StashWarning – Failed to compile: There is no argument given that corresponds to the required parameter ‘waves’ of ‘WaterLevel.Test(Vector3, bool, bool, BaseEntity)’ | Line: 944, Pos: 28
Stash Warning System
Sold by: Pho3niX90The all-in-one stash-related ESP assistant. Check out all the unique features!
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Assists in finding ESPers that unearth stashes, it also allows admins to make placing bait stashes easy and simple, by automatically filling predefined items in random, and disables the ability for admins to accidentally unearth stashes whilst enabled. It will also automatically delete all contents of an admin stash when unearthed, which assists in admin abuse and/or exploitation of hackers.
Supports Auto Demo Recorder (ADR)
- Notifies to discord when stashes are found which doesn’t belong to players (or clan if using the clan plugin)
- Records the number of stashes found in a certain, configurable timeframe.
- Sends discord notifications when the above happens
- Admins can place “server” stashes, and they will be auto-filled with the
command. When a player unearths said stash, the contents will be automatically removed. - Stashes can also be autogenerated and placed automatically. And can be replaced as they are found in another random location.
- It auto bans based on condition. Example: If a player finds 5 stashes that don’t belong to them within 1 hour, they are auto-banned with a preset reason.
- It works with ADR as well and can trigger demo recordings based on conditions
- It works with ServerArmour to handle bans, else native bans. Battlemetrics will soon be supported.
stashwarning.admin – allows admins to use the stash placement system.
– Enables manual stash placement tool. Stashes cannot be unearthed when enabled and stashes will be automatically given.
– Toggles On/Off – Will show admin the location of all plugin related stashes.
– This will destroy all server stashes create by, or with this plugin.
– This will force generate all stashes that are missing.
– This will remove, and then replace all stashes from this plugin.
Config explanations:
“API: ADR reason”
The reason that will be given to ADR, and is sent to discord along with the recording.
“API: ADR recording length in mins”
How long the recording should be in minutes.
“API: ADR Trigger recording when stashes found/triggered more than”
When the recording should trigger, Example: If set to 1, the recording will trigger when the player has triggered/unearthed 2 stashes.
“Discord: Color”
Color for the embed message, see here
“Discord: Embed Title”
The title of the embed inside discord.
“Discord: Send Stash Toggle Msgs”
If notifications should be sent to discord when an admin toggles the stash command.
“Discord: Webhook Server Name”
The server where the notification is sent from, useful for when you have multiple servers.
“Discord: Webhook URL”
“SteamID for in-game chat icon.”
This will be used to assign against placed stashes for tracking. Do not change this to a user on the server, leave as is if you don’t have another steamid.
“Embed count buckets in hours”
This should be a string, comma-separated. This will be the bucket embeds in discord, to show the count of stashes found for the user, inside the hour brackets.
Example: 0, 24, 1 = would give you a count for all stashes, stashes in the last hour, and stashes in the last 24hours. See below
“Stash Items”
The items that you would like to be automatically filled when a stash is placed. The number would be the max quantity, this will be randomized when placing in a stash to remove predictability.
“Stash Item Slots To Fill: Max”
The maximum amount of slots to fill
“Stash Item Slots To Fill: Min”
The minimum amount of slots to fill
A random value will be chosen between the above two values.
“Auto Ban False Positive Distance”
Default: 5 – Stashes found in this distance will be considered false positives. (Useful where multiple stashes are unearthed in one spot.)
“Auto Ban False Positive – Include in count?”
If the above false positives should be counted in the triggers. This affects auto bans as well.
“Ignore Admins”
If admins should be ignored when unearthing stashes not belonging to them.
“Auto Ban Delay In Min”
Delays auto bans by X minutes.
“Delete found server stash after X seconds (0 = Disables)”
Will automatically delete server stashes that were found, after X seconds.
Reviews (1)
1 review for Stash Warning System
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Version History
- Fixed Stashes showing randomly
- Added
- Fixed Fix teams issues
- Fixed Fix MLRS issues
- Fixed Fix performance
- Added
- Fixed fix npcs unearthing stashes.
- Fixed fix some stashes that cannot be unearthed.
- Added Now works with Carbon
- Added New Config Option - Auto Ban - Only when server stashes found - When enabled, it will only ban on triggers/stashes owned by the server.
- Updated BREAKING CHANGE: Please delete the old StashWarning.cs file before uploading this new named one StashWarningSystem.cs
- Updated permission "stashwarning.admin" changed to "stashwarningsystem.admin"
- Added Add option to ignore stashes unearthed by damage.
- Added Option to ignore certain stash owner ids.
- Added Option to ignore certain player skin ids. To ignore NpcSpawn (water event, convoy, etc.) : Suggested by VerbotenViscus
- Added Ignore NPC's that somehow unearth stashes since the last update.
- Fixed For latest rust update
- Added Alert when stashes are destroyed.
- Added Recording when "API: ADR Trigger recording when stashes found/triggered more than" is even set to 0
- Fixed Reason being missing
- Fixed Better stash placement.
- Added Fixed for update
- Fixed Fixed Bugged code making StashWarning incompatible with Raidable Bases & CopyPaste. Thanks to nivex
- Fixed Fixed NPE bug that only happens when a server did not use Clans plugin.
- Fixed Exploit when the initiator/killer of a stash is null, and items get dropped.
- Fixed Other random fixes
- Fixed Strange usernames on ban
Discussions (6)
6 thoughts on "Stash Warning System"
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You are using an outdated version. Please update
“Ignore stahes unearthed via damage”: true,
Does not work, it doesn’t ignore stashes being unearthed by mlrs strikes etc. Please fix :)
version: 1.4.4-
Dev, any update on this?
can this be used by warning only and let staff use info and make the ban decision?
Error while compiling StashWarningSystem: There is no argument given that corresponds to the required parameter ‘vPos’ of ‘ValidBounds.Test(BaseEntity, Vector3)’ | Line: 938, Pos: 30
Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)
jasprrf (verified owner) –
Although the core functionality is identical to the versions on umod, the discord embed messages and great config make this a worthwhile purchase.