My Vehicle
Sold by: VoodooLightsVehicle spawning tool for admins or players based on permissions featuring fuel management, cooldown and despawn options. Light weighted and clean graphical user interface (GUI).
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About My Vehicle
The “MyVehicle” plugin introduces a vehicle management system that allows admins/players to spawn, de-spawn, and manage a variety of vehicles directly within the game. Leveraging a user-friendly interface, players can access this feature through permissions-based commands, ensuring control and customization. The plugin supports configuration for different vehicles, including aspects like spawn distance, fuel amount, and unique permissions for each vehicle type. It also incorporates a cool-down system to regulate vehicle spawning frequency, enhancing game-play balance. Additionally, the plugin tracks and saves data on player-spawned vehicles, ensuring a seamless gaming experience even across server restarts. The plugin is light weighted with a clean and user friendly graphical user interface (GUI).
/myvehicle – Opens graphical user interface (GUI) of the vehicle spawner.
/spawn <Vehicle> – (Admins only) Spawns desired vehicle
/despawn – (Admins only) Despawn last spawned vehicle.
mv.cspawn – Console command for shop integration.
MyVehicle Use – Permission to use/open the GUI.
MyVehicle Despawn – If you already have a vehicle spawned and you want to spawn another one of the same type, the previous will disappear. You can set which vehicles are affected by this permission in the config.
MyVehicle cooldown.1m – 1 minute cool-down between spawning vehicles of the same type.
MyVehicle cooldown.1h – 1 hour cool-down between spawning vehicles of the same type.
MyVehicle cooldown.1d – 1 day cool-down between spawning vehicles of the same type.
MyVehicle cooldown.30d – 30 day cool-down between spawning vehicles of the same type.
myvehicle minicopter – Allow spawning Mini(s).
myvehicle attackhelicopter – Allow spawning Attack Heli(s).
myvehicle scrapheli – Allow spawning Scrap Heli(s).
myvehicle baloon – Allow spawning Balloon(s).
myvehicle rhib – Allow spawning RHIB(s).
myvehicle horse – Allow spawning Horse(s).
myvehicle tugboat – Allow spawning Tugboat(s).
myvehicle subsolo – Allow spawning Solo Sub(s).
myvehicle subduo – Allow spawning Duo Sub(s).
myvehicle rowboat – Allow spawning Rowboat(s).
myvehicle kayak – Allow spawning Kayak(s).
myvehicle snowmobile – Allow spawning Snowmobile(s) and Tomaha(s).
myvehicle sedan – Allow spawning Sedan(s) and Sedan Rail(s).
myvehicle car2modules – Allow spawning Car(s) with 2 modules.
myvehicle car3modules – Allow spawning Car(s) with 3 modules.
myvehicle car4modules – Allow spawning Car(s) with 4 modules.
myvehicle pedalbike – Allow spawning Pedal Bikes.
myvehicle pedaltrike – Allow spawning Pedal Trike(s).
myvehicle motorbike – Allow spawning Motorbikes.
myvehicle motorbikesidecar – Allow spawning Motorbikes with Sidecars.
myvehicle train – Allow spawning Locomotive(s), Workcart(s) and Caboose(s).
myvehicle siegetower – Allow spawning Siege Tower(s).
myvehicle catapult – Allow spawning Catapults(s).
myvehicle ballista – Allow spawning Ballista(s).
myvehicle batteringram – Allow spawning Battering Ram(s).
myvehicle magnetcrane – Allow spawning Magnetcrane(s).
myvehicle chinook – Allow spawning Chinook(s).
myvehicle patrolheli – Allow calling in the Patrol Heli.
myvehicle bradley – Allow spawning Bradley(s).
The “Despawn Last” button will remove all spawned vehicles one by one from last to first!
!!! Magnetcrane, Patrol Heli and Bradley should only be used by admins !!!
- Magnetcrane will explode if spawned outside Junkyard!
- Patrol Heli will spawn in a random location outside the map and will fly in.
- Bradley will open fire at player as soon as it is spawned!
- These vehicles ( if spawned with MyVehicle ) can also be despawned with the “Despawn Last” button from the GUI.
Cars can be customized through the config. The identifiers for the modules can be obtained on or
- Cockpit With Engine Vehicle Module: 170758448
- Cockpit Vehicle Module: -1501451746
- Armored Cockpit Vehicle Module: 1874610722
- Engine Vehicle Module: 1559779253
- Camper Vehicle Module: -1040518150
- Fuel Tank Vehicle Module: 1186655046
- Storage Vehicle Module: 268565518
- Flatbed Vehicle Module: -1880231361
- Large Flatbed Vehicle Module: -1693832478
- Taxi Vehicle Module: -626174997
- Rear Seats Vehicle Module: 1376065505
- Passenger Vehicle Module: 895374329
- Armored Passenger Vehicle Module: -1615281216
The tier of the engine parts can be set in the config. Use 1 for low, 2 for medium or 3 for high quality parts.
