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Battlepass. A mission system for which a player receives awards and currency for which case can open.
Buy 3 to get 15% discount By: Mevent -
All Products, Free, Plugins
Clans Rcon
Simple plugin for retrieving clan data from Clans REBORN via Rcon.
Useful for developers working with Rcon.
All Products, Plugins, Premium
Custom Chinook Drops
Overrides CH47/Chinook behaviour to support custom drop locations.
Default locations (spawned by the game) are collected on config generation, map wipe or command usage.
/ch47 spawn – Spawn a Chinook.
/ch47… -
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Heli Aim Train
Heli Aim Train allows Minicopter and Scrapcopters flown by AI in an area allowing your players to improve their aim, recoil, and overall become better players!
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Monument Bradley
Spawn Bradly at some monuments, even custom ones.
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Vehicle Airdrops
16 new kinds of airdrops: minicopter, scrapheli, modular car, rowboat, RHIB, locked crate, solosub, duosub, snowmobile_red, snowmobile_tomaha, tugboat, , attack_helicopter, pedalbike, pedaltrike, motorbike and motortrike! Every kind comes with its…
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Chest Stacks
Chest Stacks – A simple and intuitive Rust plugin that allows players to stack their storage chests!
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Wood Shelter
Give Players A Simple Protected Wood Building To Get Started With.
Now with Copy / Paste Plugin support for Custom Buildings. -
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Achievement System
Reward your players based on their new achievements!
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Minicopter Combat
Minicopter combat provides server owners with completely customizable weapon configurations that can be used on both the minicopter and scrapcopters.
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Turrets Extended
Allows players to toggle on/off the turrets/sam sites without the need of electricity