Hola Ninco, el plugin recien lo instale en un servidor nuevo y cambia las Pumjack por Quarry, asi como los recursos al colocar combustible.
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Quarry Levels Description:
This mod will allow you to add to your server an exclusive system of levels for the server quarries.
You can configure as many levels as you want, but by default it is recommended to use the 3 levels that are created in the configuration. You can configure the amount of resource deposit slots, speed, quarry life, the amount of RP needed to improve at each level and the resources needed to improve.
All with a beautiful interface.
Now compatible with Pump Jacks! No longer compatible with the plugin: Old School Quarries.
* IMPORTANT: It also affects the quarries by default on the map. It is recommended not to have any mod that modifies the speed of quarry collection. For any problem contact me by discord. Ninco90#6219
Optional Dependencies:
Required Dependencies
More details:
- When a player with permission improves the level quarry the quarry is the one that is improved, therefore its operation will be global and does not depend on the player who has improved it.
- You can create several extra levels as long as the configuration of slots between the different levels is not repeated and is done incrementally.
- It includes a notification system through Chat and GUI to inform the owner when it stops.
- Quarry Locks: It is compatible. (Perhaps this can be implemented later and a codelock can be placed from the GUI of the deposit. No chat commands.)
- JPipes: It is compatible.
- Pumpjacks: Now it is supported! You can now configure the possibility that when throwing a prospecting load, oil points appear to place the pump jacks.
- You can now block quarry damage so no one can destroy them or simply prevent them from being destroyed with explosives or fire. Allowing it to only be broken with melee tools.
- You can now block so Quarries on the Map cannot be upgraded.
Currently you can offer players to improve the quarries with:
- Resources and RP.
- Only with RP.
- Only with Resources. (If you don’t have Server Rewards or don’t want to use RP)
- Free (with permission nocost)
Chat Commands:
/qldefault – Reset to the default level of the quarry you are looking at. You will need to have permission: quarrylevels.admin
- quarrylevels.use (To allow to use the upgrade system: give to all players)
- quarrylevels.nocost (To have no upgrade costs: Ideal for Admin or VIPs)
- quarrylevels.admin (To use the /qldefault command and set the default quarry.)
Config Update:
{ "Debug Console": true, "Chance of Oil Quarry": 40.0, "Extract all resources": true, "Allow upgrading Quarries on the Map": true, "Damage Quarrys": { "Damage Block": false, "Melee Damage Only (Blocks damage from Fire, Explosives and Bullets)": true, "Damage Protection (Default 0.0 = 0% | 1.0 = 100%)": 0.0 }, "Sounds": true, "Center the resource list": -125, "Notify": { "Notify Stop": false, "Notify by Chat": true, "Notify by GUI": true, "Stop Checks Speed (Default 20.0)": 20.0 }, "Mining Quarry Config": { "Use ServerRewards? = true OR Use Economics? = False": true, "UPGRADE use only RP/Money (Default False)": false, "UPGRADE use only Ingredients (Default False)": false, "Level 0 (Default)": { "Slots": 3, "Rate": 1.0, "Process Global Rate (Don't change this if you want to keep fuel consumption)": 5.0, "Health": 1200.0 }, "Levels Upgrade": [ { "Info": { "Slots": 12, "Rate": 4.0, "Process Global Rate (Don't change this if you want to keep fuel consumption)": 5.0, "RP": 60, "Health": 2000.0 }, "Ingredients": { "metal.refined": 200, "metal.fragments": 8000, "sheetmetal": 15, "metalspring": 10, "gears": 20, "scrap": 100 } }, { "Info": { "Slots": 18, "Rate": 5.0, "Process Global Rate (Don't change this if you want to keep fuel consumption)": 5.0, "RP": 120, "Health": 3000.0 }, "Ingredients": { "metal.refined": 400, "metal.fragments": 12000, "sheetmetal": 30, "metalspring": 25, "gears": 30, "scrap": 400 } }, { "Info": { "Slots": 24, "Rate": 6.0, "Process Global Rate (Don't change this if you want to keep fuel consumption)": 5.0, "RP": 180, "Health": 4000.0 }, "Ingredients": { "metal.refined": 600, "metal.fragments": 25000, "sheetmetal": 45, "metalspring": 30, "gears": 50, "scrap": 750 } } ] }, "Pump