Not sure if I should buy Observer Island we still have buyer’s regret for gravis Island why every time a map is officially or almost officially accepted it cost $100 or more does this automatically turn it into gold
Observer Island
Original price was: $99.99.$69.99Current price is: $69.99.-30%
Sold by: Observer IslandObserver Island is a 4K custom map made for Facepunch servers, featured in Rust “Coupling The Rails” update. Unique experience with brand new map layout, lots of custom monuments with new gameplay features and manually crafted cliffs. Developed by wheatleymf and CollapsedOrange.
- Description
- Reviews (12)
- Version History
- Discussions (31)
- Setup
- Product Enquiry
Observer Island – Update 1.4b – Rust October 2024 update!
Observer Island is a 4K-sized custom map, featuring mountains, road/train bridges, custom train tunnels, custom monuments, arch rocks, custom gameplay features, a unique map layout, and manually sculpted cliff formations.
Latest 1.4 update makes Observer Island compatible with upcoming Rust World Update that is releasing in October 2024.
In a new Update 1.3, released in February 2024, we introduce two new monuments. One of them is located underground, and allows you to unload train wagons underground. In December Update 1.2, we introduce three new monuments, many changes to monuments balancing, bug fixes, requested QOL features and dozens of updates for plugins.
The goal of this map is to encompass all the elements of vanilla Rust while expanding upon them with new features, making map exploration more engaging. It also aims to refresh vanilla gameplay with new building locations, unique map layout, and various other enhancements, including some secrets.
We’ve dedicated time to experimenting with ideas frequently suggested by players for procedural maps. As you explore, you’ll notice custom caves, mountains, large forest areas, several underwater monuments, and arch rocks that allow you to build inside them, just like in the old, simpler days.
In addition to the new map features, lots of effort has gone into building custom monuments. While some are relatively simple, others are far more complicated. They might even lead to a well-hidden secret monument…
Observer Island Discord server
Observer Island map is a dedicated server for map support, update announcements, bug reports, and feedback. If you are interested in this map either as a player or server owner, we’ll be glad to see you in Observer Island Discord server.
New Updates Planned!
This map already has plenty of changes planned for future updates – new content, balance changes, fixes, and many other new things. Including those that you’ll suggest to us via feedback, so this map has a long journey ahead.
For Server Owners
Along with this map, you also get all the Harmony plugins we’re using for this map. This means that you can run this map in the Community tab even without Oxide, it comes with a RustEdit Extension replacement as well. All plugins will be maintained and receive updates along with the map itself. Please make sure that your server hosting service supports Harmony mods.
Available for editing
Server owners and map makers will receive all required files (and map password) to edit the Observer Island map for your own server.
Observer Island has many monuments. Some of them have been modified and expanded to make them look more natural on this map.
- Ferry Terminal
- Abandoned Military Base
- Excavator
- Launch Site
- Trainyard
- Water Treatment
- Satellite Dish
- Missile Silo
- Sewer Branch
- Arctic Research Base
- Small and Large Oil Rigs
- Dome
- Bandit Camp
- Outpost
- Large Barn
- Fishing Villages
- Underwater Labs
- Harbor
- Lighthouse
- Gas Stations
- Supermarkets
- Mining Quarries
Custom monuments
- Sorting Station (blue keycard)
- Small Sewers (green keycard)
- Junktown (has a car shredder & car lift)
- P8 Labs (red keycard)
- Southern Sewers (blue keycard)
- Sunken Cargo Ship (custom underwater monument)
- Collapsed Bridge
- Underwater Caves (custom underwater monuments)
- Custom road & train tunnels
- Rogue Island
- Custom Swamp
- Hidden bunker monument (try finding it!)
Observer Island Full Community Guide
Reviews (12)
12 reviews for Observer Island
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
Version History
- Added Radtown Monument
- Fixed Fixed & updated dozens of rock formations and added new ones from World Update. This should make the map compatible with upcoming Rust update on October 3rd.
