This plugin is alot of fun. My community enjoys it. Any chance we could get an RCON command to trigger the event? Similar to the /nuke chat command.
Nuke Event Christmas Update
Original price was: $24.99.$19.99Current price is: $19.99.-20%
Sold by: SassyNuke Event
Experience the terror of a nuclear explosion with stunning visual and audio effects. A nuclear missile is launched in to the sky, it will explode near each player, simulating a personal nuke event. This catastrophic blast is accompanied by bright flashes, fireballs, dynamic fog, and radiation. After the nuke explodes, the radioactive fallout will infect 90% of the population, triggering an apocalyptic scenario and unleashing a widespread zombie outbreak!
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Christmas Update Preview:
How It Works:
Nuclear Missile Launch
A nuclear missile is launched and explodes near each player
Event Warnings:
Initial Warning: Players receive an early alert about an approaching nuclear missile via a UI or Chat message warning, providing a brief window to prepare for the imminent threat.
Second Warning: A final countdown and alert are issued just before the explosion, ensuring players are ready for the impact. These can be customized to show as a UI warning or a chat message.
Optional alarm sounds are used to enhance the urgency and realism.
Nuclear Blast and Audio Effects:
A bright flash simulates the explosion, followed by multiple explosion sound effects and fireballs representing the blast’s impact!
Fully customizable via the config file!
Players not equipped with a hazmat suit will suffer from radiation poisoning.
Hazmat suits and arctic suits offer protection against radiation.
Fully customizable via the config file!
Fog Effect:
Post-explosion, a fog effect is applied to simulate nuclear fallout. This fog gradually clears over time.
Zombie Spawning:
The explosion triggers the spawning of zombies around players, representing the fallout’s effect. Zombies appear randomly nearby and remain for a specified duration.
Post-Nuke Message:
After the explosion and initial chaos, players receive a message about the ongoing zombie threat.
Jet Care Package:
A care package will by dropped of by a jet plane at each players position. Medical supplies are set in as default. You can edit/add your own loot in the config file
Event Triggers:
Automatic Launch: The event can be set to trigger automatically at specified intervals.
Manual Command: Authorized players can start the event using the /nuke command.
Auto Cleanup System:
Automatic Cleanup: After the event concludes, the plugin automatically handles the removal of zombies, fog, and other temporary effects. This ensures a smooth transition back to the normal game state without manual intervention.
Key Features:
Warnings: Tailor messages and timing for initial and final alerts, with options for UI or chat notifications.
Nuke Effects: Customize visual effects, including flash intensity, fireball count, and fog density.
Radiation Protection: Configure protective clothing options and radiation settings
Zombies: Adjust spawn radius, quantity, and active duration for zombies.
Custom Care Package: Add your own loot to spawn in the care package
AutoLaunch: Set intervals for automatic event triggers.
Auto Cleanup: Automatically clears zombies, fog, radiation and other effects
Permissions: nukeevent.use (Admin Only)
Command: /nuke (Admin Only)
Console command: launchnuke (Admin Only)
Update 1.0.4: Added Jet to drop off care package. Event has been sped up in the YouTube video for testing !
{ "AutoLaunch": { "EnableAutoLaunch": true, "Interval": 7200.0 }, "Countdown": { "Interval": 1.0 }, "EventSettings": { "EnableAlarmSound": true, "EnableFireballs": true, "EnableUIWarnings": true, "EnableFlashEffect": true }, "NukeSettings": { "EnableNuclearMissile": true, "NukeEffect": { "BrightDuration": 3.0, "FadeDuration": 1.5, "FadeSteps": 10, "FireballCount": 5, "FireballRadius": 75.0, "FogDuration": 300.0,//Sync with end event duration for full effect "NukeSoundDelay": 0.0, "NukeSoundPaths": [ "assets/prefabs/tools/c4/effects/c4_explosion.prefab", "assets/prefabs/weapons/satchelcharge/effects/satchel-charge-explosion.prefab", "assets/prefabs/weapons/rocketlauncher/effects/rocket_explosion.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/weapons/landmine/landmine_explosion.prefab", "assets/prefabs/tools/c4/effects/c4_explosion.prefab" ] } }, "RadiationSettings": { "ContinuousRadiation": false, //When enabled radiation will continuously affect players without protective clothing until the event ends "EnableRadiation": true, "RadiationDamage": 1.0, "RadiationEffect": 200.0, "RadiationLevel": 200.0 }, "RadiationProtection": { "EnableProtectiveClothing": true, "PoisonSleepingPlayers": false, "ProtectiveClothing": [ "hazmatsuit", "hazmatsuit.arcticsuit" ] }, "CarePackageSettings": { "EnableCustomLoot": true, "EnableRandomizedLoot": false, "MinItems": 1, "MaxItems": 3, "SupplyDrop": { "CustomLoot": [ { "Amount": 1, "ShortName": "hazmatsuit", "SkinID": 0 }, { "Amount": 5, "ShortName": "antiradpills", "SkinID": 0 }, { "Amount": 10, "ShortName": "bandage", "SkinID": 0 }, { "Amount": 2, "ShortName": "largemedkit", "SkinID": 0 } ] } }, "ChristmasSettings": { "EnablePresentDrop": true, "PresentDropPerZombie": 3, "EnableSupplyDropPresents": true, "PresentDropPerSupplyDrop": 2, "ZombieNpcLoadout": { "EnableCustomLoadout": true, "Attire": [ { "ItemShortName": "attire.snowman.helmet", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ItemShortName": "metal.plate.torso", "SkinID": 2833391256 }, { "ItemShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID": 2899815283 }, { "ItemShortName": "pants", "SkinID": 2899814576 }, { "ItemShortName": "roadsign.gloves", "SkinID": 2867945048 }, { "ItemShortName": "", "SkinID": 2490448596 } ], "Weapon": "rifle.ak", "WeaponSkinID": 0, "Ammo": "ammo.rifle", "AmmoAmount": 10000 } }, "ZombieCustomLootSettings": { "EnableCustomLoot": false, "EnableRandomizedLoot": false, "MinItems": 1, "MaxItems": 3, "CustomLoot": [ { "Amount": 1, "ShortName": "hazmatsuit", "SkinID": 0 }, { "Amount": 1, "ShortName": "supply.signal", "SkinID": 0 }, { "Amount": 1, "ShortName": "rifle.ak", "SkinID": 0 }, { "Amount": 5, "ShortName": "bandage", "SkinID": 0 } ] }, "ZombieSpawnPerPlayerSettings": { "SpawnCount": 10, "SpawnRadius": 125.0 }, "ZombieGlobalSpawnSettings": { "SpawnGlobalZombies": false,//Zombies will spawn randomly across the map rather than near each player "GlobalZombieCount": 200 //Add more zombies at your own risk }, "WarningMessageSettings": { "Warnings": { "InitialWarningDuration": 6.0, "FirstWarningMessage": "Warning: A nuclear missile has been launched! It is rapidly approaching the island. Take Cover!" }, "SecondWarning": { "SecondWarningDuration": 10.0, "SecondWarningMessage": "Nuke incoming! Brace for impact!" }, "SecondWarningDelay": 10.0, "PostNuke": { "Message": "The nuclear blast has unleashed a chilling menace! 90% of the population has been infected, transforming into deadly Snowmen. Stay alert and fight for survival!", "MessageDuration": 5.0 }, "PostRemovalMessage": "The infection is now under control. All infected snowmen have melted away.nA care package has been dropped at your position!", "PostRemovalMessageDuration": 5.0 }, "EndEventSettings": { "EventDuration": 300.0 } }
Reviews (3)
3 reviews for Nuke Event Christmas Update
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Version History
- Added Changelog - Fixed navmesh error. - Fixed autolaunch timer failing to relaunch - Fixed fog not triggering
- Updated Changelog - Fixed NPC spawning in the sky. - Added present drops for supply drops. - Introduced a configurable setting to control the number of presents dropped per supply drop. - Added an option to disable the flash effect during the nuke event. - Implemented an auto update system for the configuration file to prevent manual deletion in future updates. **Note**: Please delete the existing configuration file before updating to this version. After this update, manual deletion of the configuration file will no longer be required for future updates.
- Fixed Radiation when using the global spawn setting
- Removed Note: Please delete the existing configuration file before updating
- Added Christmas Update
- Updated Note: Please delete the existing configuration file before updating to ensure all new settings are applied correctly.
- Added configurable zombie custom loot options, including skins and amounts
- Added Introduced randomized custom loot feature for zombies
- Added Enabled global zombie spawn settings
- Added Continuous radiation setting for dynamic radiation effects
- Added Configurable randomized custom loot option to the care package settings
- Updated Optimized overall code performance
- Added Reorganized configuration file for improved readability and structure
- Removed Note: Please delete the existing configuration file before updating to ensure all new settings are applied correctly.
- Added Enable/Disable AutoLaunch as requested
- Updated Delete config file before updating!
- Added Added Jet to drop off the care package to each player
- Added Added Skin ID's to the loot
- Fixed Fixed Zombie warning message UI not showing sometimes
- Updated Delete config file before updating!
- Added Added custom supply drop
- Updated Delete config file before updating!
Discussions (12)
12 thoughts on "Nuke Event Christmas Update"
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I’ve added the console command “launchnuke” as per your suggestion. If you have a moment, could you leave a review on this file please, it will help me out loads. Thanks
Make sure to delete the config file before updating as well . I forgot to mention this in the patch notes
Hi, I’m glad your community is enjoying it :) Sure I will look into adding a Rcon command for you.
Can u please make a extra option to chat notofication instead if the text in middle of your screen?
And a option to choose what loot / wear / hp the zombies have.-
Oh found out the chat notifications if u disable Ui it gives it in chat
is tehre a reason i dont get the care package even if its set to true or im doing something wrong ?
Hi is there a chance that i can disable the flash ?
if i set “BrightDuration”: 0.0 it still gives a whitte flash
I will add a option for it soon
Added in the latest update
Hi i have a problem with the plugin , Autolaunch is not working for me it launches 1 time then it doenst anymore , If u manualy do it with /nuke then it starts but not automatic.
removed the config file but still the same
Thanks for reporting, I will look into the issue
Plugin FAQ – How do I use this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one such as 7zip or winrar)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .cs file itself (it’s the actual plugin file itself).
• After that just install the .cs (plugin file) into your …/oxide/plugins/ folder where you will install plugins you ever need to.
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers adding a plugin to your server if you need!
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)
frontlinefreelancemedia (verified owner) –
Love it, a basic easy to use plugin that adds a bot of panic and fun for players, love the launchnuke command now too..
Just wish the after effect had hundreds more fires etc to make more realalistic..
Ac3 (verified owner) –
Very nice Event players enjoy it
YAHIA Ala eddine (verified owner) –
Pretty nice event , only wish there was a mushroom fog or something similar for esthetics