I want to thank M&B-Studios for assisting me in putting this plugin together. I appreciate his help and recommend his work and services!
{ "Vehicles": { "assets/content/vehicles/minicopter/minicopter.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Mini Copter", "Permission": "myvehicle.minicopter", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/attackhelicopter/attackhelicopter.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Attack Heli", "Permission": "myvehicle.attackhelicopter", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/scrap heli carrier/scraptransporthelicopter.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Scrap Heli", "Permission": "myvehicle.scrapheli", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/horse/ridablehorse2.prefab": { "Despawn": false, "DisplayName": "Horse", "Permission": "", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rhib/rhib.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "RHIB", "Permission": "myvehicle.rhib", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/boats/tugboat/tugboat.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Tugboat", "Permission": "myvehicle.tugboat", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/submarine/submarinesolo.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Solo Sub", "Permission": "myvehicle.subsolo", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/submarine/submarineduo.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Duo Sub", "Permission": "myvehicle.subduo", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rowboat/rowboat.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Rowboat", "Permission": "myvehicle.rowboat", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/boats/kayak/kayak.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Kayak", "Permission": "myvehicle.kayak", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/snowmobile.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Snowmobile", "Permission": "myvehicle.snowmobile", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/tomahasnowmobile.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Tomaha", "Permission": "myvehicle.snowmobile", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/prefabs/deployable/hot air balloon/hotairballoon.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Balloon", "Permission": "myvehicle.baloon", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 10.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/sedan_a/sedantest.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Sedan", "Permission": "myvehicle.sedan", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/sedan_a/sedanrail.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Sedan Rail", "Permission": "myvehicle.sedan", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/car_chassis_2module.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Car 2", "Permission": "myvehicle.car2modules", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": [ 170758448, 268565518 ], "EnginePartsTier": 1 }, "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/car_chassis_3module.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Car 3", "Permission": "myvehicle.car3modules", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": [ 170758448, -1040518150 ], "EnginePartsTier": 2 }, "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/car_chassis_4module.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Car 4", "Permission": "myvehicle.car4modules", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": [ 1559779253, 170758448, 268565518, 268565518 ], "EnginePartsTier": 3 }, "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/pedalbike.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Pedal Bike", "Permission": "myvehicle.pedalbike", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 3.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/pedaltrike.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Pedal Trike", "Permission": "myvehicle.pedaltrike", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 3.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/motorbike.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Motorbike", "Permission": "myvehicle.motorbike", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 3.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/motorbike_sidecar.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Motorbike with Sidecar", "Permission": "myvehicle.motorbikesidecar", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 3.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/trains/locomotive/locomotive.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Locomotive", "Permission": "myvehicle.train", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/trains/workcart/workcart.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Workcart", "Permission": "myvehicle.train", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/trains/workcart/workcart_aboveground2.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Workcart 2", "Permission": "myvehicle.train", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/trains/workcart/workcart_aboveground.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Workcart 3", "Permission": "myvehicle.train", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/trains/caboose/traincaboose.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Caboose", "Permission": "myvehicle.train", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/trains/wagons/trainwagonc.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Flatbed", "Permission": "myvehicle.train", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/crane_magnet/magnetcrane.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Magnetcrane", "Permission": "myvehicle.magnetcrane", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/siegeweapons/siegetower/siegetower.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Siege Tower", "Permission": "myvehicle.siegetower", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 10.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/siegeweapons/catapult/catapult.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Catapult", "Permission": "myvehicle.catapult", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/siegeweapons/ballista/ballista.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Ballista", "Permission": "myvehicle.ballista", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/siegeweapons/batteringram/batteringram.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Battering Ram", "Permission": "myvehicle.batteringram", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 10.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/prefabs/npc/ch47/ch47.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Chinook", "Permission": "myvehicle.chinook", "ButtonColor": "vlblue", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/patrolhelicopter.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Patrol Heli", "Permission": "myvehicle.patrolheli", "ButtonColor": "vlred", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/prefabs/npc/m2bradley/bradleyapc.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Bradley", "Permission": "myvehicle.bradley", "ButtonColor": "vlred", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 } }, "DefaultButtonColor": "vlgreen", "ScrollUPButtonColor": "yellow", "ScrollDownButtonColor": "yellow", "DespawnButtonColor": "vlorange", "CloseButtonColor": "vlred", "UIChatCommand": "myvehicle", "SpawnCommand": "spawn", "DespawnCommand": "despawn", "SpawnEffect": "assets/prefabs/missions/portal/proceduraldungeon/effects/appear.prefab", "DespawnEffect": "assets/prefabs/missions/portal/proceduraldungeon/effects/disappear.prefab", "ChatPrefix": "<color=green>[MyVehicle]</color>", "UITitle": "Vehicle Spawner" }
Language EN:
{ "NoPermission": "You don't have permission to use this command.", "NoVehicles": "You have no spawned vehicles to despawn.", "Despawned": "Your last spawned vehicle has been despawned.", "CantFind": "Could not find your last spawned vehicle.", "NotFound": "Vehicle not found.", "Spawn": "Spawning {0}.", "WaterVehicle": "This vehicle can only be spawned in water.", "Usage": "Usage: /spawn <vehicleType>", "NoType": "Vehicle type '{0}' not found.", "NoPermissionToSpawn": "You don't have permission to spawn '{0}'.", "Cooldown": "You need to wait for {0} seconds to spawn your vehicle.", "AlreadyDestroyed": "Previously destroyed vehicle has been removed from your data." }
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Version History
Added chat commands for admins: /spawn
and /despawn. - Added Added console command for in-game shop integration (tested and working with ShoppyStock - example: "mv.cspawn Flatbed {userId}").
