All Products, Free, Monuments
Cobalt Office
Medium-size PVP-oriented monument.
Cobalt Office is a medium-size custom monument focused on PVP. Contains tons of regular and military crates, which makes this monument a good place to gain lots of resources…
All Products, Monuments, Premium
One of the oldest surviving frame churches. It is located in the village of Borgund in Sogn-og-Furane province, Norway. In total, more than 1,500 stavkiroks were built in Norway. only…
All Products, Arenas, Premium
Arena Stalker
Arena is an entertainment venue on your map. There are fights between players. Suitable as a combat server, and the use of events or duels. The file contains 2 versions…
Prefabs, All Products, Free
Bandit Hangar
Vodka, beer, hangar with a stolen CH-47 and… more vodka.
Small and simple decorative custom monument for PVE, but it can work as a PVP monument if you add some crates.
All Products, Free, Monuments
Small Village
A small quiet village located somewhere in the forest…
Village is one of the most popular WheatleyMF’s custom monument that brought attention of many server owners and mapmakers back in 2019. This…
All Products, Arenas, Premium
Nuketown Arena
Custom high-performance arena to use for event servers, based on a Call of Duty map!
All Products, Arenas, Premium
Vacant Arena
Custom high-performance arena map based on a Call of Duty map, Vacant!
All Products, Arenas, Premium
Highrise Arena
Highrise map from MW2, a great high-performance arena for a PVP area on your custom map!
All Products, Arenas, Free
Rust Remake Arena
Custom Rust prefab that can be used an a great pvp arena!
All Products, Prefabs, Premium
Medieval Town
Small medieval town that works great as a standalone monument, or could be used as an arena!
All Products, Monuments, Premium
1HP Medical Center
Smaller-Sized tier one custom Rust monument for unique, custom servers!
All Products, Monuments, Premium
Dooms Day Bunker
Custom mini-monument containing a green card puzzle for loot!
Required Dependencies
All Products, Arenas, Free
Shipment Arena
Welcome to Shipment! One of the most popular Call of Duty PVP maps, great to add to any unique Rust map!
All Products, Monuments, Premium
Project Riese
Project Riese is a Sci-fi, covert, weapons manufacturing facility off-grid from any other civilization.
Required Dependencies
All Products, Monuments, Premium
Custom Submarine Monument to add to any unique server!
Required Dependencies
All Products, Monuments, Premium
The Great Pyramid
I present to you, The Great Pyramid of Rust! I challengly say that this is probably one of the more difficult monuments yet!
Required Dependencies
This monument…
All Products, Monuments, Premium
Crane Monument
Are players getting bored of the same ol’ monuments? Spruce your server up a bit by adding this small custom monument anywhere to it! It offers badass visual aesthetics, nice…
All Products, Monuments, Premium
Kewl Gardens
Kewl Gardens is the first public release from Who is Mike Jones?, and was created to compliment smaller monuments such as the Supermarket and Gas Station.