Jack Config": { "Use ServerRewards? = true OR Use Economics? = False": true, "UPGRADE use only RP/Money (Default False)": false, "UPGRADE use only Ingredients (Default False)": false, "Level 0 (Default)": { "Slots": 6, "Rate": 0.5, "Process Global Rate (Don't change this if you want to keep fuel consumption)": 5.0, "Health": 1500.0 }, "Levels Upgrade": [ { "Info": { "Slots": 12, "Rate": 1.0, "Process Global Rate (Don't change this if you want to keep fuel consumption)": 5.0, "RP": 60, "Health": 3000.0 }, "Ingredients": { "metal.refined": 50, "metal.fragments": 5000, "sheetmetal": 15, "gears": 15, "scrap": 75 } }, { "Info": { "Slots": 18, "Rate": 2.0, "Process Global Rate (Don't change this if you want to keep fuel consumption)": 5.0, "RP": 120, "Health": 3500.0 }, "Ingredients": { "metal.refined": 150, "metal.fragments": 12000, "sheetmetal": 25, "gears": 25, "scrap": 300 } }, { "Info": { "Slots": 24, "Rate": 3.0, "Process Global Rate (Don't change this if you want to keep fuel consumption)": 5.0, "RP": 180, "Health": 4000.0 }, "Ingredients": { "metal.refined": 300, "metal.fragments": 25000, "sheetmetal": 50, "gears": 40, "scrap": 750 } } ] }, "Mineral Extraction Speed (Modify this only if you want to nerf some kind of ore)": { "stones": 7.0, "metal.ore": 5.0, "sulfur.ore": 7.5, "hq.metal.ore": 50.0, "crude.oil": 15.0 } }
Check out more of my work here! https://lone.design/ninco90/
Join the Lone.Design Discord Here! https://discord.gg/VEesZs9
Reviews (3)
3 reviews for Quarry Levels
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
Version History
- Added IMPORTANT! Do NOT UPDATE before the October update. Otherwise, it will not work.
- Updated Icons now load directly from the game, optimizing the display. Therefore, this plugin no longer uses Image Library.
- Updated Patched with Facepunch's internal changes.
- Fixed Fixed a bug: Occasionally, on map quarries, if the option to extract all was not enabled, fuel would still be extracted from the map's quarries. This is now corrected.
- Fixed The quarries should now extract the resources correctly. Lowgrade or other types of resources should no longer be added if it is not specified. There was a strange bug that sometimes occurred when the server was restarted. Please report any problem, thank you. PS: The quarries cannot be removed with /remove because Facepunch made them static. I'm thinking about implementing a button to dismantle the quarry and give the player a quarry item with a skin to store the quarry level. It will be implemented in the future.
- Updated IMPORTANT: We recommend saving the existing config before updating as new values are added.
- Added A new parameter has been added in the Config "Add Crude Oil as an additional resource in Mining Quarry": false (In case you do not want to use oil quarrys. Activating this to true disables the placement of Pump Jack / Quarry Oil)
- Added Added a configuration parameter to limit the number of Quarrys per player.
- Added Added a configuration parameter to limit the number of Oil Quarrys (Pumpjack) per player.
- Added A current version parameter has been added in the configuration for better management of new parameters in future updates.
- Updated Made adjustments to the functions that run once the server boots. Now they are no longer done during server loading but once all the Quarrys on the map have been loaded.
- Fixed Fixed the following bug: Failed to run a 2.00 timer on 'QuarryLevels v1.4.5' (NullReferenceException:)
- Fixed Oil pumps are no longer replaced by normal quarries.
- Fixed Other corrections that I no longer remember.
- Fixed I have managed to make a temporary patch to get the Quarrys back to normal operation. As soon as Facepunch fixes it natively, I will release another update to eliminate this patch. Important: When updating the plugin existing quarrys will not be fixed automatically. However, I have added a command with administrator permission to fix the ones that are placed on the map. To do this, use the /qlfix command (Using it once is enough)
- Fixed Fix for the new September update.
- Updated The quarrys must now remember their owner.
- Fixed Fixed bug that occurred if you had the upgrade option disabled for the static Quarrys on the map itself. The current level screen was not displayed in the resource depot.