- Updated Improved lake & swamp water visuals
- Updated Some initial work on updating and changing cliffs, more to come in the future
- Fixed Small visual fixes
- Added new circuit prefab (Only needed if you intend to edit the map)
- Updated Random RF plugin
- Updated Remade hidden bunker circuit
- Fixed hidden bunker exit door
- Fixed underground tunnels blocking access to custom tunnel areas
- Fixed a few cliff gaps and terrain spikes
- Fixed area where cargo was clipping in to the land
- Fixed missing lakes due to removal of old prefabs
- Fixed water culling on old boat prefab
- Updated A number of other small fixes/ changes
- Fixed Replaced the missing doors on the new sunken cargo prefab
- Fixed Moved some of the ocean junkpiles to make cargos path a little easier
- Updated Updated the harbors to the new versions
- Fixed Fixed the hole in map
- Fixed Fixed broken rail section at the tunnel entrance
- Fixed Fixed another cliff gap
- Fixed Fixed a bunch of texture clipping
- Removed Reduce the overall prefab count by 1095 with no visual changes. This is something that will be ongoing as we add more stuff and new prefabs become available.
- Added Added Private Depot, a new underground monument with coaling tower mechanism
- Added Added Swamp Mining Site, a small swamp monument
- Updated Tier 0: removed mining outpost near Bandit Camp
- Updated Tier 0: removed recycler from mining outpost near Signal Transmitter
- Updated Tier 0: Added recycler to Shoreline Village
- Updated Reduced amount of loot in abandoned train tunnel
- Updated Sorting Station: remove a chance of 3rd mil. crate
- Updated Sorting Station: reduced sentry shutdown timer from 7s to 5s
- Updated Rogue Island: slightly increased amount of barrels spawning
- Updated Rogue Island: added barrel spawns to pump jack
- Updated Rogue Island: moved some icebergs closer to Rogue Island
- Updated Rogue Island: moved both oil rigs closer to main island shoreline. Large Oilrig is now slightly closer to Rogue Island
- Updated Fixed a potential issue in snow biome causing no foliage/decor spawning in that specific spot
- Updated Some small terrain paint changes to mountains
- Added Added crashed F-15 to a mountain near NMS. I wonder what happened there.
- Fixed Many little changes to some cliffs, small bug fixes
- Updated PLUGIG Core.IO - updated to 1.0.12 to support coaling tower. Please update to this version.
- Fixed Fixed cliff gap at K13
- Added Added alternative way to climb up onto mining tower in case something happens to elevator
- Fixed Fixed terrain issue & other bug with Abandoned Tunnel
- Added Added new underground monument "Underground Office" - it is directly connected with train tunnel network and can be found under the supermarket label on 2nd island.
- Added Added new monument "Abandoned Tunnel" - it is located near the Barn monument. It is a small monument with some crates and barrels. There is no keycard challenge, but it is full of radiation. Be careful and avoid glowing green barrels!
- Added Added new underwater monument "Large Underwater Cave" - it is a giant underwater structure made by CollapsedOrange, the greatest challenge for divers... so far! Located near underwater labs monument.
- Added P8 monument: Added 2nd exit
- Updated P8 monument: Maintenance Room is now locked behind a blue keycard puzzle
- Updated P8 monument: Armory Room is now locked behind a blue keycard puzzle, too
- Updated P8 monument: Added 1 extra ammo & military crate into Armory Room
- Updated P8 monument: Removed 1 elite and 1 military crate from Analytical Laboratory in P8 monument
- Updated P8 monument: Some loot outside of keycard rooms has been rearranged: less fuel and other rare crates, some other loot can be now found in tables and lockers
- Updated P8 monument: Added small power room on 2nd floor with a fuse and timer switch that powers up both keycards on this floor
- Updated P8 monument: Added secret admin room to manually open/close the gate without using any command
- Updated Unlock timing has been changed and this monument opens up much sooner: 18 days before forced wipe for monthly, 10 days on bi-weekly and still 4 days on weekly.
- Updated Junktown: Added more normal, food and tool crates
- Updated Junktown: Some of the lockers are now lootable
- Updated Junktown: Added a slight chance for 2nd military crate to spawn on top of excavator's ruins
- Updated O8 Mountain: Add many new cliff slopes around the mountain to make navigation simpler for players, especially when travelling on a horse or vehicle
- Updated O8 Mountain: Reshaped entire mountain, now it's much easier to navigate and less unclimbable cliffs, especially near Launch Site, so now players can travel through it much easier
- Added Sorting Station: Added 3rd security turret in Fuel Processing building, it will turn on whenever HBHF sensors at the roof detect players. Other trick that allowed skipping the puzzle segment using small building's roof is fixed, too. No more exploits!
