All Products, Plugins, Premium
Lock Me Up – Handcuffs
Gives admin or people with permissions the ability to handcuff players/npcs. Escort the handcuffed target to a desired location or even loot his inventory.
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ADR Proximity
Automated demo recording of players based on Proximity System!
Required Dependency: Auto Demo Records and Proximity System
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ADR Arkan
Automated demo recording of players based on Arkan alerts!
Required Dependency: Auto Demo Records and Arkan
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Sound Library Api
Sound Library Api allows you to store & play recorded sounds for players, attach them to npcs, trigger them via in-game events
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ADR Watch
Automated demo recording of events related to banned players, to easily catch evaders.
Required Dependency: Auto Demo Records
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Grappling Hook
This plugin introduces a new tool – the Grappling Hook. Equip it, aim it, shoot it and let the fun literally pull you in! Time your balancing, swinging and grappling…
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Enjoy a highly customizable Shop that can be configured in game! Use NPCs as shopkeepers, and set up a shop with ease using the game interface to add, edit, or…
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Sit Commands
Have the ability to issue any commands, give items, grant permissions, or even send a chat message when a player sits or mounts on anything!
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Unique kit system with maximum functionality and attractive design. It will satisfy both you (no more need to constantly sit and try to fill in confusing values in the configuration)…
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Fuel Manager
Make your vehicles run on anything: item durability, electricity from batteries, water from jug/bottles, Low Grade from Miner’s Hat… or any item that exists in Rust. You can even make…
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Beautiful display of player statistics and player ratings
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Wipe Schedule
The ultimate solution for RUST server owners. Our plugin gives you complete control over scheduling server events, allowing you to create unique schedules that automatically adapt to your needs.
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Rust League
Rust League – Rocket League Event Arena In Rust using cars and a ball 2 to 6 players.
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Amusement Rides
This plugin allows to craft, deploy, maintain, raid and use different types of carnival, fairground and theme park Rides. Players can set up their own attractions and anyone you allow…
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Save Countdown
Broadcasts a countdown in chat and as a GUI for server saves
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Item Auto Repair
Modifies condition loss and repair rate of items and allows players to auto repair them in inventories.
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Floating Players
Allows players to auto float on the sea surface. Useful when players have to go AFK while swimming.
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Rusty Watcher
This is a RUST (game) Discord Bot. It allows you to control/monitor your server from discord. It supports many features such as, chatlogs, detailed fully customizable server info embeds, command…
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Stash Warning System
The all-in-one stash-related ESP assistant. Check out all the unique features!
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Auto Demo Record
Records players automatically that have been reported X amount of times, with the ability to automatically upload the combatlogs & Demo files to a discord webhook.
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Crafting system that allows you to create items, cars, vehicles, recyclers, etc.
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Hostile Timers
Lets you configure the duration of hostile timers inside and outside Safe Zones (like Bandit Camp, Outpost, Fishing Villages) according to individual player permissions. Allows immediately marking/unmarking anyone as hostile….
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Plugin adds a system of 18 different skills