- Fixed Fixed bug that set the Quarry's default health at server restart instead of keeping the life according to its level of improvement.
- Updated If you have been experiencing an error since a couple of updates, check that you have the following parameters in the config: "Type of Fuel Required": "lowgradefuel", OR "Type of Fuel Required": "diesel_barrel", AND "Fuel Consumption (Higher number = more duration per unit of fuel)": 20.0,
- Fixed The quarry upgrade should now work correctly.
- Updated IMPORTANT: The settings and language file change, so please download a copy of the current settings and remove the one from the server before uploading the updated plugin.
- Added Added a configuration option to show or hide debug messages.
- Added Added a tier list for oil quarries.
- Added Added the option to generate oil extraction points. (Leaving it at 0.0 will nullify the chance of oil bombs spawning)
- Added Added option to mine all resources with a single Quarry: Stone, Metal, Sulfur and HQ with a single Quarry.
- Added Added option so that quarries cannot be destroyed.
- Added Added option to only destroy melee (ignore fire/explosion/shot damage).
- Added Added option to enable or disable the ability to upgrade Quarrys on the Map.
- Added Added additional setting to modify Ore Extraction Speed (modify this only if you want to nerf some type of ore). The higher the number, the longer it takes to produce.
- Updated Interface design
Discussions (9)
9 thoughts on "Quarry Levels"
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Hola! Perdona la demora, no suelo revisar mucho los comentarios de esta página. Suelo estar más activo en mi discord de desarrollo para atender problemas o sugerencias.
Antes de todo informarte que en los últimos meses las Quarrys han estado rotas en el juego, esto se va arreglar en la actualización de Febrero. Por lo que lanzaré una update para que todo vuelva a funcionar correctamente sin el parche provisional que tuve que realizar.
With this new update 1.4.8, anyone else having flykick on players while climbing the quarry ladders?
This was a Facepunch problem when I updated the Quarrys, but it is currently solved.
Hi there, I like the look of the mod! On the other Quarry Levels mod I was using I was able to lock the quarry or pump jack with a lock. That doesn’t seem to work with this mod. Any ideas? I need them to be able to be locked.
Hello! Sorry for the delay, I don’t usually check the comments on this page much. I tend to be more active in my development discord to address problems or suggestions.
First of all, I would like to inform you that in recent months the Quarrys have been broken in the game, this will be fixed in the February update. So I will release an update so that everything works correctly again without the temporary patch that I had to make.
It is for this reason that the quarries could not be blocked, since they were replaced by static quarries (the same prefab as those on the map).
All the best!
Not very satisfied with this plugin the quarries use a ridiculous amount of fuel I can also not seem to get it to stop affecting pump jacks not trying to be sarcastic here but the name of the plugin is “Quarry Levels” NOT “Pumpjack Levels” kind of having buyers regret on this one.
Hello! Sorry for the delay, I don’t usually check the comments on this page much. I tend to be more active in my development discord to address problems or suggestions.
First of all, I would like to inform you that in recent months the Quarrys have been broken in the game, this will be fixed in the February update. So I will release an update so that everything works correctly again without the temporary patch that I had to make.
Regarding your problem, I tell you that it is possible to configure the amount of fuel that the quarry consumes from the configuration. Look in the settings for “Fuel Consumption (Higher number = more duration per unit of fuel)”: 20.0,
There you can adjust what you need, both for normal Quarrys and for Pumpjack Quarrys, you can establish different settings.
All the best!
What is your Discord link?
Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need! https://youtu.be/yWC_p97FhQA
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: https://youtu.be/Ep-L3PjBPCk (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar https://www.rarlab.com (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z2107-x64.exe (the one I use currently)
SEAN VANMETER (verified owner) –
Easily and highly configurable, Quarry Levels meets expectations perfectly. The player notifications on a quarry stop are very handy, although on a map with many quarries, setting the quarry query too often can cause lag on lower RAM servers. In all, an excellent plugin addition.
Eric Hendrix (verified owner) –
Unfortunately I have to leave a 1 star. This mod seems to be a little “off” and the author isn’t responding to questions here about functionality.
I would not recommend.
ninco90 –
Hello! I have responded to you in the discussion message. Development of this plugin is still active.