- Updated Lighthouse: Significantly increased no-build radius near these two monuments. That should prevent walling off the entire monument. (or at least should make it more difficult)
- Updated Ore density review: I've done another attempt to balance out ore distribution on the map, hoping to make them less frequent. This map had too much ore compared to procedural maps, and that's not cool
- Fixed Fixed an issue with tunnels under Ferry Terminal
- Fixed Fixed dozens of cliff gaps
- Fixed Fixed train getting stuck on bridge
- Fixed Fixed a typo in "Sorting Station" name on the map
- Fixed Fixed some forest splat not having grass
- Fixed Fixed floating concrete at signal transmitter SW
- Fixed Fixed ore spawning too close to railroad and blocking trains
- Added Added slope cliffs near Nuclear Missile Silo to improve navigation near this monument
- Added Added rail crossing near junktown since the tracks are hard to drive over
- Updated Slightly cleared up N3 road bridge to make driving less stressful
- Updated Another attempt to improve forest density in arctic biome
- Updated Added some rock bridges and other decor near outpost river to make crossing the river much easier
- Updated Slightly reduced forest topology density
- Added Some new undocumented stuff. Mystery... [ghost emoji]
- Updated Many fixes and improvements to Core.IO.Continued plugin
- Updated New convars and fixes for TimedProgressionEvent plugin. See Observer Island's customer guide for full command list.
- Updated Improved error output for RandomRF
- Updated Updated customer's guide (included in the download archive) to feature updated map & tunnel guides, new P8 puzzle layout, commands list for TimedProgressionEvent and other useful information for server owners
Discussions (31)
31 thoughts on "Observer Island"
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It’s totally up to you, Gravis was made in just 2 weeks, Observer Island has had a much longer and more in-depth development. I am sure you wouldn’t be disappointed if you purchased a copy.
How many prefabs does this map have?
55528 prefabs
in which folder i put the file “RandomRF.png”
That goes in the harmony folder with the mods
I love the map and am having tremendous fun on it checking out all the detail and monuments. We have it running on our modded server with MANY events running constantly. If you want to check the map out from a modded point, take a look…
I saw that the map has plugins for HarmonyMod, but if I use these plugins do they still work with Oxide? Or will I have problems?
Thank you -
hi we really like the map I was just wondering why you can’t ride the horses through the tunnels on the road
Good day.
I previously installed custom maps on my server, but there was only a .map file.
And there are many of them here. Can you tell me what files to copy there? -
Is this map up on a preview server prospective buyers can check out?
[08:57:06] > UpdateNetworkGroup: Missing parent entity 90402
[08:57:08] > UpdateNetworkGroup: Missing parent entity 90402
[08:57:10] > UpdateNetworkGroup: Missing parent entity 90402
[08:57:12] > UpdateNetworkGroup: Missing parent entity 90402
[08:57:14] > UpdateNetworkGroup: Missing parent entity 90402 -
Hey sorry for the late reply, the best place to get in touch is via our Discord server
You can use oxide and the included plugins at the same time, if you are also using the rustedit DLL you won’t need to use the CoreIO plugin -
I use Oxide and not Harmony. Does that make the Harmony plugins useless?
I would buy too. I don’t see anything on this site in the version history if bugs have already been fixed. I have already seen on public servers that there are bugs on the map, e.g. that the big train on a bridge does not fit through. Another reason that is still keeping me from buying it. -
I use Oxide too, but you won’t have any problems loading Harmony plugins, which is the official rust modding framework. Everything works well with both the Harmony and Oxide plugins.
I hope I was helpful -
Hey, great map! We and our community really like it! I just have one question and maybe a suggestion:
First: How exactly does this secret lab at O18 work? After the P8 bunker opened, the RF code at the and said 3032 (or 8032, the first digit is kinda cut off). However, neither of those codes worked to open the O18 lab. What did eventually work was the code 1234 – but only once. After one use, 1234 did not work anymore – the first two still didn’t.
Did we just miss something? Or is it a bug? And does the timer at the lab has something to do with all that? A small explanation would be great.Second: I would suggest to let NPCs spawn in those monuments. I don’t know whether or not this would be possible, but there is a ton of high value loot inside after all. And without any NPCs, it’s pretty easy to get – too easy in my opinion.
But other than that – great map, really! I will keep using it for many wipes in the future 👍
Oh, and i have another question (I would reply to my last post, but somehow it doesn’t work).
The P8 bunker opened 7 days before the wipe – wich is correct – but one day later it closed again. Is that intentional or can I prevent / fix this somehow? -
Do you plan on adding airfield by a chance?
If I buy the map and discover a few errors on the map myself, can I load the map into Rust Edit and fix it myself, or do I have to wait for an update?
what with these extra files TimedProgressionEvent RandomRF Core.I.O.Continued? Where do these all go?
They go in the Harmony Mods folder. FYI when I use them players can’t wake up.
ok do not place harmony mods in there trash and mess up carbon servers, map rating honestly its not worth the $99 maybe $30 just an average map
is the addition of the missing FP Monuments planed at some point? Would really like Airfield on the map.
Thanks in advance for the answer! -
why no airfield not even a small one?
passwords not working to edit the map
RailRoad station missing from your latest update…..
Will there be a port update related to the new behavior of the cargo ship?
all of the custom monuments are not working is there something special i have to fix them
Will you update the MOD to work with the new version of Harmony release May 2, 2024?
I have this map and am about to use it but it needs the world 2.0 update, is there a new update for this please? all of the mountains are broken. -
Are you planning a world 2.0 update for this map, we bought this map before that update and now it not usable and you charge a lot for this map
Map FAQ – How do I host this .zip/.7z file I just purchased on my server?
• First, you want to unzip the file. You can do so by just double-clicking it to open, then drag the contents to the desired location (you may need to install an external unzipping software if you don’t already have one)
• Next you will find either a structure of folders or just the .map file itself (it’s the important one).
• Once the .map is uploaded to dropbox simply copy the share link attached to it.
• You will first start off by uploading the .map file to an online hosting provider, I’ll include dropbox since it’s easy to get started with.
• Once you’ve copied the link paste it into your server’s startup .bat (batch) file. (You can leave the worldsize/seed. Custom maps override proc gen parameters)
• Example “levelurl “https:// www dropbox dot com/s/sdfagbragae/”
• Make SURE the dl=0 at the end is changed to dl=1 otherwise players won’t be able to join!
• Now just start your server and it’ll boot right up! Below I’ll attach a video that goes more in-depth on hosting custom maps vs proc gen maps since it’s a tad different
Additionally, here’s a great video that easily covers hosting a custom map for the first time if you need it!
• Installation is not included with any products on the site, however, if needed we may assist if you reach out to our support.
• If the product contains a plugin file (.cs) it’s advised to have it installed prior to booting your server with the map you purchased
Currently all products on Lone.Design will be contained within a zipped file which is the .7z or .zip that you see. I believe windows 10 and up can unzip on its own without 3rd party tools, but in that case, if you’re unfamiliar with zipped files here are 2 programs I recommend to easily unzip zipped files.
Video On How to Zip and Unzip: (TechInsider Youtube Channel)
Zipping/Unzipping Tools
Winrar (I used to use for years, but works great!)
7zip (the one I use currently)
Gaming4Life TTV (verified owner) –
it an awesome map
boj (verified owner) –
blown away by the detail & creativity in every part of the map, awesome job!
Charles Carter (verified owner) –
I love the map and all the detail in it. I am very please with my purchase.
Jaroslav Anýž (verified owner) –
Map is great, but one thing .You can repair . Horse can’t drive through the tunnel.
kevin (verified owner) –
I just like to say I was ready for a new map I’m very happy with the map keep up the good work and I hope you keep on upgrading it
Brent Remow –
Dirk (verified owner) –
TDPcorndiggitydoggg (verified owner) –
Observer Island takes custom maps to a whole new level. I like that it comes with detailed instructions, a community guide, and even has maps for one of the custom monuments. That level of detail and what is provided makes this purchase worth every penny.
Trent B. (verified owner) –
Players are going top LOVE This Map! Highly Recommended! Love the Custom Monuments and Puzzles!
Trent B. (verified owner) –
Great Map! I know our community will LOVE This! Great custom Monuments and Key Card Puzzles! Best Rust Plugin Sales Website! Highly Recommend!
Tango4Bravo (verified owner) –
Love the map! I also like the fact that it is still being worked on. They didn’t just make a map and then forget about it. The creators of the map even answered many of my questions personally. That is rare.
The only downside is the pricetag. I wish I had purchased it when it was on sale. Oh well. Still worth it!
Thanks for an AWESOME map guys!
orderemailed (verified owner) –
There’s wholes in the terrain everywhere that you fall in, rivers and water is wacked, can see wholes at tunnel entrances and the cliffs look like smeared terrain. I would not recommend this map at its current price. If you’re going to charge 70 to 100 bucks for a map make it enjoyable and keep it updated. Worth maybe $20 in its current state.