s messed up:
https://gyazo.com/0fc4ad71b05debff579e9f048ea64c6eI thought I’d try to fix it myself, but it doesn’t even appear to be broken in RustEdit.
Anybody got any ideas how to repair the map?
Map FAQ – How do I host this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .map file itself (it’s the important one).
• Once the .map is uploaded to dropbox simply copy the share link attached to it.
• You will first start off by uploading the .map file to an online hosting provider, I’ll include dropbox since it’s easy to get started with.
• Once you’ve copied the link paste it into your server’s startup .bat (batch) file. (You can leave the worldsize/seed. Custom maps override proc gen parameters)
• Example “levelurl “https:// www dropbox dot com/s/sdfagbragae/testmapname.map?dl=1”
• Make SURE the dl=0 at the end is changed to dl=1 otherwise players won’t be able to join!
• Now just start your server and it’ll boot right up! Below I’ll attach a video that goes more in-depth on hosting custom maps vs proc gen maps since it’s a tad different
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers hosting a custom map for the first time if you need it! https://youtu.be/y9vNvOIPyVM
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
• If the product contains a plugin file (.cs) it’s advised to have it installed prior to booting your server with the map you purchased
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: https://youtu.be/Ep-L3PjBPCk (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar https://www.rarlab.com (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z2107-x64.exe (the one I use currently)
charlprak81 –
Excellent work Nox, this is an amazing remake of the classic Hapis. I spent a year playing only Hapis, and the best I can say for your map is : It’s good to be home.
Nox –
Thanks I love to call hapis home aswell it’s my favorite map.
Envy –
Thank you so much for this Nox! Gonna run this on Doki 2x next wipe!!! I have missed Hapis so much!
Nox –
Good to know, let me know if you experience any issues or your players find any bugs. Hope everyone enjoys it as much as I do.
yehhai –
Great job Nox, map is beautiful!
Nox –
Thanks, I hope to continue to make it even more beautiful.
Dragoon rustafied –
Awesome work with the map Nox! Can see all the love you have for this map on some details you updated. Map is amazing. <3.
We are hosting on our rustafied zenlabs servers this wipe and players are having a blast. There are some issues that our players reported though such as :
Some places you can fall through the map.
Ladders on some of the monuments are not present or not working.
Confetti –
Great reinvention of Hapis! Testing it out this week in Heterika PVE
Doom –
Awesome work Nox you nailed it……..beautifully done,…… Thanks for the map as well all the help you give the community………..
agresos –
very good . very grateful .. .. I think I did not see stables :/
Nox –
Coming soon, a Custom Stables Mini Monument
Nox you glorious bastard, he’s done the unthinkable. Awesome Hapis recreation, looking forward to more.