- Added Added new siege vehicles: Siege Tower, Catapult, Ballista and Battering Ram.
- Updated Reworked GUI - added scroll-buttons and color option for them to the config. Buttons appear only if there are more than 27 vehicles assigned by permissions to players or groups.
- Updated Reworked config creation/updating/saving - config file doesn't need to be removed anymore when new vehicles are added or prefabs are changed. Config file will be automatically updated and existing settings will be preserved.
- Fixed Fixed Horses after Feb. update.
- Added !!! Please remove the config file or replace the prefab for horses ("assets/") from the config file (oxideconfigMyVehicle.json line 33) with: "assets/content/vehicles/horse/ridablehorse2.prefab"
- Fixed Fixed water vehicles.
- Fixed Temporary fix for water vehicles - disabled the check if it is in water until I have a proper fix for it.
- Added !!! IMPORTANT !!! Unload the plugin and delete the config file before updating.
- Added Added Pedal Bike, Motorbike and Motorbike with Sidecar.
- Updated Modified GUI to fit all vehicles.
- Fixed Fix for July update. Thanks to Mabel!
- Added IMPORTANT !!! Please unload the plugin and delete the config file ( oxideconfigMyVehicle.json ). Add the new version only after the config file has been deleted!
- Fixed Fixed removing car parts when despawning vehicle.
- Added Added player who spawns the vehicle as owner.
- Added Added more customization options for server owners to the config file.
- Added Added language file for customizing plugin messages ( oxidelangenMyVehicle.json ).
- Added !!! IMPORTANT !!! If you are updating from v1.0.0 remove config and data files.
- Added Added function to remove item_drop container after cars are despawned.
- Fixed Fixed a problem with rail vehicles.
- Added IMPORTANT: Delete the existing config file ( oxideconfigMyVehicle.json )
- Added Added all possible vehicles I could think of ( Mini Copter, Attack Heli, Scrap Heli, Horse, RHIB, Tugboat, Solo Sub, Duo Sub, Rowboat, Kayak, Snowmobile, Tomaha, Balloon, Sedan, Sedan Rail, Car 2 Modules, Car 3 Modules, Car 4 Modules, Locomotive, Workcart, Workcart 2, Workcart 3, Caboose, Magnetcrane, Chinook, Patrol Heli, Bradley ). Patrol Heli is called in and does not spawn at player's position. Be careful with Bradley!
- Added Added config option for car modules ( the IDs for the modules you can find on or ) and engine part tiers ( 1 for low, 2 for medium, 3 for high quality parts ).
- Added Added config option to change the chat command for the GUI.
- Updated Reworked Spawn/Despawn functions because some of the vehicles require special treatment ( Balloon and Cars ).
- Updated Updated the GUI to fit all vehicles.
Discussions (10)
10 thoughts on "My Vehicle"
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Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)
I’m having trouble with water vehicles in version 1.1.7 for the November ’24 wipe. I’ve unloaded and removed the cs, data, and config files and uploaded a fresh copy to my server without any luck. Is it broken again or have i done something wrong?
The version may be wrong on here. Version history shows the current version as 1.1.7 but the download contains version 1.1.5.
Hello Wilson,
sorry to hear that you have trouble with the plugin. There should be 2 MyVehicles among your downloads one with v1.1.5 and one with v1.1.7. It could be that both have the same names but one of them is the new version, but for simplicity i will remove the v1.1.5 and than you should be able to get the new file.
Please try now and let me know if there are any problems.
Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.
@Wilson is it working now?
Yes, it is working perfectly now. Thank you for looking into it.
You are welcome! If you run into problems don’t hesitate to contact me.
Hello, please, how could you leave the vehicles with infinite fuel for the players?
Hello, please is there any configuration to put a lock on vehicles so that no player steals from another player?
There is a free plugin for that: