Sold by: MercuryIQ Report System – your best choice for a complaint system!
A progressive, convenient, and stylish check system with advanced customization. Convenient management, intuitive and pleasant interface that any player and moderator will understand.
Plugin required : ImageLibrary
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IQ Report System Rust Plugin
IQReportSystem – your best choice for complaint system!
A progressive, convenient, and stylish check system with advanced customization. Convenient management, intuitive and pleasant interface that any player and moderator will understand.
In one word, the IQReportSystem complaint system provides a wide range of capabilities for convenient and effective management of in-game complaints. It can be customized to fit the specific needs of a server and adapted to different languages.
How to properly upload sounds for the reported player?
You need to upload the files “ALERT_REPORT_EN” and “ALERT_REPORT_RU” to the folder data/IQSystem/IQReportSystem/Sounds (if you don’t have a Sounds folder, create it manually).
Interface customization:
- Change the color of all interface elements
- Change the images of all elements (all sizes are specified in the configuration)
Complaint customization:
- Customize the reason for the complaint in two languages (Russian and English)
- Enable the ability to accept complaints through the built-in reporting system in the game (F7 / Complaints through the context menu `Contacts`)
- Specify your own reason when sending a complaint through the in-game reporting system (F7 / Complaints through the context menu `Contacts`)
- Prevent re-sending a complaint about one player until it is checked by a moderator
- Specify a reload before sending a new complaint
- Enable reload before sending a new complaint specifically for one player or for all players
Moderator player checking process customization:
- Use player check for AFK
- Use tracking of player crafting and cancellation of crafting during the check call (will inform the moderator in the chat)
- Use tracking of player messages during the check call (will inform the moderator in the chat)
- Use tracking of player command usage during the check call (will inform the moderator in the chat)
- Enable sound notification to the player when called for a check, supporting two languages (Russian and English)
- Record the player’s demo (.dem) during the check
- Change the command for providing contacts
- Information from RCC / OzProtect checking programs
- Information about teammates and player complaint history
Moderator verdict customization:
- Block all player’s `Friends` together with the player
- Specify the reason for blocking `Friends`
Setting up moderator notifications and maximum allowed number of complaints:
- Set the maximum number of complaints on a player to display them in the moderator menu
- Notify the moderator when a player reaches or exceeds the maximum allowed number of complaints
- Enable a sound notification (any sound from the game) for the moderator when a player reaches or exceeds the maximum allowed number of complaints
- Replace the sound notification for the moderator
Setting up player notifications about plugin actions:
- Notify players that a moderator has started checking a player (configurable in the language file)
- Notify players that a moderator has completed checking a player (configurable in the language file)
- Notify players that a moderator has completed checking a player and made a verdict (banned) (configurable in the language file)
Logging plugin actions in Discord:
- Starting player checks
- Completing player checks
- Provided player contact information
- Changing player connection status with the server
- New complaint
- Exceeding the maximum allowed number of complaints
A large database of compatible plugins that open up new features:
- IQFakeActive support
- IQChat support:
– Ability to change the chat prefix
– Set a custom chat message avatar
– Use UI chat notifications - NoEscape support:
– Move player check if they have a `Raid Block`
– Move player check if they have a `Combat Block` - Duel/Battles/Duelist/ArenaTournament support:
– Move player check if they are in a duel - Friends support:
– Prohibit players on the same team from sending reports against each other
– Prohibit moderators from checking their teammate - Clans support:
– Prohibit players in the same clan from sending reports against each other
– Prohibit moderators from checking members of their clan - MultiFighting (Luma) support:
– Display player status icon – `Steam` / `Pirate` - StopDamageMan support:
– Disable damage to the player during the check
Support for programs to check players:
- RCC:
– Displays information about the player on which servers they have been checked
– Displays information about the player on which servers they have been banned - OzProtect:
– Displays information about the player on which servers they have been banned
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Version History
- Added - Added integration with IQStaff; now if the staff mode (/staff) is not enabled, the moderator's moderation mode in the UI will not be activated (requires IQStaff version above 2.7.13).
- Added - Added the ability to record a player's .demo after each complaint filed against them (duration: 3 minutes).
- Added - Added a whitelist for verified players. If a player was verified N days ago, they will not be displayed and cannot be reported. This is configurable.
- Updated - Now players will be able to see when the player they are reporting was verified (configurable).
- Added - Added automatic cleanup of player data after a wipe for those who haven't logged in to the server for a long time.
- Updated - Optimized player data files; they will now be created only when a complaint is filed by or about a player.
- Fixed - Fixed display issues for players whose names contain certain special characters.
- Removed - Removed preloading of player avatars on the server due to the removal of ImageLibrary support.
- Removed - Completely removed support for ImageLibrary.
- Added -Minor improvements to UI rendering.
- Fixed - Fixed NPE when calling the player via the console
- Fixed - Fixed a possible bug with NoEscape
- Added - Improved handling of cooldowns for reports, added processing of a new variation in the configuration.
- Added - Added a new hook that will be triggered after the verdict is issued, before the player is banned:
- Added - Adjusted the combat-block checking method to work with raid-blocks, which now include a combat-block.
- Added - Added the ability to force a check for a moderator through the iqrs call [SteamID of the Player] [SteamID of the Moderator] command
- Updated - Changed the method of determining the player's raid block (RaidBlock, NoEscape)
- Fixed - Fixed a possible KeyNotFoundException error
- Added - The date and time of the last check has been added to the nickname of the last inspector (in the Day format.Month Hour:Minutes)
- Added - Correction after the game update
- Fixed - Adapted the API to update the game
- Added - Improved processing of requests on Steam
- Added - Added additional fields to the complaint log if it is not possible to get all the data from Steam
- Fixed - Fixed the counting of bans issued by moderators in the statistics
- Added - Expanded logging in Discord, now when sending a log with a player complaint, the hours played in RUST will be displayed (requires SteamApiKey in the config)
- Added - Added API that issues reports to players
- Added - Small adjustments
- Added - Added the ability to disable the kick from the server when making a verdict (necessary if you use a command from other plugins, for example XPrison)
- Updated The player information data file has been completely revamped.
- Updated The image loading method has been completely redesigned; the decision to abandon loading via URL has been made, and now images are stored in FTP.
- Added Added the ability to enable notifications for players who have reported an outcome verdict (even if the player is offline - they will receive a notification upon login).
- Added Implemented an auto-ban system; players will be banned after reaching N reports (can be enabled to only work for pirates).
- Removed - Remove System.IO
- Added - Added support for IQFakeActive 2.0
- Added - Added player emulation to the complaint system while preserving all functionality
- Fixed Fixes after game update
- Added Added support for the new Discord format (while preserving the old format)
- Updated Moved UI images from Imgur to another image hosting service
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Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)
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