Glow Sphere 1

New Vendor Products + Sponsor Info

I had some free time to add several new custom monuments/prefabs from other creators for more publicity for them! This process is still very early in development and very manually set up so if you wish to have your work showcased on my map dm me on discord (Lone#1337).

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Sponsor Information Regarding custom creators

Quite a bit of thought was put in on how I wanted to inform sponsors regarding other creator’s work on my website. So I have decided that all custom creations made by myself will be available for Sponsors but if anything made from other creators will not be included with my Sponsor purchase! If you wish to get a VIP rank or sponsor for the other creators then that is between them and yourself. I’m just hosting their creations for more publicity to help them out!

All custom monument/prefabs/maps made by other creators other than myself (Lone) are not included with Sponsor rank at this time.

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  • Lone

    Thanks Justin! It’s taken a while to achieve this design. I can’t however share the theme since it’s a privately bought one. But I was basically searching for modern store front designs.

    Hope all the best with your business and thanks for checking in!

    March 17, 2020 at 9:03 am

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